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O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar in vitro o efeito da ação antibacteriana de cimentos de ionômero de vidro (CIVs) convencionais incorporados com diacetato de clorexidina (DCHX) sobre o Streptococcus mutans. Foram testados os CIVs Maxxion R e Vitro Fil R com a incorporação dos percentuais de 0,5%, 1% e 2% de DCHX através de difusão em ágar e pela exaustão do DCHX por até 40 dias, a fim de observar a longevidade de sua ação inibitória. Foi também avaliado o efeito do fluoreto de sódio na ação antibacteriana do DCHX. Para determinar a diferença entre a média dos halos de inibição Os resultados foram analisados por análise de variância e pelo teste Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK). Todos os corpos de prova com DCHX apresentaram halo para os CIVs variando de 2,29mm a 6,82mm para o Maxxion R e de 1,73mm a 8,97mm para o Vitro Fil R. A capacidade de inibição foi proporcional à concentração de DCHX. Através do teste SNK apenas os grupos Vitro Fil R 0,5% e1% não variaram significativamente entre si. O 15o dia foi o de maior atividade antibacteriana para ambos os CIVs. Os grupos Maxxion R 1% e 2% foram os que menos apresentaram diferenças ao longo do tempo. Não houve crescimento de S mutans para os períodos de 7 e 15 dias de exaustão, sendo verificado o crescimento de colônias apenas na superfície do meio após o período de 96hs de incubação. Não foi observado efeito antagônico na capacidade antibacteriana do DCHX na presença de fluoreto de sódio. A incorporação de DCHX aos CIVs Maxxion R e Vitro Fil R, nas concentrações testadas e por um período de até 40 dias, apresentam resultados positivos no controle bacteriano de S mutans. Dentro das limitações deste estudo é lícito concluir que: efeito da inibição ao S mutans é dependente da concentração do DCHX; o fluoreto por si só não é capaz de inibir o crescimento de S mutans; a associação do DCHX com os CIVs não alterou a capacidade da ação antibacteriana da CHX; a ação antibacteriana da CHX incorporada aos CIVs se mantém eficaz por 15 dias, independente do CIV testado.
A propriedade de auto-cura, em redes inteligente de distribuição de energia elétrica, consiste em encontrar uma proposta de reconfiguração do sistema de distribuição com o objetivo de recuperar parcial ou totalmente o fornecimento de energia aos clientes da rede, na ocorrência de uma falha na rede que comprometa o fornecimento. A busca por uma solução satisfatória é um problema combinacional cuja complexidade está ligada ao tamanho da rede. Um método de busca exaustiva se torna um processo muito demorado e muitas vezes computacionalmente inviável. Para superar essa dificuldade, pode-se basear nas técnicas de geração de árvores de extensão mínima do grafo, representando a rede de distribuição. Porém, a maioria dos estudos encontrados nesta área são implementações centralizadas, onde proposta de reconfiguração é obtida por um sistema de supervisão central. Nesta dissertação, propõe-se uma implementação distribuída, onde cada chave da rede colabora na elaboração da proposta de reconfiguração. A solução descentralizada busca uma redução no tempo de reconfiguração da rede em caso de falhas simples ou múltiplas, aumentando assim a inteligência da rede. Para isso, o algoritmo distribuído GHS é utilizado como base na elaboração de uma solução de auto-cura a ser embarcada nos elementos processadores que compõem as chaves de comutação das linhas da rede inteligente de distribuição. A solução proposta é implementada utilizando robôs como unidades de processamento que se comunicam via uma mesma rede, constituindo assim um ambiente de processamento distribuído. Os diferentes estudos de casos testados mostram que, para redes inteligentes de distribuição compostas por um único alimentador, a solução proposta obteve sucesso na reconfiguração da rede, indiferentemente do número de falhas simultâneas. Na implementação proposta, o tempo de reconfiguração da rede não depende do número de linhas nela incluídas. A implementação apresentou resultados de custo de comunicação e tempo dentro dos limites teóricos estabelecidos pelo algoritmo GHS.
