986 resultados para Wheelock, Jane
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This thesis examines the work of the award-winning contemporary English short story and novel writer Jane Gardam. It proposes that much of her achievement and craft stems from her engagement with religion. It draws on Gardam’s published works from 1971 to 2014 including children’s books and adult novels. While Gardam has been reviewed widely, there is little serious critical appreciation of her fiction and there are misreadings of the influence of religion in her work. I therefore analyse the religious dimensions of her stories: the language, stylistics and hermeneutic of Gardam’s three religious influences, namely the Anglo-Catholic, Benedictine and Quaker movements and how she sites them within her work. The thesis proposes lectio divina, arguably an ancient form of contemporary reader-response criticism, as a framework to describe the Word’s religious agency when embedded or alluded to in fiction. It also considers and applies critical discussion on the medieval concept of the aevum, a literary religious space. Finally, I suggest that religious writing such as Gardam’s has a place in the as yet unexplored ‘poetic’ strand of Receptive Ecumenism, a new movement that seeks to address reception of the Word between members of different faith communities. Having examined many aspects of Gardam’s writing, its history and potential, I conclude that her achievement owes much to her engagement with particular and divergent forms of religious life and practice.
No cabe duda de que Jane Austen (1775-1817) es a día de hoy no sólo una figura preeminente dentro de la literatura en lengua inglesa sino que de igual modo es una de las novelistas más conocidas por el gran público, un estatus que ha alcanzado sobre todo en los últimos veinte años. Gran parte de la popularidad de la que goza esta autora en el siglo veintiuno ha sido generada por las adaptaciones que se han realizado de sus novelas. A partir de mediados de los años noventa se desarrolla intensamente la tendencia de trasladar el argumento de sus obras, particularmente Pride and Prejudice, a un contexto contemporáneo. La presente tesis analiza este fenómeno y lleva a cabo un estudio exhaustivo de las recreaciones contemporáneas de Pride and Prejudice tanto en el medio literario como fílmico. Descartando el concepto de “fidelidad” como principio taxonómico, este trabajo presta atención a otras afinidades estructurales y temáticas para organizar el amplio corpus de reescrituras ya que éste es extraordinariamente amplio y dinámico. De esta forma tras un estudio del contexto histórico de Pride and Prejudice se presenta un análisis de las distintas tendencias que se pueden encontrar en las recreaciones contemporáneas de esta novela de Jane Austen. Así, se estudian en profundidad algunas de las novelas que abrieron el camino para la recontextualización de Pride and Prejudice en la actualidad como es el caso de Bridget Jones’s Diary (Helen Fielding, 1996). Igualmente también se consideran aquellas obras que trasladan el argumento de la novela de Jane Austen a otras culturas y sociedades como ocurre en Jane Austen in Boca (Paula Marantz-Cohen, 2002) y aquéllas que presentan a unas Janeites que escapan de la realidad de sus vidas a través de la literatura austeniana como sucede en Me & Mr Darcy (Alexandra Potter, 2007). Otra interesante tendencia que se analiza es la de las novelas que reescriben Pride and Prejudice para un lector eminentemente juvenil como sería el caso de Prom & Prejudice (Elizabeth Eulberg, 2011) así como las que realizan una clara labor de apropiación del legado de la autora británica como ocurre, por ejemplo, en Fitzwilliam Darcy Rock Star (Heather Lynn Rigaud, 2011). Estas mismas tendencias se pueden encontrar en las recreaciones audiovisuales de Pride and Prejudice y en el capítulo dedicado a ellas se procede al análisis de todas las reescrituras que se han realizado en este medio hasta el momento como, por ejemplo, Bride & Prejudice (Gurminder Chadha, 2004), Lost in Austen (Dan Zeff, 2008) o The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (Hank Green y Bernie Su 2012-13) entre otras. Todas ellas, sin duda, reflejan la vigencia y riqueza de un texto capaz de adaptarse a los más variados contextos que, a pesar de haber sido creado hace más de doscientos años, sigue siendo fuente de inspiración para multitud de creadores. Para finalizar se incluye un capítulo dedicado a la presencia de Jane Austen y de Pride and Prejudice en diversos ámbitos de la cultura popular, lo que pone de manifiesto el alcance de la autora y su obra en la sociedad actual.
