720 resultados para Social Capital
Twenty first century challenges facing agriculture include climate change, threats to food security for a growing population and downward economic pressures on rural livelihoods. Addressing these challenges will require innovation in extension theory, policy and education, at a time when the dominance of the state in the provision of knowledge and information services to farmers and rural entrepreneurs continues to decline. This paper suggests that extension theory is catching up with and helping us to understand innovative extension practice, and therefore provides a platform for improving rural development policies and strategies. Innovation is now less likely to be spoken of as something to be passed on to farmers, than as a continuing process of creativity and adaptation that can be nurtured and sustained. Innovation systems and innovation platforms are concepts that recognise the multiple factors that lead to farmers’ developing, adapting and applying new ideas and the importance of linking all actors in the value chain to ensure producers can access appropriate information and advice for decision making at all stages in the production process. Concepts of social learning, group development and solidarity, social capital, collective action and empowerment all help to explain and therefore to apply more effectively group extension approaches in building confidence and sustaining innovation. A challenge facing educators is to ensure the curricula for aspiring extension professionals in our higher education institutions are regularly reviewed and keep up with current and future developments in theory, policy and practice.
This paper explores in particular how Teikei groups, as forms of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), operate in Japan, focussing on one particular group. The paper links the Teikei approach to debates around social capital and consumer-citizenship, arguing that pre-existing consumer/citizen institutions may usefully be engaged in developing food citizenship and CSA operations. The discussion is linked to CSA and various other alternative food networks (AFNs) that have grown up in various forms in Japan, the US, the UK and elsewhere in Europe over the past thirty years or so. CSA in similar fashion to Teikei involves bringing producers and consumers closer together in terms of reconnecting the agricultural producer and consumer to aid food traceability and quality (including organic). CSA also exhibits elements of new assemblies of agricultural governance based on enhanced consumer-citizenship where consumers, to varying degrees, have a say in what and how produce is grown and how the land is managed.
This paper explores the resilience of orphaned young people in safeguarding the physical assets (land and property) that they inherited from their parents and in sustaining their households without a co-resident adult relative. Drawing on the concept of resilience and the sustainable livelihoods framework, this paper analyses the findings of an exploratory study conducted with 15 orphaned young people heading households,18 of their siblings and 39 NGO workers and community members in Tanzania and Uganda. The research suggests that inherited land and property represent key determining factors in the formation and viability of child- and youth-headed households in both rural and urban areas. Despite experiences of stigma and marginalisation in the community, social networks were crucial in enabling young people to protect themselves and their property, in providing access to material and emotional resources and in enhancing their skills and capabilities to develop sustainable livelihoods. Support for child- and youth-headed households needs to recognise young people's agency and adopt a holistic approach to their lives that analyses the physical assets, material resources, human and social capital available to the household, as well as individual young people's wellbeing, outlook and aspirations. Alongside cash transfers and material support, youth-led collective mobilisation that is sustained over time may also help to build resilience and foster more supportive social environments that challenge property grabbing and the stigmatisation of child- and youth-headed households.
Electronic word of mouth (eWoM) has been adopted by Internet users as a way of communicating their consumption preferences and experiences. Consumers are able to reach out to others, unknown to them, and have online conversations that can influence their behaviour. Organisations need to understand how to respond to these brand-related conversations conducted via social media. By looking through the lens of social capital, this paper contributes to social media and social capital research by studying the perceptions that 44 social media users have of companies that interact with them online. The users value social networks and support as part of their online relationships. However, several new value categories are identified when compared to previous research. Further research is required to investigate possible segmentation approaches and alternative methodological choices.
The communal lands of the Eastern Cape have been regarded as both tools and problems by policy-makers. In particular, communal lands are problematised as environmentally degraded, of suboptimum productivity and constraining economic development. The Eastern Cape Communal Lands Research Project was framed within this policy discourse with the aim of introducing legume-based pasture into ‘abandoned arable lands’. Initial results from community workshops show that the institutional arrangements for these arable lands vary widely and, with them, the capacity to utilise any new technology that may have application to them. Rather than simply draw on social capital, if a participatory research approach is to enhance the agency of the participating communites, it may need to contribute to social capital building and especially to create a dialogical space in which the matters being researched can be discussed meaningfully.
