816 resultados para Wildlife management -- Economic aspects -- Sri Lanka.
The current system of controlling oil spills involves a complex relationship of international, federal and state law, which has not proven to be very effective. The multiple layers of regulation often leave shipowners unsure of the laws facing them. Furthemore, nations have had difficulty enforcing these legal requirements. This thesis deals with the role marine insurance can play within the existing system of legislation to provide a strong preventative influence that is simple and cost-effective to enforce. In principle, insurance has two ways of enforcing higher safety standards and limiting the risk of an accident occurring. The first is through the use of insurance premiums that are based on the level of care taken by the insured. This means that a person engaging in riskier behavior faces a higher insurance premium, because their actions increase the probability of an accident occurring. The second method, available to the insurer, is collectively known as cancellation provisions or underwriting clauses. These are clauses written into an insurance contract that invalidates the agreement when certain conditions are not met by the insured The problem has been that obtaining information about the behavior of an insured party requires monitoring and that incurs a cost to the insurer. The application of these principles proves to be a more complicated matter. The modern marine insurance industry is a complicated system of multiple contracts, through different insurers, that covers the many facets of oil transportation. Their business practices have resulted in policy packages that cross the neat bounds of individual, specific insurance coverage. This paper shows that insurance can improve safety standards in three general areas -crew training, hull and equipment construction and maintenance, and routing schemes and exclusionary zones. With crew, hull and equipment, underwriting clauses can be used to ensure that minimum standards are met by the insured. Premiums can then be structured to reflect the additional care taken by the insured above and beyond these minimum standards. Routing schemes are traffic flow systems applied to congested waterways, such as the entrance to New York harbor. Using natural obstacles or manmade dividers, ships are separated into two lanes of opposing traffic, similar to a road. Exclusionary zones are marine areas designated off limits to tanker traffic either because of a sensitive ecosystem or because local knowledge is required of the region to ensure safe navigation. Underwriting clauses can be used to nullify an insurance contract when a tanker is not in compliance with established exclusionary zones or routing schemes.
In the past, the focus of drainage design was on sizing pipes and storages in order to provide sufficient network capacity. This traditional approach, together with computer software and technical guidance, had been successful for many years. However, due to rapid population growth and urbanisation, the requirements of a “good” drainage design have also changed significantly. In addition to water management, other aspects such as environmental impacts, amenity values and carbon footprint have to be considered during the design process. Going forward, we need to address the key sustainability issues carefully and practically. The key challenge of moving from simple objectives (e.g. capacity and costs) to complicated objectives (e.g. capacity, flood risk, environment, amenity etc) is the difficulty to strike a balance between various objectives and to justify potential benefits and compromises. In order to assist decision makers, we developed a new decision support system for drainage design. The system consists of two main components – a multi-criteria evaluation framework for drainage systems and a multi-objective optimisation tool. The evaluation framework is used for the quantification of performance, life-cycle costs and benefits of different drainage systems. The optimisation tool can search for feasible combinations of design parameters such as the sizes, order and type of drainage components that maximise multiple benefits. In this paper, we will discuss real-world application of the decision support system. A number of case studies have been developed based on recent drainage projects in China. We will use the case studies to illustrate how the evaluation framework highlights and compares the pros and cons of various design options. We will also discuss how the design parameters can be optimised based on the preferences of decision makers. The work described here is the output of an EngD project funded by EPSRC and XP Solutions.
O trabalho teve como objeto de estudo as pequenas empresas criadas pelos brasileiros que emigraram para Boston a partir de meados da década de 80. Foi feito um levantamento e uma caracterização das firmas, assim como de seus proprietários. Entretanto, o foco da análise incorporou outras dimensões, e não apenas aquelas de caráter econômico/empresarial. Ou seja, também foi analisada a dimensão sócio-cultural do papel desempenhado por estas empresas e que, do ponto de vista conceitual, caracteriza a chamada "economia étnica" organizada pelos grupos imigrantes daquele país.
