639 resultados para ULTRASONOGRAPHY


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Hintergrund: Die Systembiopsie gilt als Goldstandard zum Nachweis eines Prostatakarzinoms, obwohl ein relevanter Anteil an Prostatakarzinomen nicht diagnostiziert wird. Wir wollten mit unserer Arbeit die Frage beantworten, ob mittels elastographisch gezielter Biopsien die Prostatakarzinom-Detektion im Vergleich zur Goldstandard-Systembiopsie verbessert werden kann. Material und Methode: 152 Patienten wurden in einer prospektiven Studie einer 12-fachen Prostata-Systembiopsie unterzogen. In Linksseitenlagerung wurde dabei aus jedem der vordefinierten 6 Prostatasegmente je 1 laterale und 1 mediale Stanze entnommen. Elastographisch suspekte Areale wurden zusätzlich gezielt biopsiert. Als statistisch signifikant wurde p<0,05 angenommen. Ergebnisse: Bei 62 der 152 Patienten (40,8%) wurde ein Prostatakarzinom diagnostiziert. Die Detektionsrate der Systembiopsie betrug 39,5% (60/152), die Detektionsrate der Elastographie 29,6% (45/152). Somit war die Systembiopsie der elastographisch gezielten Biopsie signifikant überlegen (p=0,039).Jedoch war die Wahrscheinlichkeit mit einer Prostatastanze ein Karzinomherd zu entdecken, für die elastographischen Biopsien 3,7-fach höher als für die Systembiopsien. Die Sensitivität der Elastographie betrug 72,6% und die Spezifität 66,6%. Der positive Vorhersagewert für die Elastographie war 60%, der negative Vorhersagewert 78%. Die Kombination von Systembiopsie und elastographisch gezielten Biopsien bot die höchste Detektionsrate. In der rechten Prostatahälfte (48%) verzeichneten wir doppelt so viele elastographisch falsch-positive Befunde wie in der linken Prostatahälfte (25%). Desweiteren fanden sich am häufigsten falsch-positive Befunde im Prostata-Apex (46%) und am seltensten in der Prostata-Basis (29%). Schlussfolgerung: In unserer Studie war die elastographisch gezielte Biopsie der Systembiopsie signifikant unterlegen (p=0,039). Die Kombination von Systembiopsie mit elastographisch gezielten Biopsien bot die höchste Detektionsrate und kann daher empfohlen werden. Die Auffälligkeiten in der Segment-bezogenen Auswertung und ein möglicher Einfluss der Patienten-Lagerung müssen durch weitere Studien überprüft werden.rn


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Il cancro colorettale (CRC) rimane la prima causa di morte nei paesi occidentali.Dal 15% al 25% dei pazienti affetti da CRC presenta metastasi epatiche sincrone (CRLM) al momento della diagnosi.La resezione epatica radicale rimane l’unica terapia potenzialmente curativa in presenza di CRLM con una sopravvivenza a 5 anni compresa tra il 17% ed il 35% ed a 10 anni tra il 16% e il 23% rispettivamente. La tempistica ottimale per la resezione chirurgica in caso di presentazione sincrona di CRC è controversa.Questo studio intende dimostrare che le resezioni epatiche ecoguidate radicali ma conservative simultanee ad una resezione colorettale rappresentano una tecnica sicura ed efficace nei pazienti con CRC avanzato. 48 pazienti sono stati sottoposti ad una resezione simultanea colorettale ed epatica. L’età media +SD (range) era di 64,2+9,7 (38-84).Un solo paziente è deceduto entro 30 giorni. La mortalità post operatoria è stata complessivamente del 2,1%. Nove pazienti (18,8%) hanno sviluppato una o più complicanza ,4 (8,3%) di grado III-IV sec. Clavien-Dindo e 5 (10,4%) di grado I-II. La durata complessiva dell’intervento chirurgico simultaneo è stata di 486,6+144,0 (153-804) minuti.Questo studio conferma che le resezioni colorettali ed epatiche simultanee possono essere eseguite senza un significativo aumento della morbilità e mortalità perioperatorie, anche in pazienti sottoposti ad una resezione anteriore ultrabassa ed in quelli in cui sia indicato il clampaggio intermittente dell’ilo epatico. L’IOUS è efficace nel ridurre l’estensione della resezione epatica in pazienti sia con CRLM anche multiple e bilobari .Poichè le complicanze maggiori sono frequenti dopo resezioni epatiche maggiori simultanee, riducendo l’estensione della resezione del parenchima epatico si può avere un impatto favorevole sul decorso post operatorio.Le resezioni epatiche ecoguidate radicali ma conservative simultanee ad una resezione colorettale sono una tecnica sicura ed efficace in pazienti con carcinoma colorettale avanzato e andrebbero considerate l’opzione primaria in casi selezionati


