920 resultados para Partido Liberal Radical Auténtico
Methylglyoxal is an a-oxoaldehyde putatively produced in excess from triose phosphates, aminoacetone, and acetone in some disorders, particularly in diabetes. Here, we investigate the nucleophilic addition of ONOO(-), known as a potent oxidant and nucleophile, to methylglyoxal, yielding an acetyl radical intermediate and ultimately formate and acetate ions. The rate of ONOO(-) decay in the presence of methylglyoxal [k(2,app) = (1.0 +/- 0.1) x 10(3) M(-1) s(-1); k(2) approximate to 1.0 x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1)] at pH 7.2 and 25 degrees C was found to be faster than that reported with monocarbonyl substrates (k(2) < 10(3) M(-1) diacetyl (k(2) = 1.0 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1)), or CO(2) (k(2) = 3-6 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1)). The pH profile of the methylglyoxal peroxynitrite reaction describes an ascendant curve with an inflection around pH 7.2, which roughly coincides with the pK(a) values of both ONOOH and H(2)PO(4)(-) ion. Electron paramagnetic resonance spin trapping experiments with 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane revealed concentration-dependent formation of an adduct that can be attributed to 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane-CH(3)CO(center dot) (a(N) = 0.83 mT). Spin trapping with 3,5-dibromo-4-nitrosobenzene sulfonate gave a signal that could be assigned to a methyl radical adduct [a(N) = 1.41 mT; a(H) = 1.35 mT; a(H(m)) = 0.08 mT]. The 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane-CH(3)CO(center dot) adduct could also be observed by replacement of ONOO(-) with H(2)O(2), although at much lower yields. Acetyl radicals could be also trapped by added L-lysine as indicated by the presence of W-acetyl-L-lysine in the spent reaction mixture. This raises the hypothesis that ONOO(-)/H(2)O(2) in the presence of methylglyoxal is endowed with the potential to acetylate proteins in post-translational processes.
The diazocarbene radical, CNN, and the ions CNN(+) and CNN(-) were investigated at a high level of theory. Very accurate structural parameters for the states X(3)Sigma(-) and A(3)Pi of CNN, and X(2)Pi of both CNN(+) and CNN(-) were obtained with the UCCSD(T) method using correlated-consistent basis functions with extrapolations to the complete basis set limit, with valence only and also with all electrons correlated. Harmonic and anharmonic frequencies were obtained for all species and the Renner parameter and average frequencies evaluated for the Pi states. At the UCCSD(T)/CBS(T-5) level of theory, Delta(f)H(0 K) = 138.89 kcal/mol and Delta(f)H(298 K) = 139.65 kcal/mol were obtained for diazocarbene; for the ionization potential and the electron affinity of CNN, 10.969 eV (252.95 kcal/mol), and 1.743 eV (40.19 kcal/mol), respectively, are predicted. Geometry optimization was also carried out with the CASSCF/MRCI/CBS(T-5) approach for the states X(3)Sigma(-) A(3)Pi, and a(1)Delta of CNN, and with the CASSCF/MRSDCI/aug-cc-pVTZ approach for the states b(1)Sigma(+), c(1)Pi, d(1)Sigma(-), and B(3)Sigma(-), and excitation energies (T(e)) evaluated. Vertical energies were calculated for 15 electronic states, thus improving on the accuracy of the five transitions already described, and allowing for a reliable overview of a manifold of other states, which is expected to guide future spectroscopic experiments. This study corroborates the experimental assignment for the vertical transition X (3)Sigma(-) <- E (3)Pi.
The mechanism of the addition reaction of TeCl(4) to alkynes was indirectly established by the detection of TeCl(3) centered radicals using EPR spin trapping, ESI-MS and ESI-MS/MS characterization. Crown Copyright (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
The [Ru(3)O(H(3)CCO(2))(6)(py)(2)(L)]PF(6) clusters, where L=methanol or dimethyl sulfoxide, can be activated by peroxide or oxygen donor species, such as tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) or iodosylbenzene (PhIO), respectively, generating reactive intermediates of the type [Ru(3)(IV,IV,III)=0](+). In this way, they catalyse the oxidation of cyclohexane or cyclohexene by TBHP and PhIO, via oxygen atom transfer, rather than by the alternative oxygen radical mechanism characteristic of this type of complexes. In addition to their ability to perform efficient olefin epoxydation catalysis, these clusters also promote the cleavage of the C-H bond in hydrocarbons, resembling the oxidation catalysis by metal porphyrins. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In the scope of our ongoing researchers on antioxidant compounds, twenty four extracts and fractions obtained from Piper arboreum Aublet and Piper tuberculatum Jacq. (Piperaceae) were screened for radical scavenging capacity (RSC) by using DPPH colorimetric assay. The strongest activity was found in ethyl acetate fractions from the leaves of P. arboreum IC(50) = 5.70 mu g/mL) and P. tuberculatum IC(50) = 8.40 mu g/mL). Hydromethanol fractions of the leaves of P. tuberculatum and P. arboreum showed moderate RSC, with values of IC(50) (mu g/mL) of 11.9 and 19.2, respectively. Additionally, a brief phytochemical study of the ethyl acetate fraction of P. arboreum leaves affording quercetin (1) and quercitrin (2), two flavonols with antioxidant activity previously described in the literature.
