635 resultados para Vanishing Theorems


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In the framework of the MSSM, we examine several simplified models where only a few superpartners are light. This allows us to study WIMP-nucleus scattering in terms of a handful of MSSM parameters and thereby scrutinize their impact on dark matter direct-detection experiments. Focusing on spin-independent WIMP-nucleon scattering, we derive simplified, analytic expressions for the Wilson coefficients associated with Higgs and squark exchange. We utilize these results to study the complementarity of constraints due to direct-detection, flavor, and collider experiments. We also identify parameter configurations that produce (almost) vanishing cross sections. In the proximity of these so-called blind spots, we find that the amount of isospin violation may be much larger than typically expected in the MSSM. This feature is a generic property of parameter regions where cross sections are suppressed, and highlights the importance of a careful analysis of the nucleon matrix elements and the associated hadronic uncertainties. This becomes especially relevant once the increased sensitivity of future direct-detection experiments corners the MSSM into these regions of parameter space.


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Using the asymptotic form of the bulk Weyl tensor, we present an explicit approach that allows us to reconstruct exact four-dimensional Einstein spacetimes which are algebraically special with respect to Petrov’s classification. If the boundary metric supports a traceless, symmetric and conserved complex rank-two tensor, which is related to the boundary Cotton and energy-momentum tensors, and if the hydrodynamic congruence is shearless, then the bulk metric is exactly resummed and captures modes that stand beyond the hydrodynamic derivative expansion. We illustrate the method when the congruence has zero vorticity, leading to the Robinson-Trautman spacetimes of arbitrary Petrov class, and quote the case of non-vanishing vorticity, which captures the Plebański-Demiański Petrov D family.


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This thesis covers a broad part of the field of computational photography, including video stabilization and image warping techniques, introductions to light field photography and the conversion of monocular images and videos into stereoscopic 3D content. We present a user assisted technique for stereoscopic 3D conversion from 2D images. Our approach exploits the geometric structure of perspective images including vanishing points. We allow a user to indicate lines, planes, and vanishing points in the input image, and directly employ these as guides of an image warp that produces a stereo image pair. Our method is most suitable for scenes with large scale structures such as buildings and is able to skip the step of constructing a depth map. Further, we propose a method to acquire 3D light fields using a hand-held camera, and describe several computational photography applications facilitated by our approach. As the input we take an image sequence from a camera translating along an approximately linear path with limited camera rotations. Users can acquire such data easily in a few seconds by moving a hand-held camera. We convert the input into a regularly sampled 3D light field by resampling and aligning them in the spatio-temporal domain. We also present a novel technique for high-quality disparity estimation from light fields. Finally, we show applications including digital refocusing and synthetic aperture blur, foreground removal, selective colorization, and others.


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The usual Skolemization procedure, which removes strong quantifiers by introducing new function symbols, is in general unsound for first-order substructural logics defined based on classes of complete residuated lattices. However, it is shown here (following similar ideas of Baaz and Iemhoff for first-order intermediate logics in [1]) that first-order substructural logics with a semantics satisfying certain witnessing conditions admit a “parallel” Skolemization procedure where a strong quantifier is removed by introducing a finite disjunction or conjunction (as appropriate) of formulas with multiple new function symbols. These logics typically lack equivalent prenex forms. Also, semantic consequence does not in general reduce to satisfiability. The Skolemization theorems presented here therefore take various forms, applying to the left or right of the consequence relation, and to all formulas or only prenex formulas.


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We investigate the transition from unitary to dissipative dynamics in the relativistic O(N) vector model with the λ(φ2)2 interaction using the nonperturbative functional renormalization group in the real-time formalism. In thermal equilibrium, the theory is characterized by two scales, the interaction range for coherent scattering of particles and the mean free path determined by the rate of incoherent collisions with excitations in the thermal medium. Their competition determines the renormalization group flow and the effective dynamics of the model. Here we quantify the dynamic properties of the model in terms of the scale-dependent dynamic critical exponent z in the limit of large temperatures and in 2≤d≤4 spatial dimensions. We contrast our results to the behavior expected at vanishing temperature and address the question of the appropriate dynamic universality class for the given microscopic theory.


