991 resultados para Operating cost
A special task force was formed and worked through its various committees to uncover and investigate possible areas for cutting costs and saving money in State Government operations. A total of 81 recommendations are made in this report, with potential savings of over $32 million during the next several years.
El software lliure està tenint últimament un pes cada cop més important en les empreses, però encara és el gran desconegut per a molta gent. Des de la seva creació als anys 80 fins ara, hi ha hagut un creixement exponencial de software lliure de gran qualitat, oferint eines per a tot tipus de necessitats, eines ofimàtiques, gestors de correu, sistemes de fitxer, sistemes operatius…. Tot aquest moviment no ha passat desapercebut per a molts usuaris i empreses, que s’han aprofitat d’ell per cobrir les seves necessitats. Pel que fa a les empreses, cada cop n’hi ha més que en petita o gran mesura, utilitzen el software lliure, ja sigui per el seu menor cost d’adquisició, o bé per la seva gran fiabilitat o per que és fàcilment adaptable o per no establir cap lligam tecnològic, en definitiva per tenir més llibertat. En el moment de la creació d’una nova empresa, on es parteix de zero en tota la tecnologia informàtica, és el moment menys costòs d’implementar l’arquitectura informàtica amb software lliure, és quan l’impacte que té sobre l’empresa, usuaris i clients és menor. En les empreses que ja tenen un sistema informàtic, caldrà establir un pla de migració, ja sigui total o parcial. La finalitat d’aquest projecte no és la de dir quin software és millor que l’altre o de dir quin s’ha d’instal•lar, sinó el de donar a conèixer el món del software lliure, mostrar part d’aquest software, fer alguna comparativa de software lliure amb software propietari, donant idees i un conjunt de solucions per a empreses, per què una empresa pugui agafar idees d’implementació d’algunes de les solucions informàtiques exposades o seguir algun dels consells proposats. Actualment ja hi ha moltes empreses que utilitzen software lliure. Algunes només n’utilitzen una petita part en les seves instal•lacions, ja que el fet de que una empresa funcioni al 100% amb software lliure, tot i que n’hi comença ha haver, de moment ho considero una mica arriscat, però que en poc temps, aquest fet serà cada cop més habitual.
En aquest projecte s'avaluen els mètodes utilitzats per els mecanismes de detecció de matrícules, i es proposarà un algorisme de detecció de matrícules dissenyat específicament per a sistemes de baix cost com ara els ordinadors actuals. Utilitzarem eines al nostre abast, com càmeres fotogràfiques domèstiques o de mòbil per analitzar el rendiment de l'algorisme
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: One central concept in evolutionary ecology is that current and residual reproductive values are negatively linked by the so-called cost of reproduction. Previous studies examining the nature of this cost suggested a possible involvement of oxidative stress resulting from the imbalance between pro- and anti-oxidant processes. Still, data remain conflictory probably because, although oxidative damage increases during reproduction, high systemic levels of oxidative stress might also constrain parental investment in reproduction. Here, we investigated variation in oxidative balance (i.e. oxidative damage and antioxidant defences) over the course of reproduction by comparing female laboratory mice rearing or not pups. RESULTS: A significant increase in oxidative damage over time was only observed in females caring for offspring, whereas antioxidant defences increased over time regardless of reproductive status. Interestingly, oxidative damage measured prior to reproduction was negatively associated with litter size at birth (constraint), whereas damage measured after reproduction was positively related to litter size at weaning (cost). CONCLUSIONS: Globally, our correlative results and the review of literature describing the links between reproduction and oxidative stress underline the importance of timing/dynamics when studying and interpreting oxidative balance in relation to reproduction. Our study highlights the duality (constraint and cost) of oxidative stress in life-history trade-offs, thus supporting the theory that oxidative stress plays a key role in life-history evolution.
BACKGROUND: We assessed the prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in a middle-income country in rapid epidemiological transition and estimated direct costs for treating all individuals at increased cardiovascular risk, i.e. following the so-called "high risk strategy". METHODS: Survey of risk factors using an age- and sex-stratified random sample of the population of Seychelles aged 25-64 in 2004. Assessment of CVD risk and treatment modalities were in line with international guidelines. Costs are expressed as USD per capita per year. RESULTS: 1255 persons took part in the survey (participation rate of 80.2%). Prevalence of main risk factors was: 39.6% for high blood pressure (> or =140/90 mmHg or treatment) of which 59% were under treatment; 24.2% for high cholesterol (> or =6.2 mmol/l); 20.8% for low HDL-cholesterol (<1.0 mmol/l); 9.3% for diabetes (fasting glucose > or =7.0 mmol/l); 17.5% for smoking; 25.1% for obesity (body mass index > or =30 kg/m2) and 22.1% for the metabolic syndrome. Overall, 43% had HBP, high cholesterol or diabetes and substantially increased CVD risk. The cost for medications needed to treat all high-risk individuals amounted to USD 45.6, i.e. 11.2 dollars for high blood pressure, 3.8 dollars for diabetes, and 30.6 dollars for dyslipidemia (using generic drugs except for hypercholesterolemia). Cost for minimal follow-up medical care and laboratory tests amounted to 22.6 dollars. CONCLUSION: High prevalence of major risk factors was found in a rapidly developing country and costs for treatment needed to reduce risk factors in all high-risk individuals exceeded resources generally available in low or middle income countries. Our findings emphasize the need for affordable cost-effective treatment strategies and the critical importance of population strategies aimed at reducing risk factors in the entire population.
