959 resultados para Polemis, Ioannis D.: Theophanes of Nicea


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Vertebrate limbs grow out from the flanks of embryos, with their main axis extending proximodistally from the trunk. Distinct limb domains, each with specific traits, are generated in a proximal-to-distal sequence during development. Diffusible factors expressed from signalling centres promote the outgrowth of limbs and specify their dorsoventral and anteroposterior axes. However, the molecular mechanism by which limb cells acquire their proximodistal (P-D) identity is unknown. Here we describe the role of the homeobox genes Meis1/2 and Pbx1 in the development of mouse, chicken and Drosophila limbs. We find that Meis1/2 expression is restricted to a proximal domain, coincident with the previously reported domain in which Pbx1 is localized to the nucleus, and resembling the distribution of the Drosophila homologues homothorax (hth) and extradenticle (exd); that Meis1 regulates Pbx1 activity by promoting nuclear import of the Pbx1 protein; and that ectopic expression of Meis1 in chicken and hth in Drosophila disrupts distal limb development and induces distal-to-proximal transformations. We suggest that restriction of Meis1/Hth to proximal regions of the vertebrate and insect limb is essential to specify cell fates and differentiation patterns along the P-D axis of the limb.


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The modulus method introduced by H. Grötzsch yields bounds for a mean distortion functional of quasiconformal maps between two annuli mapping the respective boundary components onto each other. P. P. Belinskiĭ studied these inequalities in the plane and identified the family of all minimisers. Beyond the Euclidean framework, a Grötzsch-Belinskiĭ-type inequality has been previously considered for quasiconformal maps between annuli in the Heisenberg group whose boundaries are Korányi spheres. In this note we show that--in contrast to the planar situation--the minimiser in this setting is essentially unique.


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Liposomes prepared with human LS174T colon tumor cell membranes induce specific primary and secondary xenogeneic immune responses in BALB/c splenocytes in vitro. The multilamellar vesicular liposomes were prepared by adding sonicated membrane fragments in 8 mM CaCl(,2) to a dried lipid film. Cytoxic splenocytes generated in vivo exhibited specificity for the LS174T cell; liposomes elicited higher levels of cytotoxicity than did membranes (P < 0.01). Secondary blastogenic responses elicited in in vivo-primed spleen cells by liposomes also produced a significantly greater (P < 0.005) response than membranes. Subsequently, in vitro induction of primary blastogenic and cytotoxic responses by liposomes were accomplished and revealed similar kinetics to that of whole LS174T cell immunogens. Specificity of the in vitro-primed spleen cells was clearly demonstrated (P < 0.01) on a variety of human tumor cells using both the primed lymphocyte and cell-mediated cytotoxicity assays. The results of competitive inhibition tests with autologous lymphoblasts demonstrated that 30% of the cytotoxic activity was directed against lymphocyte antigens.^ The adjuvant effect of liposomes was shown to be mediated primarily by tumor antigens exposed on the outer surface of liposomes. Trypsinization of the liposomes which eliminated 96% of the surface protein reduced the ability of liposomes to induce cytotoxic splenocytes. The generation of cytolytic activity with liposomes of increasing protein concentration showed that while 10 (mu)g protein was threshold, 100 (mu)g protein induced maximal responses. In addition, membrane fluidity studies revealed that rigid liposomes were significantly (P < 0.05) more efficacious than fluid liposomes in inducing cytotoxicity.^ The induction of the primary response required the presence of nonadherent splenocytes bearing the Thy-1, Lyt-1, and Lyt-2 surface markers. The role of a Lyt-123 subpopulation was suggested by the inability of both the Lyt-1 and Lyt-2 depleted populations to completely restore the cytolytic levels to normal. In addition, the interaction of I-A('+) spleen adherent cells with liposomes for at least 8 hours was required to generate maximal cytotoxic activity. The phenotype of the cytotoxic effector was Thy-1('+), Lyt-2('+), and I-A('d-).^ Incorporation of tumor antigens into liposomes has thus enabled primary immunization in vitro to human colon cancer antigens and may afford an adaptable means to evaluate and to select specific immune responses, as well as to identify colon tumor-specific determinants.^