Palestra do Embaixador da Índia no Brasil, B.S. Prakash. O Embaixador atua no Brasil desde Agosto de 2008 e é diplomata de carreira desde 1975. Serviu na Alemanha, Arábia Saudita e Áustria em diversos âmbitos, foi Embaixador em Uganda (1998-2001) e ministro-chefe da missão diplomática do Sri Lanka (1995-98). Atuou, ainda, a serviço do Ministério de Relações Exteriores como o chefe da divisão das Nações Unidas. Foi Cônsul-Geral da Índia (com grau de Embaixador) na Costa Oeste dos EUA. Atuou como representante da Índia junto à International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), em Viena, e liderou missões diplomáticas para a discussão de agendas políticas de desarmamento, resolução de conflitos, operações de paz e direito internacional.
o tema sobre a estrutura administrativa mais adequada para um Banco Central do Brasil, que procura sua autonomia, se desenrola a partir da situação administrativa do BACEN, que se apresenta no dias de hoje, e os questionamentos a respeito de sua independência, nos Capítulos 1 e 2, passando por modelos teóricos de estrutura administrativa e por modelos funcionais de Bancos Centrais independentes, comparados entre si e com o modelo brasileiro, nos Capítulos 3 e 4. Em seguida, são demonstrados os empenhos que se efetivam em realidade para que o BACEN chegue à sua autonomia, através de projetos que tramitam no Congresso Nacional e do Plano de Ação Estratégica para o BACEN, referidos nos Capítulos 5 e 6, até se chegar às opiniões de especialistas, no Capítulo 7, que serviram para reforçar a conclusão de que a mudança organizacional em busca da autonomia do Banco Central do Brasil não é apenas em decorrência do levantamento de aspectos técnicos, políticos e econômicos e, sim, uma consequência de um processo maior de integração entre estes e os aspectos comportamentais e administrativos dessa organização.
A importância dos aspectos econômicos da atividade de treinamento e desenvolvimento de recursos humanos é o ponto focal deste trabalho, através da utilização dos conceitos da "teoria do capital humano" e da mudança de enfoque da eficiência para a eficácia do treinamento. Desta análise surge um modelo que descreve os critérios de decisão que levam as empresas a investir valores maiores ou menores no treinamento, bem como um conjunto de indicações práticas destina das a melhor orientar o profissional de treinamento.
O conhecimento tem sido estudado há bastante tempo dentro da administração. Entretanto, a partir da década de 1990, com as mudanças nos fundamentos das economias industriais dos recursos naturais para os ativos intelectuais, as empresas passaram a preocupar-se com o conhecimento existente em suas organizações e seu gerenciamento. Um dos aspectos mais relevantes para o gerenciamento do conhecimento é a sua transferência. O conhecimento tácito, por não poder ser estruturado e codificado, é difícil de ser transferido pela organização. O gerenciamento de ativos intangíveis como o conhecimento tácito é percebido como importante capacitação para a competição e como fonte de vantagem competitiva sustentável. O objetivo desse trabalho é identificar, através de um estudo de caso, se os fatores relevantes à transferência do conhecimento tácito estão presentes em uma grande empresa petrolífera brasileira. A presente pesquisa analisa parte relevante da bibliografia acerca da transferência do conhecimento tácito em organizações e coleta evidências para propor um modelo heurístico que possa explicar como ocorre essa transferência de conhecimento tácito, baseado em fatores idiossincráticos e nos fatores organizacionais cultura organizacional, estrutura organizacional e estratégia de gestão do conhecimento. Como resultado, o fator idiossincrático e os fatores estrutura organizacional e estratégia de gestão do conhecimento foram corroborados pelas evidências empíricas, entretanto o fator cultura organizacional não foi identificado. A partir dos resultados alcançados, um novo modelo é proposto. Verifica-se que alguns fatores identificados ajudam a transferência do conhecimento tácito enquanto outros criam barreiras a essa transferência. São sugeridos mecanismos para auxiliar as organizações na transferência do conhecimento tácito.
