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O Direito à Saúde é consagrado em fontes normativas de Direito, sejam elas internas, sejam internacionais. A partir da promulgação da Constituição da República de 1988 é, ademais, tido como Direito Fundamental. Contudo, no bojo de um Estado Democrático de Direito no qual há, de um lado, um Estado centralizado e ineficiente e, de outro, a iniciativa privada voltada exclusivamente para o lucro, r. direito torna-se letra fria, manifestamente inefetivo no Brasil. Desse modo, o Terceiro Setor, por meio de suas diversas entidades, tais como Associações, Fundações e entidades filantrópicas e sem fins econômicos, torna-se uma alternativa à efetivação do Direito à Saúde. No caso, embasado pelos mecanismos legais previstos, tais como sua preferência a repasses de recursos e de competência pelo poder público, bem como pelo contexto social, no qual a sociedade civil exerce maior controle social e anseia empoderamento. Ressalta-se, por sim, que o Terceiro Setor é integrante da iniciativa privada, embora focado no interesse público, razão pela qual pode ser a chave para que o Direito constitucional e fundamental à saúde seja finalmente praticado no Brasil.
This paper presents new indices for measuring the industry concentration. The indices proposed (C n ) are of a normative type because they embody (endogenous) weights matching the market shares of the individual firms to their Marshallian welfare shares. These indices belong to an enlarged class of the Performance Gradient Indexes introduced by Dansby&Willig(I979). The definition of Cn for the consumers allows a new interpretation for the Hirschman-Herfindahl index (H), which can be viewed as a normative index according to particular values of the demand parameters. For homogeneous product industries, Cn equates H for every market distribution if (and only if) the market demand is linear. Whenever the inverse demand curve is convex (concave), H underestimates( overestimates) the industry concentration measured by the normative indexo For these industries, H overestimates (underestimates) the concentration changes caused by market transfers among small firms if the inverse demand curve is convex(concave) and underestimates( overestimates) it when such tranfers benefit a large firm, according to the convexity (or the concavity) of the demand curve. For heterogeneous product industries, an explicit normative index is obtained with a market demand derived from a quasi-linear utilility function. Under symmetric preferences among the goods, the index Cn is always greater than or equal the H-index. Under asymmetric assumptions, discrepancies between the firms' market distribution and the differentiationj substitution distributions among the goods, increase the concentration but make room for some horizontal mergers do reduce it. In particular, a mean preserving spread of the differentiation(substitution) increases(decreases) the concentration only if the smaller firms' goods become more(less) differentiated(substitute) w.r.t. the other goods. One important consequence of these results is that the consumers are benefitted when the smaller firms are producing weak substitute goods, and the larger firms produce strong substitute goods or face demand curves weakly sensitive to their own prices.
This paper studies construction of facilities in a federal state under asymmetric information. A country consists of two regions, each ruled by a local authority. The federal government plans to construct a facility in one of the regions. The facility generates a local value in the host region and has spillover effects in the other region. The federal government does not observe the local value because it is the local authority's private information. 80 the federal governrnent designs an incentive-compatible mechanism, specifying if the facility should be constructed and a balanced scheme of interregional transfers to finance its cost. The federal governrnent is constitutionally constrained to respect a given leveI of each region's welfare. We show that depending upon the facility's local value and the spillover effect, the governrnent faces different incentive problems. Moreover, their existence depends crucially on how stringent constitutional constraints are. Therefore, the optimal mechanism will also depend upon these three features of the model.
This paper uses dynamic programming to study the time consistency of optimal macroeconomic policy in economies with recurring public deficits. To this end, a general equilibrium recursive model introduced in Chang (1998) is extended to include govemment bonds and production. The original mode! presents a Sidrauski economy with money and transfers only, implying that the need for govemment fmancing through the inflation tax is minimal. The extended model introduces govemment expenditures and a deficit-financing scheme, analyzing the SargentWallace (1981) problem: recurring deficits may lead the govemment to default on part of its public debt through inflation. The methodology allows for the computation of the set of alI sustainable stabilization plans even when the govemment cannot pre-commit to an optimal inflation path. This is done through value function iterations, which can be done on a computeI. The parameters of the extended model are calibrated with Brazilian data, using as case study three Brazilian stabilization attempts: the Cruzado (1986), Collor (1990) and the Real (1994) plans. The calibration of the parameters of the extended model is straightforward, but its numerical solution proves unfeasible due to a dimensionality problem in the algorithm arising from limitations of available computer technology. However, a numerical solution using the original algorithm and some calibrated parameters is obtained. Results indicate that in the absence of govemment bonds or production only the Real Plan is sustainable in the long run. The numerical solution of the extended algorithm is left for future research.
