1000 resultados para POLITICA PUBLICA - BOGOTA (COLOMBIA) - 1998-2000


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Este estudo tem como objetivo descrever comparativamente o comportamento de três indicadores de saúde: mortalidade infantil; cobertura vacinal/taxa de abandono da vacina DPT e hospitalizações em menores de 5 anos, em dois Blocos de sete municípios paulistas, com características sócio-econômicas semelhantes, mas diferenciados por terem implantado (Bloco A) e não implantado (Bloco B) o Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF), sendo parâmetro para esta comparação os mesmos indicadores de saúde para o Estado de São Paulo. Utilizou-se do cálculo e da descrição dos indicadores para cada Bloco estudado, nos seguintes períodos: mortalidade infantil (triênio 1995-997 e 1998-2000), cobertura vacinal básica (de 1996 a 2000), taxa de abandono da vacina DPT (triênio 1998-2000) e hospitalizações em menores de cinco anos (triênio 1998-2000). Verificou-se que a implantação do PSF foi um dos fatores que contribuiu para a queda das taxas de mortalidade infantil e abandono da vacina DPT.


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Illusory correlation refers to the use of information in decisions that is uncorrelated with the relevantcriterion. We document illusory correlation in CEO compensation decisions by demonstrating thatinformation, that is uncorrelated with corporate performance, is related to CEO compensation. We usepublicly available data from the USA for the years 1998, 2000, 2002, and 2004 to examine the relationsbetween golf handicaps of CEOs and corporate performance, on the one hand, and CEO compensationand golf handicaps, on the other hand. Although we find no relation between handicap and corporateperformance, we do find a relation between handicap and CEO compensation. In short, golfers earnmore than non-golfers and pay increases with golfing ability. We relate these findings to the difficultiesof judging compensation for CEOs. To overcome this and possibly other illusory correlations inthese kinds of decisions, we recommend the use of explicit, mechanical decision rules.


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In this paper we explore the mechanisms that allow securities analysts to value companies in contexts of Knightian uncertainty, that is, in the face of information that is unclear, subject to unforeseeable contingencies or to multiple interpretations. We address this question with a grounded-theory analysis of the reports written on Amazon.com by securities analyst Henry Blodget and rival analysts during the years 1998-2000. Our core finding is that analysts' reports are structured by internally consistent associations that includecategorizations, key metrics and analogies. We refer to these representations as calculative frames, and propose that analysts function as frame-makers - that is, asspecialized intermediaries that help investors value uncertain stocks. We conclude by considering the implications of frame-making for the rise of new industry categories, analysts' accuracy, and the regulatory debate on analysts'independence.


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Neste artigo realizou-se o estudo das redes de colaboração científica formadas a partir de um grupo de pesquisadores ligados ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (PPGGeo/UFRGS), com base na abordagem teórico-metodológica conhecida como análise de redes sociais (ARS), dialogando com conceitos oriundos da Teoria da Prática de Pierre Bourdieu, focando a identificação, caracterização e evolução estrutural das redes de coautoria científica. Três redes foram construídas com base nos dados oriundos dos Cadernos de Indicadores da Capes referentes aos intervalos de 1998-2000, 2001-2003 e 2004-2006. As redes de 1998-2000, 2001-2003 e 2004-2006 apresentaram, respectivamente, 524 atores e 11.296 laços; 576 atores e 14.674 laços; 741 atores e 14.188 laços. Verificou-se que o conjunto dos atores centrais/dominantes nas redes é formado majoritariamente pelos docentes e, em geral, esse conjunto tende a se manter em destaque ao longo dos anos; verificou-se também que há uma reincidência de parcerias na produção do conhecimento científico nas três redes, culminando em uma reprodução social da estrutura da rede de coautoria.