This article critically explores the nature and purpose of relationships and inter-dependencies between stakeholders in the context of a parastatal chromite mining company in the Betsiboka Region of Northern Madagascar. An examination of the institutional arrangements at the interface between the mining company and local communities identified power hierarchies and dependencies in the context of a dominant paternalistic environment. The interactions, inter alia, limited social cohesion and intensified the fragility and weakness of community representation, which was further influenced by ethnic hierarchies between the varied community groups; namely, indigenous communities and migrants to the area from different ethnic groups. Moreover, dependencies and nepotism, which may exist at all institutional levels, can create civil society stakeholder representatives who are unrepresentative of the society they are intended to represent. Similarly, a lack of horizontal and vertical trust and reciprocity inherent in Malagasy society engenders a culture of low expectations regarding transparency and accountability, which further catalyses a cycle of nepotism and elite rent-seeking behaviour. On the other hand, leaders retain power with minimal vertical delegation or decentralisation of authority among levels of government and limit opportunities to benefit the elite, perpetuating rent-seeking behaviour within the privileged minority. Within the union movement, pluralism and the associated politicisation of individual unions restricts solidarity, which impacts on the movement’s capacity to act as a cohesive body of opinion and opposition. Nevertheless, the unions’ drive to improve their social capital has increased expectations of transparency and accountability, resulting in demands for greater engagement in decision-making processes.
This paper develops a framework of risk and protective factors to conceptualise the relationship between HIV-related stigma, asset inheritance and chronic poverty among widows and caregiving children and youth in eastern Africa. Analysis of two qualitative studies with 85 participants in rural and urban areas of Tanzania and Uganda reveals that gendered and generational inequalities and stigmatisation sometimes led to property grabbing and chronic poverty. Human and social capital and preventative measures however may help widows and caregiving young people in HIV-affected households to safeguard land and other assets, within a wider supportive environment that seeks to tackle structural inequalities.
This study deals with immigrants’ political participation in Sweden and the Netherlands. Scholars have recognized low level of political participation of immigrants in Sweden compared to the Netherlands. The main goal of this study is to analyze the institutional influence, mainly from political parties over immigrants’ motivation for active electoral participation. The modified actor-context model uses here as the main theoretical framework. In addition, social capital theory employs to analyze immigrants’ voluntary organizational membership. This study confirms that, Swedish immigrants have the lower participation rate in the political sphere, at lest to a certain extent, than its counterparts the Dutch immigrants. This study also confirms the argument that contextual factors can influence actor’s motivations in integration-oriented action, and similarly it validates the necessity of enlargement of the actor-context model.
In this qualitative user evaluation participants in the project refugee guide, Falun, was interviewed about their experience of the project and how the project contributed to their integration into society and establishment on the labor market. The collection of empirical data has been made by six interviews. The results of the evaluation indicate that participants feel that they through the project had the opportunity to meet new people, practice the language and learn about each other's culture. The results also show that participants are satisfied with the project. Some participants expressed a desire to meet with several people at once while others don´t have that need. Furthermore, the interviews shows that establishment on labor market occurred through job placement and not through participation in the project. Integration proved to be a difficult concept to define, but the interviews show that the participants have a perception that it is about learning the Swedish language and culture.
Visamos contribuir para o desenvolvimento do crédito produtivo popular no Brasil. Um passo nesta direção é diminuir a assimetria de informações existentes entre os gestores de políticas públicas e o seu público-alvo. O presente trabalho se beneficia da melhor oportunidade disponível de explorar informações sobre os negócios nanicos, a pesquisa sobre Economia Informal Urbana – ECINF, realizada pelo IBGE em 1997, onde foram entrevistados quase 50000 conta-próprias e empregadores até cinco empregados. Descrevemos a partir da ECINF as formas de acesso ao crédito destes estabelecimentos. O mercado de microcrédito se revela incipiente nas áreas urbanas do país, apenas 7% dos negócios nanicos obtiveram acesso a crédito nos três meses anteriores a pesquisa. Descrevemos o padrão de correlações do uso do crédito produtivo popular com outras variáveis, em particular àquelas ligadas a posse de garantias reais ou colaterais sociais nas áreas urbanas brasileiras. A ligação a alguns elementos do capital social está correlacionada à obtenção do crédito, onde a vantagem aumenta em 33% para quem está associado a algum sindicato, associação ou cooperativa em relação aos que não possuem ligação com estes. A questão da legalidade também apresenta correlação forte para conseguir o acesso a crédito: quem possui constituição jurídica possui uma vantagem de 55% maior em relação aos que não possuem. Destaca-se a variável indicativa da posse de equipamentos, é nesta variável que observamos um dos maiores valores na estimativa, onde a vantagem de quem utiliza é aproximadamente duas vezes maior em relação a quem não utiliza. O fato de estar numa região metropolitana influi pouco na obtenção do crédito, a vantagem é apenas 10% maior do que as pessoas que encontram-se nas demais áreas urbanas. De maneira geral os resultados são consistentes com a importância atribuída na literatura por garantias reais e alternativas na obtenção de crédito.