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MATERIALI E METODI: Tra il 2012 e il 2013, abbiamo analizzato in uno studio prospettico i dati di 48 pazienti sottoposti a ThuLEP con approccio autodidatta. I pazienti sono stati rivalutati a 3, 6, 12 e 24 mesi con la valutazione del PSA, il residuo post-minzionale (RPM), l'uroflussometria (Qmax), l'ecografia transrettale e questionari validati (IPSS: international prostate symptom score e QoL: quality of life) RISULTATI: Il volume medio della prostata è di 63 ± 5,3 ml. Il tempo operatorio medio è stato di 127,58 ± 28.50 minuti. Il peso medio del tessuto asportato è stato di 30,40 ± 13,90 gr. A 6 mesi dopo l'intervento l'RPM medio è diminuito da 165,13 ± 80,15 ml a 7,78 ± 29.19 ml, mentre il Qmax medio è aumentato da 5.75 ± 1.67ml / s a 18.1 ± 5.27 ml / s. I valori medi dei IPSS e QoL hanno dimostrato un progressivo miglioramento: da 19.15 (IQR: 2-31) e 4 (IQR: 1-6) nel preoperatorio a 6.04 (IQR: 1-20) e 1.13 (IQR: 1-4), rispettivamente. Durante la curva di apprendimento si è assistito ad un progressivo aumento del peso del tessuto enucleato e ad una progressiva riduzione del tempo di ospedalizzazione e di cateterismo. Tra le principali complicanze ricordiamo un tasso di incontinenza transitoria del 12,5% a 3 mesi e del 2.1% a 12 mesi. CONCLUSIONI: ThuLEP rappresenta una tecnica chirurgica efficace, sicura e riproducibile indipendentemente dalle dimensioni della prostata. I nostri dati suggeriscono che la ThuLEP offre un miglioramento significativo dei parametri funzionali comparabili con le tecniche tradizionali, nonostante una lunga curva di apprendimento.


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Thyroid nodules are a very common clinical finding with an age-related increase in prevalence. The clinical detection of thyroid nodules is outnumbered by the ultrasonographic assessment of thyroid nodules. The clinical challenge is to exclude thyroid cancer and clinical or subclinical hyperthyroidism. Ultrasonography is the first imaging study in all patients with palpable nodules; their size and TSH determine further diagnostic evaluations. Fine-needle aspiration (cytology) is recommended in euthyroid patients of nodules measuring more than 1-1.5 cm in diameter. Nodules more than 4 cm in diameter have to be removed surgically without preceding cytological examination. Without risk factors thyroid nodules are followed by clinical examination and ultrasonography every 6-12 months, in case of symptoms or rapid growth a follow-up assessment should be done earlier.


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Despite widespread use of imaging technologies including ultrasonography and computed tomography, rates of negative appendicectomy and perforated appendicitis remain high. This trend analysis examined whether rates of negative appendicectomy and perforated appendicitis have decreased over time, and sought to evaluate clinical predictors associated with negative appendicectomy and perforated appendicitis.


