954 resultados para Platinum
No processo de hidrocraqueamento para a produção de lubrificantes ocorre a formação de uma corrente rica em compostos parafínicos que possuem alto ponto de fluidez, apesar dos mesmos apresentarem excelentes desempenhos em termos de estabilidade térmica e oxidativa. A transformação das n-parafinas obtidas nestas correntes em isoparafinas e compostos naftênicos, os quais possuem menores pontos de fluidez, se faz necessária a fim de enquadrar esta propriedade. Uma das rotas catalíticas mais importantes neste sentido é a hidroisodesparafinação ou HIDW (hydroisodewaxing) que consiste na conversão de n-parafinas nas respectivas isoparafinas, onde são empregados catalisadores bifuncionais zeolíticos com a ocorrência de seletividade de forma. No caso dos catalisadores industriais, se faz necessária a dispersão da fase metálica e da zeólita em uma matriz amorfa para viabilizar sua conformação e melhorar a resistência mecânica do catalisador final. Neste cenário, o objetivo deste trabalho foi preparar e analisar o desempenho de uma série de catalisadores à base de zeólita beta inseridos numa matriz de alumina, variando-se o teor de zeólita e o tipo de precursor de Pt utilizado. Os catalisadores foram avaliados na reação de hidroisomerização de um composto modelo, no caso, n-hexadecano. Os testes realizados para avaliação da atividade e seletividade foram conduzidos em um reator de fluxo contínuo em alta pressão e fase líquida em unidade de laboratório. Os catalisadores foram testados em condições operacionais que proporcionassem uma ampla faixa de conversões do n-C16. Verificou-se que as atividades dos catalisadores foram proporcionais ao teor de zeólita no catalisador, indicando que a função ácida, neste catalisador bifuncional, é a etapa limitante do processo. Quanto à natureza do precursor de Pt, o catalisador preparado com ácido cloroplatínico foi sensivelmente mais ativo que os preparados com o complexo aminplatina. No entanto, para todos os catalisadores, a distribuição de produtos em função da conversão foi similar, independente do teor de zeólita e da natureza do precursor de platina. Foi também determinado o ponto de fluidez de uma série de produtos de reação, obtendo-se valores entre 17,5 C (n-hexadecano) e - 41 C (produto com 98% de conversão). Obteve-se uma boa correlação entre o ponto de fluidez e a composição dos produtos, considerando-se a presença de isômeros mono, di e tri-substituídos e compostos de menor peso molecular que C16
On the basis of the Boltzmann equation, the authors propose a model that includes scattering from both film surfaces and grain boundaries, and have studied the quasiclassical electrical transport in metallic films. The in-plane electric conductivity of metallic films is obtained, and the theoretical results are shown to be in good agreement with experimental data. We also give the relation between temperature coefficient of resistivity and thickness of metallic films and make a comparison with experiment. <(C)> 2004 American Institute of Physics.
Foi estudada a influência da temperatura na desativação de catalisadores automotivos comerciais, à base de Pt/Rh e de Pd/Rh, de diferentes fabricantes. Foram empregadas técnicas de caracterização textural e físico-química como FRX, AAS, fisissorção de N2, TG-ATD, DRX, RTP, quimissorção de H2 e MEV-EDX. Os catalisadores foram avaliados nas reações de oxidação do CO e oxidação do propano, utilizando uma mistura de gases estequiométrica semelhante ao gás de exaustão. Os catalisadores denominados G e V, de Pt/Rh e Pd/Rh, respectivamente, foram envelhecidos a 900C, em condições estequiométricas, e a 1200C, em ar, por períodos de tempo determinados. Em relação ao envelhecimento a 900C, apesar da caracterização apontar melhores resultados para o catalisador G, a comparação com os catalisadores novos indicou que a extensão da desativação sofrida pelo catalisador V foi menor do que aquela sofrida pelo catalisador G. O envelhecimento oxidante a 1200C foi muito prejudicial ao desempenho de ambos os catalisadores. Os difratogramas dos catalisadores envelhecidos nestas condições mostraram fenômenos importantes de transição de fase da alumina, bem como indícios de formação de novas fases a partir do óxido misto de Ce/Zr. Os perfis de RTP mostraram uma grande queda na redutibilidade, tanto para o catalisador G como para o V após este envelhecimento, e as micrografias de MEV-EDX mostraram estruturas muito sinterizadas e vários pontos de Pd aglomerado no catalisador V. Esse catalisador também apresentou partículas de texturas incomuns. Além disso, para ambos foi verificado indícios de perda de material nas amostras calcinadas por 72h a 1200C. Com relação aos resultados de avaliação catalítica, o catalisador G apresentou um desempenho inferior ao do catalisador V. A realização de envelhecimentos em atmosfera oxidante pode justificar esse comportamento uma vez que esse procedimento promove a formação de óxidos de platina, menos ativos que a platina metálica para essas