The novel Jane Eyre, written by Charlotte Brontë, is very appreciated and famous. It has been adapted several times into different media, such as films, musicals and theatres. In this essay I will compare the novel with Cary Joji Fukunaga’s film adaption from 2011. I will compare the characters Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester and examine how they are portrayed, and I will also discuss the difference between Mr. Brocklehurst in the novel and in the film. I argue that the characters and some of the situations are adjusted to fit a modern audience. I also argue that the film is a romanticized, de-politicized version of the novel. Many of Jane’s reflections upon life, love, class, gender and so on are less developed in the film and the film is more of a love story than a story about a young woman’s life in the Victorian era.
to analyze the factors associated with the underreporting on the part of nurses within Primary Health Care of abuse against children and adolescents. cross-sectional study with 616 nurses. A questionnaire addressed socio-demographic data, profession, instrumentation and knowledge on the topic, identification and reporting of abuse cases. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression was used. female nurses, aged between 21 and 32 years old, not married, with five or more years since graduation, with graduate studies, and working for five or more years in PHC predominated. The final regression model showed that factors such as working for five or more years, having a reporting form within the PHC unit, and believing that reporting within Primary Health Care is an advantage, facilitate reporting. the study's results may, in addition to sensitizing nurses, support management professionals in establishing strategies intended to produce compliance with reporting as a legal device that ensures the rights of children and adolescents.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Somatic embryogenesis represents a valuable tool for the studies on the basic aspects of plant embryo development. Today this process is used as a potencial technique for large-scale plant micropropagation although, so far, it has been applied to only a small number of species. However, when somatic embryos are malformed they are considered economically useless. In Acca sellowiana (O. Berg) Burret, an important fruit-producing crop, large amounts of anomalous somatic embryos (76.3%) were found just after 40 days of culture of explants in a 2,4-D containing medium. Among the anomalous forms found in the cotiledonary stage, 12.2% consisted of fused embryos, 40.4% displayed fused cotyledons, 13.0% presented supernumerary cotyledons, and 10.7% showed absence or poorly developed cotyledons, including those without the shoot apical meristem. Histological analyses indicated that the altered embryos were formed either directly from cotyledons, hypocotyl and radicle of the zygotic embryos used as explants, or indirectly from calli formed from these tissue parts. It is suggested that the formation of anomalous somatic embryos, as well as a low frequency of conversion into emblings reflect physiological and/or genetic disturbances triggered by the presence of 2,4-D in the medium. In vitro experimental alternative approaches are discussed in order to lessen the occurrence of malformed somatic embryos.
In the present work, we provide some considerations about the role of scientific communication in Chemistry Education. Such considerations may subsidize the development of communication in scientific language by Chemistry students. These considerations are based on information collected during a participatory research for the production of didactic material about scientific communication. The meetings were audio recorded and the contents of the participants' speeches were divided into categories. The category analysis supported the elaboration of the considerations.
The purpose of this study was to analyze written arguments found within laboratory reports by undergraduate students in a practical inorganic chemistry course. The quality of students' argumentation was analyzed based on the argumentation model developed by Kelly and Takao. Students presented scientific arguments grounded in data and building toward theoretical assertions. This indicates that students have some understanding of the rhetorical power of data in their explanations. The findings of this study also support the idea that Kelly and Takao's model is effective in other disciplines and in other rhetorical tasks distinct from those originally analyzed by them in their domain of oceanography.
Uma das mais ricas, antigas e diversificadas coleções entomológicas da América Latina, que alberga relevante parcela de nossa biodiversidade, foi drasticamente penalizada durante o episódio que ficou conhecido como o Massacre de Manguinhos, no qual dez eminentes pesquisadores tiveram seus direitos políticos cassados. Esta nota relata uma ínfima parcela da tragédia que desmantelou parte desse acervo e como 8.554 exemplares valiosos da ordem Diptera, pertencentes a 35 famílias, incluindo 99 exemplares-tipos, foram reincorporados à Coleção Entomológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, em suas posições originais nos armários de aço, após 35 anos. Esta reincorporação representa o primeiro resgate científico-histórico desse acervo, após o período da ditadura militar no Brasil.
