653 resultados para Xi’an


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Contient : I創世歴代傳Zhuan shi li dai zhuan ; II出以至比多地傳Chu yi zhi bi duo di zhuan ; III利未氐古傳書(alias 書傳)Li wei di gu chuan shu (alias shu zhuan) ; IV算民數書傳 ; V複講法律傳Fou jiang fa lü zhuan ; VI若書亞之傳Ruo shu ya zhi zhuan ; VII審司書傳Shen si shu zhuan ; VIII路得氏傳書Lu de shi chuan shu ; IX撒母以勒書Sa mu yi le shu ; X列王書傳Lie wang shu zhuan ; XI歷代史紀書傳Li dai shi ji shu zhuan ; XII以士拉傳書Yi shi la chuan shu ; XIII尼希米亞之書Ni xi mi ya zhi shu ; XIV以士得耳之書Yi shi de er zhi shu ; XV若百之書Ruo bo zhi shu ; XVI神詩書Shen shi shu ; XVII諺語傳書Yan yu chuan shu ; XVIII宣道傳Xuan dao zhuan ; alias : 倚基理西亞書Yi ji li xi ya shu ; XIX所羅門之歌Suo luo men zhi ge ; XX先知以賽亞書Xian zhi yi sai ya shu ; XXI先知耶利米亞書Xian zhi ye li mi ya shu ; alias : 達未來者耶利米亞傳書Da wei lai zhe ye li mi ya chuan shu ; XXII耶利米亞悲難歌Ye li mi ya bei tan ge ; XXIII先知依西其理書Xian zhi yi xi qi li shu ; XXIV先知(alias 達未來者)但依理書Xian zhi (alias Da wei lai zhe) dan yi li shu ; XXV十二先知者之傳書。何西亞之書Shi er xian zhi zhe zhi chuan shu. He xi ya zhi shu ; XXVI若以利之書Ruo yi li zhi shu ; XXVII亞麼士書Ya mo shi shu ; XXVIII阿巴氐亞書E ba di ya shu ; XXIX若拿傳書Ruo na chuan shu ; XXX米加傳書Mi jia chuan shu ; XXXI拿戶馬傳書Na hu ma chuan shu ; XXXII夏巴古傳書Xia ba gu chuan shu ; XXXIII洗法尼亞傳書Xi fa ni ya chuan shu ; XXXIV夏哀傳書Xia ai chuan shu ; XXXV洗革利亞傳書Xi ke li ya chuan shu ; XXXVI達未來者馬拉其傳書Da wei lai zhe ma la qi chuan shu ; XXXVII救世我主耶穌新遺詔書。聖馬竇傳福音書Jiu shi wo zhu ye su xin yi zhao shu. Sheng ma dou chuan fu yin shu ; XXXVIII聖馬耳可傳福音書Sheng ma er ke chuan fu yin shu ; XXXIX聖路加傳福音書Sheng lu jia chuan fu yin shu ; XL聖若翰傳福音之書Sheng ruo han chuan fu yin zhi shu ; XLI使徒行傳Shi tu xing zhuan ; XLII聖保羅使徒書Sheng bao luo shi tu shu ; XLIII者米士或稱牙可百之公書Zhe mi shi huo cheng ya ke bai zhi gong shu ; XLIV聖彼多羅之公書Sheng bi duo luo zhi gong shu ; XLV聖若翰之書Sheng ruo han zhi shu ; XLVI聖如大或稱如大士之公書Sheng ru da huo cheng ru da shi zhi gong shu ; XLVII聖若翰現示之書Sheng ruo han xian shi zhi shu