reações. Além disso, este catalisador apresentou um teor de Pt bem abaixo daqueles registrados na literatura para catalisadores automotivos comerciais. Por outro lado, para catalisadores de Pd, o envelhecimento oxidante leva à formação de PdO, mais ativo que o Pd metálico. Outra observação significativa em relação à avaliação catalítica foi o fato de o catalisador G novo ter apresentado uma atividade muito baixa, especialmente para o propano, que tendeu a aumentar com o envelhecimento térmico. Foi sugerido que este catalisador precisaria de uma ativação térmica, a qual o catalisador V parece ter sido submetido durante a fabricação, pois há indícios da ocorrência de certo desgaste térmico neste catalisador novo, como mostrados pelos resultados de fisissorção de N2, DRX, TG-ATD, RTP e MEV-EDX. Foi também mostrado que os resultados de quimisorção de H2, apesar de não poderem ser usados na determinação da dispersão metálica, apresentaram uma tendência de correlação entre o consumo de H2 e o desempenho catalítico expresso como T50 ou T20. Observa-se um aumento na atividade catalítica quando a quantidade de H2 dessorvido (DTP-H2) aumenta. Concluindo, o envelhecimento térmico mostrou ser prejudicial ao desempenho do catalisador comercial, principalmente para situações drásticas como o envelhecimento realizado a 1200C em condições oxidantes
This paper presents direct growth of horizontally aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs) between two predefined various inter-spacing up to tens of microns of electrodes (pads) and its use as CNT field-effect transistors (CNT-FETs). The catalytic metals were prepared, consisting of iron (Fe), aluminum (Al) and platinum (Pt) triple layers, on the thermal silicon oxide substrate (Pt/Al/Fe/SiO2). Scanning electron microscopy measurements of CNT-FETs from the as-grown samples showed that over 80% of the nanotubes are grown across the catalytic electrodes. Moreover, the number of CNTs across the catalytic electrodes is roughly controllable by adjusting the growth condition. The Al, as the upper layer on Fe electrode, not only plays a role as a barrier to prevent vertical growth but also serves as a porous medium that helps in forming smaller nano-sized Fe particles which would be necessary for lateral growth of CNTs. Back-gate field effect transistors were demonstrated with the laterally aligned CNTs. The on/off ratios in all the measured devices are lower than 100 due to the drain leakage current. ©2010 IEEE.
This paper demonstrates a catalyst-free synthesis of ZnO nanostructures using platinum microheaters under ambient environmental conditions. Different morphologies of ZnO nanostructures are synthesized from the oxidization of Zn thin film by local heating. The synthesized ZnO structures are characterized by the SEM, EDX and Raman spectra. The characterization of two shapes of Pt microheaters is investigated and the relationship between the applied heating power and ZnO nanostructures synthesis is investigated under ambient conditions. We observe that the density and morphology of ZnO nanostructures can be controlled through applied heating voltages. Furthermore, a connected composite structural (Zn-ZnO-Zn) layer is synthesized using combinative microheaters. © 2011 IEEE.
An instrument developed for the rapid and accurate measurement of brine concentrations during blanching without disturbing the routine blanching operation is described. The concentration is sensed by a platinum electrode conductivity cell and displayed in a moving coil meter after conversion of the electrical signals into D.C. voltage. The instrument can measure in the range 5 to 12% with an accuracy of ± 1%. The errors caused mostly are those due to wide temperature variations of the brine between 95 to 102°C and the unknown quantities of protein.
Quality control is considered from the simulator's perspective through comparative simulation of an ultra energy-efficient building with EE4-DOE2.1E and EnergyPlus. The University of Calgary's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Platinum Child Development Centre, with a 66% certified energy cost reduction rating, was the case study building. A Natural Resources Canada incentive program required use of EE4 interface with DOE2.1E simulation engine for energy modelling. As DOE2.1E lacks specific features to simulate advanced systems such as radiant cooling in the CDC, an EnergyPlus model was developed to further evaluate these features. The EE4-DOE2.1E model was used for quality control during development of the base EnergyPlus model and simulation results were compared. Advanced energy systems then added to the EnergyPlus model generated small difference in estimated total annual energy use. The comparative simulation process helped identify the main input errors in the draft EnergyPlus model. The comparative use of less complex simulation programs is recommended for quality control when producing more complex models. © 2009 International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA).