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Résumé : Introduction : l'ostéoporose est une maladie fréquente, invalidante, sous-diagnostiquée et sous-traitée, alors qu'il existe des évidences cliniques, densitométriques et biologiques de l'efficacité de la prévention secondaire. Matériel et méthode : dans cette étude, nous décrivons les habitudes de prescription de traitements en prévention secondaire dans les 6 mois qui suivent une fracture de fragilité et définissons les catégories de femmes recevant ou non un traitement, selon le type de fractures, les antécédents fracturaires et les données socio-démographiques. Il s'agit d'une étude suisse de cohorte, prospective de 7609 femmes de 70 ans et plus, suivies de 1998 à 2000. Deux groupes de patientes ont été analysés : celles avec un événement fracturaire durant le suivi (3 sous-groupes de fractures ont été considérés fractures vertébrales, fractures du radius distal et fractures de l'humérus proximal) et celles sans fractures durant le suivi (groupe contrôle). La détermination des événements fracturaires et l'instauration d'un traitement s'est faite par l'envoi aux patientes et à leurs médecins traitants d'un questionnaire structuré. Dans cette étude, le but primaire est de décrire les attitudes médicales de prévention secondaire, le but secondaire d'analyser les motifs dé décision thérapeutique (type de fracture, antécédents de fractures), alors que le but tertiaire cherche à caractériser les femmes non traitées. Résultats, discussion : 7354 femmes ont été incluses dans cette étude, 183 dans le groupe fracture et 7171 dans le groupe contrôle. Le suivi moyen a été de 21 mois. L'introduction d'un traitement est restée rare dans chaque catégorie de fracture et a été plus importante pour le sous-groupe avec fracture vertébrale (p<0.001). La seule donnée associée à l'adjonction d'un traitement a été la présence d'un antécédent anamnestique de fracture vertébrale. La description des attitudes thérapeutiques après une fracture de fragilité, a montré que. 44 % des femmes ne reçoivent aucun traitement en prévention secondaire. Seule la fracture vertébrale et les antécédents de fracture vertébrale entraînent une modification de l'attitude thérapeutique des médecins traitants mais de façon encore insuffisante puisque plus de 50 % des femmes avec une fracture de vertèbre n'ont aucun changement dans leur prise en charge. Les femmes non traitées ne différaient pas des autres sur un plan socio-démographique. Le nombre de patientes dans chaque sous-groupe est relativement faible ce qui limite !a puissance statistique de l'analyse. Les données consistent essentiellement en du « selfreporting » ce qui peut limiter la signification de celles-ci. Les résultats sont cependant suffisamment inquiétants pour que de nouvelles campagnes d'information soient lancées auprès des médecins de .premiers recours quant à la nécessité d'instaurer un traitement efficace lors de la survenue d'une fracture clinique ou radiologique chez une femme en post-ménopause.


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Kirjoitus perustuu Tieteen päivien avajaisissa 8.1.2003 pidettyyn esitelmään. Kirjoittaja on molekyylibiologian professori Karolinska Institutetissa ja toimii johtajana Tukholman syöpätutkimukseen keskittyvässä Ludwig-instituutissa. Hän on myös toiminut lääketieteellisessä Nobel-toimikunnassa vuodesta 1990 ja sen puheenjohtajana 1998-2000.


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Tutkielman päätavoitteena on selvittää rajoittaako verolainsäädäntö osakeyhtiön omien osakkeiden hankintaa ja niiden edelleen luovuttamista. Osakkeiden hankinnan verotuskohtelu selvitetään sekä osakkeenomistajan että osakkeita hankkivan yhtiön näkökulmasta. Yhtenä osatavoitteena on selventää omien osakkeiden hankinnan ja luovuttamisen yhtiöoikeudellinen sääntely. Tämän lisäksi selvitetään minkälaisia omien osakkeiden hankinnan motiiveja on aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa havaittu. Tutkimuksen teoriaosa perustuu käsiteanalyyttiseen tutkimusotteeseen. Empiria osuudessa tutkitaan suomalaisten pörssiyhtiöiden omien osakkeiden hankinnatja Iuovutukset vuosien 1998 - 2000 ajalta. Tutkimus osoittaa, että verotus ei kannusta yhtiöitä hankkimaan omia osakkeita. Tämän lisäksi verotus rajoittaa hankittujen osakkeiden edelleen luovuttamista.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää: - Miten franchisingvalmennus eroaa klassisesta yrittäjäkoulutuksesta? - Mitä mieltä franchisingyrittäjä-valmennuksen läpikäyneet ovat valmennuksesta? - Mikä on franchisingin tila Suomessa? Yrittäjyyttä tarkasteltaessa huomiota kiinnitettiin käsitteen määrittämiseen yrittäjätypologioiden, motivaatioteorioiden ja toimintaympäristön kautta. Tutkielmassa selvitettiin myös yrittäjäksi ryhtymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja Suomen yrittäjyysaktiivisuuden tasoa. Franchisingin osalta määriteltiin eri toimintamuodot ja keskityttiin Business Format Franchising-toimintamalliin. Työssä selvitettiin myös franchisingyrittäjyyden eroja klassiseen yrittäjyyteen ja tarkasteltiin franchisingin tilaa Suomessa. Koulutuksen osalta keskityttiin tarkastelemaan aikuiskoulutusta ja vielä tarkemmin työvoimapoliittista yrittäjäkoulutusta sekä koulutuksen arviointia. Työssä tarkasteltiin myös franchisingyrittäjä-valmennusta ja sen tavoitteet käytiin myös läpi. Empiirinen tutkimus koostui 118:ta franchisingyrittäjä-valmennukseen vuosina 1998–2000 osallistuneesta henkilöstä. Tutkimus suoritettiin postikyselynä. Tutkimusaineistoa analysoitiin SPSS for Windows-tietojenkäsittelyohjelmalla ja tutkimusjoukon kuvailuun käytettiin frekvenssejä, prosenttilukuja ja ristiintaulukointia. Franchisingvalmennus ja klassinen yrittäjäkoulutus erosivat siinä vaiheessa, kun tarkasteltiin franchisingantajan ja – ottajan näkökulmaa. Franchisingyrittäjä-valmennuksessa käsiteltiin hyvinkin tarkasti sekä franchisingantajan, että – ottajan roolit, velvollisuudet ja oikeudet. Franchisingyrittäjä-valmennuksessa ei myöskään käsitelty lainkaan tuotekehitystä ja lanseerausta. Franchisingyrittäjä-valmennus oli suurimmalle osalle koulutuksen läpäisseistä positiivinen kokemus. Yhdeksän kymmenestä oli myös valmiita suosittelemaan valmennusta franchisingyrittäjyydestä kiinnostuneille henkilöille. Suomessa franchisingin kehitys on siirtymässä suvantovaiheesta uuden kasvun vaiheeseen. Uusia franchisingketjuja perustetaan ja vanhat ketjut lisäävät toimipaikkojensa määrää. Jatkossa voidaan odottaa naisyrittäjien määrän lisääntyvän, sillä uusimmat Suomeen perustetut ketjut ovat terveys- ja hoiva-alalla, jotka ovat perinteisesti naisvaltaisia aloja.