Com o avanço no desenvolvimento e utilização de veículos e robôs autoequilibrantes, faz-se necessário a investigação de controladores capazes de atender os diversos desafios relacionados à utilização desses sistemas. Neste trabalho foi estudado o controle de equilíbrio e posição de um robô auto-equilibrante de duas rodas. O interesse particular nesta aplicação vem da sua estrutura e da riqueza de sua dinâmica física. Por ser um problema complexo e não trivial há grande interesse em avaliar os controladores inteligentes. A primeira parte da dissertação aborda o desenvolvimento de um controle clássico do tipo PID, para em seguida ser comparado com a implementação de dois tipos de controladores inteligentes: On-line Neuro Fuzzy Control (ONFC) e Proportional-Integral-Derivative Neural-Network (PIDNN). Também é apresentada a implementação dos controladores em uma plataforma de hardware, utilizando o kit LEGO Mindstorm, e numa plataforma de simulação utilizando o MATLAB-Simulink. Em seguida, dois estudos de casos são desenvolvidos visando comparar o desempenho dos controladores. O primeiro caso avalia o controle de equilíbrio e posição do robô auto-equilibrante de duas rodas sobre um terreno plano tendo como interesse observar o desempenho intrínseco do sistema sob ausência de fatores externos. O segundo caso estuda o controle de equilíbrio e posição do robô em terrenos irregulares visando investigar a resposta do sistema sob influência de condições adversas em seu ambiente. Finalmente, o desempenho de cada um dos controladores desenvolvidos é discutido, verificando-se resultados competitivos no controle do robô auto-equilibrante de duas rodas.
Neste trabalho, utilizamos o formalismo de teorias quânticas de campos a temperatura finita, tal como desenvolvidas por Matsubara, aplicado a uma hamiltoniana de N campos escalares com autointeração quártica a N grande. Obtém-se uma expressão, na primeira aproximação quântica, para o coeficiente do termo quadrático da hamiltoniana ("massa quadrada"), renormalizado, como função da temperatura. A partir dela, estudamos o processo de quebra espontânea de simetria. Por outro lado, a mesma hamiltoniana é conhecida como modelo de Ginzburg-Landau na literatura de matéria condensada, e que permite o estudo de transições de fase em materiais ferromagnéticos. A temperatura é introduzida através do termo quadrático na hamiltoniana, de forma linear: é proporcional à diferença entre a variável de temperatura e a temperatura crítica. Tal modelo, porém, possui validade apenas na regi~ao de temperaturas próximas à criticalidade. Como resultado de nossos cálculos na teoria de campos a temperatura finita, observamos que, numa faixa de valores em torno da temperatura crítica, a massa quadrática pode ser aproximada por uma relação linear em relação à variável de temperatura. Isso evidencia a compatibilidade da abordagem de Ginzburg-Landau, na vizinhança da criticalidade, com respeito ao formalismo de campos a temperatura finita. Discutimos também os efeitos causados pela presença de um potencial químico no sistema.