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Contient : I創世歴代傳Zhuan shi li dai zhuan ; II出以至比多地傳Chu yi zhi bi duo di zhuan ; III利未氐古傳書(alias 書傳)Li wei di gu chuan shu (alias shu zhuan) ; IV算民數書傳 ; V複講法律傳Fou jiang fa lü zhuan ; VI若書亞之傳Ruo shu ya zhi zhuan ; VII審司書傳Shen si shu zhuan ; VIII路得氏傳書Lu de shi chuan shu ; IX撒母以勒書Sa mu yi le shu ; X列王書傳Lie wang shu zhuan ; XI歷代史紀書傳Li dai shi ji shu zhuan ; XII以士拉傳書Yi shi la chuan shu ; XIII尼希米亞之書Ni xi mi ya zhi shu ; XIV以士得耳之書Yi shi de er zhi shu ; XV若百之書Ruo bo zhi shu ; XVI神詩書Shen shi shu ; XVII諺語傳書Yan yu chuan shu ; XVIII宣道傳Xuan dao zhuan ; alias : 倚基理西亞書Yi ji li xi ya shu ; XIX所羅門之歌Suo luo men zhi ge ; XX先知以賽亞書Xian zhi yi sai ya shu ; XXI先知耶利米亞書Xian zhi ye li mi ya shu ; alias : 達未來者耶利米亞傳書Da wei lai zhe ye li mi ya chuan shu ; XXII耶利米亞悲難歌Ye li mi ya bei tan ge ; XXIII先知依西其理書Xian zhi yi xi qi li shu ; XXIV先知(alias 達未來者)但依理書Xian zhi (alias Da wei lai zhe) dan yi li shu ; XXV十二先知者之傳書。何西亞之書Shi er xian zhi zhe zhi chuan shu. He xi ya zhi shu ; XXVI若以利之書Ruo yi li zhi shu ; XXVII亞麼士書Ya mo shi shu ; XXVIII阿巴氐亞書E ba di ya shu ; XXIX若拿傳書Ruo na chuan shu ; XXX米加傳書Mi jia chuan shu ; XXXI拿戶馬傳書Na hu ma chuan shu ; XXXII夏巴古傳書Xia ba gu chuan shu ; XXXIII洗法尼亞傳書Xi fa ni ya chuan shu ; XXXIV夏哀傳書Xia ai chuan shu ; XXXV洗革利亞傳書Xi ke li ya chuan shu ; XXXVI達未來者馬拉其傳書Da wei lai zhe ma la qi chuan shu ; XXXVII救世我主耶穌新遺詔書。聖馬竇傳福音書Jiu shi wo zhu ye su xin yi zhao shu. Sheng ma dou chuan fu yin shu ; XXXVIII聖馬耳可傳福音書Sheng ma er ke chuan fu yin shu ; XXXIX聖路加傳福音書Sheng lu jia chuan fu yin shu ; XL聖若翰傳福音之書Sheng ruo han chuan fu yin zhi shu ; XLI使徒行傳Shi tu xing zhuan ; XLII聖保羅使徒書Sheng bao luo shi tu shu ; XLIII者米士或稱牙可百之公書Zhe mi shi huo cheng ya ke bai zhi gong shu ; XLIV聖彼多羅之公書Sheng bi duo luo zhi gong shu ; XLV聖若翰之書Sheng ruo han zhi shu ; XLVI聖如大或稱如大士之公書Sheng ru da huo cheng ru da shi zhi gong shu ; XLVII聖若翰現示之書Sheng ruo han xian shi zhi shu


