652 resultados para Pression latérale


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Inclut la bibliographie


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Neste trabalho é apresentada a fabricação e caracterização de um material compósito de matriz polimérica reforçada por fibras naturais. A matriz é um poliéster teraftélica insaturada préacelerada obtida comercialmente como Denverpoly 754 e o agente de cura utilizado foi o peróxido de Mek (Butanox M- 50), na proporção de 0,33 % , em volume. A fibra natural usada foi o tururi, obtida da região do Marajó, município de Muaná. O tecido de fibra de tururi foi submetido a dois tipos de abertura no sentido transversal, de [50 e 100]%, em relação a uma largura original. A fabricação do material compósito foi através do método da laminação manual (hand lay up), seguido de uma pressão controlada através de pesos previamente quantificados. Características físicas, mecânicas e microscópicas foram obtidas para a fibra e o material compósito, obtendo-se resistência a tração, massa específica, gramatura do tecido, fração mássica e imagens microscópicas antes e depois do ensaio de tração para o tecido da fibra e ensaio de tração depois do ensaio de tração para o material compósito. O tecido de tururi apresentou resistência a tração de 29,95 MPa (sem abertura), 12,27 MPa (abertura de 50 %) e 9,38 MPa (abertura de 100 %). A abertura provoca a diminuição da resistência à tração do tecido de tururi. A gramatura do tecido diminuiu com a abertura do tecido. A fração mássica do tecido do compósito foi de 14,39 % (sem abertura), 9,35 % (abertura de 50 %) e 7,19 % (abertura de 100 %). A resistência a tração do compósito foi de 35,76 MPa (sem abertura), 19,01 MPa (50 % de abertura) e 16,8 MPa (100 % de abertura). A resistência mecânica apresentou valores aproximados aos encontrados na literatura para materiais compósitos reforçados por fibras naturais. As imagens obtidas em microscopia eletrônica de varredura corroboraram com as propriedades mecânicas obtidas para cada situação do material e fibras.


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O Estado possui condições favoráveis para o desenvolvimento da piscicultura, que se constituirá numa alternativa para a produção de proteínas de origem animal, capaz de auxiliar na redução dos acentuados déficits encontrados na dieta alimentar da população paraense de baixa renda, assim como, minimizar os problemas pontuais causados pela sobrepesca e poluição química. E as várzeas da Amazônia brasileira, constituem-se então, num grande potencial para o desenvolvimento da piscicultura racional, mantendo a sustentabilidade do ecossistema através de tecnologias de manejo, em substituição aos métodos extrativistas tradicionais e predatórios. Um dos principais entraves da piscicultura é o elevado custo a ração que chega a compor até 80% do custo total da atividade, visto que não existe uma dieta com produtos regionais que baixasse esse custo, O custo das rações extrusadas ofertadas na região extrapola o limite da economia, devido principalmente à agregação do frete, vista a escassez das indústrias locais, assim como os altos preços dos principais insumos, notadamente em se tratando da fração protéica que é mais onerosa da dieta. Com base nessa realidade, a região Amazônica lança mão de subprodutos da agroindústria de fácil aquisição e baixo custo, para minimizar os gastos com a piscicultura e garantir a presença do peixe na mesa da população, que é o alimento mais consumido. No experimento a espécie utilizada foi o tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum é uma espécie ideal para piscicultura em área de várzea em virtude da sua rusticidade. Com isso o estudo de dietas alternativas possibilita um cultivo que viabilize economicamente a prática. O experimento foi realizado na área de várzea da UFRA, onde foram submetidos a 3 tratamentos, onde: V1) foi ministrado ração extrusada 28% P.B.; V2) ração comercial extrusada 28% parcelada com massa de mandioca branca e V3) foi ministrado massa de mandioca branca. Ao final do experimento observou-se que o viveiro onde foi ministrado ração comercial apresentou melhor desempenho zootécnico, porém o viveiro 2 onde foi ministrado ração comercial extrusada 28% parcelada com massa de mandioca branca apresentou um desempenho similar ao anterior, obtendo consumo 50% menor de ração extrusada.