Contemporary studies have shown that the evolution of the heritage concepts is accompanied by an affirmation of the importance of social participation in recognizing heritage values and in managing cultural assets. We used the Brazilian context to emphasize the challenges for democratizing this process. This problematic is discussed based on the cases of Cidade Altaand Ribeira, neighborhoods that date from the formation of Natal-RNand have cultural assets recognized by levels of government. The study builds elements to answer the research question: what meanings and representations does the culturalheritage in the case study have for its users? The research method analyzes the representations and the meanings of the neighborhoods, firstly is based on historiographical studies, memories records of the city and on the process of heritage management. Secondly, it isbased on the field research, it is structured in environmental perception studies (areas of Environmental Psychology, Architecture and Urbanism) and has been applied with users with different bonds with the studied environment (residents, workers and visitors). The data were obtained with the multi-method which included direct observation, questionnaire survey and mentalmaps (that replicate Kevin Lynch). The analysis of result verified the research hypothesis, emphasizing aspects of the relationship between users and cultural heritage relevant to strengthening collective memory, local identity, contributing to heritage management. Among the results, the socio-environmental image obtained which emphasized a "cultural axis" linkingboth studied neighborhoods and confirms the influences of elements rein the memories records of the city and in the area s management. Identified aspects to strengthen the relationship between the users and cultural assets, such as the presence of placeswith affective ties to certain groups, as well as the need to fight off negative images (of degradation and insecurity) associated to the site and also expand the participation of the population, including residents, in policies and cultural activities. After all, recognition of value and the involvement of societycultural assets have the potential of contribute to integrate city development with heritage conservation
The present research deals with the modernization process of the Cidade da Parahyba2, between 1850 and 1924, and its relation with the cotton economy, which represented the main source of wealth accumulation for both the private and the public sectors throughout the First Republic. This study on urban history was developed by focusing on the understanding of the city s spatial formation, and despite its emphasis on the economic aspects involved, other factors that also contribute to the development of the social life were not put aside. The modernization process of the Cidade da Parahyba was also analyzed during the period established for the study according to a chronological and thematic approach that established comparisons with the financial situation of the State, whenever this was necessary, with special attention to the contribution of the cotton economy to the State´s revenues. It was possible to detect a lack of financial help and loans from the federal and municipal administrations for finishing several public works already underway in the capital, since the federal funds allocated to the State of Parahyba do Norte were rather employed in emergency works against droughts and in agricultural development. One can then conclude that the financial resources required for the urban interventions were withdrawn from the State s treasury itself, resources that were collected mainly from activities such as cotton exportation and cotton trading. Another factor shows the interdependence between the urban remodeling and the cotton economy: during the years marked by great droughts or by hard plagues on the cotton plantations, cotton production decreased, as well as the State s finances. The first measures taken by the State s administrators were to halt all projects of urban remodeling in progress in the Cidade da Parahyba, which was, clearly, the most privileged city by the State s presidents during the period analyzed. 2 The city of João Pessoa was named Cidade da Parahyba, a designation that remained until September 1930, when it received its present-day name in order to pay homage to the president of the State, João Pessoa Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, murdered in the city of Recife in August of that same year. At that time, the State of Paraíba was known as Parahyba do Norte. Since this work is limited to a period of time comprised within the First Republic, the names employed respect the terms used in those days
The sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae) is currently appointed as the main vector of visceral leishmaniasis in the Americas. The growth of cities in areas originally endemics to American Visceral Leishmaniasis (AVL) resulted in the spread of the disease at the same time that observed the adaptation of this species to the urban environment.Changes in behavior of L.longipalpis that enabled the adapt to increasing losings of biodiversity, as well as the frequent exposure of the vector to insecticides evident in urban areas, could justify the increasing population of the species and consequently the spread of disease for these environments .Thus, we selected sixty houses spread among three areas with increasing stages of occupation of an area endemic for AVL in Teresina-PI. We evaluated the correlation between the density of L.longipalpis captured and different aspects, such as population density of animals, vegetation cover and socio-economic aspects in each house. In addition to the correlations, the feeding preference of the vector between the predominant plant species in the neighborhoods, as well as the presence of metabolic mechanisms of resistance among the captured insects were tested. The results showed that over the growing occupations, represented by three areas, L.longipalpis demonstrate its adaptive nature through an apparent opportunistic behavior in relation to sources of carbohydrates and blood. On the evolutionary point of view, this behavior may have favored its vector competence in urban areas among the limited presence of food sources, as well as in various environments encountered.
