970 resultados para Phase type distributions
Contaminated soil reuse was investigated, with higher profusion, throughout the early 90’s, coinciding with the 1991 Gulf War, when efforts to amend large crude oil releases began in geotechnical assessment of contaminated soils. Isolated works referring to geotechnical testing with hydrocarbon ground contaminants are described in the state-of-the-art, which have been extended to other type of contaminated soil references. Contaminated soils by light non-aquous phase liquids (LNAPL) bearing capacity reduction has been previously investigated from a forensic point of view. To date, all the research works have been published based on the assumption of constant contaminant saturation for the entire soil mass. In contrast, the actual LNAPLs distribution plumes exhibit complex flow patterns which are subject to physical and chemical changes with time and distance travelled from the release source. This aspect has been considered along the present text. A typical Madrid arkosic soil formation is commonly known as Miga sand. Geotechnical tests have been carried out, with Miga sand specimens, in incremental series of LNAPL concentrations in order to observe the soil engineering properties variation due to a contamination increase. Results are discussed in relation with previous studies and as a matter of fact, soil mechanics parameters change in the presence of LNAPL, showing different tendencies according to each test and depending on the LNAPL content, as well as to the specimen’s initially planned relative density, dense or loose. Geotechnical practical implications are also commented on and analyzed. Variation on geotechnical properties may occur only within the external contour of contamination distribution plume. This scope has motivated the author to develop a physical model based on transparent soil technology. The model aims to reproduce the distribution of LNAPL into the ground due to an accidental release from a storage facility. Preliminary results indicate that the model is a potentially complementary tool for hydrogeological applications, site-characterization and remediation treatment testing within the framework of soil pollution events. A description of the test setup of an innovative three dimensional physical model for the flow of two or more phases, in porous media, is presented herein, along with a summary of the advantages, limitations and future applications for modeling with transparent material. En los primeros años de la década de los años 90, del siglo pasado, coincidiendo con la Guerra del Golfo en 1991, se investigó intensamente sobre la reutilización de suelos afectados por grandes volúmenes de vertidos de crudo, fomentándose la evaluación geotécnica de los suelos contaminados. Se describen, en el estado del arte de esta tésis, una serie de trabajos aislados en relación con la caracterización geotécnica de suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos, descripción ampliada mediante referencias relacionadas con otros tipos de contaminación de suelos. Existen estudios previos de patología de cimentaciones que analizan la reducción de la capacidad portante de suelos contaminados por hidrocarburos líquidos ligeros en fase no acuosa (acrónimo en inglés: LNAPL de “Liquid Non-Aquous Phase Liquid”). A fecha de redacción de la tesis, todas las publicaciones anteriores estaban basadas en la consideración de una saturación del contaminante constante en toda la extensión del terreno de cimentación. La distribución real de las plumas de contaminante muestra, por el contrario, complejas trayectorias de flujo que están sujetas a cambios físico-químicos en función del tiempo y la distancia recorrida desde su origen de vertido. Éste aspecto ha sido considerado y tratado en el presente texto. La arena de Miga es una formación geológica típica de Madrid. En el ámbito de esta tesis se han desarrollado ensayos geotécnicos con series de muestras de arena de Miga contaminadas con distintas concentraciones de LNAPL con el objeto de estimar la variación de sus propiedades geotécnicas debido a un incremento de contaminación. Se ha realizado una evaluación de resultados de los ensayos en comparación con otros estudios previamente analizados, resultando que las propiedades mecánicas del suelo, efectivamente, varían en función del contenido de LNAPL y de la densidad relativa con la que se prepare la muestra, densa o floja. Se analizan y comentan las implicaciones de carácter práctico que supone la mencionada variación de propiedades geotécnicas. El autor ha desarrollado un modelo físico basado en la tecnología de suelos transparentes, considerando que las variaciones de propiedades geotécnicas únicamente deben producirse en el ámbito interior del contorno de la pluma contaminante. El objeto del modelo es el de reproducir la distribución de un LNAPL en un terreno dado, causada por el vertido accidental de una instalación de almecenamiento de combustible. Los resultados preliminares indican que el modelo podría emplearse como una herramienta complementaria para el estudio de eventos contaminantes, permitiendo el desarrollo de aplicaciones de carácter hidrogeológico, caracterización de suelos contaminados y experimentación de tratamientos de remediación. Como aportación de carácter innovadora, se presenta y describe un modelo físico tridimensional de flujo de dos o más fases a través de un medio poroso transparente, analizándose sus ventajas e inconvenientes así como sus limitaciones y futuras aplicaciones.