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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This study compared acid-base and biochemical changes and quality of recovery in male cats with experimentally induced urethral obstruction and anesthetized with either propofol or a combination of ketamine and diazepam for urethral catheterization. Ten male cats with urethral obstruction were enrolled for urethral catheterization and anesthetized with either ketamine-diazepam (KD) or propofol (P). Lactated Ringer's solution was administered by intravenous (IV) beginning 15 min before and continuing for 48 h after relief of urethral obstruction. Quality of recovery and time to standing were evaluated. The urethral catheter was maintained to measure urinary output. Hematocrit (Hct), total plasma protein (TPP), albumin, total protein (TP), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, pH, bicarbonate (HCO3-), chloride, base excess, anion gap, sodium, potassium, and partial pressure of carbon dioxide in mixed venous blood (pvCO(2)) were measured before urethral obstruction, at start of fluid therapy (0 h), and at subsequent intervals. The quality of recovery and time to standing were respectively 4 and 75 min in the KD group and 5 and 16 min in the P group. The blood urea nitrogen values were increased at 0, 2, and 8 h in both groups. Serum creatinine increased at 0 and 2 h in cats administered KD and at 0, 2, and 8 h in cats receiving P, although the values were above the reference range in both groups until 8 h. Acidosis occurred for up to 2 h in both groups. Acid-base and biochemical stabilization were similar in cats anesthetized with propofol or with ketamine-diazepam. Cats that received propofol recovered much faster, but the ketamine-diazepam combination was shown to be more advantageous when treating uncooperative cats as it can be administered by intramuscular (IM) injection.


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Background – Hair follicle tumours generally present as benign, solitary masses and have a good prognosis following surgical resection. Hypothesis/Objectives – This report describes a case of multiple trichoblastomas in a dog. Animal – A 2-year-old crossbred dog presented with multiple soft cutaneous periocular, perilabial, submandibular and nasal nodules, between 2 and 9 cm in diameter, located on the right side of the face. New nodules were observed on the same side of the face at a second consultation 3 weeks later. Methods – Surgical resection of all nodules was performed in two procedures. Three nodules were initially resected and submitted for histolopathology and immunohistochemistry. The diagnosis was trichoblastoma for all three. At the time of the second consultation, new and remaining nodules were biopsied and the diagnosis of trichoblastoma confirmed. The dog was treated with doxorubicin and piroxicam for 30 days prior to the second surgical procedure in an attempt to reduce new tumour growth and the size of present tumours. All nodules were resected and the defects closed using rotation flaps. Results – No recurrence of the neoplasm was noted within 10 months after surgery. Conclusions and clinical importance – Trichoblastomas are generally benign but can present as multiple neoplasms that may require surgical resection and may respond to chemotherapy. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of multiple trichoblastomas in a dog.


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L’uso frequente dei modelli predittivi per l’analisi di sistemi complessi, naturali o artificiali, sta cambiando il tradizionale approccio alle problematiche ambientali e di rischio. Il continuo miglioramento delle capacità di elaborazione dei computer facilita l’utilizzo e la risoluzione di metodi numerici basati su una discretizzazione spazio-temporale che permette una modellizzazione predittiva di sistemi reali complessi, riproducendo l’evoluzione dei loro patterns spaziali ed calcolando il grado di precisione della simulazione. In questa tesi presentiamo una applicazione di differenti metodi predittivi (Geomatico, Reti Neurali, Land Cover Modeler e Dinamica EGO) in un’area test del Petén, Guatemala. Durante gli ultimi decenni questa regione, inclusa nella Riserva di Biosfera Maya, ha conosciuto una rapida crescita demografica ed un’incontrollata pressione sulle sue risorse naturali. L’area test puó essere suddivisa in sotto-regioni caratterizzate da differenti dinamiche di uso del suolo. Comprendere e quantificare queste differenze permette una migliore approssimazione del sistema reale; é inoltre necessario integrare tutti i parametri fisici e socio-economici, per una rappresentazione più completa della complessità dell’impatto antropico. Data l’assenza di informazioni dettagliate sull’area di studio, quasi tutti i dati sono stati ricavati dall’elaborazione di 11 immagini ETM+, TM e SPOT; abbiamo poi realizzato un’analisi multitemporale dei cambi uso del suolo passati e costruito l’input per alimentare i modelli predittivi. I dati del 1998 e 2000 sono stati usati per la fase di calibrazione per simulare i cambiamenti nella copertura terrestre del 2003, scelta come data di riferimento per la validazione dei risultati. Quest’ultima permette di evidenziare le qualità ed i limiti per ogni modello nelle differenti sub-regioni.