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We study the emergence of Heisenberg (Bianchi II) algebra in hyper-Kähler and quaternionic spaces. This is motivated by the rôle these spaces with this symmetry play in N = 2 hypermultiplet scalar manifolds. We show how to construct related pairs of hyper-Kähler and quaternionic spaces under general symmetry assumptions, the former being a zooming-in limit of the latter at vanishing scalar curvature. We further apply this method for the two hyper-Kähler spaces with Heisenberg algebra, which is reduced to U (1) × U (1) at the quaternionic level. We also show that no quaternionic spaces exist with a strict Heisenberg symmetry – as opposed to Heisenberg U (1). We finally discuss the realization of the latter by gauging appropriate Sp(2, 4) generators in N = 2 conformal supergravity.


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We study the effects of a finite cubic volume with twisted boundary conditions on pseudoscalar mesons. We apply Chiral Perturbation Theory in the p-regime and introduce the twist by means of a constant vector field. The corrections of masses, decay constants, pseudoscalar coupling constants and form factors are calculated at next-to-leading order. We detail the derivations and compare with results available in the literature. In some case there is disagreement due to a different treatment of new extra terms generated from the breaking of the cubic invariance. We advocate to treat such terms as renormalization terms of the twisting angles and reabsorb them in the on-shell conditions. We confirm that the corrections of masses, decay constants, pseudoscalar coupling constants are related by means of chiral Ward identities. Furthermore, we show that the matrix elements of the scalar (resp. vector) form factor satisfies the Feynman–Hellman Theorem (resp. the Ward–Takahashi identity). To show the Ward–Takahashi identity we construct an effective field theory for charged pions which is invariant under electromagnetic gauge transformations and which reproduces the results obtained with Chiral Perturbation Theory at a vanishing momentum transfer. This generalizes considerations previously published for periodic boundary conditions to twisted boundary conditions. Another method to estimate the corrections in finite volume are asymptotic formulae. Asymptotic formulae were introduced by Lüscher and relate the corrections of a given physical quantity to an integral of a specific amplitude, evaluated in infinite volume. Here, we revise the original derivation of Lüscher and generalize it to finite volume with twisted boundary conditions. In some cases, the derivation involves complications due to extra terms generated from the breaking of the cubic invariance. We isolate such terms and treat them as renormalization terms just as done before. In that way, we derive asymptotic formulae for masses, decay constants, pseudoscalar coupling constants and scalar form factors. At the same time, we derive also asymptotic formulae for renormalization terms. We apply all these formulae in combination with Chiral Perturbation Theory and estimate the corrections beyond next-to-leading order. We show that asymptotic formulae for masses, decay constants, pseudoscalar coupling constants are related by means of chiral Ward identities. A similar relation connects in an independent way asymptotic formulae for renormalization terms. We check these relations for charged pions through a direct calculation. To conclude, a numerical analysis quantifies the importance of finite volume corrections at next-to-leading order and beyond. We perform a generic Analysis and illustrate two possible applications to real simulations.


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In this paper we solve a problem raised by Gutiérrez and Montanari about comparison principles for H−convex functions on subdomains of Heisenberg groups. Our approach is based on the notion of the sub-Riemannian horizontal normal mapping and uses degree theory for set-valued maps. The statement of the comparison principle combined with a Harnack inequality is applied to prove the Aleksandrov-type maximum principle, describing the correct boundary behavior of continuous H−convex functions vanishing at the boundary of horizontally bounded subdomains of Heisenberg groups. This result answers a question by Garofalo and Tournier. The sharpness of our results are illustrated by examples.