This paper considers model worlds in which there are a continuum of individuaIs who form finite sized associations to undertake joint activities. We show that if there are a finite set of types and the commodity space contains lotteries, then the c1assicaI equilibrium results on convex economies can be reinterpreted to apply. Furthermore, in this lottery economy deterministic aIlocations (that is, degenerate lotteries) are generally not Pareto optimal, nor are they equilibria. In the interests of making the model seem more "natural," we show that the set of equilibria in a decentraIization in which individuaIs first gamble over vaIue transfers and then trade commodities in a deterministic competitive market economy are equivalent to those of our competi tive economy with a lottery commodity space.
This paper investigates the interaction between endogenous fertility behavior and the distribution of income and wealth arnong farnilies in a competitive market economy. We construct a growth model in which altruistic dynasties are heterogeneous in their initial stocks of physical capital. Dynasties make choices of farnily size along with decisions about consumption and intergenerational transfers. We show that if the rate of time preference is increasing in the number of children and preferences over nurnber of children satisfy a norrnality assumption, all steady states are characterized by equality of capital stocks and consumption arnong families. We also provide sufficient conditions for uniqueness of the steady state. In order to illustrate these results, we present an example in which preferences over number of children are logarithrnic and the technology is Cobb-Douglas. For this combination of preferences and technology, there exists a unique egalitarian steady state. Moreover, the economy converges to this steady state in only one generation .
This paper has two purposes. First, to construct efficiency scores in tax collection for Brazilian municipalities in 2004, taking into consideration two outputs: amount of per capita local tax collected -tax revenue- and the size of local informal economy- tax base. This methodology eliminates the price- effect of tax collection. Second, using the rules established on the Brazilian Constitution in 1988 to transfer unconditional funds among municipalities as instrument, to estimate the relationship between intergovernmental transfers and efficiency in tax collection. We conclude that transfers affect negatively the efficiency in tax collection, leading to a reinterpretation of the flypaper effect.
This thesis aims to identify how teams of at job municipality Natividade influence in raising funds through projects. Was employed research descriptive, explanatory literature and content analysis focused on a qualitative approach, which led to the interpretation of elements detected in field research, aligning them with researched theoretical material . The survey results indicate that the municipal administrators in their departments work of non-integrated form, complicating and compromising the execution of agreements and contracts and causing delays in the progress of processes. It was found that it is necessary investment in technical training, preventive actions and daily monitoring, targeting the correct fulfillment of the requirements for capturing public resources. It is essential to adopt the merit of legitimacy organizational as a mechanism to be able to retain, develop, attract and motivate city officials to work in Project Teams. The main contributions of this study are to provoke reflections on the dynamics of raising public resources for development projects and programs. Was identified a lack of trained technicians and municipal managers to present suitable projects, to identify problems in the implementation of agreements and correct irregularities pointed out in the Ancillary Service Information for Voluntary Transfers - Cauc. It was found that managerial failure causes impacts both in teams of job, as in the progress of the municipality. Keywords: work teams, fundraising, projects.
We studied the effects of changes in banking spreads on distributions of income, wealth and consumption as well as the welfare of the economy. This analysis was based on a model of heterogeneous agents with incomplete markets and occupational choice, in which the informality of firms and workers is a relevant transmission channel. The main finding is that reductions in spreads for firms increase the proportion of entrepreneurs and formal workers in the economy, thereby decreasing the size of the informal sector. The effects on inequality, however, are ambiguous and depend on wage dynamics and government transfers. Reductions in spreads for individuals lead to a reduction in inequality indicators at the expense of consumption and aggregate welfare. By calibrating the model to Brazil for the 2003-2012 period, it is possible to find results in line with the recent drop in informality and the wage gap between formal and informal workers.