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Botrytis cinerea ist einer der wichtigsten Phytopathogene, der im Bereich der Weinbereitung als Erreger des Edel- bzw. des Grauschimmels von Trauben eine zentrale Stellung einnimmt. Taxonomisch gehört dieser Organismus zur Familie der Sclerotiniaceae, die ausnahmslos Phytopathogene sind und weltweit große Schäden bei verschiedenen Pflanzen verursachen. Die molekularbiologische Identifikation von Vertretern dieser wichtigen Gruppe von Pflanzenpathogenen ist jedoch bis heute ein Problem. Aus diesem Grund wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit als Themenschwerpunkt die zweifelsfreie Identifikation einiger Vertreter der Sclerotiniaceae bearbeitet. Hier konnte von neun verschiedenen Organismen die ‚Internal Transcribed Spacer Region’ identifiziert und zusätzlich zur 18S rDNA für eine sichere Identifikation ausgeschlossen werden. Die Unterscheidung der einzelnen Gattungen und verschiedener B. cinerea-Stämme wurde mit Hilfe der neuartigen nSAPD-PCR Technologie erfolgreich überprüft. Hier konnten die drei Gattungen Botrytis, Monilinia sowie Sclerotinia zweifelsfrei differenziert werden. Ferner konnten von Monilinia fructigena, Sclerotinia minor und Sclerotinia sclerotiorum neue Laccase-Gene identifiziert und komplett sequenziert werden, die homolog zur Laccase2 (lcc2) von B. cinerea sind. Auf Basis dieser Sequenzen bzw. Sequenzunterschiede konnte eine Multiplex-PCR zur zweifelsfreien Identifi-kation dieser Spezies etabliert werden. Im Folgenden konnte dieses System auch an Umweltproben aus der Umgebung von Mainz und Wiesbaden, aus Flomborn (Rheinhessen) sowie aus Stollberg (Sachsen) überprüft werden. Anhand dieser Proben konnte gleichzeitig ein konstantes Vorkommen dieses Gens in allen über-prüften Organismen gezeigt werden. Somit ist es zum ersten Mal möglich, ver-schiedene Spezies der Sclerotiniaceae in einer Probe simultan nachzuweisen und zu differenzieren. Anschließend wurde die Laccase-Expression der jeweiligen Sclerotiniaceae überprüft. Für M. fructigena konnte mindestens eine konstitutiv exprimierte Laccase im Kulturüberstand detektiert werden. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigten weder S. minor noch S. sclerotiorum eine derartige Aktivität. Da B. cinerea lcc2 expri-miert, wurde dies auch für M. fructigena angenommen. Die reverse Transkription der codierenden mRNA konnte jedoch nicht erfolgreich durchgeführt werden. Die Analyse des Genoms von B. cinerea und S. sclerotiorum zeigte zudem 13 bzw. 8 mögliche Laccase-Gene. Somit ist es wahrscheinlich, dass M. fructigena mehr als einen codierenden Bereich für ein derartiges Enzym besitzt und somit eine oder mehrere andere Laccasen exprimiert. Auf Basis der codierenden DNA-Sequenzen konnten EDV-gestützte Prote-incharakterisierungen mit allen neu entdeckten Laccase-Sequenzen durchgeführt werden. Die hier ermittelten Eigenschaften legen den Schluss nahe, dass es sich ausnahmslos um Proteine handelt, die extrazellulär lokalisiert sind. So besitzen alle drei eine identisch lange Signalsequenz, die für die Translokation in die extra-zelluläre Matrix nötig ist. Des Weiteren zeigen alle Laccasen eine schwache Hydrophobizität, so dass davon ausgegangen werden kann, dass diese Enzyme keine membranständigen Proteine sind. Auch konnten zahlreiche Glykosylie-rungspositionen ermittelt werden und bei M. fructigena die Glykosylierung der akti-ven Laccase nachgewiesen werden. Des Weiteren konnten alle konservierten Kupferbindepositionen ermittelt werden. Der Vergleich zur mRNA der Lcc2 von B. cinerea offenbarte die lcc2 von M. fructigena drei