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Musculoskeletal ultrasonography (US) is an established and validated imaging technique in rheumatology. Ultrasonography is able to directly visualize soft tissue pathologies such as synovial tissue changes. Pathological findings in superficial cartilage, bone lesions and synovial tissue changes in the context of rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis or crystal arthropathies may only be seen by sonography or detected earlier by ultrasonography compared to conventional imaging techniques. The activity of an inflammatory arthropathy can be visualized using Doppler and power Doppler US. US is helpful in the detection of early inflammatory changes, particularly in patients with undifferentiated arthritis and/or unremarkable conventional radiography. In addition to diagnosis in early arthritis and monitoring of therapy in rheumatoid arthritis, sonography is able to detect pivotal pathologies in spondyloarthritis and crystal deposition diseases such as gout, pseudogout and apatite deposition disease. Ultrasound-guided diagnostic and therapeutic interventions are characterized by their excellent accuracy and improvement of clinical effectiveness compared to unguided procedures. In conclusion, ultrasonography plays a pivotal role in the assessment and monitoring of therapy in rheumatic diseases.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the human placenta in fetuses with and fetuses without intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) who were suspected of having placental insufficiency. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was approved by the local ethics committee, and written informed consent was obtained. The authors retrospectively evaluated 1.5-T fetal MR images from 102 singleton pregnancies (mean gestation ± standard deviation, 29 weeks ± 5; range, 21-41 weeks). Morphologic and diffusion-weighted MR imaging were performed. A region of interest analysis of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of the placenta was independently performed by two observers who were blinded to clinical data and outcome. Placental insufficiency was diagnosed if flattening of the growth curve was detected at obstetric ultrasonography (US), if the birth weight was in the 10th percentile or less, or if fetal weight estimated with US was below the 10th percentile. Abnormal findings at Doppler US of the umbilical artery and histopathologic examination of specimens from the placenta were recorded. The ADCs in fetuses with placental insufficiency were compared with those in fetuses of the same gestational age without placental insufficiency and tested for normal distribution. The t tests and Pearson correlation coefficients were used to compare these results at 5% levels of significance. RESULTS: Thirty-three of the 102 pregnancies were ultimately categorized as having an insufficient placenta. MR imaging depicted morphologic changes (eg, infarction or bleeding) in 27 fetuses. Placental dysfunction was suspected in 33 fetuses at diffusion-weighted imaging (mean ADC, 146.4 sec/mm(2) ± 10.63 for fetuses with placental insufficiency vs 177.1 sec/mm(2) ± 18.90 for fetuses without placental insufficiency; P < .01, with one false-positive case). The use of diffusion-weighted imaging in addition to US increased sensitivity for the detection of placental insufficiency from 73% to 100%, increased accuracy from 91% to 99%, and preserved specificity at 99%. CONCLUSION: Placental dysfunction associated with growth restriction is associated with restricted diffusion and reduced ADC. A decreased ADC used as an early marker of placental damage might be indicative of pregnancy complications such as IUGR.


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Abstract Objective. We assessed the relationships between (I) ultrasonography calcaneus T-scores (PIXI) and mandibular cortex characteristics on oral panoramic radiographs in older subjects; and (II) osteoporosis and periodontitis. Material and methods. We examined 778 subjects (53% women) aged 59-96 years. Periodontitis was defined by alveolar bone loss assessed from panoramic radiographs. Results. PIXI calcaneus T-values ?-2.5 (osteoporosis) were found in 16.3% of women and in 8.1% of men. PIXI calcaneus T-values <-1.6 (osteoporosis, adjusted) were found in 34.2% of women and in 21.4% of men. The age of the subjects and PIXI T-values were significantly correlated in women (Pearson's r = 0.37, P < 0.001) and men (Pearson's r = 0.19, P < 0.001). Periodontitis was found in 18.7% of subjects defined by alveolar bone level ?5 mm. Subjects with osteoporosis defined by adjusted PIXI T-values had fewer remaining teeth [mean difference 4.1, 95% confidence interval (CI) -1.1 to -6.5, P < 0.001]. The crude odds ratio (OR) of an association between the panoramic assessment of mandibular cortex erosions as a sign of osteoporosis and the adjusted T-value (T-value cut-off <-1.6) was 4.8 (95% CI 3.1-7.2, P < 0.001; Pearson ?(2) = 60.1, P < 0.001). A significant OR between osteoporosis and periodontitis was only found in women for the T-value cut-off ?-2.5 (crude OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.1-3.3, P < 0.03). Conclusions. An association between osteoporosis and periodontitis was only confirmed in women. The likelihood that the mandibular cortex index agrees with adjusted PIXI T-values is significant.