为了寻找治疗艾滋病的新药,研究了8 种稀土金属(镧、铒、镝、钆、镨、镱、钐、钕) 配合物和铂 配合物的抗HIV 活性。我们以C8166 细胞系为指示细胞,测定样品对HIV - 1IIIB诱导的细胞合胞体形成 的抑制作用,并以MTT方法测定它们对细胞存活率的影响,以研究稀土和铂配合物对细胞的毒性。根 据公式,计算出其CC50和EC50值,并进一步计算出其TI 值。结果表明,镧配合物、钐配合物和铂配合物 的EC50值分别为0. 006μg/ ml 、74. 28μg/ ml 和21. 54μg/ ml ,它们的治疗指数分别为63、21 和45 ,具有一定的 抗HIV - 1 活性。其它的配合物具有很低或者不具有抗HIV - 1 活性。
Electrolysis is the most mature form of hydrogen production. Unfortunately, water electrolysis has not yet achieved the efficiency and the cost levels required for any practical application. In order to enhance the current density, modification of the electrolyte and the electrode morphology are the most popular approaches. Recently there have been numerous reports on how to improve the efficiency of hydrogen production by water splitting [1-3]. On the electrode side, the use of non-platinum high efficiency electrode materials for water splitting will provide a promising future for the hydrogen economy. An ideal electrode for water electrolysis should have good permeability to water and gas. It should also offer good electrical properties with a long life. A porous graphite plate, when coated with titania, for example, is known to provide a simple and economical electrode for water electrolysis [4]. © 2010 IEEE.
A catalyst-free synthesis of ZnO nanostructures using platinum microheaters under ambient environmental conditions has been developed. Different types of ZnO nanostructures are synthesized from the oxidization of Zn thin film by local heating. The characterization of two shapes of Pt microheaters is investigated and the relationship between the applied power for heat generation and ZnO nanostructure synthesis is investigated by local heating experiments under ambient conditions. Based on the developed heating approach, synthesis area, location, and morphologies of ZnO nanostructures can be controlled through the deposited thickness of Zn layer and applied heating voltages. Furthermore, a connected multiple-structure (Zn-ZnO-Zn) layer is synthesized using combinative multimicroheaters. © 2002-2012 IEEE.
The construction of protein-based photoelectrochemical cells that produce a variety of alternating currents in response to discontinuous illumination is reported. The photovoltaic component is a protein complex from the purple photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides which catalyses photochemical charge separation with a high quantum yield. Photoelectrochemical cells formed from this protein, a mobile redox mediator and a counter electrode formed from cobalt disilicide, titanium nitride, platinum, or multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) generate a direct current during continuous illumination and an alternating current with different characteristics during discontinuous illumination. In particular, the use of superhydrophobic MWCNT as the back electrode results in a near symmetrical forward and reverse current upon light on and light off, respectively. The symmetry of the AC output of these cells is correlated with the wettability of the counter electrode. Potential applications of a hybrid biological/synthetic solar cell capable of generating an approximately symmetrical alternating current are discussed. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Atom probe tomography was used to study the redistribution of platinum during Ni(10 at.%Pt) silicidation of n-doped polycrystalline Si. These measurements were performed after the two annealing steps of standard salicide process both on a field-effect transistor and on unpatterned region submitted to the same process. Very similar results are obtained in unpatterned region and in transistor gate contact. The first phase to form is not the expected δ-Ni2Si but the non stoichiometric θ-Ni2Si. Pt redistribution is strongly influenced by this phase and the final distribution is different from what is reported in literature. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, platinum (Pt) with a thickness of 45 nm was sputtered on the surface of AlGaN/GaN heterostructure to form the Schottky contact and the back-to-back Schottky diodes were characterized for H-2 sensing at room temperature. Both the forward and reverse current of the devices increased with exposure to H-2 gas, which was attributed to Schottky barrier height reduction caused by hydrogen absorption in the catalytic metals. A shift of 0.7 V at 297 K was obtained at a fixed forward current of 0.1 mA after switching from N-2 to 40% H-2 in N-2. The sensor's responses under different concentrations from 2500 ppm H-2 to 40% H-2 in N-2 at 297 K were investigated. Time response of the sensor at a fixed bias of 1 V was given. Finally, the decrease of the Schottky barrier height and the sensitivity of the sensor were calculated. (C) 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Pt/AlGaN/AlN/GaN Schottky diodes have been fabricated and characterized for H-2 sensing. Platinum (Pt) with a thickness of 20nm was evaporated on the sample to form the Schottky contact. The ohmic contact, formed by evaporated Ti/Al/Ni/Au metals, was subsequently annealed by a rapid thermal treatment at 860 degrees C for 30 s in N-2 ambience. Both the forward and reverse current of the device increased greatly when exposed to H-2 gas. The sensor's responses under different hydrogen concentrations from 500ppm to 10% H-2 in N-2 at 300K were investigated. A shift of 0.45V at 297K is obtained at a fixed forward current for switching from N-2 to 10% H-2 in N-2. Time response of the sensor at a fixed bias of 0.5 V was also measured. The turn-on response of the device was rapid, while the recovery of the sensor at N-2 atmosphere was rather slow. But it recovered quickly when the device was exposed to the air. The decrease in the barrier height of the diode was calculated to be about 160meV upon introduction of 10% H-2 into the ambient. The sensitivity of the sensor is also calculated. Some thermodynamics analyses have been done according to the Langmuir isotherm equation.