ABSTRACT TRANSCRIBED FROM ENGLE'S PH.D. ORAL DEFENSE PAMPHLET: The natural history of juvenile California spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus (Randall), was investigated, with primary emphasis placed on ascertaining juvenile habitats, determining juvenile growth rates and component growth processes, and evaluating ecological and behavioral phenomena associated with juvenile survival and growth. Habitat surveys of island and mainland localities throughout southern and lower California revealed that small, greenish juveniles typically inhabit crevices or temporary burrows in 0-4m deep, wave-swept rocky habitats covered by dense beds of surf grass, Phyllospadix torreyi S. Watson. Phyllospadix beds were more abundant on gradually sloping rocky mainland beaches than on steeply sloping island shores. Phyllospadix abundance was positively correlated with P. interruptus abundance; however, at Santa Catalina Island, the Phyllospadix habitat was not extensive enough to be the sole lobster nursery. In laboratory tests, puerulus larvae and early juveniles chose Phyllospadix over rubble rocks or broad-bladed kelp, but did not consistently prefer Phyllospadix over reticulate algae. Ecology, growth, and behavior of juvenile P. interruptus inhabiting a discrete Phyllospadix habitat at Bird Rock, Santa Catalina Island, were investigated from October 1974 through December 1976 by means of frequent scuba surveys. Pueruli settled from June to November. Peak recruitment occurred from July to September, when seasonal temperatures were maximal. Settled larvae were approximately one year old. Juvenile growth was determined by size-frequency, single molt increment, mark-recapture, and laboratory culture studies. Carapace length vs. wet weight relationships fit standard power curve equations. Bird Rock juveniles grew from 7 to 32mm CL in 10-11 molts and from 32 to 56mm CL in 5-6 molts during their first and second benthic years, respectively. Growth rates were similar for males and females. Juveniles regenerating more than two limbs grew less per molt than intact lobsters. Long-term growth of laboratory-reared juveniles was 20% less than that of field lobsters. Growth component multiple regression analyses demonstrated that molt increment was directly proportional to premolt size and temperature for age 1+ lobsters. Molt frequency was inversely proportional to size and directly proportional to temperature. Temperature affected age 2+ lobsters similarly, but molt increment was independent of size, and molt frequency declined at a different rate. Juvenile growth rates more than doubled during warm water months compared to cold water months, primarily because of increased molt frequency. Based on results from this study and from previous investigations, it is estimated that P. interruptus males and females become sexually mature by ages 4 and 5 years, respectively, and that legai size is reached by 7 or 8 years of age. Juvenile P. interruptus activity patterns and foraging behavior were similar to those of adults, except that juvenile home ranges were proportionally smaller, and small juveniles were apparently not attracted to distant food. Small mollusks, abundant in Phyllospadix habitats, were the major food items. Size-dependent predation by fish and octopus apparently caused the considerable juvenile mortality observed at Bird Rock. Juveniles approaching 2 years of age gathered in mixed size-class aggregations by day and foraged beyond the grass beds at night. In autumn, these juveniles migrated to deeper habitats, coincident with new puerulus settlement in the Phyllospadix beds. Based on strong inferences from the results, it is proposed that size-dependent predation is the most important factor determining the !ife history strategy of juvenile P. interruptus. Life history tactics promoting rapid growth apparently function dually in reducing the period of high vulnerability to predation and decreasing the time required to reach sexual maturity. The Phyllospadix habitat is an excellent lobster nursery because it provides shelter from predators and possesses abundant food resources for sustaining optimum juvenile growth rates in shallow, warm water.
The adjacency of 2 marine biogeographic regions off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina (NC), and the proximity of the Gulf Stream result in a high biodiversity of species from northern and southern provinces and from coastal and pelagic habitats. We examined spatiotemporal patterns of marine mammal strandings and evidence of human interaction for these strandings along NC shorelines and evaluated whether the spatiotemporal patterns and species diversity of the stranded animals reflected published records of populations in NC waters. During the period of 1997–2008, 1847 stranded animals were documented from 1777 reported events. These animals represented 9 families and 34 species that ranged from tropical delphinids to pagophilic seals. This biodiversity is higher than levels observed in other regions. Most strandings were of coastal bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) (56%), harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) (14%), and harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) (4%). Overall, strandings of northern species peaked in spring. Bottlenose dolphin strandings peaked in spring and fall. Almost half of the strandings, including southern delphinids, occurred north of Cape Hatteras, on only 30% of NC’s coastline. Most stranded animals that were positive for human interaction showed evidence of having been entangled in fishing gear, particularly bottlenose dolphins, harbor porpoises, short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus), harbor seals, and humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). Spatiotemporal patterns of bottlenose dolphin strandings were similar to ocean gillnet fishing effort. Biodiversity of the animals stranded on the beaches reflected biodiversity in the waters off NC, albeit not always proportional to the relative abundance of species (e.g., Kogia species). Changes in the spatiotemporal patterns of strandings can serve as indicators of underlying changes due to anthropogenic or naturally occurring events in the source populations.