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The stress associated with providing care for a spouse diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease can have adverse effects on cardiovascular health. One potential explanation is that chronic caregiving stress may contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the duration that one has provided care is associated with the degree of atherosclerotic burden, as measured by carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT). One hundred and ten Alzheimer caregivers [mean age 74 ± 8 (SD) years, 69% female] underwent in-home assessment of carotid artery IMT via B-mode ultrasonography. Data regarding medical history, blood pressure, and multiple indicators of caregiving stress were also collected. Multiple regression indicated that duration of care was positively associated with IMT measured in the internal/bifurcation segments of the carotid artery (β = 0.202, p = 0.044) independent of risk factors such as age, gender, body mass index, smoking history, sleep quality, hypertension status, and caregiving stressors. Duration of care was positively associated with IMT in the common carotid artery, but the relationship was not significant. These findings provide more evidence of the link between chronic caregiving stress and cardiovascular disease and indicate that enduring the experience of caregiving over a period of years might be associated with atherosclerotic burden.


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Case Description-A 9-year-old spayed female green iguana (Iguana iguana) was evaluated because of a distended coelom and weight loss. History included a single episode of egg binding and subsequent bilateral ovariosalpingectomy.;Clinical Findings-Physical examination revealed a mass within the coelomic cavity. Ultrasonography revealed a large, irregular mass with hypoechoic regions and coelomic effusion. Clinicopathologic derangements included heterophilia, monocytosis, lymphopenia, basophilia, hypocholesterolemia, hypoproteinemia, and hypercalcemia. Results of cytologic evaluation of the mass were suggestive of malignant epithelial neoplasia, but neoplastic cells were not found in the effusion. An ovarian tumor was suspected on the basis of clinical signs, clinicopathologic findings, and results of cytologic evaluation of the mass.;Treatment and Outcome-Surgical exploration revealed a large left ovary, a normal-appearing contralateral ovary, and a mass in the fat body, all of which were removed and submitted for histologic examination. The histologic diagnosis was granulosa cell tumor with metastasis to the fat body. The patient died 11 months after evaluation, and disseminated granulosa cell tumor was confirmed at necropsy; histologic examination at that time also identified systemic mastocytosis.;Clinical Relevance-Granulosa cell tumors are uncommon in reptiles, and this was the first granulosa cell tumor described antemortem cytologically, histologically, and ultrastructurally in an iguana. Findings in this iguana underscored concerns associated with incomplete oophorectomy of iguanas; cytologic and histopathologic findings were similar to those observed in other domestic animals. Oophorectomy should be considered as an alternative to standard ovariosalpingectomy to avoid potential complications in pet reptiles, and use of microsurgical instruments and vascular clips is advised. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2011239:237-242)


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Despite Duplex ultrasonography being a noninvasive, easily repeatable, readily available and economical tool, this examination and its normal ranges are rarely described in Moyamoya disease (MMD).