We studied the effects of changes in banking spreads on distributions of income, wealth and consumption as well as the welfare of the economy. This analysis was based on a model of heterogeneous agents with incomplete markets and occupational choice, in which the informality of firms and workers is a relevant transmission channel. The main finding is that reductions in spreads for firms increase the proportion of entrepreneurs and formal workers in the economy, thereby decreasing the size of the informal sector. The effects on inequality, however, are ambiguous and depend on wage dynamics and government transfers. Reductions in spreads for individuals lead to a reduction in inequality indicators at the expense of consumption and aggregate welfare. By calibrating the model to Brazil for the 2003-2012 period, it is possible to find results in line with the recent drop in informality and the wage gap between formal and informal workers
From a methodological point of view, this paper makes two contlibutions to the literature. One contribution is the proposal of a new measure of pro-poor growth. This new measure provides the linkage between growth rates in mean income and in income inequality. In this context, growth is defined as pro-poor (or anti-poor) if there is a gain (or loss) in the growth rate due to a decrease (or increase) in inequality. The other contribution is a decomposition methodology that explores linkages between three dimensions: growth pattems, labour market performances. and social policies. Through the decomposition analysis, growth in per capita income is explained in terms of four labour market components: the employment rate. hours of work, the labour force participation rate. and productivity. We also assess the contribution of different nonlabour income sources to growth patterns. The proposed methodologies are then applied to the Brazilian National Household Survey (PNAD) covering the period 1995-2004. The paper analyzes the evolution of Brazilian social indicators based on per capita income exploring links with adverse labour market performance and social policy change, with particular emphasis on the expansion of targeted cash transfers and devising more propoor social security benefits.
In this paper we investiga te the impact of initial wealth anel impatience heterogeneities, as wcll as differential access to financia! markets on povcrty anel inequality, anel cvaluate some mechanisms that could be used to alleviate situations in which these two issues are alarming. To address our qucstion we develop a dynamic stochastic general cquilibrium modo! of educational anel savings choicc with heterogeneous agents, where individuais differ in their initial wealth anel in their discount factor. We find that, in the long run, more patient households tend to be wealthier anel more educated. However, our baseline model is not able to give as much skewness to our income distribution as it is rcquircd. We then propose a novel returns structure based on empírica! observation of heterogeneous returns to different portfolios. This modification solves our previous problem, evidencing the importance of the changes made in explaining the existing levels of inequality. Finally, we introducc two kinds of cash transfers programs- one in which receiving thc benefit is conditional on educating the household's youngster (CCTS) anel one frec of conditionalities (CTS) - in order to evaluate the impact of these programs on the variables of concern1 Wc fine! that both policies have similar qualitativo rcsults. Quantitatively, howcvcr, the CCTS outperforms its unconclitional version in all fielcls analyzecl, revealing itself to be a preferable policy.
Esta tese teve o intuito de analisar como os estados se organizaram para o enfrentamento dos problemas fiscais decorrentes da guerra fiscal que atinge seu principal imposto, o Imposto sobre Operações Relativas à Circulação de Mercadorias e sobre Prestações de Serviços de Transporte Interestadual, Intermunicipal e de Comunicação (ICMS), e da redução da receita do Fundo de Participação dos Estados (FPE). Além disso, procurou-se identificar os instrumentos utilizados pelos estados para fazerem a advocacy federativa de seus interesses junto à União. Buscou-se, ainda, analisar os modelos de coalisão estabelecidos, a trajetória e o comportamento das instituições para compreender a dinâmica das relações intergovernamentais, o grau de cooperação obtido diante de um quadro de heterogeneidade socioeconômica dos governos subnacionais e o impacto no processo de coordenação vertical. Partiu-se da hipótese de que a heterogeneidade dos governos estaduais dificulta a evolução do processo de cooperação e coordenação federativa, reduzindo o poder dos governos subnacionais de estabelecerem a advocacy de seus interesses com a União, além da construção de soluções para os problemas fiscais de forma coletiva. Visando entender a dinâmica federativa, o estudo analisou as tentativas fracassadas de reforma tributária do ICMS - principalmente para a eliminação da guerra fiscal - e a aprovação, em 2013, da nova lei que rege as transferências do FPE, a partir da atuação do Conselho Nacional de Política Fazendária (CONFAZ) e do Congresso Nacional. Essas são arenas selecionadas por serem estratégicos no conjunto da estrutura governamental, sendo o primeiro o órgão criado com o objetivo de harmonização do ICMS diante de um quadro de competitividade entre os estados e de confronto e pouca coordenação do Governo Federal; e o segundo, responsável, principalmente, pela aprovação de leis e pela fiscalização do Estado brasileiro. De forma a iluminar o caso brasileiro e identificar algumas soluções inovadoras foram apresentadas, também, experiências internacionais dos países Estados Unidos da América (EUA), Canadá e Austrália, que já avançaram na instituição de arranjos interestaduais, por meio de Conselhos de Governadores - chefes dos Poderes Executivos estaduais - que promovem políticas de atuação e decisões coletivas para a defesa de seus interesses junto aos governos centrais. Concluiu-se que, em que pesem as tentativas de reforma do ICMS e a reforma do FPE, cuja mudança representativa se dará aproximadamente em 400 anos, as estratégias, as formas de atuação adotadas pelos estados precisam ser revistas e o governo federal precisa resgatar o seu papel de coordenador de politica pública. Além disso o fortalecimento das instituições de advocacy federativa, presentes nas experiências internacionais, podem de forma incremental mudar o caso brasileiro contribuindo para a construção de um federalismo cooperativo e para a melhoria das relações intergovernamentais.