Infrared (IR) interferometry is a method for measuring the line-electron density of fusion plasmas. The significant performance achieved by FPGAs in solving digital signal processing tasks advocates the use of this type of technology in two-color IR interferometers of modern stellarators, such as the TJ-II (Madrid, Spain) and the future W7-X (Greifswald, Germany). In this work the implementation of a line-average electron density measuring system in an FPGA device is described. Several optimizations for multichannel systems are detailed and test results from the TJ-II as well as from a W7-X prototype are presented.
“Por lo tanto, la cristalización de polímeros se supone, y en las teorías se describe a menudo, como un proceso de múltiples pasos con muchos aspectos físico-químicos y estructurales influyendo en él. Debido a la propia estructura de la cadena, es fácil entender que un proceso que es termodinámicamente forzado a aumentar su ordenamiento local, se vea obstaculizado geométricamente y, por tanto, no puede conducirse a un estado de equilibrio final. Como resultado, se forman habitualmente estructuras de no equilibrio con diferentes características dependiendo de la temperatura, presión, cizallamiento y otros parámetros físico-químicos del sistema”. Estas palabras, pronunciadas recientemente por el profesor Bernhard Wunderlich, uno de los mas relevantes fisico-quimicos que han abordado en las ultimas décadas el estudio del estado físico de las macromoléculas, adelantan lo que de alguna manera se explicita en esta memoria y constituyen el “leitmotiv” de este trabajo de tesis. El mecanismo de la cristalización de polímeros esta aun bajo debate en la comunidad de la física de polímeros y la mayoría de los abordajes experimentales se explican a través de la teoría LH. Esta teoría clásica debida a Lauritzen y Hoffman (LH), y que es una generalización de la teoría de cristalización de una molécula pequeña desde la fase de vapor, describe satisfactoriamente muchas observaciones experimentales aunque esta lejos de explicar el complejo fenómeno de la cristalización de polímeros. De hecho, la formulación original de esta teoría en el National Bureau of Standards, a comienzos de la década de los 70, sufrió varias reformulaciones importantes a lo largo de la década de los 80, buscando su adaptación a los hallazgos experimentales. Así nació el régimen III de cristalización que posibilita la creacion de nichos moleculares en la superficie y que dio pie al paradigma ofrecido por Sadler y col., para justificar los experimentos que se obtenian por “scattering” de neutrones y otras técnicas como la técnica de “droplets” o enfriamiento rapido. Por encima de todo, el gran éxito de la teoría radica en que explica la dependencia inversa entre el tamaño del plegado molecular y el subenfriamiento, definido este ultimo como el intervalo de temperatura que media entre la temperatura de equilibrio y la temperatura de cristalización. El problema concreto que aborda esta tesis es el estudio de los procesos de ordenamiento de poliolefinas con distinto grado de ramificacion mediante simulaciones numéricas. Los copolimeros estudiados en esta tesis se consideran materiales modelo de gran homogeneidad molecular desde el punto de vista de la distribución de tamaños y de ramificaciones en la cadena polimérica. Se eligieron estas poliolefinas debido al gran interes experimental en conocer el cambio en las propiedades fisicas de los materiales dependiendo del tipo y cantidad de comonomero utilizado. Además, son modelos sobre los que existen una ingente cantidad de información experimental, que es algo que preocupa siempre al crear una realidad virtual como es la simulación. La experiencia en el grupo Biophym es que los resultados de simulación deben de tener siempre un correlato mas o menos próximo experimental y ese argumento se maneja a lo largo de esta memoria. Empíricamente, se conoce muy bien que las propiedades físicas de las poliolefinas, en suma dependen del tipo y de la cantidad de ramificaciones que presenta el material polimérico. Sin embargo, tal como se ha explicado no existen modelos teóricos adecuados que expliquen los mecanismos subyacentes de los efectos de las ramas. La memoria de este trabajo es amplia por la complejidad del tema. Se inicia con una extensa introducción sobre los conceptos básicos de una macromolecula que son relevantes para entender el contenido del resto de la memoria. Se definen los conceptos de macromolecula flexible, distribuciones y momentos, y su comportamiento en disolución y fundido con los correspondientes parametros caracteristicos. Se pone especial énfasis en el concepto de “entanglement” o enmaranamiento por considerarse clave a la hora de tratar macromoléculas con una longitud superior a la longitud critica de enmaranamiento. Finaliza esta introducción con una reseña sobre el estado del arte en la simulación de los procesos de cristalización. En