999 resultados para Tactical media


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Vuoden 2012 presidentinvaalit veivät sosiaalisen median käytön politiikassa aivan uudelle tasolle. Tässä tutkimuksessa kohteena onkin Vihreän Liiton ehdokkaan Pekka Haaviston vaalikampanja, joka painottui vahvasti sosiaalisen median ympäristöön. Empirian tarkoituksena on ymmärtää, miten sosiaalista mediaa hyödyntämällä Haavisto onnistuttiin nostamaan altavastaajan roolista toiseksi potentiaaliseksi presidenttiehdokkaaksi Sauli Niinistön kanssa. Empiirisen tutkimuksen tueksi käydään tutkimuksessa ensin läpi aihetta syvemmin valottavia teorioita ja aiemmin tehtyjä tutkimuksia markkinointiviestinnän, markkinointiviestintäkampanjan sekä sosiaalisen median alueilta.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kuvailla tarinankerrontaa brändin rakennuksen välineenä, ja selvittää mitkä ovat tarinankerronnan erityispiirteet sosiaalisessa mediassa. Aikaisempien teorioiden ja julkaisujen avulla kootaan viitekehys joka osoittaa käsitteiden vaikutukset toisiinsa. Tutkimus osoittaa tarinankerronnan vaikuttavan vahvistavasti kaikkiin brändipääoman ulottuvuuksiin, lähinnä tunteita herättävien ja muistettavuutta lisäävien ominaisuuksiensa ansiosta. Empiirisessä osiossa selvitetään laadullisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin kuinka yleistä brändien tarinankerronta tällä hetkellä on, ja kuvaillaan millaisia tarinoita yritykset kertovat. Aineisto koostuu sadan suosituimman brändin Facebookissa jakamista videomuotoisista tarinoista. Tutkimus osoitti, että brändien tarinankerronta sosiaalisessa mediassa on toistaiseksi melko vähäistä. Tarinat voidaan luokitella kirjallisuudesta tuttujen tarinatyyppien mukaisesti. Suurin osa brändien esittämistä tarinoista pyrkii synnyttämään yleisössä ihailun ja nostalgian tunteita, mutta useat tarinat myös sisältävät humoristisia piirteitä.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the culture of equine bone marrow mononuclear fraction and adipose tissue - derived stromal vascular fraction cells in two different cell culture media. Five adult horses were submitted to bone marrow aspiration from the sternum, and then from the adipose tissue of the gluteal region near the base of the tail. Mononuclear fraction and stromal vascular fraction were isolated from the samples and cultivated in DMEM medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum or in AIM-V medium. The cultures were observed once a week with an inverted microscope, to perform a qualitative analysis of the morphology of the cells as well as the general appearance of the cell culture. Colony-forming units (CFU) were counted on days 5, 15 and 25 of cell culture. During the first week of culture, differences were observed between the samples from the same source maintained in different culture media. The number of colonies was significantly higher in samples of bone marrow in relation to samples of adipose tissue.


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Biorefining is defined as sustainable conversion of biomass into marketable products and energy. Forests cover almost one third of earth’s land area, and account for approximately 40% of the total annual biomass production. In forest biorefining, the wood components are, in addition to the traditional paper and board products, converted into chemicals and biofuels. The major components in wood are cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin. The main hemicellulose in softwoods, which are of interest especially for the Nordic forest industry, is O-acetyl galactoglucomannan (GGM). GGM can be isolated in industrial scale from the waste waters of the mechanical pulping process, but is not yet today industrially utilized. In order to attain desired properties of GGM for specific end-uses, chemical and enzymatic modifications can be performed. Regioselective modifications of GGM, and other galactose-containing polysaccharides were done by oxidations, and by combining oxidations with subsequent derivatizations of the formed carbonyl or carboxyl groups. Two different pathways were investigated: activation of the C-6 positions in different sugar units by TEMPO-mediated oxidation, and activation of C-6 position in only galactose-units by oxidation catalyzed by the enzyme galactose oxidase. The activated sites were further selectively derivatized; TEMPO-oxidized GGM by a carbodiimide-mediated reaction forming amides, and GO-oxidized GGM by indium-mediated allylation introducing double or triple bonds to the molecule. In order to better understand the reaction, and to develop a MALDI-TOF-MS method for characterization of regioselectively allylated GGM, α-D-galactopyranoside and raffinose were used as model compounds. All reactions were done in aqueous media. To investigate the applicability of the modified polysaccharides for, e.g., cellulose surface functionalization, their sorption onto pulp fibres was studied. Carboxylation affects the sorption tendency significantly; a higher degree of oxidation leads to lower sorption. By controlling the degree of oxidation of the polysaccharides and the ionic strength of the sorption media, high degrees of sorption of carboxylated polysaccharides onto cellulose could, however, be obtained. Anionic polysaccharides were used as templates during laccase-catalyzed polymerization of aniline, offering a green, chemo-enzymatic route for synthesis of conducting polyaniline (PANI) composite materials. Different polysaccharide templates, such as, native GGM, TEMPO-oxidized GGM, naturally anionic κ-carrageenan, and nanofibrillated cellulose produced by TEMPO-oxidation, were assessed. The conductivity of the synthesized polysaccharide/PANI biocomposites varies depending on the polysaccharide template; κ-CGN, the anionic polysaccharide with the lowest pKa value, produces the polysaccharide/PANI biocomposites with the highest conductivity. The presented derivatization, sorption, and polymerization procedures open new application windows for polysaccharides, such as spruce GGM. The modified polysaccharides and the conducting biocomposites produced provide potential applications in biosensors, electronic devices, and tissue engineering.


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Teksti perustuu Turun yliopistossa 2.11.2011 pidettyyn professoriluentoon.


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The flow of Bingham liquids through porous media has been studied. Experiments have been performed to determine the flow rate / pressure drop relationship for the flow of a grease of Binghamian rheological behavior through an array of rods of circular cross section. The yield stress and plastic viscosity of the grease have been determined with the aid of a controlled stress rotational rheometer. To investigate a wider range of the flow parameters, the mass and momentum conservation equations have been solved numerically, in conjunction with the generalized Newtonian constitutive law and the bi-viscosity model. The finite volume method has been employed to obtain the numerical solution. These numerical results also yielded a flow rate / pressure drop relationship, which is in very good agreement with the experimental results. A capillaric theory has been developed to determine an analytical relationship between the flow rate and pressure drop for flows of Bingham liquids through porous media. It is shown that the predictions of this theory are in good agreement with the experimental and numerical results.