Esta dissertação relata o uso da informação no processo decisório havido na bacia do rio Paraíba do Sul em torno da implementação da cobrança pelo uso da água bruta,instituída pela Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos. De grande importância no cenárionacional essa bacia hidrográfica foi escolhida como foco de estudo por se tratar de umaexperiência pioneira de implementação de um Sistema de Gestão de Recursos Hídricosem rios de domínio da União, tendo como pano de fundo a complexidade do federalismobrasileiro e a falta de tradição em processos participativos para tomada de decisão nestecampo. O estudo mostra, ainda, como a cobrança pelo uso da água foi um fator deaglutinação dos atores da bacia, como o capital social acumulado foi fundamental para oprocesso de negociação, e finalmente, como o uso da informação técnica, ao contráriodo que se imaginava, proporcionou avanços significativos na metodologia e critériospropostos para implementação desse importante instrumento de gestão das águas.
This dissertation discuss the institutionalization of citizen participation in local political administration and the democratization of this administration. We take as the object of our study Niterói OP" (sharing? budget). We study the citizens projects and its implementation., focusing our attention on personal conflicts and power disputs. Our work is based on the following concepts: democracy, descentralization, citizenship, local political power and social? capital?. We verify the different procedures used by Niterói "OP" coordination in order to integrate the citizens in this process. The main concern of our work is the degree of citizen participation in local political power, therefore, we shall not discuss in details the budget itself."
Esta dissertação analisa a relação entre agricultores ecologistas organizados em uma associação e mediadores sociais vinculados a uma ONG do Rio Grande do Sul. Parte-se da hipótese de que a construção da simetria pretendida nesta relação encobre interesses sobre os quais não se fala, mas que compõe as bases de uma disputa velada estruturada no espaço social no qual interagem agricultores e mediadores, entre outros agentes. Busca-se, a partir de dados empíricos, problematizar alguns elementos que estão ocultos ou que não são considerados relevantes, exatamente por estarem subjacentes à doxa que configura a relação em questão. Para isso, foram empregados conceitos como espaço social, capital, participação, mediação, interdependência e identidade. Trata-se, portanto, de evidenciar como se processa a relação de poder existente entre estes agentes dotados de volume e estrutura de capital diferenciados e de compreender como são constituídas as identidades do agricultor ecologista e do mediador social que estão envolvidos com esta proposta distinta de se fazer agricultura. Nesse sentido, a trajetória destes grupos, os agentes influentes nessa constituição, as disputas estabelecidas no campo das diferentes propostas de se fazer agricultura e os contextos onde se desenvolvem as relações são algumas das dimensões empíricas que foram consideradas para o desenvolvimento das análises contidas nessa dissertação. Assim, verificou-se que a pretensão, anunciada por certos agentes, de uma horizontalidade entre os agricultores ecologistas e os mediadores sociais é ilusória. A diversidade de interesses e de atuações que os mobilizam ao redor da agricultura ecológica geram disputas e, ao mesmo tempo, uma interdependência entre eles. Porém, a lógica desse jogo social está, em grande medida, determinada pelo agente de maior poder e, ainda que haja variações, são os mediadores sociais que mais produzem interferência no curso desse jogo. Ficou constatado, finalmente, que é nesse cenário de posições e contraposições, ação e reação, que vão se constituindo as fronteiras das identidades desses agentes e a realidade de suas relações.
The present research aimed at verifying the performance, as instruments of democratic inclusion, of the managing committees (¿Comitês Gestores de Bairro¿), created by the Government of Rio de Janeiro in the scope of the Nova Baixada Program. Thus, at first, it was presented the concept of democracy, its presuppositions and fragilities, as well as some mechanisms introduced with the objective to extend the effectiveness of this regimen, like the channels of popular participation. It was also demonstrated the importance of the diffusion of civic values for the consolidation of the democracy, mainly in countries like Brazil, where determined cultural characteristics of the society use to act in a negative way in the democratization process. With this propose, some democratic theories, which value aspects as civism and social capital, had been presented and it was also analyzed the cultural elements of the Brazilian society that had negative implications in the performance of the channels of participation introduced in the country. Finally, it was examined the performance of the Comitês Gestores de Bairro (managing committees) of the Nova Baixada Program, trying to establish a relation between the structure of them and the cultural characteristics of our society.
This work analyzes how the cluster of organic production is developed in Petrópolis city, in the Rio de Janeiro state. It describes how agriculture is organized, innovation processes and commercial activities are developed. Cooperation, collective actions, dissemination of knowledge and information are also treated in this work as well as the fundamental actors in production and development as a whole. This study tries to enumerate some policies and strategies that can foment and give more efficiency to the existing processes. For this research i used the case estudy methodology. We observed that organic agriculture can help a better development to the farmers and also a better local development. The low level of education of farmers and the underdevelopment of all variables in social capital are limitant factors. Another aspect raised during the research was the dificulty and the lack of commitment in getting financial support from managers of public banks turning the improvements in organic agriculture limited and underdeveloped. The technical knowlegde production isn¿t the basic problem and, at the moment, the management ability is really the main limitation.