993 resultados para Spanish Americans.
The purpose of this paper is to analyse some essential events concerning the relationship between Spain and Macao in the middle of the 19th century. Macao remained as a privileged spot for the commercial activities of Spain in China after the opening of the international ports agreed upon in the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842. This encouraged Spanish diplomatic representatives to render special attention to the Portuguese enclave. This became the origin of a shocking proposal for the military conquest of Macao and its surrounding territories by one of these representatives, Sinibaldo de Mas. Although this proposal was never taken under consideration, it helps us to better understand the role Macao played in Spanish strategies in China. Years later, Mas participated as a mediator when the Chinese government attempted to regain sovereignty over Macao by paying an economic compensation to Portugal. The involvement of Sinibaldo de Mas in this project has a strong symbolic meaning, making him a key agent in the relations between Spain and Macao in the 19th century.
relationship between productivity and international position of Spanish chemical firms in the period 2005-2011. The goal is to determine whether companies that follow and international strategy, either with exports or by investment in foreign countries obtain greater productivity growth than these that do not operate in global market. For this purpose a panel data set with microdata has been created. A preliminary analysis of the evolution of productivity growth in the sector is carried out. The measurement of Total Factor Productivity is performed. With the estimated TFP we analyze the differentials in productivity growth, comparing the effects of export and investment behavior with non-international firms.
This article looks at the treatment of languages in the communities in Spanish territory, which apart from Spanish have another language. At the beginning we discuss some questions which are relative to social cohesion in those territories where more than one language is spoken and we defend bilingual education as a good instrument in favour of it. At the same time we look at the concept of bilingual education and the assumptions that it bears in respect of the learning of languages. In this sense we discuss the conditions of acquisition of language and its appearance in the area of bilingual education
Utgångspunkten för avhandlingen är finländska konstnärsresor till Spanien under 1800-talet, och kontakterna med spansk konst och kultur. Endast ett fåtal finländare reste till Spanien, och inledningsvis utrycktes intresset för spansk konst i form av kopior efter gamla mästare, utförda både efter original utanför Spanien, och reproduktioner. Denna föga imponerande start efterföljdes av ett litet antal målare som verkligen reste till Spanien under 1800-talets senare hälft: Adolf von Becker (1831–1909), Albert Edelfelt (1854–1905) och Venny Soldan (1863–1945). Jag undersöker hur deras syn på landet manifesterades i deras resebilder i förhållande till den växande turistindustrin. Syftet med avhandlingen är att visa hur den resande målaren, likt en turist, föreställde sig, upplevde och tolkade den främmande kulturen, och hur detta avbildades och uttrycktes i deras resebilder. Vid sidan av ikonografisk analys och stilkritik utnyttjas forskningsmetoder från turismteorin. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att de flesta konstnärerna dyrkade konsten på Prado-museet, beundrade flamenco, Andalusiens vackra kvinnor, tjurfäktningar och zigenarna. De längtade efter en förgången och exotisk tid, samtidigt som de följde de vältrampade turiststigarna och hänfördes av de sedvanliga sevärdheterna; de reste i ett delvis mytiskt och delvis verkligt land. Likt turister (i allmänhet), såg de det de ville se, och sökte sig till på förhand inpräntade mentala (före)bilder. Resebilderna kan med fog tolkas som medvetet konstruerade minnen från resan, souvenirs d’Espagne. Samtidigt förstärkte och upprätthöll valen av motiv uppfattningen att Spaniens äldre konst och samtida kultur var mer ”äkta” (autentiska) än den kultur man själv tillhörde. Spanien uppfattades som en kvarleva från en förgången tid som hölls levande i nuet
A former study with scenarios conducted in Hawaii has suggested that humans share with non-human mammals the same basic defensive strategies - risk assessment, freezing, defensive threat, defensive attack, and flight. The selection of the most adaptive strategy is strongly influenced by features of the threat stimulus - magnitude, escapability, distance, ambiguity, and availability of a hiding place. Aiming at verifying if these strategies would be consistent in a different culture, 12 defensive scenarios were translated into Portuguese and adapted to the Brazilian culture. The sample consisted of male and female undergraduate students divided into two groups: 76 students, who evaluated the five dimensions of each scenario and 248 medical students, who chose the most likely response for each scenario. In agreement with the findings from studies of non-human mammal species, the scenarios were able to elicit different defensive behavioral responses, depending on features of the threat. "Flight" was chosen as the most likely response in scenarios evaluated as an unambiguous and intense threat, but with an available route of escape, whereas "attack" was chosen in an unambiguous, intense and close dangerous situation without an escape route. Less urgent behaviors, such as "check out", were chosen in scenarios evaluated as less intense, more distant and more ambiguous. Moreover, the results from the Brazilian sample were similar to the results obtained in the original study with Hawaiian students. These data suggest that a basic repertoire of defensive strategies is conserved along the mammalian evolution because they share similar functional benefits in maintaining fitness.
