852 resultados para Xavier Dias da Silva, Candido José, 1769-1833.


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Con el objetivo de elaborar un plan sanitario que prevenga el síndrome anémico en el hato ovino de la Facultad de Ciencia Animal - UNA. Se determinó la prevalencia de esta patología en los ovinos en desarrollo, Analizando los niveles de infestación ( NI ) de las especies parasitarias y evaluando los valores de hematocrito en relación con la carga gastro - parasitaria. Se tomaron 18 muestras biológicas de heces fecales y sangre, antes de la desparasitación y 20 días después, en el periodo de Junio – Julio 2014, se utilizó la técnica de Sheather, se determinó Hematocrito y Hemoglobina , Los datos s e analizaron a través del estudio epidemiológico descriptivo y analítico utilizando diferentes técnicas de laboratorio y método estadístico de correlación de variables cuantitativas de Pearson . En el primer y segundo muestreo se identificaron los parásitos Haemonchus sp, Cooperia sp, Strongylus sp, Coccidia sp, Bunostomum sp y Moniezia sp . Al primer muestreo la variable prevalencia de síndrome anémico del hato ovino es del 50% y el 100% de los animales analizados presentaron Strongylus sp, Haemonchus sp, Co ccidia sp, Bunostomum sp y Moniezia sp, y el 72,2% presentaron Cooperia sp , presentaron NI Alto 77.7% afectados con Haemonchus sp, 16.6% Strongylus sp, y un 11.1% para las especies de Cooperia sp, Coccidia sp y Moniezia sp. , NI Moderado, Moniezia sp y C occidia sp , un 88.8%, Strongylus sp 83.3%, Bunostomum sp y Haemonchus sp 22.2% y Cooperia sp 11.1%, NI Leve, el 77.7% con Bunostomum sp y el 50% presentaron Cooperia sp. Al segundo muestreo 20 días después del tratamiento, el valor de hematocrito, e staban en los rangos de 22 - 38%. Los niveles de infestación variaron, presentando NI Alta , para Moniezia sp con 22.2%, aumentado su carga parasitaria en relación con el primer muestreo . Se observó la disminución de las cargas parasitarias de las especies Ha emonchus sp con 16.6%, Strongylus sp y Coccidia sp 5.5%.En el NI Moderada , Coccidia sp , mantuvo el 88.8%. Strongylus sp aumentó con 88.8%, Haemonchus sp 83.3%. Las cargas de Moniezia sp , prevalecieron con el 77.7%. Cooperia sp , se presentó con el 50%, B onostomus sp , 27.7%. NI Leve , encontramos el 44.4% de la población con Bunostomum sp y un 5.5% con Cooperia sp y Coccidia sp. De la relación existente entre la presencia de los parásitos y los valores de hematocrito, las combinaciones parasitarias siguient es fueron significativos con P= 0.67, <0.0022 para Cooperia sp y Haemonchus sp , P= 0.65, <0.0036 Cooperia sp con Bunostomum sp , P= 0.62, <0.0060 Cooperia sp con Strongylus sp , P= 0.50, <0.0353 Strongylus sp con Moniezia sp y P= 0.64 <0.0043 para Haemon chus sp con Bunostomum sp. Las parasitosis gastrointestinales son un factor importante de las causas del síndrome anémico, ya que la relación de los valores de hematocritos con la combinación de diferentes especies de parásitos fue significativa y que con la utilización de fármacos antihelmínticos de uso continuo se encontraron cargas parasitarias, con niveles de infestación de alto a moderado .


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Nowadays, wireless communications systems demand for greater mobility and higher data rates. Moreover, the need for spectral efficiency requires the use of non-constant envelope modulation schemes. Hence, power amplifier designers have to build highly efficient, broadband and linear amplifiers. In order to fulfil these strict requirements, the practical Doherty amplifier seems to be the most promising technique. However, due to its complex operation, its nonlinear distortion generation mechanisms are not yet fully understood. Currently, only heuristic interpretations are being used to justify the observed phenomena. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to provide a model capable of describing the Doherty power amplifier nonlinear distortion generation mechanisms, allowing the optimization of its design according to linearity and efficiency criteria. Besides that, this approach will allow a bridge between two different worlds: power amplifier design and digital pre-distortion since the knowledge gathered from the Doherty operation will serve to select the most suitable pre-distortion models.