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Contient : I創世歴代傳Zhuan shi li dai zhuan ; II出以至比多地傳Chu yi zhi bi duo di zhuan ; III利未氐古傳書(alias 書傳)Li wei di gu chuan shu (alias shu zhuan) ; IV算民數書傳 ; V複講法律傳Fou jiang fa lü zhuan ; VI若書亞之傳Ruo shu ya zhi zhuan ; VII審司書傳Shen si shu zhuan ; VIII路得氏傳書Lu de shi chuan shu ; IX撒母以勒書Sa mu yi le shu ; X列王書傳Lie wang shu zhuan ; XI歷代史紀書傳Li dai shi ji shu zhuan ; XII以士拉傳書Yi shi la chuan shu ; XIII尼希米亞之書Ni xi mi ya zhi shu ; XIV以士得耳之書Yi shi de er zhi shu ; XV若百之書Ruo bo zhi shu ; XVI神詩書Shen shi shu ; XVII諺語傳書Yan yu chuan shu ; XVIII宣道傳Xuan dao zhuan ; alias : 倚基理西亞書Yi ji li xi ya shu ; XIX所羅門之歌Suo luo men zhi ge ; XX先知以賽亞書Xian zhi yi sai ya shu ; XXI先知耶利米亞書Xian zhi ye li mi ya shu ; alias : 達未來者耶利米亞傳書Da wei lai zhe ye li mi ya chuan shu ; XXII耶利米亞悲難歌Ye li mi ya bei tan ge ; XXIII先知依西其理書Xian zhi yi xi qi li shu ; XXIV先知(alias 達未來者)但依理書Xian zhi (alias Da wei lai zhe) dan yi li shu ; XXV十二先知者之傳書。何西亞之書Shi er xian zhi zhe zhi chuan shu. He xi ya zhi shu ; XXVI若以利之書Ruo yi li zhi shu ; XXVII亞麼士書Ya mo shi shu ; XXVIII阿巴氐亞書E ba di ya shu ; XXIX若拿傳書Ruo na chuan shu ; XXX米加傳書Mi jia chuan shu ; XXXI拿戶馬傳書Na hu ma chuan shu ; XXXII夏巴古傳書Xia ba gu chuan shu ; XXXIII洗法尼亞傳書Xi fa ni ya chuan shu ; XXXIV夏哀傳書Xia ai chuan shu ; XXXV洗革利亞傳書Xi ke li ya chuan shu ; XXXVI達未來者馬拉其傳書Da wei lai zhe ma la qi chuan shu ; XXXVII救世我主耶穌新遺詔書。聖馬竇傳福音書Jiu shi wo zhu ye su xin yi zhao shu. Sheng ma dou chuan fu yin shu ; XXXVIII聖馬耳可傳福音書Sheng ma er ke chuan fu yin shu ; XXXIX聖路加傳福音書Sheng lu jia chuan fu yin shu ; XL聖若翰傳福音之書Sheng ruo han chuan fu yin zhi shu ; XLI使徒行傳Shi tu xing zhuan ; XLII聖保羅使徒書Sheng bao luo shi tu shu ; XLIII者米士或稱牙可百之公書Zhe mi shi huo cheng ya ke bai zhi gong shu ; XLIV聖彼多羅之公書Sheng bi duo luo zhi gong shu ; XLV聖若翰之書Sheng ruo han zhi shu ; XLVI聖如大或稱如大士之公書Sheng ru da huo cheng ru da shi zhi gong shu ; XLVII聖若翰現示之書Sheng ruo han xian shi zhi shu


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La présente étude vise à identifier et classer les difficultés d’ordre grammatical rencontrées chez les immigrants adultes allophones dans l’apprentissage du français langue seconde. Nous avons d’une part analysé les examens finaux de 98 apprenants inscrits dans les cours de francisation à l’Université de Montréal afin de décrire leurs erreurs grammaticales fréquentes commises. Nous avons décrit les erreurs grammaticales fréquentes produites par les apprenants de chaque niveau de francisation d’une manière précise afin que les apprenants puissent bien éviter l’usage de formes erronées et bien développer des compétences linguistiques en français langue seconde. D’autre part, nous avons collecté les opinions personnelles de cinq professeurs principaux de francisation à l’égard de l’importance de l’enseignement de la grammaire dans les cours de langue seconde, du traitement des erreurs grammaticales, et de la persistance des erreurs à travers différents niveaux, etc. En précisant les points grammaticaux à apprendre de chaque niveau de francisation et en fusionnant les résultats des apprenants et des professeurs, nous pouvons offrir aux apprenants adultes allophones des tableaux simples des points grammaticaux et des erreurs grammaticales correspondantes de chaque niveau. Ces derniers pourraient les exploiter pour favoriser la maîtrise du français langue seconde ainsi leur intégration à la société québécoise.