We have analysed the effect of spin contamination in the wavefunction of HOOO. At least, two solutions can be found for the HF wavefunction. One, lower in energy, presents a high spin contamination and gives qualitatively incorrect structural parameters. On the other hand, the less contaminated HF reference gives structural parameters that are in better agreement with experiment, and positive spin densities on all atoms. Some of the problems described during previous investigations of HOOO can now be traced to problems in the HF reference. For the first time we report a CCSD(T) estimation of the structure of HOOO cis employing a HF reference with small spin contamination. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
CCSD(T)/cc-pVnZ (n = D, T, Q) calculations followed by extrapolations to the CBS limit are used to characterize stationary states of species participating in the N((4)S) + CH(3) (2A ``) reaction on the triplet PES. A mechanistic model is investigated and reaction rates are computed for every step and the overall reaction. Our best CBS estimate (1.93 x 10(10) cm(3) molecule(1) s(1)) for the overall rate constant leading to the formation of H(2)CN + H compares well with the experimental values (8.5 x 10 (11) and 1.3 x 10(10) cm(3) molecule(1) s(1)), thus reducing significantly the discrepancy of a previous theoretical result (9.1 x 10(12) cm(3) molecule(1) s(1)). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The iso-alpha-acids or isohumulones are the major contributors to the bitter taste of beer, and it is well-recognized that they are degraded during beer aging. In particular, the trans-isohumulones seem to be less stable than the cis-isohumulones. The major radical identified in beer is the 1-hydroxyethyl radical; however, the reactivity between this radical and the isohumulones has not been reported until now. Therefore, we studied the reactivity of isohumulones toward the 1-hydroxyethyl radical through a competitive kinetic approach. It was observed that both cis- and trans-isohumulones and dihydroisohumulones are decomposed in the presence of 1-hydroxyethyl radicals, while the reactivities are comparable. On the other hand, the tetrahydroisohumulones did not react with 1-hydroxyethyl radicals. The apparent second-order rate constants for the reactions between the 1-hydroxyethyl radical and these compounds were determined by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry [ESI(+)-MS/MS]. It follows that degradation of beer bitter acids is highly influenced by the presence of 1-hydroxyethyl radicals. The reaction products were detected by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization-ion trap-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-IT-MS/MS), and the formation of oxidized derivatives of the isohumulones was confirmed. These data help to understand the mechanism of beer degradation upon aging.
Throughout this section, I sought to establish a nexus between interest group theory and empirical observations. This in turn, would provide the framework from which I would set forth a series of hypotheses concerning the impact of the deviating 1980 elections on ideological liberal organizations. What I found in fact, was not just a link but a near perfect correlation between theory and practice, each reinforcing the other and pointing to the same ineluctable conclusion: The upshot of the Reagan/New Right landslide of 1980 was a dramatic renaissance of American liberalism. A renaissance so pervasive that ideological liberal organizations stand to benefit tremendously in terms of sustaining membership and raising funds. Moreover, it promises to facilitate the formation of liberal lobbying coalitions and enhance their capacity to cultivate grass roots support.
Colby President Bro Adams on Steve Jobs and the liberal arts.
Trata das experiências de gestão do serviço de transporte coletivo urbano de passageiros nas cidades de Diadema (1983 a 1992) e Santo André (1989 a 1992) nas administrações do Partido dos Trabalhadores, dentro de uma perspectiva do resgate do caráter público do Estado. Apresenta a origem e os motivos da crise do modelo atual de organização deste serviço, e a trajetória da elaboração da proposta do Partido dos Trabalhadores para a sua reorganização. Os focos da análise são a qualidade do serviço, a política tarifária e as relações da administração municipal com outros agentes envolvidos: usuários, trabalhadores, setor privado e o próprio partido.
O objetivo da presente tese é analisar a política de Segurança Pública do Estado de São Paulo entre os anos de 1995 e 2006 – gestões, respectivamente, de Mario Covas, Geraldo Alckmin e Cláudio Lembo –, sob a ótica da formação de agenda. Não se trata aqui apenas da elaboração inicial da agenda de políticas públicas de uma determinada área; tal arcabouço analítico trata de todo o “ciclo de gestão” de uma política pública, envolvendo planejamento das ações, sua implementação, a avaliação e posterior correção de rumos. Buscou-se mapear os atores relevantes da área de segurança pública, identificando suas preferências frente aos problemas da área e suas alternativas de resposta e suas posições relativas; as interações entre estes atores, identificando os momentos de conflito e de cooperação; os resultados e a aprendizagem dos atores, o que tende a mudar a dinâmica de interação novamente nos momentos subseqüentes. Conclui que as diferentes posições dos atores implicam diferentes naturezas de influência na condução da agenda da segurança pública, variando entre as mudanças na gestão da segurança pública e as mudanças na operação da polícia. Esta é alterada, ainda, pelas crises de segurança (mega-rebeliões no sistema penitenciário, crimes bárbaros etc.), o que pode tanto provocar constrangimento político no nível estratégico do governo (governador, secretário) quanto um constrangimento moral nos operadores da segurança pública (ex.: casos de corrupção ou de abuso policial). Os três secretários da pasta no período analisado representaram três momentos distintos da política de segurança pública, corroborando a hipótese das “três agendas”. Apesar disto, foram observadas continuidades importantes, aprendizado dos atores e incrementalismo das políticas. Quanto ao poder Legislativo, a Assembléia estadual desempenha um papel quase nulo, enquanto que o Congresso Nacional cumpre um papel apenas marginal na formulação e alteração da agenda de segurança pública, contribuindo com iniciativas pontuais, casuísticas e, invariavelmente, reativas ao problema, ajudando a agravar mais do que a resolver os problemas da área.