This thesis explores the relationship between exercises of disciplinary power and acts of resistance as they relate to the negotiation of identities at Spanish Residential School between the years of 1878 and 1930. The school itself, originally Wikwemikong Industrial School, was administered by the Jesuits and the Daughters of the Heart of Mary and relocated to Spanish, Ontario in 1913. Various archival and printed sources have been used to reveal methods of disciplinary power that administrators used to reshape the Aboriginal students. However, despite their incessant efforts, the administrators of Spanish Residential School did not succeed in completely reforming their pupils. The documentary record, then, also suggests that students at Spanish Residential School, although confined in a very oppressive institution, creatively used opportunities to alter their circumstances.
Pourquoi, dans un contexte migratoire, certains enfants parlent la langue maternelle de leurs parents tandis que d’autres ne l'acquièrent jamais? Cette question nous paraît particulièrement pertinente dans le contexte multiculturel et plurilingue du Canada, plus particulièrement à Montréal, où on trouve « le plus haut pourcentage de distribution du groupe minoritaire ‘latino-américain’ de tout le pays » (Pato 2010: 1). L’objectif principal de cette recherche est d’apporter de nouvelles connaissances en lien avec la transmission et le maintien de l’espagnol comme langue d’origine à Montréal, sujet très peu exploré à ce jour. Afin de mieux comprendre les facteurs impliqués dans la transmission intergénérationnelle de la langue, nous avons étudié deux groupes, les parents et les enfants, formés de huit participants chacun. Les données recueillies à travers de questionnaires et d’entrevues sociolinguistiques apportent des réponses aux questions suivantes : (1) Quels sont les principaux facteurs impliqués dans le maintien de l’espagnol comme langue d’origine à Montréal ? (2) Quelles sont les attitudes des parents et des enfants face à la conservation et à la perte de l’espagnol ? (3) Quelles types de stratégies emploient les parents pour maintenir l’utilisation de l’espagnol à la maison ? (4) Quelle importance a le bilinguisme (français – anglais) dans le maintien et la perte de l’espagnol à Montréal ? L’analyse de nos données nous permet d’identifier que les cinq principaux facteurs impliqués dans la conservation de l’espagnol à Montréal sont : (i) l’exposition à la langue ; (ii) l’utilisation de la langue formelle ; (iii) la motivation ; (iv) le contact avec la famille ; (v) l’exposition à la culture d’origine. Notre recherche démontre que les familles étudiées ont une attitude favorable face à la conservation de leur langue, ce qui ne semble pas être déterminée par l’implémentation des « politiques linguistiques » ou stratégies explicites à la maison. Pour terminer, nos données démontrent aussi que, contrairement à notre hypothèse, le contexte bilingue particulier à Montréal ne semble pas influer de façon significative sur la conservation de l’espagnol.
The intelligibility of historical justice is linked to matters of agency and causation. This article presents an account of historical justice limited to transgenerational collective agents which is immune to the agency and causation problems affecting traditional theories of diachronic justice. The novel theory is applied to the case of African Americans, to whom no reparations for past wrongs have been made up to now. When conceived as a transgenerational collective agent – i.e. as a nation–, the African Americans are shown to be owed reparations by the American polity. These reparations are deemed necessary to the goal of reconciliation and to the establishment of relations of mutual respect, which are construed as preconditions to effective distributive justice, here and now.