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This project, realized at the company ABER Ltd, describes the process followed for the developing of an electronic control system for a hydraulic elevator. The previous control system was based on relay logic, and the company wanted to change it to a microcontroller based technology. To do so, different approaches were studied and finally the selected technology for the development was the Raspberry Pi. After, the software needed for all the elevator types was developed, and the interface hardware was selected. In the end, several test were made to adjust the software and the hardware and to prove the good operation of the system.


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The project was made during the Erasmus+ Program in Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal. I had a pleasure to do this in Gislotica Mechanical Solution, Lda. This document presents a process of design a vertical inspection station for truck tires. The first part contains an introduction. There are information about Gislotica Company and also first analysis of problem. In next part is presented way to figured out the task and described all issues connected with designed machine. In last part were made some conclusions about problems and results. There is a place not only for sum up design process but also my develop during the project. I repeatedly pointed out which issues were new for me. A lot of times I focus on myself and gained experience and information about design process.


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The aim of the project was to design in Solidworks and improve an existing Tire inspection machine. The project was developed in Gislotica - Mechanical Solutions, guided by ing. Rui Manuel Fazenda Silva who is a professor in ISEP. The designed device relates to the inspection of automobile tires for holes and weak places caused by punctures and usage. Such inspection includes careful examination of the inside surface of the tire which is difficult because of its cylindrical shape, stiff and resistant nature of the material out of which the tire is made. The whole idea is to provide a machine by which the walls of the tire may be spread and hold apart, presenting the inner surface for the worker to control. The device must also perform rotational and vertical movement of the tire. It is meant to provide inspection in hich there is no need for the controller to use force. It makes his work easier and more efficient.


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The aim of the project was to improve an existing testing machine that is produced by the company EVOLEO Technologies. New conceptions of each part have been invented in order to produce an innovative unit that combines optimal segments from the old construction with the new, improved ones. The machine is meant to be testing different kind of devices that use specific elements like: buttons, knobs, monitors. The main purpose is to create various concepts of components that could be changed in order to lower the cost, weight or to simplify the operating process. Figure 1. shows the already existing discussed device.


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The impact of end customer quality complaints with direct relationship with automotive components has presented negative trend at European level for the entire automotive industry. Thus, this research proposal is to concentrate efforts on the most important items of Pareto chart and understand the failure type and the mechanism involved, link and impact of the project and parameters on the process, ending it with the development of one of the company’s most desired tool, that hosted this project – European methodology of terminals defects classification, and listing real opportunities for improvement based on measurement and analysis of actual data. Through the development of terminals defects classification methodology, which is considered a valuable asset to the company, all the other companies of the YAZAKI’s group will be able to characterize terminals as brittle or ductile, in order to put in motion, more efficiently, all the other different existing internal procedures for the safeguarding of the components, improving manufacturing efficiency. Based on a brief observation, nothing can be said in absolute sense, concerning the failure causes. Base materials, project, handling during manufacture and storage, as well as the cold work performed by plastic deformation, all play an important role. However, it was expected that this failure has been due to a combination of factors, in detriment of the existence of a single cause. In order to acquire greater knowledge about this problem, unexplored by the company up to the date of commencement of this study, was conducted a thorough review of existing literature on the subject, real production sites were visited and, of course, the actual parts were tested in lab environment. To answer to many of the major issues raised throughout the investigation, were used extensively some theoretical concepts focused on the literature review, with a view to realizing the relationship existing between the different parameters concerned. Should here be stated that finding technical studies on copper and its alloys is really hard, not being given all the desirable information. This investigation has been performed as a YAZAKI Europe Limited Company project and as a Master Thesis for Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, conducted during 9 months between 2012/2013.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1º e do 2º ciclos do ensino básico