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Background. This culminating experience project was inspired by an independent study conducted at The University of Texas School of Public Health with Dr. Andrew Springer, DrPH, who works on the evaluation of the Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) program in Travis County, Texas. It was indicated that a social marketing plan could enhance current efforts for the CATCH program. The aims of the project were to (1) review and synthesize literature on social marketing, with a specific focus on diet, physical activity, and obesity prevention; and (2) apply the gained knowledge toward a practical solution – a social marketing plan for the CATCH program.^ Methods. The literature review aimed to answer the following questions: (1) What audiences (ethnic and age groups), settings, health behaviors, and behavioral science theories have been used in social marketing campaigns? (2) What features of social marketing were used (e.g. formative research, segmentation, and the marketing mix - including promotional strategies and communication channels)? (3) What were the outcomes of the social marketing campaigns? The search aimed to identify studies that met the following inclusion criteria: (a) The study explicitly stated that social marketing was used; (b) The intervention promoted physical activity and/or healthy eating; (c) The population was children, adolescents, young adults, and/or parents; (d) Results of the intervention were available in the published literature The literature review includes studies from the past five years (2004 to 2009). After reviewing the social marketing literature, the insight and knowledge gained was applied to develop a social marketing plan for the CATCH program. The plan was guided by Hands-on Social Marketing, A Step-by-Step Guide and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Social Marketing web course.^


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CHARACTERIZATION OF THE COUNT RATE PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTS OF HIGH COUNT RATES ON MODERN GAMMA CAMERAS Michael Stephen Silosky, B.S. Supervisory Professor: S. Cheenu Kappadath, Ph.D. Evaluation of count rate performance (CRP) is an integral component of gamma camera quality assurance and measurement of system dead time (τ) is important for quantitative SPECT. The CRP of three modern gamma cameras was characterized using established methods (Decay and Dual Source) under a variety of experimental conditions. For the Decay method, input count rate was plotted against observed count rate and fit to the paralyzable detector model (PDM) to estimate τ (Rates method). A novel expression for observed counts as a function of measurement time interval was derived and the observed counts were fit to this expression to estimate τ (Counts method). Correlation and Bland-Altman analysis were performed to assess agreement in estimates of τ between methods. The dependencies of τ on energy window definition and incident energy spectrum were characterized. The Dual Source method was also used to estimate τ and its agreement with the Decay method under identical conditions and the effects of total activity and the ratio of source activities were investigated. Additionally, the effects of count rate on several performance metrics were evaluated. The CRP curves for each system agreed with the PDM at low count rates but deviated substantially at high count rates. Estimates of τ for the paralyzable portion of the CRP curves using the Rates and Counts methods were highly correlated (r=0.999) but with a small (~6%) difference. No significant difference was observed between the highly correlated estimates of τ using the Decay or Dual Source methods under identical experimental conditions (r=0.996). Estimates of τ increased as a power-law function with decreasing ratio of counts in the photopeak to the total counts and linearly with decreasing spectral effective energy. Dual Source method estimates of τ varied as a quadratic with the ratio of the single source to combined source activities and linearly with total activity used across a large range. Image uniformity, spatial resolution, and energy resolution degraded linearly with count rate and image distorting effects were observed. Guidelines for CRP testing and a possible method for the correction of count rate losses for clinical images have been proposed.


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Accurate calculation of absorbed dose to target tumors and normal tissues in the body is an important requirement for establishing fundamental dose-response relationships for radioimmunotherapy. Two major obstacles have been the difficulty in obtaining an accurate patient-specific 3-D activity map in-vivo and calculating the resulting absorbed dose. This study investigated a methodology for 3-D internal dosimetry, which integrates the 3-D biodistribution of the radionuclide acquired from SPECT with a dose-point kernel convolution technique to provide the 3-D distribution of absorbed dose. Accurate SPECT images were reconstructed with appropriate methods for noise filtering, attenuation correction, and Compton scatter correction. The SPECT images were converted into activity maps using a calibration phantom. The activity map was convolved with an $\sp{131}$I dose-point kernel using a 3-D fast Fourier transform to yield a 3-D distribution of absorbed dose. The 3-D absorbed dose map was then processed to provide the absorbed dose distribution in regions of interest. This methodology can provide heterogeneous distributions of absorbed dose in volumes of any size and shape with nonuniform distributions of activity. Comparison of the activities quantitated by our SPECT methodology to true activities in an Alderson abdominal phantom (with spleen, liver, and spherical tumor) yielded errors of $-$16.3% to 4.4%. Volume quantitation errors ranged from $-$4.0 to 5.9% for volumes greater than 88 ml. The percentage differences of the average absorbed dose rates calculated by this methodology and the MIRD S-values were 9.1% for liver, 13.7% for spleen, and 0.9% for the tumor. Good agreement (percent differences were less than 8%) was found between the absorbed dose due to penetrating radiation calculated from this methodology and TLD measurement. More accurate estimates of the 3-D distribution of absorbed dose can be used as a guide in specifying the minimum activity to be administered to patients to deliver a prescribed absorbed dose to tumor without exceeding the toxicity limits of normal tissues. ^