The Common Octopus, Octopus vulgaris, is an r-selected mollusk found off the coast of North Carolina that interests commercial fishermen because of its market value and the cost-effectiveness of unbaited pots that can catch it. This study sought to: 1) determine those gear and environmental factors that influenced catch rates of octopi, and 2) evaluate the feasibility of small-scale commercial operations for this species. Pots were fished from August 2010 through September 2011 set in strings over hard and sandy bottom in waters from 18 to 30 m deep in Onslow Bay, N.C. Three pot types were fished in each string; octopus pots with- and without lids, and conch pots. Proportional catch was modeled as a function of gear design and environmental factors (location, soak time, bottom type, and sea surface water temperature) using binomially distributed generalized linear models (GLM’s); parsimony of each GLM was assessed with Akaike Information Criteria (AIC). A total of 229 octopi were caught throughout the study. Pots with lids, pots without lids, and conch pots caught an average of 0.15, 0.17, and 0.11 octopi, respectively, with high variability in catch rates for each pot type. The GLM that best fit the data described proportional catch as a function of sea surface temperature, soak time, and station; greatest proportional catches occurred over short soak times, warmest temperatures, and less well known reef areas. Due to operating expenses (fuel, crew time, and maintenance), low catch rates of octopi, and high gear loss, a directed fishery for this species is not economically feasible at the catch rates found in this study. The model fitting to determine factors most influential on catch rates should help fishermen determine seasons and gear soak times that are likely to maximize catch rates. Potting for octopi may be commercially practical as a supplemental activity when targeting demersal fish species that are found in similar habitats and depth ranges in coastal waters off North Carolina.
The dynamics of the survival of recruiting fish are analyzed as evolving random processes of aggregation and mortality. The analyses draw on recent advances in the physics of complex networks and, in particular, the scale-free degree distribution arising from growing random networks with preferential attachment of links to nodes. In this study simulations were conducted in which recruiting fish 1) were subjected to mortality by using alternative mortality encounter models and 2) aggregated according to random encounters (two schools randomly encountering one another join into a single school) or preferential attachment (the probability of a successful aggregation of two schools is proportional to the school sizes). The simulations started from either a “disaggregated” (all schools comprised a single fish) or an aggregated initial condition. Results showed the transition of the school-size distribution with preferential attachment evolving toward a scale-free school size distribution, whereas random attachment evolved toward an exponential distribution. Preferential attachment strategies performed better than random attachment strategies in terms of recruitment survival at time when mortality encounters were weighted toward schools rather than to individual fish. Mathematical models were developed whose solutions (either analytic or numerical) mimicked the simulation results. The resulting models included both Beverton-Holt and Ricker-like recruitment, which predict recruitment as a function of initial mean school size as well as initial stock size. Results suggest that school-size distributions during recruitment may provide information on recruitment processes. The models also provide a template for expanding both theoretical and empirical recruitment research.
Numerous studies have applied skeletochronology to sea turtle species. Because many of the studies have lacked validation, the application of this technique to sea turtle age estimation has been called into question. To address this concern, we obtained humeri from 13 known-age Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) and two loggerhead (Caretta caretta) sea turtles for the purposes of examining the growth marks and comparing growth mark counts to actual age. We found evidence for annual deposition of growth marks in both these species. Corroborative results were found in Kemp’s ridley sea turtles from a comparison of death date and amount of bone growth following the completion of the last growth mark (n=76). Formation of the lines of arrested growth in Kemp’s ridley sea turtles consistently occurred in the spring for animals that strand dead along the mid- and south U.S. Atlantic coast. For both Kemp’s ridley and loggerhead sea turtles, we also found a proportional allometry between bone growth (humerus dimensions) and somatic growth (straight carapace length), indicating that size-at-age and growth rates can be estimated from dimensions of early growth marks. These results validate skeletochronology as a method for estimating age in Kemp’s ridley and loggerhead sea turtles from the southeast United States.