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Actualmente, la investigación científica acerca de la influencia de los factores educativos y familiares en el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua (L2) es limitada. En comparación, los efectos que tiene la L2 en la inteligencia y cognición han sido más estudiados. Por esta razón, el artículo presenta una revisión de la literatura empírica existente que relaciona lo mencionado anteriormente, ampliando así la temática del bilingüismo. Se buscaron artículos en cuatro bases de datos (PSICODOC, ISI Web of knowledge y SCOPUS), usando palabras claves específicas, en el periodo de 1990 hasta el 2012. De 79 artículos encontrados, 34 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión para la revisión. Asimismo, se tuvieron en cuenta dos libros, de los cuales se revisó un capítulo por cada uno según los mismos criterios. En conjunto, los resultados arrojaron importantes datos teóricos y de investigación que relacionan el éxito en el aprendizaje de una L2 con la inteligencia y cognición, según la influencia de los factores educativos y familiares. En conclusión, se identificaron más factores educativos que familiares; lo cual a concepto de la autora evidencia la limitada investigación que se ha hecho sobre los factores familiares en el bilingüismo actualmente.


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El presente trabajo investigativo constituye una herramienta de consulta para las personas y organizaciones interesadas en conocer el panorama actual de la situación comercial entre China y Colombia en busca de toma de decisiones acertadas en materia de negocios entre ambas naciones. En él se analizan en detalle cada una de las veintidós provincias de la República Popular China; en cuanto a panorama general; logística aérea, terrestre y marítima; partidas arancelarias y Top 10 de los productos importados por cada una de ellas desde Colombia. Este trabajo está enfocado en el estudio del comercio desde Colombia hacia China, actualizado al año 2012 y busca enseñar los productos líderes de importación, al igual que aquellos productos potenciales; de acuerdo a la información de su valor en dólares, su porcentaje de participación en el total importado y su comportamiento histórico en los últimos tres años. Así mismo se analizan los principales países proveedores de cada provincia y las diferentes partidas arancelarias a profundidad. Finalmente, se espera que el presente trabajo abra las puertas a un nuevo panorama acerca de oportunidades de negocio y alternativas comerciales a productos colombianos en China.


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This paper describes a proposed admittance enhanced redundant joint mechanism (AERJM) which allows greater flexibility in the design of robotic joints. First, the basic concept of a redundant joint mechanism that reduces joint inertia is explained. Second, the AERJM structure is discussed. AERJM consists of a redundancy introducing mechanism (RIM), the adjustable admittance mechanism (AAM) and an admittance enhancing actuator. The working principles of the AERJM concept are analysed. The design and a working prototype, consisting of a variable reduction mechanism, along with a spring and a damper with constant coefficients, are described.


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Computer vision applications generally split their problem into multiple simpler tasks. Likewise research often combines algorithms into systems for evaluation purposes. Frameworks for modular vision provide interfaces and mechanisms for algorithm combination and network transparency. However, these don’t provide interfaces efficiently utilising the slow memory in modern PCs. We investigate quantitatively how system performance varies with different patterns of memory usage by the framework for an example vision system.


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Food security depends on enhancing production and reducing loss to pests and pathogens. A promising alternative to agrochemicals is the use of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), which are commonly associated with many, if not all, plant species. However, exploiting the benefits of PGPRs requires knowledge of bacterial function and an in-depth understanding of plant-bacteria associations. Motility is important for colonization efficiency and microbial fitness in the plant environment, but the mechanisms employed by bacteria on and around plants are not well understood. We describe and investigate an atypical mode of motility in Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 that was revealed only after flagellum production was eliminated by deletion of the master regulator fleQ. Our results suggest that this ‘spidery spreading’ is a type of surface motility. Transposon mutagenesis of SBW25ΔfleQ (SBW25Q) produced mutants, defective in viscosin production, and surface spreading was also abolished. Genetic analysis indicated growth-dependency, production of viscosin, and several potential regulatory and secretory systems involved in the spidery spreading phenotype. Moreover, viscosin both increases efficiency of surface spreading over the plant root and protects germinating seedlings in soil infected with the plant pathogen Pythium. Thus, viscosin could be a useful target for biotechnological development of plant growth promotion agents.