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O objetivo principal deste trabalho é implantar um método de inspeção imparcial e eficiente, visando à utilização segura e correta das radiações ionizantes no campo da medicina nuclear. Este método de inspeção aqui proposto foi aplicado em 113 serviços de medicina nuclear do país, obedecendo a uma freqüência de análise bienal (1996, 1998, 2000 e 2002). Foram estabelecidos 82 itens de radioproteção com pesos para cada item, baseados nos fatores de risco, de acordo com as normas da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN) e as recomendações da Agência Internacional de Energia Atômica. Na análise do serviço, cada item de não conformidade com as normas da CNEN gerou uma irregularidade de radioproteção, com seu peso associado. O somatório dos pesos deu a cada serviço uma pontuação final que o classificou dentro de três faixas de valores que determinaram uma tomada de decisão por parte do órgão regulador e fiscalizador: funcionamento sem restrição - menor que 100 pontos; funcionamento com restrição - igual ou maior que 100 e menor que 300 pontos; funcionamento suspenso - igual ou maior que 300 pontos. Para o caso de irregularidades reincidentes, criou-se um fator multiplicativo para a pontuação. A reincidência em qualquer item de radioproteção (irregularidade) teve seu peso multiplicado por 2n, onde n era o número de vezes em que o item encontrava-se irregular. O estabelecimento prévio de itens de radioproteção, com atribuição de pesos para cada item, procurou minimizar os valores subjetivos e pessoais presentes no julgamento e na avaliação técnica das instituições inspecionadas.


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The graduate programs in Chemistry were evaluated and classified from the data collected for the period 1998-2000 by CAPES, the Minister of Education agency that is responsible for the regulation and support of this level of human resources formation. The next classification will be made in 2004, from the data of the period 2001-2003. The years in between, like the present year, are used for an evaluation without classification, from what comments are emitted to the programs to know how their data are improving or not, before the new ranking reporting. The progresses in the area of chemistry in Brazil are analysed from the confrontation of the present data with that of all previous evaluations, since 1983. The results confirm that the research and graduate formation in the area of Chemistry is continuously improving in Brazil, particularly during the last seven years.


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Foi estudada a liberação de conídios de Pyricularia grisea no plantio convencional (PC) e direto (PD) de arroz (Oryza sativa) de terras altas, nas fases de desenvolvimento vegetativo e emissão de panículas nos experimentos de campo realizados em dois anos (1998/2000). As coletas de conídios de P. grisea foram realizadas com as armadilhas volumétricas Rotorod sampler. Objetivando quantificar os conídios viáveis e com potencial para causar infecção em folhas novas foram também utilizadas bandejas com plantas de arroz com 25 dias de idade das cultivares Carajás e Primavera expostas no campo, como armadilhas vivas. Na safra 1998/1999, o número de conídios de P. grisea aumentou linearmente com o tempo, entre o estádio de grão pastoso e maduro. Na safra de 1999/2000, a quantidade de conídios coletada aumentou de maneira exponencial, iniciando ao final do estádio emborrachamento até na fase de grão semi-maduro. O número de conídios coletados com a armadilha volumétrica diminuiu exponencialmente com o aumento da precipitação pluviométrica, assim como, reduziu a severidade da brusone nas plantas da armadilha viva tanto para a cultivar Carajás como para Primavera. A produção e a liberação de conídios foi menor no plantio direto tanto na fase vegetativa como durante o enchimento dos grãos nas panículas.