Esta tese teve o intuito de analisar como os estados se organizaram para o enfrentamento dos problemas fiscais decorrentes da guerra fiscal que atinge seu principal imposto, o Imposto sobre Operações Relativas à Circulação de Mercadorias e sobre Prestações de Serviços de Transporte Interestadual, Intermunicipal e de Comunicação (ICMS), e da redução da receita do Fundo de Participação dos Estados (FPE). Além disso, procurou-se identificar os instrumentos utilizados pelos estados para fazerem a advocacy federativa de seus interesses junto à União. Buscou-se, ainda, analisar os modelos de coalisão estabelecidos, a trajetória e o comportamento das instituições para compreender a dinâmica das relações intergovernamentais, o grau de cooperação obtido diante de um quadro de heterogeneidade socioeconômica dos governos subnacionais e o impacto no processo de coordenação vertical. Partiu-se da hipótese de que a heterogeneidade dos governos estaduais dificulta a evolução do processo de cooperação e coordenação federativa, reduzindo o poder dos governos subnacionais de estabelecerem a advocacy de seus interesses com a União, além da construção de soluções para os problemas fiscais de forma coletiva. Visando entender a dinâmica federativa, o estudo analisou as tentativas fracassadas de reforma tributária do ICMS - principalmente para a eliminação da guerra fiscal - e a aprovação, em 2013, da nova lei que rege as transferências do FPE, a partir da atuação do Conselho Nacional de Política Fazendária (CONFAZ) e do Congresso Nacional. Essas são arenas selecionadas por serem estratégicos no conjunto da estrutura governamental, sendo o primeiro o órgão criado com o objetivo de harmonização do ICMS diante de um quadro de competitividade entre os estados e de confronto e pouca coordenação do Governo Federal; e o segundo, responsável, principalmente, pela aprovação de leis e pela fiscalização do Estado brasileiro. De forma a iluminar o caso brasileiro e identificar algumas soluções inovadoras foram apresentadas, também, experiências internacionais dos países Estados Unidos da América (EUA), Canadá e Austrália, que já avançaram na instituição de arranjos interestaduais, por meio de Conselhos de Governadores - chefes dos Poderes Executivos estaduais - que promovem políticas de atuação e decisões coletivas para a defesa de seus interesses junto aos governos centrais. Concluiu-se que, em que pesem as tentativas de reforma do ICMS e a reforma do FPE, cuja mudança representativa se dará aproximadamente em 400 anos, as estratégias, as formas de atuação adotadas pelos estados precisam ser revistas e o governo federal precisa resgatar o seu papel de coordenador de politica pública. Além disso o fortalecimento das instituições de advocacy federativa, presentes nas experiências internacionais, podem de forma incremental mudar o caso brasileiro contribuindo para a construção de um federalismo cooperativo e para a melhoria das relações intergovernamentais.
In this paper we study the e ects of conditional cash transfers in school enrolment and tackling child labour. We develop a dynamic heterogeneous agent general equilibrium model, where households face a set of tradeo s while allocating their children's time in leisure activities, schooling and working. We calibrate the model using data from the Brazilian survey PNAD, before the policy was implemented, in order to quantify the e ects of a conditional transfer. We then evaluate the results of a policy experiment that implements a conditional cash transfer scheme similar to the Brazilian Bolsa Fam lia. Our results suggest that the program, in the long term, is able to substantially increase school registration and reduce child labour and poverty. In addition, we nd out that a progressive conditional cash transfer results is even more e ective in tackling child labour and increasing school enrolment.