We present a method to integrate environmental time series into stock assessment models and to test the significance of correlations between population processes and the environmental time series. Parameters that relate the environmental time series to population processes are included in the stock assessment model, and likelihood ratio tests are used to determine if the parameters improve the fit to the data significantly. Two approaches are considered to integrate the environmental relationship. In the environmental model, the population dynamics process (e.g. recruitment) is proportional to the environmental variable, whereas in the environmental model with process error it is proportional to the environmental variable, but the model allows an additional temporal variation (process error) constrained by a log-normal distribution. The methods are tested by using simulation analysis and compared to the traditional method of correlating model estimates with environmental variables outside the estimation procedure. In the traditional method, the estimates of recruitment were provided by a model that allowed the recruitment only to have a temporal variation constrained by a log-normal distribution. We illustrate the methods by applying them to test the statistical significance of the correlation between sea-surface temperature (SST) and recruitment to the snapper (Pagrus auratus) stock in the Hauraki Gulf–Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Simulation analyses indicated that the integrated approach with additional process error is superior to the traditional method of correlating model estimates with environmental variables outside the estimation procedure. The results suggest that, for the snapper stock, recruitment is positively correlated with SST at the time of spawning.
Longitudinal surveys of anglers or boat owners are widely used in recreational fishery management to estimate total catch over a fishing season. Survey designs with repeated measures of the same random sample over time are effective if the goal is to show statistically significant differences among point estimates for successive time intervals. However, estimators for total catch over the season that are based on longitudinal sampling will be less precise than stratified estimators based on successive independent samples. Conventional stratified variance estimators would be negatively biased if applied to such data because the samples for different time strata are not independent. We formulated new general estimators for catch rate, total catch, and respective variances that sum across time strata but also account for correlation stratum samples. A case study of the Japanese recreational fishery for ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) showed that the conventional stratified variance estimate of total catch was about 10% of the variance estimated by our new method. Combining the catch data for each angler or boat owners throughout the season reduced the variance of the total catch estimate by about 75%. For successive independent surveys based on random independent samples, catch, and variance estimators derived from combined data would be the same as conventional stratified estimators when sample allocation is proportional to strata size. We are the first to report annual catch estimates for ayu in a Japanese river by formulating modified estimators for day-permit anglers.
The production of colour by homogenised fish material in a simplified sugar medium containing and acid indicator has been made use of for the rapid approximation of bacterial load in such products. The medium thus developed contains poptone, tryptone, yeast extract, sodium chloride and beef extract besides dextrose. The time of colour production is influenced to some extent by the level of sodium chloride in the medium and is almost always inversely proportional to the bacterial load in the homogenate.
The effect of impulse current on the fish at a particular impulse rate and voltage depends on the size and kind of the fish. It is directly proportional to the temperature and inversely proportional to the conductivity of the medium.
The fecundity and sex- ratio of Borbodes gonionotus were studied. The fecundity of 99 gravid females varied from 18001 (total length 197 mm and body weight 72 g) to 42034 (total length 187 mm and body weight 159 g). The mean fecundity was 24959.23 ± 6961.48 (for mean total length 210.50 ± 17.26 mm, mean body weight 118.16 ± 37.34g, mean ovary length 70.21 ± 27.30 mm, mean ovary weight 13.66 ± 7.12 g and mean ovary breadth 15.4 ± 2.79 mm). The relationship between fecundity (F) and other parameters such as total length, total body weight, ovary length, ovary weight and ovary breadth were studied. The fish was highly fecund and the number of eggs produced was more or less directly proportional to other different lengths.
Growth, mortality and stock parameters of Johnieops sina (Cuvier) based on the data collected from 1989 to 1994 from Sassoon Dock and New Ferry Wharf landing centres of Greater Bombay has been discussed here. The von Bertallanffy's growth parameters for this species were estimated as follows, L∞= 266 mm, K=0.91 per year and W∞=193 g. This species grows to 159 and 223 mm at the end of first and second year of its life. The mortality parameters estimated were Z=6.17, M=2. 03 and F=4.14. The E and U were calculated as 0.62 and 0.63 respectively. Length cohort and Thompson Bell analyses show that there is no decline in the catches at the present level of fishing. But even by doubling the efforts the catches can go up by only 9.4 % indicating that the fishing efforts is not economical and proportional to the increase in yield.