nicht-codierende Intronse-quenzen, für S. minor und S. sclerotiorum jedoch lediglich die ersten beiden. Somit bleibt für alle neu identifizierten Sequenzen die Frage nach der Expression offen. Es wurden weder Deletionen von Nukleotiden noch frame-shift Mutationen in den einzelnen Genen gefunden. Auch geben die Signalsequenzen bzw. die ent-haltenen Kupferbindepositionen keine Aufschluss über das Ausbleiben der Ex-pression dieser Gene. Da das von B. cinerea synthetisierte ß-1,3-1,6-Glucan in der Kellerwirtschaft große Filtrationsprobleme verursacht, wurde als ein zusätzlicher Themenschwerpunkt die Lyse dieses Polymers mit symbiontischen Mikroorganismen aus Termitendär-men untersucht. Da Termiten auf den Abbau von Polymeren, wie Cellulose und Hemicellulosen spezialisiert sind, lag die Vermutung nahe, dass auch das ß-Glucan von symbiontischen Mikroorganismen hydrolysiert werden kann. In der hier vorliegenden Arbeit konnte zwar das ß-Glucan erfolgreich herge-stellt und in pulverisierter Form 5 verschiedenen Termitenspezies als Futter ange-boten werden, die anschließende Isolierung der Darmflora und die Untersuchung der isolierten Mikroorganismen auf ein mögliche glucanolytische Aktivität erbrach-te jedoch nicht den erhofften Erfolg. Hier wurden acht verschiedene filamentöse Ascomyceten bzw. Zygomyceten isoliert, eine lytische Aktivität konnte jedoch bei keiner dieser Spezies gezeigt werden.


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Akute Leukämien treten in allen Altersstufen auf. Akute lymphatische Leukämie (ALL) ist die häufigste Leukämie bei Kindern, während akute myeloischen Leukämien (AML) mit verschiedenen Untergruppen etwa 80% aller akuten Leukämien bei Erwachsenen ausmachen. Die Translokation t(8;21) resultiert in der Entstehung des Fusionsgens AML1-ETO und zählt zu den häufigen Translokationen bei der AML. Dabei fusioniert die DNA-bindende Domäne des AML1 mit dem fast kompletten ETO-Protein. AML1-ETO wirkt als dominanter Repressor der AML1-vermittelten transkriptionellen Regula-tion wichtiger hämatopoetischer Zielgene. Klinische Daten legen nahe, dass trotz der klarer Assoziation zwischen AML und der t(8;21) Translokation bei AML Patienten zusätzliche genetische Veränderungen – so genannte ‚second hits‘ – notwendig sind, um eine Leukämie effizient zu induzieren. Klinisch relevanten Komplimentationsonkogene sind unter anderen die aktivierte Rezeptortyrosinkinase FLT3, JAK2, NRAS, KRAS, c- KIT.rnZiel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, ein Mausmodell zu etablieren, welches humane akute myeloische Leukämie rekapituliert und bei dem die Expression der entsprechen-den Onkogene reguliert werden kann. Als erstes wurde untersucht, ob eine gemeinsame Expression von AML1-ETO mit kRASG12D zur Induktion von Leukämie führen kann. Hierfür wurden Tiere generiert die gemeinsam AML1-ETO und kRASG12D unter der regulatorischen Sequenz des Tetrazyklin-Operators exprimierten. Der große Vorteil dieser Technologie ist die regulierbare Reversibilität der Genexpression. Um die Ex-pression der Zielgene auf blutbildende Zellen zu beschränken, wurden Knochenmark-chimären hergestellt. Im Beobachtungszeitraum von 12 Monaten führte die Expression von AML1-ETO und AML1-ETO/kRASG12D nicht zur Induktion einer akuten Leukä-mie. Die normale hämatopoetische Entwicklung war jedoch in diesen Tieren gestört. Der beobachtete Phänotyp entsprach einem myelodysplastischen Syndrome (MDS).rnIm zweiten Ansatz, wurden Tiere generiert die gemeinsam AML1-ETO und FLT3-ITD exprimierten. Hierfür wurden hämatopoetische Stammzellen aus ROSA26-iM2/tetO-AML1-ETO isoliert und mit Hilfe