un segundo capitulo del trabajo se expone detalladamente la metodología usada en cada grupo de casos. En el primer capitulo de resultados, se discuten los estudios de simulación en disolución diluida para sistemas lineales y ramificados de cadena única. Este caso mas simple depende claramente del potencial de torsión elegido tal como se discute a lo largo del texto. La formación de los núcleos “babys” propuestos por Muthukumar parece que son consecuencia del potencial de torsión, ya que este facilita los estados de torsión mas estables. Así que se propone el análisis de otros potenciales que son igualmente utilizados y los resultados obtenidos sobre la cristalización, discutidos en consecuencia. Seguidamente, en un segundo capitulo de resultados se estudian moleculas de alcanos de cadena larga lineales y ramificados en un fundido por simulaciones atomisticas como un modelo de polietileno. Los resultados atomisticos pese a ser de gran detalle no logran captar en su totalidad los efectos experimentales que se observan en los fundidos subenfriados en su etapa previa al estado ordenado. Por esta razon se discuten en los capítulos 3 y 4 de resultados sistemas de cadenas cortas y largas utilizando dos modelos de grano grueso (CG-PVA y CG-PE). El modelo CG-PE se desarrollo durante la tesis. El uso de modelos de grano grueso garantiza una mayor eficiencia computacional con respecto a los modelos atomísticos y son suficientes para mostrar los fenómenos a la escala relevante para la cristalización. En todos estos estudios mencionados se sigue la evolución de los procesos de ordenamiento y de fusión en simulaciones de relajación isoterma y no isoterma. Como resultado de los modelos de simulación, se han evaluado distintas propiedades fisicas como la longitud de segmento ordenado, la cristalinidad, temperaturas de fusion/cristalizacion, etc., lo que permite una comparación con los resultados experimentales. Se demuestra claramente que los sistemas ramificados retrasan y dificultan el orden de la cadena polimérica y por tanto, las regiones cristalinas ordenadas decrecen al crecer las ramas. Como una conclusión general parece mostrarse una tendencia a la formación de estructuras localmente ordenadas que crecen como bloques para completar el espacio de cristalización que puede alcanzarse a una temperatura y a una escala de tiempo determinada. Finalmente hay que señalar que los efectos observados, estan en concordancia con otros resultados tanto teoricos/simulacion como experimentales discutidos a lo largo de esta memoria. Su resumen se muestra en un capitulo de conclusiones y líneas futuras de investigación que se abren como consecuencia de esta memoria. Hay que mencionar que el ritmo de investigación se ha acentuado notablemente en el ultimo ano de trabajo, en parte debido a las ventajas notables obtenidas por el uso de la metodología de grano grueso que pese a ser muy importante para esta memoria no repercute fácilmente en trabajos publicables. Todo ello justifica que gran parte de los resultados esten en fase de publicación. Abstract “Polymer crystallization is therefore assumed, and in theories often described, to be a multi step process with many influencing aspects. Because of the chain structure, it is easy to understand that a process which is thermodynamically forced to increase local ordering but is geometrically hindered cannot proceed into a final equilibrium state. As a result, nonequilibrium structures with different characteristics are usually formed, which depend on temperature, pressure, shearing and other parameters”. These words, recently written by Professor Bernhard Wunderlich, one of the most prominent researchers in polymer physics, put somehow in value the "leitmotiv "of this thesis. The crystallization mechanism of polymers is still under debate in the physics community and most of the experimental findings are still explained by invoking the LH theory. This classical theory, which was initially formulated by Lauritzen and Hoffman (LH), is indeed a generalization of the crystallization theory for small molecules from the vapor phase. Even though it describes satisfactorily many experimental observations, it is far from explaining the complex phenomenon of polymer crystallization. This theory was firstly devised in the early 70s at the National Bureau of Standards. It was successively reformulated along the 80s to fit the experimental findings. Thus, the crystallization regime III was introduced into the theory in order to explain the results found in neutron scattering, droplet or quenching experiments. This concept defines the roughness of the crystallization surface leading to the paradigm proposed by Sadler et al. The great success of this theory is the ability to explain the inverse dependence of the molecular folding size on the supercooling, the latter defined as the temperature interval between the equilibrium temperature and the