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Contraction of cardiac muscle is regulated through the Ca2+ dependent protein-protein interactions of the troponin complex (Tn). The critical role cardiac troponin C (cTnC) plays as the Ca2+ receptor in this complex makes it an attractive target for positive inotropic compounds. In this study, the ten Met methyl groups in cTnC, [98% 13C ϵ]-Met cTnC, are used as structural markers to monitor conformational changes in cTnC and identify sites of interaction between cTnC and cardiac troponin I (cTnI) responsible for the Ca2+ dependent interactions. In addition the structural consequences that a number of Ca2+-sensitizing compounds have on free cTnC and the cTnC·cTnI complex were characterized. Using heteronuclear NMR experiments and monitoring chemical shift changes in the ten Met methyl 1H-13C correlations in 3Ca2+ cTnC when bound to cTnI revealed an anti-parallel arrangement for the two proteins such that the N-domain of cTnI interacts with the C-domain of cTnC. The large chemical shifts in Mets-81, -120, and -157 identified points of contact between the proteins that include the C-domain hydrophobic surface in cTnC and the A, B, and D helical interface located in the regulatory N-domain of cTnC. TnI association [cTnI(33–80), cTnI(86–211), or cTnI(33–211)] was found also to dramatically reduce flexibility in the D/E central linker of cTnC as monitored by line broadening in the Met 1H- 13C correlations of cTnC induced by a nitroxide spin label, MTSSL, covalently attached to cTnC at Cys 84. TnI association resulted in an extended cTnC that is unlike the compact structure observed for free cTnC. The Met 1H-13C correlations also allowed the binding characteristics of bepridil, TFP, levosimendan, and EMD 57033 to the apo, 2Ca2+, and Ca2+ saturated forms of cTnC to be determined. In addition, the location of drug binding on the 3Ca2+cTnC·cTnI complex was identified for bepridil and TFP. Use of a novel spin-labeled phenothiazine, and detection of isotope filtered NOEs, allowed identification of drug binding sites in the shallow hydrophobic cup in the C-terminal domain, and on two hydrophobic surfaces on N-regulatory domain in free 3Ca2+ cTnC. In contrast, only one N-domain drug binding site exists in 3Ca2+ cTnC·cTnI complex. The methyl groups of Met 45, 60 and 80, which are grouped in a hydrophobic patch near site II in cTnC, showed the greatest change upon titration with bepridil or TFP, suggesting that this is a critical site of drug binding in both free cTnC and when associated with cTnI. The strongest NOEs were seen for Met-60 and -80, which are located on helices C and D, respectively, of Ca2+ binding site II. These results support the conclusion that the small hydrophobic patch which includes Met-45, -60, and -80 constitutes a drug binding site, and that binding drugs to this site will lead to an increase in Ca2+ binding affinity of site II while preserving maximal cTnC activity. Thus, the subregion in cTnC makes a likely target against which to design new and selective Ca2+-sensitizing compounds. ^


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Soft-sediment deformation structures have been analyzed at six sites of the Kathmandu valley. Microgranulometric study (this Supplement and Fig. 3B of Mugnier et al., Tectonophysics, 2011) reveals that silty levels (60 to 80% silt) favor the development of soft-sediment deformation structures, while sandy levels (60 to 80% sand) are passively deformed. Nonetheless well sorted sand levels (more than 80% sand) generate over-fluid pressure during compaction if located beneath a silty cap, leading to fluidization and dike development. 3-D geometry of seismites indicates a very strong horizontal shearing during their development. Using a physical approach based on soil liquefaction during horizontal acceleration, we show that the fluidization zone progressively grows down-section during the shaking, but does not exactly begin at the surface. The comparison of bed-thickness and strength/depth evolution indicates three cases: i) no soft-sediment deformation occurs for thin (few centimeters) silty beds; ii) the thickness of soft-sediment deformation above sandy beds is controlled by the lithological contrast; iii) the thickness of soft-sediment deformation depends on the shaking intensity for very thick silty beds. These 3 cases are evidenced in the Kathmandu basin. We use the 30 cm-thick soft-sediment deformation level formed during the 1833 earthquake as a reference: the 1833 earthquake rupture zone extended very close to Kathmandu, inducing there MMI IX-X damages. A 90 cm-thick sediment deformation has therefore to be induced by an event greater than MMI X. From a compilation of paleo and historic seismology studies, it is found that the great (M ~ 8.1) historical earthquakes are not characteristic of the greatest earthquakes of Himalaya; hence earthquakes greater than M ~ 8.6 occurred. Kathmandu is located above one of the asperities that laterally limits the extent of mega-earthquake ruptures and two successive catastrophic events already affected Kathmandu, in 1255 located to the west of this asperity and in ~ 1100 to the east.