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Aims. We derive for the first time the size-frequency distribution of boulders on a comet, 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P), computed from the images taken by the Rosetta/OSIRIS imaging system. We highlight the possible physical processes that lead to these boulder size distributions. Methods. We used images acquired by the OSIRIS Narrow Angle Camera, NAC, on 5 and 6 August 2014. The scale of these images (2.44−2.03 m/px) is such that boulders ≥7 m can be identified and manually extracted from the datasets with the software ArcGIS. We derived both global and localized size-frequency distributions. The three-pixel sampling detection, coupled with the favorable shadowing of the surface (observation phase angle ranging from 48° to 53°), enables unequivocally detecting boulders scattered all over the illuminated side of 67P. Results. We identify 3546 boulders larger than 7 m on the imaged surface (36.4 km2), with a global number density of nearly 100/km2 and a cumulative size-frequency distribution represented by a power-law with index of −3.6 +0.2/−0.3. The two lobes of 67P appear to have slightly different distributions, with an index of −3.5 +0.2/−0.3 for the main lobe (body) and −4.0 +0.3/−0.2 for the small lobe (head). The steeper distribution of the small lobe might be due to a more pervasive fracturing. The difference of the distribution for the connecting region (neck) is much more significant, with an index value of −2.2 +0.2/−0.2. We propose that the boulder field located in the neck area is the result of blocks falling from the contiguous Hathor cliff. The lower slope of the size-frequency distribution we see today in the neck area might be due to the concurrent processes acting on the smallest boulders, such as i) disintegration or fragmentation and vanishing through sublimation; ii) uplifting by gas drag and consequent redistribution; and iii) burial beneath a debris blanket. We also derived the cumulative size-frequency distribution per km2 of localized areas on 67P. By comparing the cumulative size-frequency distributions of similar geomorphological settings, we derived similar power-law index values. This suggests that despite the selected locations on different and often opposite sides of the comet, similar sublimation or activity processes, pit formation or collapses, as well as thermal stresses or fracturing events occurred on multiple areas of the comet, shaping its surface into the appearance we see today.


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The purpose of this research was to determine if principles from organizational theory could be used as a framework to compare and contrast safety interventions developed by for-profit industry for the time period 1986–1996. A literature search of electronic databases and manual search of journals and local university libraries' book stacks was conducted for safety interventions developed by for-profit businesses. To maintain a constant regulatory environment, the business sectors of nuclear power, aviation and non-profits were excluded. Safety intervention evaluations were screened for scientific merit. Leavitt's model from organization theory was updated to include safety climate and renamed the Updated Leavitt's Model. In all, 8000 safety citations were retrieved, 525 met the inclusion criteria, 255 met the organizational safety intervention criteria, and 50 met the scientific merit criteria. Most came from non-public health journals. These 50 were categorized by the Updated Leavitt's Model according to where within the organizational structure the intervention took place. Evidence tables were constructed for descriptive comparison. The interventions clustered in the areas of social structure, safety climate, the interaction between social structure and participants, and the interaction between technology and participants. No interventions were found in the interactions between social structure and technology, goals and technology, or participants and goals. Despite the scientific merit criteria, many still had significant study design weaknesses. Five interventions tested for statistical significance but none of the interventions commented on the power of their study. Empiric studies based on safety climate theorems had the most rigorous designs. There was an attempt in these studies to address randomization amongst subjects to avoid bias. This work highlights the utility of using the Updated Leavitt's Model, a model from organizational theory, as a framework when comparing safety interventions. This work also highlights the need for better study design of future trials of safety interventions. ^


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The history of the logistic function since its introduction in 1838 is reviewed, and the logistic model for a polychotomous response variable is presented with a discussion of the assumptions involved in its derivation and use. Following this, the maximum likelihood estimators for the model parameters are derived along with a Newton-Raphson iterative procedure for evaluation. A rigorous mathematical derivation of the limiting distribution of the maximum likelihood estimators is then presented using a characteristic function approach. An appendix with theorems on the asymptotic normality of sample sums when the observations are not identically distributed, with proofs, supports the presentation on asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood estimators. Finally, two applications of the model are presented using data from the Hypertension Detection and Follow-up Program, a prospective, population-based, randomized trial of treatment for hypertension. The first application compares the risk of five-year mortality from cardiovascular causes with that from noncardiovascular causes; the second application compares risk factors for fatal or nonfatal coronary heart disease with those for fatal or nonfatal stroke. ^