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Many cognitive deficits after TBI (traumatic brain injury) are well known, such as memory and concentration problems, as well as reduced information-processing speed. What happens to patients and cognitive functioning after immediate recovery is poorly known. Cognitive functioning is flexible and may be influenced by genetic, psychological and environmental factors decades after TBI. The general aim of this thesis was to describe the long-term cognitive course after TBI, to find variables that may contribute to it, and how the cognitive functions after TBI are associated with specific medical factors and reduced survival. The original study group consisted of 192 patients with TBI who were originally assessed with the Mild Deterioration Battery (MDB) on average two years after the injury, during the years 1966 – 1972. During a 30-year follow-up, we studied the risks for reduced survival, and the mortality of the patients was compared with the general population using the Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR). Sixty-one patients were re-assessed during 1998-2000. These patients were evaluated with the MDB, computerized testing, and with various other neuropsychological methods for attention and executive functions. Apolipoprotein-E (ApoE) genotyping and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) based on volumetric analysis of the hippocampus and lateral ventricles were performed. Depressive symptoms were evaluated with the short form of the Beck depression inventory. The cognitive performance at follow-up was compared with a control group that was similar to the study group in regard to age and education. The cognitive outcome of the patients with TBI varied after three decades. The majority of the patients showed a decline in their cognitive level, the rest either improved or stayed at the same level. Male gender and higher age at injury were significant risk factors for the decline. Whereas most cognitive domains declined during the follow-up, semantic memory behaved in the opposite way, showing recovery after TBI. In the follow-up assessment, the memory decline and impairments in the set-shifting domain of executive functions were associated with MRI-volumetric measures, whereas reduction in information-processing speed was not associated with the MRI measures. The presence of local contusions was only weakly associated with cognitive functions. Only few cognitive methods for attention were capable of discriminating TBI patients with and without depressive symptoms. On the other hand, most complex attentional tests were sensitive enough to discriminate TBI patients (non-depressive) from controls. This means that complex attention functions, mediated by the frontal lobes, are relatively independent of depressive symptoms post-TBI. The presence of ApoE4 was associated with different kinds of memory processes including verbal and visual episodic memory, semantic memory and verbal working memory, depending on the length of time since TBI. Many other cognitive processes were not affected by the presence of ApoE4. Age at injury and poor vocational outcome were independent risk factors for reduced survival in the multivariate analysis. Late mortality was higher among younger subjects (age < 40 years at death) compared with the general population which should be borne in mind when assessing the need for rehabilitation services and long-term follow-up after TBI.


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This dissertation explores the use of internal and external sources of knowledge in modern innovation processes. It builds on a framework that combines theories such as a behavioural theory of the firm, the evolutionary theory of economic change, and modern approaches to strategic management. It follows the recent increase in innovation research focusing on the firm-level examination of innovative activities instead of traditional industry-level determinants. The innovation process is seen as a problem- and slack- driven search process, which can take several directions in terms of organizational boundaries in the pursuit of new knowledge and other resources. It thus draws on recent models of technological change, according to which firms nowadays should build their innovative activities on both internal and external sources of innovation rather than relying solely on internal resources. Four different research questions are addressed, all of which are empirically investigated via a rich dataset covering Finnish innovators collected by Statistics Finland. Firstly, the study examines how the nature of problems shapes the direction of any search for new knowledge. In general it demonstrates that the nature of the problem does affect the direction of the search, although under resource constraints firms tend to use external rather than internal sources of knowledge. At the same time, it shows that those firms that are constrained in terms of finance seem to search both internally and externally. Secondly, the dissertation investigates the relationships between different kinds of internal and external sources of knowledge in an attempt to find out where firms should direct their search in order to exploit the potential of a distributed innovation process. The concept of complementarities is applied in this context. The third research question concerns how the use of external knowledge sources – openness to external knowledge – influences the financial performance of firms. Given the many advantages of openness presented in the current literature, the focus is on how it shapes profitability. The results reveal a curvilinear relationship between profitability and openness (taking an inverted U-shape), the implication being that it pays to be open up to a certain point, but being too open to external sources may be detrimental to financial performance. Finally, the dissertation addresses some challenges in CISbased innovation research that have received relatively little attention in prior studies. The general aim is to underline the fact that comprehensive understanding of the complex process of technological change requires the constant development of methodological approaches (in terms of data and measures, for example). All the empirical analyses included in the dissertation are based on the Finnish CIS (Finnish Innovation Survey 1998-2000).