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Strandings of live or dead aquatic mammals constitute an important instrument to provide information regarding the occurrence, biology and ecology of these species. The aim of this study was to register the stranded species of cetaceans, the frequency and the spatial-temporal distribution of theses strandings during the period of 1984 to 2005, in the coast of Rio Grande do Norte. Data was acquired through the monitoring of strandings in the north, north-west and south coast of RN, and through information obtained from institutions and newspaper archives of the State. A total of 122 strandings of cetaceans were registered along the coast of Rio Grande do Norte. Of the 14 species of cetaceans registered, four species had higher frequencies: Sotalia guianensis (n= 65), Steno bredanensis (n = 6), Globicephala macrorhynchus (n = 6) and Physeter macrocephalus (n = 7). Out of 118 strandings, 93 occurred in the south coast (78.8 %), 23 in the north coast (19.5%) and 2 (1.7%) in the north-west coast of the State. The highest frequency of strandings occurred during the months of August to March and the maximum number of strandings occurred from 2000 onwards, as a consequence of the intense monitoring of the Pequenos Cetáceos Project in Rio Grande do Norte


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The authors present the case of a 65-year-old Caucasian man who had previously lived in Guinea-Bissau. The patient was diagnosed in Portugal with an anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis and started on corticosteroids plus cyclophosphamide, with clinical improvement. Some months later, his general status deteriorated, iatrogenic bicytopenia developed and immunosuppressive drugs were tapered. Microbiological tests identified numerous larvae and eggs of Strongyloides stercoralis in various biological samples, and a diagnosis of hyperinfection syndrome was established. The patient was started on antihelminthic drugs but developed septic shock and died. This case highlights a rare and severe complication of immunosuppression in developed countries.


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Background and aims: Inflammation has long been regarded as a major contributor to cellular oxidative damage and to be involved in the promotion of carcinogenesis. Methods: We aimed to investigate the oxidative damage in inflammatory bowel disease [IBD] patients through a case–control and prospective study involving 344 IBD patients and 294 healthy controls. DNA damage and oxidative DNA damage were measured by comet assay techniques, and oxidative stress by plasmatic lipid peroxidation, protein carbonyls, and total antioxidant capacity. Results: Higher DNA damage [p < 0.001] was found both in Crohn’s disease [CD] (9.7 arbitrary units [AU]; interquartile range [IQR]: 6.2–14.0) and ulcerative colitis [UC] [7.1 AU; IQR: 4.4–11.7], when compared with controls [5.4 AU; IQR: 3.8–6.8], and this was also the case with oxidative DNA damage [p < 0.001] [CD: 3.6 AU; IQR: 1.8–6.8; UC: 4.6 AU; IQR: 2.4–8.1], when compared with controls: 2.3 AU; IQR: 1.2–4.2]. Stratifying patients into groups according to therapy (5-aminosalicylic acid [5-ASA], azathioprine, anti-TNF, and combined therapy [azathioprine and anti-TNF]) revealed significant between-group differences in the level of DNA damage, both in CD and UC, with the combined therapy exhibiting the highest DNA damage levels [11.6 AU; IQR: 9.5–14.3, and 12.4 AU; IQR: 10.6–15.0, respectively]. Among CD patients, disease behaviour [B1 and B2], and age at diagnosis over 40 years [A3] stand as risk factors for DNA damage. For UC patients, the risk factors found for DNA damage were disease activity, treatment, age at diagnosis under 40 years [A1 + A2] and disease locations [E2 and E3]. Conclusions: In IBD there is an increase in DNA damage, and treatment, age at diagnosis and inflammatory burden seem to be risk factors.


