972 resultados para Peça radiofônica


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以22 a定位试验为基础,在黄土高原旱地研究了长期施用氮磷化肥,对不同种植体系土壤有效硫在剖面上分布与累积状况。结果表明,在60-80 cm土层各处理出现第一个累积峰,累积峰值为:玉米-小麦(2 a)+糜子轮作27.07 mg/kg,豌豆-小麦(2 a)+糜子轮作25.42 mg/kg,小麦(2 a)+糜子-玉米轮作24.23 mg/kg,豌豆-小麦(2 a)+玉米轮作22.61 mg/kg,小麦连作16.56 mg/kg,红豆草-小麦(2 a)轮作15.14 mg/kg;在120-180 cm土层又出现有效硫的第二个累积峰,累积峰值为:小麦(2 a)+糜子-玉米轮作34.20 mg/kg,豌豆-小麦(2 a)+糜子轮作32.16 mg/kg,豌豆-小麦(2 a)+玉米轮作31.00 mg/kg,红豆草-小麦(2 a)轮作30.32mg/kg,玉米-小麦(2 a)+糜子轮作29.16 mg/kg,小麦连作26.22 mg/kg。0-200 cm土层有效硫总累积量玉米-小麦+糜子轮作高达559.64 kg/hm2,其次是小麦+糜子-玉米轮作为538.88 kg/hm2,豌豆-小麦+糜子轮作为514.34 kg/...


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本文研究了低密度聚乙烯/乙烯、乙酸乙烯(LDPE/EVA),低密度聚乙烯/1,2—聚丁二烯(LDPE/1,2-PDB),乙丙橡胶/丁苯橡胶(EPR/SBR),以及聚偏氟乙烯/聚丙烯酸乙酯(PVF_2/PEA),聚氧化乙烯/聚乙酸乙烯酯(PEO/PVAc)五个共混体系的辐射关联反应情况。其中采用了机械共混、溶液共混两种方法制备了第一个共混体系,而后四个共混体系均只采用了溶液共混一种制备方法。首先,采用了电子显微镜以及DSC等方法,研究了以上五个共混体系组分间的相溶性。结果表明前三个共混体系属于多相聚合物共混体系。电子显微镜观察表明LDPE/1.2-PBD以及EPR/SBR两共混体系存在着明显的相分离现象,当LDPE含量为50%左右,EPR含量为30~50%时两共混体系均有相倒转发生。对于LDPE/1.2-PBD共混体系,共混样品的熔点虽然随加入1.2-PBD的量的增加而下降,但下降很小,不符合由热力学导出的表示相溶半晶聚合物共混体系熔点随组成变化的关系式:1/(φ1) (1/(Tm) - 1/(Tm)) = - (R V_(2u))/V_(1u) H_(2u))[(1/(u_2) - 1/(u_1)) + X_(12 φ_1]。而PVF_2/PEA、PEO/PVAc二共混体系相溶性明显提高。二共混体系结晶聚合物的溶点均随加入另一组分而急剧下降,由上式求得PVF_2/PEA、PEO/PVAc二共混体系的lory-Huggins相互作用参数X_(12)分别为:-0.28和-0.35。正是由于组分间有强烈的相互作用,至使以上二共混体系相溶性提高。LDPE/1.2-PDB和PVF_2/PEA二共混体系,在被r—射线照射击后,性能的变化情况很不一样。对于PVF_2/PEA共混体系在被r—射线照射后,我们首次发现共混样品用DSC测得的熔融峰由未照射时的一个分裂成照射后的两个。由此近似求得PVF_2/PEA共混体系中含有含PEA为19%及6%的两种结晶相。而LDPE/ 1。2-PBD共混体系组分间相溶性差,共混样熔融峰没有分裂现象,只是熔点随辐照剂量稍有下降。以上五个共混体系发生辐射交联后,其溶胶分数S与辐照剂量R的关系仍可用下式R(S + S~(1/2)) = 1/(q_oU_1) + (α_o)/(q_o)R~β表示。但发现,有些含有双链及分子链较柔顺的橡胶态单一聚合物(丁苯橡胶、PEA、1.2-PBD)的β值有极低的值(<0.5)。我们把此现象归因于以上这些聚合物发生辐射交联反应时有强化交联效应。对于共混样的β值—β_b值,与共混组分、组分间相溶性、及共混比例有并,实验结果表明以上关系可由下式近似表示。β_b = [(β_1 + (K'β_2 - β_1)φ_2]/[1 + (K' - 1)φ_2]式中,β_b为共混样的β值;β_1,β_2分别为组分1及2的β值;φ_2分别为组分1及2的体积分数;而K’值为一特征参数,它与共混体系性质有关。实验结果表明,共混体系组分间相溶性愈好,X_(12)值愈负,则K’值偏离1愈远。K’值表示了组分间参加反应时的协同效应。