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Oceanic anoxic event 2 (OAE-2) occurring during the Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) transition is evident from a globally recognized positive stable carbon isotopic excursion and is thought to represent one of the most extreme carbon cycle perturbations of the last 100 Myr. However, the impact of this major perturbation on and interaction with global climate remains unclear. Here we report new high-resolution records of sea surface temperature (SST) based on TEX86 and d 18O of excellently preserved planktic foraminifera and stable organic carbon isotopes across the C/T transition from black shales located offshore Suriname/French Guiana (Demerara Rise, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207 Site 1260) and offshore Senegal (Cape Verde Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 41 Site 367). At Site 1260, where both SST proxy records can be determined, a good match between conservative SST estimates from TEX86 and d 18O is observed. We find that late Cenomanian SSTs in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean (33°C) were substantially warmer than today (27°-29°C) and that the onset of OAE-2 coincided with a rapid shift to an even warmer (35°-36°C) regime. Within the early stages of the OAE a marked (4°C) cooling to temperatures lower than pre-OAE conditions is observed. However, well before the termination of OAE-2 the warm regime was reestablished and persisted into the Turonian. Our findings corroborate the view that the C/T transition represents the onset of the interval of peak Cretaceous warmth. More importantly, they are consistent with the hypotheses that mid-Cretaceous warmth can be attributed to high levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and that major OAEs were capable of triggering global cooling through the negative feedback effect of organic carbon-burial-led CO2 sequestration. Evidently, however, the factors that gave rise to the observed shift to a warmer climate regime at the onset of OAE-2 were sufficiently powerful that they were only briefly counterbalanced by the high rates of carbon burial attained during even the most extreme interval of organic carbon burial in the last 100 Myr.


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Apatite fission track (FT) ages and length characteristics of samples obtained from Cambrian to Paleocene-aged sandstones collected along the margin of Nares Strait in Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago are dominated by a thermal history related to Paleogene relative plate movements between Greenland and Ellesmere Island. A preliminary inverse FT thermal model for a Cambrian (Archer Fiord Formation) sandstone in the hanging wall of the Rawlings Bay thrust at Cape Lawrence is consistent with Paleocene exhumational cooling, likely as a result of erosion of the thrust. This suggests that thrusting at Cape Lawrence occurred prior to the onset of Eocene compression, likely due to transpression during earlier strikeslip along the strait. Models for samples from volcaniclastic sandstones of the Late Paleocene Pavy Formation (from Cape Back and near Pavy River), and a sandstone from the Late Paleocene Mount Lawson Formation (at Split Lake, near Makinson Inlet) are also consistent with minor burial heating following known periods of basaltic volcanism in Baffin Bay and Davis Strait (c. 61-59 Ma), or related tholeiitic volcanism and intrusive activity (c. 55-54 Ma). Thermal models for samples from sea level dykes from around Smith Sound suggest a period of Late Cretaceous - Paleocene heating prior to final cooling during Paleocene time. These model results imply that Paleocene tectonic movements along Nares Strait were significant, and provide limited support for the former existence of the Wegener Fault. Apatite FT data from central Ellesmere Island suggest however, that cooling there occurred during Early Eocene time (c. 50 Ma), which was likely a result of erosion of thrusts during Eurekan compression. This diachronous cooling suggests that Eurekan deformation was partitioned at discrete intervals across Ellesmere Island, and thus it is likely that displacements along the strait were much less than the 150 km that has been previously suggested for the Wegener Fault.


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A critical problem in radiocarbon dating is the spatial and temporal variability of marine reservoir ages (MRAs). We assessed the MRA evolution during the last deglaciation by numerical modeling, applying a self-consistent iteration scheme in which an existing radiocarbon chronology (derived by Hughen et al., Quat. Sci. Rev., 25, pp. 3216-3227, 2006) was readjusted by transient, 3-D simulations of marine and atmospheric Delta14C. To estimate the uncertainties regarding the ocean ventilation during the last deglaciation, we considered various ocean overturning scenarios which are based on different climatic background states (PD: modern climate, GS: LGM climate conditions). Minimum and maximum MRAs are included in file 'MRAminmax_21-14kaBP.nc'. Three further files include MRAs according to equilibrium simulations of the preindustrial ocean (file 'C14age_preindustrial.nc'; this is an update of our results published in 2005) and of the glacial ocean (files 'C14age_spinupLGM_GS.nc' and 'C14age_spinupLGM_PD.nc').