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Copper is an important micronutrient and trace amounts are essential for crop growth. However, high concentrations of copper will produce toxic effects. Australia is increasingly developing production of crops in water repellent soils. Clay amendment, a common amelioration techniques used in Australia, has demonstrated agronomic benefits in increased crop or pasture production. The sorption and desorption of copper and the effect of clay treatment on copper behaviour in a water repellent soil collected from an experimental farm in South Australia is studied. We found that the water repellent soils amended with clay have an increased adsorption capacity of copper. Also the clay-amended soils had an increased ratio of specific sorption to total sorption of copper. The implications of this study to the sustainable agro-environmental management of water repellent soils is discussed.


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Two indigenous microorganisms, Bacillus sp. SB02 and Mucor sp. SF06, capable of degrading polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were co-immobilized on vermiculite by physical adsorption and used to degrade benzo[a] pyrene (BaP). The characteristics of BaP degradation by both free and co-immobilized microorganism were then investigated and compared. The removal rate using the immobilized bacterial-fungal mixed consortium was higher than that of the freely mobile mixed consortium. 95.3% of BaP was degraded using the co-immobilized system within 42 d, which was remarkably higher than the removal rate of that by the free strains. The optimal amount of inoculated co-immobilized system for BaP degradation was 2%. The immobilized bacterial-fungal mixed consortium also showed better water stability than the free strains. Kinetics of BaP biodegradation by co-immobilized SF06 and SB02 were also studied. The results demonstrated that BaP degradation could be well described by a zero-order reaction rate equation when the initial BaP concentration was in the range of 10—200 mg/kg. The scanning electronic microscope (SEM) analysis showed that the co-immobilized microstructure was suitable for the growth of SF06 and SB02. The mass transmission process of co-immobilized system in soil is discussed. The results demonstrate the potential for employing the bacterial-fungal mixed consortium, co-immobilized on vermiculite, for in situ bioremediation of BaP.


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Background— The present article aims to provide accurate estimates of the prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension in adults in China.

Methods and Results— Data were obtained from sphygmomanometer measurements and an administered questionnaire from 141 892 Chinese adults 18 years of age who participated in the 2002 China National Nutrition and Health Survey. In 2002, 153 million Chinese adults were hypertensive. The prevalence was higher among men than women (20% versus 17%; P<0.001) and was higher in successive age groups. Overall, the prevalence of hypertension was higher in urban compared with rural areas in men (23% versus 18%; P<0.01) and women (18% versus 16%; P<0.001). Of the 24% affected individuals who were aware of their condition, 78% were treated and 19% were adequately controlled. Despite evidence to suggest improved levels of treatment in individuals with hypertension over the past decade, compared with estimates from 1991, the ratio of controlled to treated hypertension has remained largely unchanged at 1:4.

One in 6 Chinese adults is hypertensive, but only one quarter are aware of their condition. Despite increased rates of blood pressure–lowering treatment, few have their hypertension effectively controlled. National hypertension programs must focus on improving awareness in the wider community, as well as treatment and control, to prevent many tens of thousands of cardiovascular-related deaths.


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Matrine, one of the main components extracted from a traditional Chinese herb, Sophora flavescens Ait, has displayed anti-cancer activity in several types of cancer cells. This study aims to evaluate the therapeutic benefits of matrine on primary and metastatic breast cancer. Matrine inhibited the viability of and induced apoptosis in human MCF-7 and mouse 4T1 breast cancer cells in a dose-dependent manner in vitro as shown by MTT assay, flow cytometry and laser scanning confocal microscopy. Administration of matrine inhibited the growth of primary tumors and their metastases to lungs and livers, in a dose-dependent manner, in a highly metastatic model of 4T1 breast cancer established in syngeneic Balb/c mice. Tumors from matrine-treated mice had a smaller proliferation index, shown by immunostaining with an anti-Ki-67 antibody, a greater apoptosis index, shown by TUNEL-staining, and a less microvessel density, shown by immunostaining with an anti-CD31 A antibody, compared to the controls. Western blot analysis of tumoral homogenates indicated that matrine therapy reduced the ratio of Bcl-2/Bax, downregulated the expressions of VEGF and VEGFR-2, and increased the activation of caspase-3 and caspase-9. This study suggests matrine may be a potent agent, from a natural resource, for treating metastatic breast cancer because of its anti-apoptotic, anti-proliferative and anti-angiogenic activities.