909 resultados para Mugil cephalus,NMR,HHP,Metaboloma
The extent of swelling of cross-linked poly(dimethylsiloxane) and linear low-density poly(ethylene) in supercritical CO2 has been investigated using high-pressure NMR spectroscopy and microscopy. Poly(dimethylsiloxane) was cross-linked to four different cross-link densities and swollen in supercritical CO2. The Flory-Huggins interaction parameter, x, was found to be 0.62 at 300 bar and 45 degrees C, indicating that supercritical CO2 is a relatively poor solvent compared to toluene or benzene. Linear low-density poly(ethylene) was shown to exhibit negligible swelling upon exposure to supercritical CO2 up to 300 bar. The effect Of CO2 pressure on the amorphous region of the poly(ethylene) was investigated by observing changes in the H-1 T-2 relaxation times of the polymer. These relaxation times decreased with increasing pressure, which was attributed to a decrease in mobility of the polymer chains as a result of compressive pressure.
This study represents the first application of multi-way calibration by N-PLS and multi-way curve resolution by PARAFAC to 2D diffusion-edited H-1 NMR spectra. The aim of the analysis was to evaluate the potential for quantification of lipoprotein main- and subtractions in human plasma samples. Multi-way N-PLS calibrations relating the methyl and methylene peaks of lipoprotein lipids to concentrations of the four main lipoprotein fractions as well as 11 subfractions were developed with high correlations (R = 0.75-0.98). Furthermore, a PARAFAC model with four chemically meaningful components was calculated from the 2D diffusion-edited spectra of the methylene peak of lipids. Although the four extracted PARAFAC components represent molecules of sizes that correspond to the four main fractions of lipoproteins, the corresponding concentrations of the four PARAFAC components proved not to be correlated to the reference concentrations of these four fractions in the plasma samples as determined by ultracentrifugation. These results indicate that NMR provides complementary information on the classification of lipoprotein fractions compared to ultracentrifugation. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Glutathione is the main source of intracellular antioxidant protection in the human erythrocyte and its redox status has frequently been used as a measure of oxidative stress. Extracellular glutathione has been shown to enhance intracellular reduced glutathione levels in some cell types. However, there are conflicting reports in the literature and it remains unclear as to whether erythrocytes can utilise extracellular glutathione to enhance the intracellular free glutathione pool. We have resolved this issue using a C-13-NMR approach. The novel use of L-gamma-glutamyl-L-cysteinyl-[2-C-13] glycine allowed the intra- and extracellular glutathione pools to be distinguished unequivocally, enabling the direct and non-invasive observation over time of the glutathione redox status in both compartments. The intracellular glutathione redox status was measured using H-1 spin-echo NMR, while C-13[H-1-decoupled] NMR experiments were used to measure the extracellular status. Extracellular glutathione was not oxidised in the incubations, and did not affect the intracellular glutathione redox status. Extracellular glutathione also did not affect erythrocyte glucose metabolism, as measured from the lactate-to-pyruvate ratio. The results reported here refute the previously attractive hypothesis that, in glucose-starved erythrocytes, extracellular GSH can increase intracellular GSH concentrations by releasing bound glutathione from mixed disulfides with membrane proteins.
We present experimental results on the measurement of fidelity decay under contrasting system dynamics using a nuclear magnetic resonance quantum information processor. The measurements were performed by implementing a scalable circuit in the model of deterministic quantum computation with only one quantum bit. The results show measurable differences between regular and complex behavior and for complex dynamics are faithful to the expected theoretical decay rate. Moreover, we illustrate how the experimental method can be seen as an efficient way for either extracting coarse-grained information about the dynamics of a large system or measuring the decoherence rate from engineered environments.
Conotoxins are small conformationally constrained peptides found in the venom of marine snails of the genus Conus. They are usually cysteine rich and frequently contain a high degree of post-translational modifications such as C-terminal amidation, hydroxylation, carboxylation, bromination, epimerisation and glycosylation. Here we review the role of NMR in determining the three-dimensional structures of conotoxins and also provide a compilation and analysis of H-1 and C-13 chemical shifts of post-translationally modified amino acids and compare them with data from common amino acids. This analysis provides a reference source for chemical shifts of post-translationally modified amino acids. Copyright (C) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Background: The structure of proteins may change as a result of the inherent flexibility of some protein regions. We develop and explore probabilistic machine learning methods for predicting a continuum secondary structure, i.e. assigning probabilities to the conformational states of a residue. We train our methods using data derived from high-quality NMR models. Results: Several probabilistic models not only successfully estimate the continuum secondary structure, but also provide a categorical output on par with models directly trained on categorical data. Importantly, models trained on the continuum secondary structure are also better than their categorical counterparts at identifying the conformational state for structurally ambivalent residues. Conclusion: Cascaded probabilistic neural networks trained on the continuum secondary structure exhibit better accuracy in structurally ambivalent regions of proteins, while sustaining an overall classification accuracy on par with standard, categorical prediction methods.