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Liaoning province is located in the Northeast of China, with special topographic features.The pea plants in Liaoning Province distribute extensively.We have seperated and collected 260 samples of rihzobia,including 53 species of 26 genera of pea plants and found that the growth condition of rihzobium was associated with the climate and topographic features.This paper provides original information and important data about the pea plants and the rihzobia in Liaoning Province.


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Amphiphilic biodegradable star-shaped polymer was conveniently prepared by the Sn(Oct)(2)-catalyzed ring opening polymerization of c-caprolactone (CL) with hyperbranched poly(ester amide) (PEA) as a macroinitiator. Various monomer/initiator ratios were employed to vary the length of the PCL arms. H-1 NMR and FTIR characterizations showed the successful synthesis of star polymer with high initiation efficiency. SEC analysis using triple detectors, RI, light scattering, and viscosity confirmed the controlled manner of polymerization and the star architecture.


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Rare-earth ions (Eu3+, Tb3+) doped AMoO(4) (A = Sr, Ba) particles with uniform morphologies were successfully prepared through a facile solvothermal process using ethylene glycol (EG) as protecting agent. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), photoluminescence (PL) spectra and the kinetic decays were performed to characterize these samples. The XRD results reveal that all the doped samples are of high purity and crystallinity and assigned to the tetragonal scheelite-type structure of the AMoO(4) phase. It has been shown that the as-synthesized SrMoO4:Ln and BaMoO4:Ln samples show respective uniform pea nut-like and oval morphologies with narrowsize distribution. The possible growth process of the AMoO(4):Ln has been investigated in detail. The EG/H2O volume ratio, reaction temperature and time have obvious effect on themorphologies and sizes of the as-synthesized products.


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Poly(ethyl acrylate) (PEA)/SiO2 hybrids with different compositions were prepared under different casting temperatures and pH values. Their morphology as investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) shows that samples with different compositions have different morphologies. When the SiO2 content is lower, PEA is the continuous phase and SiO2 is the dispersed phase. At higher SiO2 content, the change in phase morphology takes place, nd PEA gradually dispersing in the form of latex particles in SiO2 matrix. Change in phase morphology depends mainly on the time the sol-gel transition occurs. At suitable casting temperature and pH value, PEA/SiO2 in 95/5 and 50/50 hybrids with even dispersion was obtained.