des retroviralen Vektors mit FLT3-ITD transduziert. In diesem Modell war es möglich, in kurzer Zeit eine akute Leukämie mit zu induzieren. Einige wenige Tiere hatten zum Zeitpunkt des Todes Anzeichen einer biphänotypischen Leukämie mit lymphatischen und myeloischen Blastenpopulationen. In drei Tieren in-duzierte die alleinige Expression von FLT3-ITD eine Leukämie. Alle Leukämien wurden durch FACS, Zytologie und Histopathologie bestätigt. Knochenmark- bzw. Milzzellen aus den erkrankten Tieren waren in der Lage nach Transfer in sekundäre Rezipienten eine Leukämie auszulösen. Somit besaßen sie ein uneingeschränktes Selbsterneue-rungspotential.rnEin erster Versuch, in dem AML1-ETO Expression in leukämischen Zellen abgeschaltet und FLT3-ITD mit Tyrosinkinase-Inhibitor inhibiert wurde, zeigte keine wesentliche Veränderung in der Leukämieprogression.rnDieses Leukämiemodell erlaubt die Rolle der beteiligten Onkogene während verschie-dener Stadien der Leukämie zu erforschen und damit möglicherweise neue Ansätze für Therapiestrategien zu entwickeln.


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Practice is subject to increasing pressure to demonstrate its ability to achieve outcomes required by public policy makers. As part of this process social work practice has to engage with issues around advancing knowledge-based learning processes in a close collaboration with education and research based perspectives. This has given rise to approaches seeking to combine research methodology, field research and practical experience. Practice research is connected to both “the science of the concrete” – a field of research oriented towards subjects more than objects and “mode 2 knowledge production” – an application-oriented research where frameworks and findings are discussed by a number of partners. Practice research is defined into two approaches: practice research – collaboration between practice and research – and practitioner research – processes controlled and accomplished by practitioners. The basic stakeholders in practice research are social workers, service users, administrators, management, organisations, politicians and researchers. Accordingly, practice research is necessarily collaborative, involving a meeting point for different views, interests and needs, where complexity and dilemmas are inherent. Instead of attempting to balance or reconcile these differences, it is important to respect the differences if collaboration is to be established. The strength of both practice and research in practice research is to address these difficult challenges. The danger for both fields is to avoid and reject them.


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Le conseiller fédéral Didier Burkhalter a pris la direction du Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE). – Le parlement a octroyé un crédit de 11.35 milliards de francs pour la coopération internationale 2013-2016. – Le Conseil fédéral a activé la clause de sauvegarde envers les Etats de l’UE-8. – Les questions institutionnelles ont continué à bloquer les relations bilatérales avec l’UE. – L’Allemagne et les Etats-Unis ont maintenu la pression sur la place financière suisse lors des négociations d’accords de double-imposition. – Le peuple a refusé l’initiative de l’ASIN « La parole au peuple ! ». – La Suisse a pris position sur le conflit syrien en instaurant des sanctions contre le régime. – La Suisse a fêté ses 10 ans d’adhésion à l’ONU et a reçu son secrétaire général Ban Ki-Moon. – La Suisse a accueilli à Berne le Prix Nobel de la Paix Aung San Suu Kyi et a ouvert une ambassade au Myanmar.