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O presente relatório de estágio foi elaborado no âmbito da aquisição do grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Neste relatório surgem, como espelho, as vivências e as aprendizagens realizadas por mim e pelas crianças da sala do Arco-íris da Escola Básica do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico com Pré-Escolar da Achada e pelos alunos da turma do 2º C da Escola Básica do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico com Pré-Escolar da Assomada. É constituído por uma parte teórica e uma parte prática, com o propósito de enquadrar toda a ação decorrida em ambas as valências. A intervenção pedagógica desenvolvida, quer no Pré-Escolar quer no 1º Ciclo, baseou-se na metodologia da investigação-ação. Através da observação e interação com os educandos e com as cooperantes, surgiu a necessidade de fomentar e incitar o desenvolvimento da escrita criativa, em ambas as valências, surgindo assim a questãoproblema “Que estratégias implementar para desenvolver a escrita criativa?”. Deste modo, procurei ao longo das práticas, dar resposta à mesma, com o contributo de estratégias fundamentadas e contextualizadas, tendo como referenciais estratégicos a observação, a participação e a comunicação que desencadearam o desenvolvimento de aprendizagens ativas e globalizantes nas crianças.


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A necessidade contínua de incrementar a produtividade em todos os sectores leva a que sejam utilizados equipamentos cada vez mais sofisticados, permitindo novas técnicas de abordagem dos processos de fabrico, velocidades mais elevadas e maior precisão no produto final. No entanto, quase todos os equipamentos necessitam de ferramentas adequadas, que tirem partido efetivamente das potencialidades dos equipamentos disponíveis. A Engenharia tem aqui um papel extremamente importante, já que terá de conceber as ferramentas atendendo à satisfação de um elevado número de requisitos, que passam genericamente por tirar o máximo partido dos fatores tecnológicos proporcionados pelos equipamentos, cumprir com a cadência de produção necessária, assegurar a qualidade estipulada, garantir a segurança dos colaboradores que com ela trabalham e permitir uma fácil montagem e afinação, reduzindo assim os tempos de preparação e as possibilidades de fabrico de peças fora das especificações. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em torno de uma necessidade real, tendo sido estipulados os requisitos necessários pelo cliente e tendo sido elaborado todo o projeto da ferramenta em torno desses mesmos requisitos. Foi efetuada uma otimização da ferramenta ainda na fase de anteprojeto, permitindo minimizar o seu custo e maximizar o seu rendimento e aptidão para o fim em vista. Os materiais foram cuidadosamente selecionados, tendo em vista a utilização de cada componente e a relação custo‐benefício. Foi ainda efetuada uma orçamentação da mesma, assim como um plano de instruções para a operação e manutenção da ferramenta. Deste modo, este trabalho é o resumo de grande parte do conhecimento adquirido, quer ao longo da vida académica, quer ao longo da experiência profissional.


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A injecção de Zamak em Portugal é uma actividade corrente, sendo usada na produção de inúmeras peças de pequena dimensão, nomeadamente em acessórios de vestuário, no fabrico de cablagens metálicas para a indústria automóvel, no fabrico de placas indicativas de marcas nos mais diversos produtos, entre muitas outras aplicações. Quando a quantidade de Zamak injectada em cada ciclo é relativamente baixa, o tempo que demora a consumir um lingote é bastante longo, pelo que não se justifica que o forno esteja equipado com um sistema de alimentação automática de lingotes. No entanto, quando as peças injectadas possuem uma maior massa ou o número de cavidades por molde é maior, um lingote pode ser consumido num período de tempo suficientemente curto para ser necessário um operário permanentemente atento à alimentação do forno. Neste caso, justifica-se a inclusão de um sistema automático que vá descarregando lingotes à medida que aquele que está a abastecer o forno é consumido. O presente trabalho foi elaborado com base na necessidade de uma empresa fabricante de máquinas para a injecção de Zamak, a qual pretendia dotar alguns dos seus modelos com este sistema, indo de encontro às necessidades dos seus clientes e ampliando a gama de acessórios que passa a poder disponibilizar em torno de cada equipamento.