crystallization temperature. The main scope of this thesis is the study of ordering processes in polyolefins with different degree of branching by using computer simulations. The copolymers studied along this work are considered materials of high molecular homogeneity, from the point of view of both size and branching distributions of the polymer chain. These polyolefins were selected due to the great interest to understand their structure– property relationships. It is important to note that there is a vast amount of experimental data concerning these materials, which is essential to create a virtual reality as is the simulation. The Biophym research group has a wide experience in the correlation between simulation data and experimental results, being this idea highly alive along this work. Empirically, it is well-known that the physical properties of the polyolefins depend on the type and amount of branches presented in the polymeric material. However, there are not suitable models to explain the underlying mechanisms associated to branching. This report is extensive due to the complexity of the topic under study. It begins with a general introduction to the basics concepts of macromolecular physics. This chapter is relevant to understand the content of the present document. Some concepts are defined along this section, among others the flexibility of macromolecules, size distributions and moments, and the behavior in solution and melt along with their corresponding characteristic parameters. Special emphasis is placed on the concept of "entanglement" which is a key item when dealing with macromolecules having a molecular size greater than the critical entanglement length. The introduction finishes with a review of the state of art on the simulation of crystallization processes. The second chapter of the thesis describes, in detail, the computational methodology used in each study. In the first results section, we discuss the simulation studies in dilute solution for linear and short chain branched single chain models. The simplest case is clearly dependent on the selected torsion potential as it is discussed throughout the text. For example, the formation of baby nuclei proposed by Mutukhumar seems to result from the effects of the torsion potential. Thus, we propose the analysis of other torsion potentials that are also used by other research groups. The results obtained on crystallization processes are accordingly discussed. Then, in a second results section, we study linear and branched long-chain alkane molecules in a melt by atomistic simulations as a polyethylene-like model. In spite of the great detail given by atomistic simulations, they are not able to fully capture the experimental facts observed in supercooled melts, in particular the pre-ordered states. For this reason, we discuss short and long chains systems using two coarse-grained models (CG-PVA and CG-PE) in section 3 and 4 of chapter 2. The CG-PE model was developed during the thesis. The use of coarse-grained models ensures greater computational efficiency with respect to atomistic models and is enough to show the relevant scale phenomena for crystallization. In all the analysis we follow the evolution of the ordering and melting processes by both isothermal and non isothermal simulations. During this thesis we have obtained different physical properties such as stem length, crystallinity, melting/crystallization temperatures, and so on. We show that branches in the chains cause a delay in the crystallization and hinder the ordering of the polymer chain. Therefore, crystalline regions decrease in size as branching increases. As a general conclusion, it seems that there is a tendency in the macromolecular systems to form ordered structures, which can grown locally as blocks, occupying the crystallization space at a given temperature and time scale. Finally it should be noted that the observed effects are consistent with both, other theoretical/simulation and experimental results. The summary is provided in the conclusions chapter along with future research lines that open as result of this report. It should be mentioned that the research work has speeded up markedly in the last year, in part because of the remarkable benefits obtained by the use of coarse-grained methodology that despite being very important for this thesis work, is not easily publishable by itself. All this justify that most of the results are still in the publication phase.
The influence of CP content and ingredient complexity, feed form, and duration of feeding of the Phase I diets on growth performance and total tract apparent digestibility -TTAD- of energy and nutrients was studied in Iberian pigs weaned at 28 d of age. There were 12 dietary treatments with 2 type of feeds -high-quality, HQ; and low-quality, LQ-, 2 feed forms -pellets vs. mash-, and 3 durations -7, 14, and 21 d- of supply of the Phase I diets.