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Most screening programs for familial pancreatic cancer are currently based on endoscopic ultrasonography and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Cystic lesions, especially those suspicious for small intraductal pancreatic mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) of the branch ducts, can be visualized in up to 40 % of individuals at risk, but their pathological importance in the setting of FPC is yet not well established. Individuals at risk from a prospective screening program for familial pancreatic cancer with small "imaging" IPMNs of the branch-duct type (BD-IPMN) who underwent pancreatic resection were analysed regarding clinico-pathological data and the locations of pancreatic lesions. Five of 125 individuals at risk who underwent screening had multiple small (size 2-10 mm) unicystic lesions and/or multicystic single lesions in the pancreatic body and tail suspicious for BD-IPMNs upon MRI imaging and decided to undergo surgical resection after interdisciplinary counselling, although none fulfilled the consensus criteria for IPMN resection. Histological examination revealed BD-IPMNs with low or moderate dysplasia of the gastric type in combination with multifocal PanIN2 and PanIN3 lesions in 4 individuals. The remaining patient had only tiny ductectasias in the pancreatic tail with multifocal PanIN 2 lesions in the entire gland and one PanIN3 lesion in the pancreatic head. Intriguingly, the location of the most dysplastic histological lesions (PanIN3) did not correspond to the preoperatively detected lesions and were not visible in preoperative imaging. In the setting of FPC, the presence of multiple small "imaging" BD-IPMNs may indicate the presence of high-grade PanIN lesions elsewhere in the pancreas.


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Purpose: Mismatches between pump output and venous return in a continuous-flow ventricular assist device may elicit episodes of ventricular suction. This research describes a series of in vitro experiments to characterize the operating conditions under which the EVAHEART centrifugal blood pump (Sun Medical Technology Research Corp., Nagano, Japan) can be operated with minimal concern regarding left ventricular (LV) suction. Methods: The pump was interposed into a pneumatically driven pulsatile mock circulatory system (MCS) in the ventricular apex to aorta configuration. Under varying conditions of preload, afterload, and systolic pressure, the speed of the pump was increased step-wise until suction was observed. Identification of suction was based on pump inlet pressure. Results: In the case of reduced LV systolic pressure, reduced preload (=10 mmHg), and afterload (=60 mmHg), suction was observed for speeds =2,200 rpm. However, suction did not occur at any speed (up to a maximum speed of 2,400 rpm) when preload was kept within 10-14 mmHg and afterload =80 mmHg. Although in vitro experiments cannot replace in vivo models, the results indicated that ventricular suction can be avoided if sufficient preload and afterload are maintained. Conclusion: Conditions of hypovolemia and/or hypotension may increase the risk of suction at the highest speeds, irrespective of the native ventricular systolic pressure. However, in vitro guidelines are not directly transferrable to the clinical situation; therefore, patient-specific evaluation is recommended, which can be aided by ultrasonography at various points in the course of support.


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BACKGROUND: Ankle-brachial pressure index (ABI) is a simple, inexpensive, and useful tool in the detection of peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAD). The current guidelines published by the American Heart Association define ABI as the quotient of the higher of the systolic blood pressures (SBPs) of the two ankle arteries of that limb (either the anterior tibial artery or the posterior tibial artery) and the higher of the two brachial SBPs of the upper limbs. We hypothesized that considering the lower of the two ankle arterial SBPs of a side as the numerator and the higher of the brachial SBPs as the denominator would increase its diagnostic yield. METHODS: The former method of eliciting ABI was termed as high ankle pressure (HAP) and the latter low ankle pressure (LAP). ABI was assessed in 216 subjects and calculated according to the HAP and the LAP method. ABI findings were confirmed by arterial duplex ultrasonography. A significant arterial stenosis was assumed if ABI was <0.9. RESULTS: LAP had a sensitivity of 0.89 and a specificity of 0.93. The HAP method had a sensitivity of 0.68 and a specificity of 0.99. McNemar's test to compare the results of both methods demonstrated a two-tailed P < .0001, indicating a highly significant difference between both measurement methods. CONCLUSIONS: LAP is the superior method of calculating ABI to identify PAD. This result is of great interest for epidemiologic studies applying ABI measurements to detect PAD and assessing patients' cardiovascular risk.