Attributed to human-mediated dispersal, a species of the Anopheles gambiae complex invaded northeastern Brazil in 1930. This event is considered unique among the intercontinental introductions of disease vectors and the most serious one: "Few threats to the future health of the Americas have equalled that inherent in the invasion of Brazil, in 1930, by Anopheles gambiae." Because it was only in the 1960s that An. gambiae was recognized as a species complex now including seven species, the precise species identity of the Brazilian invader remains a mystery. Here we used historical DNA analysis of museum specimens, collected at the time of invasion from Brazil, and aimed at the identification of the Brazilian invader. Our results identify the arid-adapted Anopheles arabiensis as being the actual invading species. Establishing the identity of the species, in addition to being of intrinsic historical interest, can inform future threats of this sort especially in a changing environment. Furthermore, these results highlight the potential danger of human-mediated range expansions of insect disease vectors and the importance of museum collections in retrieving historical information
We report the discovery of a tight substellar companion to the young solar analog PZ Tel, a member of the beta Pic moving group observed with high-contrast adaptive optics imaging as part of the Gemini Near-Infrared Coronagraphic Imager Planet-Finding Campaign. The companion was detected at a projected separation of 16.4 +/- 1.0 AU (0.'' 33 +/- 0.'' 01) in 2009 April. Second-epoch observations in 2010 May demonstrate that the companion is physically associated and shows significant orbital motion. Monte Carlo modeling constrains the orbit of PZ Tel B to eccentricities >0.6. The near-IR colors of PZ Tel B indicate a spectral type of M7 +/- 2 and thus this object will be a new benchmark companion for studies of ultracool, low-gravity photospheres. Adopting an age of 12(-4)(+8) Myr for the system, we estimate a mass of 36 +/- 6 M(Jup) based on the Lyon/DUSTY evolutionary models. PZ Tel B is one of the few young substellar companions directly imaged at orbital separations similar to those of giant planets in our own solar system. Additionally, the primary star PZ Tel A shows a 70 mu m emission excess, evidence for a significant quantity of circumstellar dust that has not been disrupted by the orbital motion of the companion.
A large sample of Herbig Ae/Be (HAeBe) candidates, distributed in different Galactic regions south to declination +30 degrees, were identified by the Pico dos Dias Survey (a search for young stellar objects based on IRAS colors). Most of the candidates are nearby or associated with star-forming clouds, but several others are considered isolated objects. Aiming to verify the young nature of 93 HAeBe candidates, we searched for additional information that could be useful to confirm if they are pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars or evolved objects, which coincidentally show similar IRAS colors. By adopting a spectral index that is related to the amount of infrared excess and the shape of the spectral energy distribution, we have classified the sample according to three groups, which are analyzed on the basis of (1) circumstellar luminosity; (2) spatial distribution; (3) optical polarization; (4) near-infrared colors; (5) stellar parameters (mass, age, effective temperature); and (5) intensity of emission lines. Our analysis indicates that only 76% of the studied sample, mainly the group with intermediate to low levels of circumstellar emission, can be more confidently considered PMS stars. The nature of the remaining stars, which are in the other group that contains the highest levels of infrared excess, remains to be confirmed. They share the same characteristics of evolved objects, requiring complementary studies in order to correctly classify them. At least seven objects show characteristics typical of post-asymptotic giant branch or proto-planetary nebulae.
Adamussium Jonkersi sp nov is described from the Late Oligocene Destruction Bay Formation Wrona Buttress area King George Island (South Shetlands) West Antarctica The unit characterized by volcanic sandstone is a shallow marine( succession deposited in a moderate- to high-energy environment The thin shelled pectinids collected from the lower part of the unit are preserved mostly as complete valves Shell thickness sculpture pattern and umbonal angle suggest a free-living inactive swimming life habit
An enantioselective metal-mediated addition of allylic bromides to carbonyl compounds was achieved in the presence of the inexpensive and easily accessible carbohydrates saccharose and beta-cyclodextrin. The desired products were obtained in moderate to excellent yields and with up to 93% enantiomeric excess. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.