Two sheep and two goats, fitted with a ruminal cannula, received two diets composed of 30% concentrate and 70% of either alfalfa hay (AL) or grass hay (GR) as forage in a two-period crossover design. Solid and liquid phases of the rumen were sampled from each animal immediately before feeding and 4 h post-feeding. Pellets containing solid associated bacteria (SAB) and liquid associated bacteria (LAB) were isolated from the corresponding ruminal phase and composited by time to obtain 2 pellets per animal (one SAB and one LAB) before DNA extraction. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of 16S ribosomal DNA was used to analyze bacterial diversity. A total of 78 and 77 bands were detected in the DGGE gel from sheep and goats samples, respectively. There were 18 bands only found in the pellets from sheep fed AL-fed sheep and 7 found exclusively in samples from sheep fed the GR diet. In goats, 21 bands were found only in animals fed the AL diet and 17 were found exclusively in GR-fed ones. In all animals, feeding AL diet tended (P < 0.10) to promote greater NB and SI in LAB and SAB pellets compared with the GR diet. The dendrogram generated by the cluster analysis showed that in both animal species all samples can be included in two major clusters. The four SAB pellets within each animal species clustered together and the four LAB pellets grouped in a different cluster. Moreover, SAB and LAB clusters contained two clear subclusters according to forage type. Results show that in all animals bacterial diversity was more markedly affected by the ruminal phase (solid vs. liquid) than by the type of forage in the diet.
Recently there has been an important increase in electric equipment, as well as, electric power demand in aircrafts applications. This prompts to the necessity of efficient, reliable, and low-weight converters, especially rectifiers from 115VAC to 270VDC because these voltages are used in power distribution. In order to obtain a high efficiency, in aircraft application where the derating in semiconductors is high, normally several semiconductors are used in parallel to decrease the conduction losses. However, this is in conflict with high reliability. To match both goals of high efficiency and reliability, this work proposes an interleaved multi-cell rectifier system, employing several converter cells in parallel instead of parallel-connected semiconductors. In this work a 10kW multi-cell isolated rectifier system has been designed where each cell is composed of a buck type rectifier and a full bridge DC-DC converter. The implemented system exhibits 91% of efficiency, high power density (10kW/10kg), low THD (2.5%), and n−1 fault tolerance which complies, with military aircraft standards.
An architecture of light and shadows is proposed for this airport for the twenty-first century. A great concrete and stone box to frame the incredible view south towards a red mountain that rests Sphinx-like over the Atlantic. = Se propone para este aeropuerto para el siglo XXI una arquitectura construída con la luz y con las sombras. Una gran caja de hormigón que enmarca un maravilloso paisaje: el océano atlántico al sur con la montaña roja que se acuesta sobre el mar como si de una esfinge se tratara.
Tenerife South Airport (Phase II)
In collaboration with Arsenio Pérez Amaral, Antonio Corona and Eustaquio Martínez
Interest in commercially farmed rabbit welfare has increased in recent years. As a result, new alternative housing systems have been developed, although they require evaluation in order to demonstrate their potential for improving welfare. The aim of this trial was to study the behavioural traits of rabbit does housed in 2 different types of cage (TC): conventional vs. alternative with an elevated platform, at different physiological stages (PS); lactation and gestation. Behavioural observations were carried out on 12 rabbit commercial does using continuous 24 h video recording. Independently of PS and TC, rabbit does spent most of their time on foot mats (on av. 57.7%). However, due to the use of platforms (on av. 23.0% of time), lactating does spent 36.6% less time on foot mats (P<0.001) and gestating does spent 27.0% less time on wire mesh (P<0.001) in alternative cages than in conventional cages. Alternative cages allowed for standing posture, but this behaviour was only observed in gestating does (on av. 4.6 times a day). Frequency of drinking was higher in conventional than in alternative cages (24.6 vs. 19.1 times a day; P<0.05). Gestating does housed in conventional cages reached the highest duration and frequency of interacting with neighbours (276 s/d and 4.6 times/d; P<0.05). The frequency of interacting with kits was lower in alternative than in conventional cages (2.4 vs. 8.6 times a day; P<0.01). Doe behaviour was influenced by the time of day, with less activity during the midday hours. During dark hours, rabbit does more frequently performed restless behaviour such as hyperactivity or nursing, matching the time at which rabbit does spent more time on the platform. The platform was frequently used by rabbit does, regardless of their physiological stage, and during late lactation phase, when mothers were not receptive to nursing, does housed in alternative cages used the platform as a mean to flee from kits trying to suckle. Use of the platform might lead to hygienic problems due to retained faeces on the platform and faeces and urine falling onto animals located in the lower part of the cage. The absence of stereotypies in rabbit does of this trial, suggested that animal welfare was not compromised by the type of housing (conventional or alternative cages).
We characterize the chaos in a fractional Duffing’s equation computing the Lyapunov exponents and the dimension of the strange attractor in the effective phase space of the system. We develop a specific analytical method to estimate all Lyapunov exponents and check the results with the fiduciary orbit technique and a time series estimation method.