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Transparent poly(ethyl acrylate) (PEA)/bentonite nanocomposites containing intercalated-exfoliated combinatory structures of clay were synthesized by in situ emulsion polymerizations in aqueous dispersions containing bentonite. The samples for characterization were prepared through direct-forming films of the resulting emulsions without coagulation and separation. An examination with X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy showed that intercalated and exfoliated structures of clay coexisted in the PEA/bentonite nanocomposites. The measurements of mechanical properties showed that PEA properties were greatly improved, with the tensile strength and modulus increasing from 0.65 and 0.24 to 11.16 and 88.41 MPa, respectively. Dynamic mechanical analysis revealed a very marked improvement of the storage modulus above the glass-transition temperature. In addition, because of the uniform dispersion of silicate layers in the PEA matrix, the barrier properties of the materials were dramatically improved. The permeability coefficient of water vapor decreased from 30.8 x 10(-6) to 8.3 x 10(-6) g cm/cm(2)s cmHg. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Prepolymers of poly(ethylene oxide) (Pre-PEG) were synthesized by reacting azoisobutyronitrile (AIBN) with poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), and their structures were characterized by IR and UV. The molecular weight of pre-PEG was related to the feed ratio and reaction time. These prepolymers can be used to prepare block copolymers - poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(butyl acrylate) (PEO-b-PBA) by radical polymerization in the presence of butyl acrylate (BA). Solution polymerization was a suitable technique for this step. The yield and the molecular weight of the product were related to the ratio of the prepolymer to BA, the reaction time, and temperature. GPC showed that the molecular weight increased with a higher ratio of BA to pre-PEO. The intrinsic viscosity of the copolymers was only slightly dependent on reaction time, but decreased at higher reaction temperatures, as did the amount of PEA homopolymer. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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As the only remainder type of phycobiliproteins in Prochlorococcus, the actual role of phycoerythrin still remains unknown. Previous studies revealed that two different forms of phycoerythrin gene were found in two ecotypes of Prochlorococcus that are specifically adapted to either high light (HL) or low light (LL) conditions. Here we analyze patterns of phycoerythrin nucleotide variation in the HL- and LL-Prochlorococcus populations. Our analyses reveal a significantly greater number of non-synonymous fixed substitutions in peB and peA than expected based on interspecific comparisons. This pattern of excess non-synonymous fixed substitutions is not seen in other five phycoerythrin-related genes (peZ/V/Y/T/S). Several neutrality statistical tests indicate an excess of rare frequency polymorphisms in the LL-Prochlorococcus data, but an excess of intermediate frequency polymorphisms in the HL-Prochlorococcus data. Distributions of the positively selected sites identified using the likelihood ratio test, when mapped onto the phycoerythrin tertiary structure, reveal that HL- and LL-phycoerythrin should be under different selective patterns. These findings may provide insights into the likely role of selection at the phycoerythrin locus and motivate further research to unveil the function of phycoerythrin in Prochlorococcus.


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Touros jovens da raça Nelore (n=6) foram mantidos em pasto formado de Brachiaria brizantha desde a desmama em dietas com diferentes níveis de zinco. Foram formados aleatoriamente dois grupos que receberam diariamente, durante dois anos, diferentes concentrações de zinco no sal mineral: T1 (n=4), os animais não receberam suplemento com zinco e T2 (n=2), 60 mg/kg/dia de Zn inorgânico suplementar. A concentração de Zn na pastagem variou de 17,8 (águas) a 12,8 mg/kg (seca), respectivamente. A partir dos 14 meses de idade, os animais foram submetidos quinzenalmente a exame de sêmen e colheita de sangue. A morfologia espermática foi estimada, incluindo a mensuração da cabeça espermática a partir de esfregaços coradas pelo método de Fuelgen, em imagens captadas digitalmente e processadas pelo software Kontron Eletronik Imaging System, KS 400-2.0. A concentração de zinco no plasma foi dosada por spectrofotometria de absorção atômica. Os resultados mostraram que os touros do T1 tiveram qualidade seminal inferior (P<0,05) em relação ao T2. Observou-se variação das características seminais em função da data da colheita, evidenciando efeito estacional sobre a qualidade do sêmen. Os defeitos mais encontrados foram de peça intermediária e cauda. A concentração de Zinco (Zn) na circulação sangüínea foi maior (P<0,01) no T1 em comparação ao T2 (0,72 ±0,01 x 0,66 ±0,01, respectivamente). A área da cabeça espermática de espermatozóides morfologicamente normais e com defeitos de cabeça, peça intermediária e cauda foi maior (P<0,01) para os touros do T1 em relação aos do T2. Ademais, espermatozóides com fragmentação nuclear apresentaram forma mais alongada quando comparados àqueles sem alterações morfológicas. As correlações encontradas sugerem a importância do Zn na qualidade seminal, especialmente pelos efeitos deletérios que sua deficiência (subclínica) causa na morfologia espermática.