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An integrated biostratigraphic and stable isotope investigation was conducted on a high-latitude sequence across the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/P) boundary recovered in Hole 750A in the southern Indian Ocean. The sequence consists of nannofossil chalk and is discontinuous across the boundary; missing is an estimated 0.3-m.y. late Maestrichtian and early Danian interval. Nonetheless, because calcareous nannofossil Zones NP1 and NP2 are well-developed, micropaleontological studies of the sequence have yielded a detailed record of Danian high-latitude microplankton evolution. In addition, stable carbon isotope analyses of planktonic and benthic foraminifer and bulk samples provide a record of late Maestrichtian and early Danian surface- and deep-water carbon isotope variations. Together, the carbon isotope and carbonate accumulation records serve as an index of regional marine net productivity across the boundary. Earliest Danian nannoplankton assemblages consisted mainly of persistent genera that were generally rare or absent in the Upper Cretaceous at Hole 750A. However, by 0.5-0.6 m.y. after the boundary, newly evolving Danian taxa became dominant. The turnover in nannofossil assemblages was accompanied by significant changes in rates of net productivity as gauged by carbon isotope distributions and carbonate accumulation rates. During the period dominated by persistent taxa, net productivity was extremely low, as reflected by the absence of vertical delta13C gradients and reduced carbonate accumulation rates. Later in the Danian, as new species evolved and flourished, vertical delta13C gradients reappeared and carbonate accumulation rates increased, signaling partial recovery of net productivity in this region. The absolute timing and magnitude of late Maestrichtian and early Danian biotic and geochemical changes in the southern Indian Ocean were similar to those recorded in other pelagic K/P boundary sequences from low- and mid-latitude Atlantic and Pacific sites, indicating that these events were ubiquitous.


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Revisito una aproximación al relato folklórico, a partir de un archivo de narrativa folklórica riojana. El enfoque teórico combina aportes de la crítica genética con la teoría informática del hipertexto. El archivo incluye versiones orales reunidas en investigaciones de campo (1985-1999), alrededor de la matriz "La dama fantasma", con elementos del motivo folklórico E 322.3.3.1 "The vanishing hitchhiker". Comprende también recreaciones escriturarias, fílmicas y registros virtuales. El trabajo se encuadra en una investigación sobre "Archivos de Narrativa Tradicional Argentina", que revisa criterios de archivación de narrativa tradicional, de la Encuesta Folklórica de 1921 a 2005


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Revisito una aproximación al relato folklórico, a partir de un archivo de narrativa folklórica riojana. El enfoque teórico combina aportes de la crítica genética con la teoría informática del hipertexto. El archivo incluye versiones orales reunidas en investigaciones de campo (1985-1999), alrededor de la matriz "La dama fantasma", con elementos del motivo folklórico E 322.3.3.1 "The vanishing hitchhiker". Comprende también recreaciones escriturarias, fílmicas y registros virtuales. El trabajo se encuadra en una investigación sobre "Archivos de Narrativa Tradicional Argentina", que revisa criterios de archivación de narrativa tradicional, de la Encuesta Folklórica de 1921 a 2005


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Revisito una aproximación al relato folklórico, a partir de un archivo de narrativa folklórica riojana. El enfoque teórico combina aportes de la crítica genética con la teoría informática del hipertexto. El archivo incluye versiones orales reunidas en investigaciones de campo (1985-1999), alrededor de la matriz "La dama fantasma", con elementos del motivo folklórico E 322.3.3.1 "The vanishing hitchhiker". Comprende también recreaciones escriturarias, fílmicas y registros virtuales. El trabajo se encuadra en una investigación sobre "Archivos de Narrativa Tradicional Argentina", que revisa criterios de archivación de narrativa tradicional, de la Encuesta Folklórica de 1921 a 2005