Three-dimensional (3D) planning is becoming a more commonly used tool in maxillofacial surgery. At first used only virtually, 3D planning now also enables the creation of useful intraoperative aids such as cutting guides, which decrease the operative difficulty. In our center, we have used 3D planning in various domains of facial surgery and have investigated the advantages of this technique. We have also addressed the difficulties associated with its use. 3D planning increases the accuracy of reconstructive surgery, decreases operating time, whilst maintaining excellent esthetic results. However, its use is restricted to osseous reconstruction at this stage and once planning has been undertaken, it cannot be reversed or altered intraoperatively. Despite the attractive nature of this new tool, its uses and practicalities must be further evaluated. In particular, cost-effectiveness, hospital stay, and patient perceived benefits must be assessed.
Background: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are a threat to patients' health and quality of life, and can generate significant expenses. They are generally underreported, with different rates in different health care systems. Methods: We conducted a 6-month survey of all primary admissions to the medical emergency department of a university hospital and assessed the rate, characteristics, avoidability, and marginal costs of ADRs. Results: A total of 7% of all admissions were mainly caused by ADRs. The most frequent were gastrointestinal bleeding (22.3%) and febrile neutropenia (14.4%). Anticancer drugs were involved in 22.7% of the cases, and anticoagulants, analgesics, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in 8% each. Physicians had prescribed 70% of these drugs. Patients were predominantly treated in intermediate care units and ordinary wards. The mean cost per case amounted to CHF 3586+/-342, or a total of CHF 821204 over the 6-month-period (1 CHF=0.56 US$=0.87 Euro). A total of 67% were considered definitely imputable to drug effects and 32% were retrospectively regarded as avoidable. Conclusions: Interventions aimed at reducing the incidence of ADRs should be directed towards both patient education and physician training. This could save hospitals admissions and money, and could be used as an indicator of prescription quality.
The IDED Web site hosts the online Business License Information Center (BLIC) which provides 24/7 access and comprehensive information on compliance requirements for doing business in Iowa. BLIC also provides convenient, effective and timely information on license, permits, and registrations required by the state of Iowa for businesses and occupations. Users may access assistance by license type, keyword, or the business wizard. Many useful factsheets and guides are available at BLIC.
This article reviews previous research regarding cost stickiness and performs an empirical analysis applied to a sample of farms. It recognizes that modelization of cost stickiness is a particular case of representation of cost variations as a function of output variations. It also discusses methodological issues and analyses cost stickiness for all registered farm costs and opportunity costs of family work. Costs exhibit a considerable level of rigidity. Even for variable costs, a decrease in activity involves a lower decrease in costs than the amounts involved when activity increases. While registered indirect costs slightly decrease when activity decreases, opportunity costs always increase. The study provides empirical evidence that cost stickiness is significantly reduced with better management decision practices.
The aim of this brief is to present an original design methodology that permits implementing latch-up-free smart power circuits on a very simple, cost-effective technology. The basic concept used for this purpose is letting float the wells of the MOS transistors most susceptible to initiate latch-up.
In this paper, the expression for the cost of capital is derived when net and replacement investments exhibit differences in their effective prices due to a different fiscal treatment. It is shown that, contrary to previous results in the literature, the cost of capital should be constructed under an opportunity cost criterion rather than a historical one. This result has some important economic consequences, since the optimizing firm will take into account not only the effective price for the new investments but also consider the opportunity cost of replacing them.
The usual assumption when considering investment grants is that grant payments are automatic when investments are undertaken. However, evidence from case studies shows that there can exist some time lag until funds are received by granted firms. In this paper the effects of delays in grant payments on the optimal investment policy of the firm are analyzed. It is shown how these delays lead not only to a higher financing cost but to an effective reduction in the investment grant rate, and in some cases, how benefits from investment grants could be canceled due to interactions with tax effects.
In this paper we highlight the importance of the operational costs in explaining economic growth and analyze how the industrial structure affects the growth rate of the economy. If there is monopolistic competition only in an intermediate goods sector, then production growth coincides with consumption growth. Moreover, the pattern of growth depends on the particular form of the operational cost. If the monopolistically competitive sector is the final goods sector, then per capita production is constant but per capita effective consumption or welfare grows. Finally, we modify again the industrial structure of the economy and show an economy with two different growth speeds, one for production and another for effective consumption. Thus, both the operational cost and the particular structure of the sector that produces the final goods determines ultimately the pattern of growth.