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Armstead, I. P., Donnison, I. S., Aubry, S., Harper, J. A., H?rtensteiner, S., James, C. L., Mani, J., Moffet, M., Ougham, H. J., Roberts, L. A., Thomas, A. M., Weeden, N., Thomas, S., King, I. P. (2007). Cross-species identification of Mendel's/locus. Science, 315 (5808), 73. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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Background: HIV infection leads to a decreasing immune response, thereby facilitating the appearance of other infections, one of the most important ones being HPV. However, studies are needed for determining associations between immunodeficiency caused by HIV and/or the presence of HPV during the course of cervical lesions and their degree of malignancy. This study describes the cytological findings revealed by the Papanicolaou test, laboratory characteristics and HPV molecular profile in women with and without HIV infection. Methods: A total of 216 HIV-positive and 1,159 HIV-negative women were invited to participate in the study; PCR was used for the molecular detection of HPV in cervical samples. Statistical analysis (such as percentages, Chi-square test and Fisher's exact test when applicable) determined human papillomavirus (HPV) infection frequency (single and multiple) and the distribution of six types of high-risk-HPV in women with and without HIV infection. Likewise, a logistic regression model was run to evaluate the relationship between HIV-HPV infection and different risk factors. Results: An association was found between the frequency of HPV infection and infection involving 2 or more HPV types (also known as multiple HPV infection) in HIV-positive women (69.0% and 54.2%, respectively); such frequency was greater than that found in HIV-negative women (44.3% and 22.7%, respectively). Statistically significant differences were observed between both groups (p = 0.001) regarding HPV presence (both in infection and multiple HPV infection). HPV-16 was the most prevalent type in the population being studied (p = 0.001); other viral types had variable distribution in both groups (HIV-positive and HIV-negative). HPV detection was associated with <500 cell/mm(3) CD4-count (p = 0.004) and higher HIV-viral-load (p = 0.001). HPV-DNA detection, <200 cell/mm(3) CD4-count (p = 0.001), and higher HIV-viral-load (p = 0.001) were associated with abnormal cytological findings. Conclusions: The HIV-1 positive population in this study had high multiple HPV infection prevalence. The results for this population group also suggested a greater association between HPV-DNA presence and cytological findings. HPV detection, together with low CD4 count, could represent useful tools for identifying HIV-positive women at risk of developing cervical lesions.


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83 hojas : ilustraciones, cuadros, mapas, fotografía a color, anexo.


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The goal of neonatal nutrition in the preterm infant is to achieve postnatal growth and body composition approximating that of a normal fetus of the same postmenstrual age and to obtain a functional outcome comparable to infants born at term. However, in clinical practice such a pattern is seldom achieved, with growth failure and altered body composition being extensively reported. The BabyGrow preterm nutrition study was a longitudinal, prospective, observational study designed to investigate nutrition and growth in 59 preterm infants following the implementation of evidence-based nutrition guidelines in the neonatal unit at Cork University Maternity Hospital. Nutrient delivery was precisely measured during the entire hospital stay and intakes were compared with current international recommendations. Barriers to nutrient delivery were identified across the phases of nutritional support i.e. exclusive parenteral nutrition and transition (establishment of enteral feeds) phases of nutrition and nutritional strategies to optimise nutrient delivery were proposed according to these phases. Growth was measured from birth up to 2 months corrected age and body composition was assessed in terms of fat mass and lean body mass by air displacement plethysmography (PEA POD) at 34 weeks gestation, term corrected age and 2 months corrected age. Anthropometric and body composition data in the preterm cohort were compared with a term reference group from the Cork BASELINE Birth Cohort Study (n=1070) at similar time intervals. The clinical and nutritional determinants of growth and body composition during the neonatal period were reported for the first time. These data have international relevance, informing authoritative agencies developing evidence-based practice guidelines for neonatal nutritional support. In the future, the nutritional management of preterm infants may need to be individualised to consider gestational age, birth weight as well as preterm morbidity.