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Aging societies suffer from an increasing incidence of bone fractures. Bone strength depends on the amount of mineral measured by clinical densitometry, but also on the micromechanical properties of the bone hierarchical organization. A good understanding has been reached for elastic properties on several length scales, but up to now there is a lack of reliable postyield data on the lower length scales. In order to be able to describe the behavior of bone at the microscale, an anisotropic elastic-viscoplastic damage model was developed using an eccentric generalized Hill criterion and nonlinear isotropic hardening. The model was implemented as a user subroutine in Abaqus and verified using single element tests. A FE simulation of microindentation in lamellar bone was finally performed show-ing that the new constitutive model can capture the main characteristics of the indentation response of bone. As the generalized Hill criterion is limited to elliptical and cylindrical yield surfaces and the correct shape for bone is not known, a new yield surface was developed that takes any convex quadratic shape. The main advantage is that in the case of material identification the shape of the yield surface does not have to be anticipated but a minimization results in the optimal shape among all convex quadrics. The generality of the formulation was demonstrated by showing its degeneration to classical yield surfaces. Also, existing yield criteria for bone at multiple length scales were converted to the quadric formulation. Then, a computational study to determine the influence of yield surface shape and damage on the in-dentation response of bone using spherical and conical tips was performed. The constitutive model was adapted to the quadric criterion and yield surface shape and critical damage were varied. They were shown to have a major impact on the indentation curves. Their influence on indentation modulus, hardness, their ratio as well as the elastic to total work ratio were found to be very well described by multilinear regressions for both tip shapes. For conical tips, indentation depth was not a significant fac-tor, while for spherical tips damage was insignificant. All inverse methods based on microindentation suffer from a lack of uniqueness of the found material properties in the case of nonlinear material behavior. Therefore, monotonic and cyclic micropillar com-pression tests in a scanning electron microscope allowing a straightforward interpretation comple-mented by microindentation and macroscopic uniaxial compression tests were performed on dry ovine bone to identify modulus, yield stress, plastic deformation, damage accumulation and failure mecha-nisms. While the elastic properties were highly consistent, the postyield deformation and failure mech-anisms differed between the two length scales. A majority of the micropillars showed a ductile behavior with strain hardening until failure by localization in a slip plane, while the macroscopic samples failed in a quasi-brittle fashion with microcracks coalescing into macroscopic failure surfaces. In agreement with a proposed rheological model, these experiments illustrate a transition from a ductile mechanical behavior of bone at the microscale to a quasi-brittle response driven by the growth of preexisting cracks along interfaces or in the vicinity of pores at the macroscale. Subsequently, a study was undertaken to quantify the topological variability of indentations in bone and examine its relationship with mechanical properties. Indentations were performed in dry human and ovine bone in axial and transverse directions and their topography measured by AFM. Statistical shape modeling of the residual imprint allowed to define a mean shape and describe the variability with 21 principal components related to imprint depth, surface curvature and roughness. The indentation profile of bone was highly consistent and free of any pile up. A few of the topological parameters, in particular depth, showed significant correlations to variations in mechanical properties, but the cor-relations were not very strong or consistent. We could thus verify that bone is rather homogeneous in its micromechanical properties and that indentation results are not strongly influenced by small de-viations from the ideal case. As the uniaxial properties measured by micropillar compression are in conflict with the current literature on bone indentation, another dissipative mechanism has to be present. The elastic-viscoplastic damage model was therefore extended to viscoelasticity. The viscoelastic properties were identified from macroscopic experiments, while the quasistatic postelastic properties were extracted from micropillar data. It was found that viscoelasticity governed by macroscale properties has very little influence on the indentation curve and results in a clear underestimation of the creep deformation. Adding viscoplasticity leads to increased creep, but hardness is still highly overestimated. It was possible to obtain a reasonable fit with experimental indentation curves for both Berkovich and spherical indenta-tion when abandoning the assumption of shear strength being governed by an isotropy condition. These results remain to be verified by independent tests probing the micromechanical strength prop-erties in tension and shear. In conclusion, in this thesis several tools were developed to describe the complex behavior of bone on the microscale and experiments were performed to identify its material properties. Micropillar com-pression highlighted a size effect in bone due to the presence of preexisting cracks and pores or inter-faces like cement lines. It was possible to get a reasonable fit between experimental indentation curves using different tips and simulations using the constitutive model and uniaxial properties measured by micropillar compression. Additional experimental work is necessary to identify the exact nature of the size effect and the mechanical role of interfaces in bone. Deciphering the micromechanical behavior of lamellar bone and its evolution with age, disease and treatment and its failure mechanisms on several length scales will help preventing fractures in the elderly in the future.