In this work a series of discussions is made on the relationship between money and prostitution in a way of overcoming its merely economic aspects, in the perception of both being social, cultural and historical phenomena, and taking them as symbols, whose study aids to unveil the reality. In this context it is looked for revealing its forms and contents to make it possible to understand them beyond the rationality, calculability and mathematical elements presents in them; beyond apparentness, taking them in their complexity. The discussions encompass theoretical elements, based especially on Georg Simmel s theoretical analyses, allied to a specific empirical frame that regards the life experience of the women of Praia do Meio, pedaço of the city of Natal-RN-Brazil, where the data were collected from. Fundamentally, prostitution is perceived as an exchange activity, which is not depleted in the economic elements, but, contrarily, starts on them and surpasses them in diverse aspects. It deals about a money-mediated relationship between human beings that possesses in itself a full complexity, which demands an accurate and keen attention to be comprehended. Since money has transformed the world and the men and women in it, the discussions in the text are conducted in a direction to attempt to encircle and understand the relationship between money and prostitution. Prostitution, in turn, aids to understand such a transformation as it is also a symbol of our times and it makes us to face the true essence of our society: the transformation of human beings into merchandise, into negotiable objects. In the money-based society it is possible to picture the phenomenon of double prostitution: negotiation of the human being, through labor, and negotiation of sex, the last being dramatically stigmatized and the former strongly encouraged. This may be demonstrating that the paid sex is, in the money-ruled society, a limit of commercialization, widely accepted provided it is camouflaged and surrounded by an aura of sensuality and legitimacy
The overall objective of this study is to analyze the efficiency in the use of resources and the quality of public health in the municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte, from 2004 to 2008. It also seeks to identify the determinants of municipal inefficiency and measure the productivity of public spending on health. To this end, three methods of analysis are used: the DEA, the Malmquist index and the Tobit regression model. Among other findings, it appears that municipalities considered more inefficient in the measurement of expenditure on health make the largest expense in this function. On the other hand, from 2004 to 2008, only 13 municipalities showed an increase in the productivity of public spending. It is also noted that municipalities considered efficient in quality of health, although having more physical and human resources, offer fewer health services to the population. In all, the major determinants of health spending inefficiencies are the variables: age of the mayor, coalition, population density, literacy race and budget revenues. Regarding the inefficiency of the health quality, variables such as: coalition, literacy race have strong influence on this behavior. Thereby, the hypotheses proposed by the study have been fully accepted. In other words, for the efficiency of the quality and health spending it is needed more than resources, i.e., the expenditure shows itself as essential, but not enough, for political and economic aspects also interfere with the performance of spent and in the quality of health care offered to the population
Influence of Radiotransmitters on Fecal Glucocorticoid Levels of Free-Ranging Male American Kestrels
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The accurate identification of the nitrogen content in plants is extremely important since it involves economic aspects and environmental impacts, Several experimental tests have been carried out to obtain characteristics and parameters associated with the health of plants and its growing. The nitrogen content identification in plants involves a lot of non-linear parameters and complexes mathematical models. This paper describes a novel approach for identification of nitrogen content thought SPAD index using artificial neural networks (ANN). The network acts as identifier of relationships among, crop varieties, fertilizer treatments, type of leaf and nitrogen content in the plants (target). So, nitrogen content can be generalized and estimated and from an input parameter set. This approach can form the basis for development of an accurate real time system to predict nitrogen content in plants.
The accurate identification of the nitrogen content in crop plants is extremely important since it involves economic aspects and environmental impacts. Several experimental tests have been carried out to obtain characteristics and parameters associated with the health of plants and its growing. The nitrogen content identification involves a lot of nonlinear parametes and complexes mathematical models. This paper describes a novel approach for identification of nitrogen content thought spectral reflectance of plant leaves using artificial neural networks. The network acts as identifier of relationships among pH of soil, fertilizer treatment, spectral reflectance and nitrogen content in the plants. So, nitrogen content can be estimated and generalized from an input parameter set. This approach can be form the basis for development of an accurate real time nitrogen applicator.