The wide-line H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum of paper in equilibrium with ambient humidity consists of super-imposed relatively broad and narrow lines. The narrower line is of the order of 2 kHz wide at half the maximum height, while the broader line is of the order of 40 kHz in width at half height. On the basis of these line widths, the narrow line is assigned to water sorbed to the paper, and the broad line to the polymeric constituents of the paper. It was not possible to distinguish between the various polymeric components of paper contributing to the H-1 NMR spectra. A modified Goldman-Shen pulse sequence was used to generate a spatial magnetisation gradient between the polymer and water phases. The exchange of magnetisation between protons associated with water and those associated with the macromolecules in paper was observed. The exchange of magnetisation is discussed within a heat transfer model for homonuclear dipolar coupling, with exchange being characterised by a spin-diffusion coefficient. Consideration of the magnitude of the initial rate of the exchange process and estimates of the spin-spin relaxation times based on H-1 line widths indicate that some water must exist in a sufficiently immobile state as to allow homonuclear dipolar interactions between adjacent polymer and water protons. Thus, water sorbed onto paper must exist in at least two states in mass exchange with each other. This observation allows certain conclusions to be drawn about the ratio of free/bound water as a function of moisture content and the dispersal of water within the polymer matrix.
A numerical method is introduced to determine the nuclear magnetic resonance frequency of a donor (P-31) doped inside a silicon substrate under the influence of an applied electric field. This phosphorus donor has been suggested for operation as a qubit for the realization of a solid-state scalable quantum computer. The operation of the qubit is achieved by a combination of the rotation of the phosphorus nuclear spin through a globally applied magnetic field and the selection of the phosphorus nucleus through a locally applied electric field. To realize the selection function, it is required to know the relationship between the applied electric field and the change of the nuclear magnetic resonance frequency of phosphorus. In this study, based on the wave functions obtained by the effective-mass theory, we introduce an empirical correction factor to the wave functions at the donor nucleus. Using the corrected wave functions, we formulate a first-order perturbation theory for the perturbed system under the influence of an electric field. In order to calculate the potential distributions inside the silicon and the silicon dioxide layers due to the applied electric field, we use the multilayered Green's functions and solve an integral equation by the moment method. This enables us to consider more realistic, arbitrary shape, and three-dimensional qubit structures. With the calculation of the potential distributions, we have investigated the effects of the thicknesses of silicon and silicon dioxide layers, the relative position of the donor, and the applied electric field on the nuclear magnetic resonance frequency of the donor.
NMR spectroscopy and relaxometry were used to investigate microemulsion formation in supercritical CO2. The droplets were stabilised by the salt of a perfluorinated polyether. Spontaneous microemulsion formation was observed over a period of 5 h in the absence of applied sheer. Time-resolved relaxation times of the surfactant tail showed a stepwise increase in mobility of the tail over this period. Conversely, the translational mobility of water confined within the droplet decreased over the same interval. This data is consistent with the gradual decrease in droplet size as time progressed. Indeed, NMR self-diffusion coefficients were used to show that droplets with a radius of approximately 5 nm were formed at equilibrium.
The diffusion of styrene into linear low density polyethylene in a solution of supercritical CO2 was investigated using NMR microimaging. For both pure styrene and styrene dissolved in supercritical CO2, the diffusion was found to follow Fickian kinetics. Supercritical CO2 was found to enhance the rate and extent of diffusion of styrene into the substrate by up to three times under the conditions of this investigation, compared to pure styrene. NMR imaging was used to measure the concentration profiles of the styrene penetrants in real time, and the results were fitted to a Fickian model for diffusion. At a CO2 pressure of 150 bar and temperature of 40 degrees C, the diffusion coefficient of a 30 wt-% solution of styrene into LLDPE was calculated to be 1 X 10(-11) m(2). s(-1). This is significantly faster than the diffusion coefficient measured for pure styrene diffusion at 40 degrees C (3 x 10(-12) m(2). s(-1)). The diffusion coefficients determined by gravimetric analysis were slightly higher than those determined by the imaging method. This was probably due to residual styrene and/or polystyrene adhering to the surface of the films in the gravimetric technique.
PFG-NMR was used to study the chemical exchange of linear PHEMA having a range of molecular weights with water in DMSO containing varying quantities of water. The aim was to investigate the use of PFG-NMR to study chemical exchange between a polymer with exchangeable protons and a small fast diffusing molecule to provide insight into the conformation adopted by a polymer in solution. The experimental data were simulated closely for the two-site exchange case using the Bloch equations modified for chemical exchange and diffusion. The exchange rate could be used to detect changes in polymer conformation resulting from changes in the solvent. PHEMA of MW 10 000 showed significant time-dependent changes in exchange rate, resulting from preferential solvation of the OH sites by water, and subsequent conformational changes which altered accessibility of the OH sites to water. This behavior was not observed for larger MW PHEMA, which adopted a stable conformation immediately. Large changes in the exchange rate were not reflected in changes to the hydrodynamic radius, suggesting that a minimal overall change in the chain dimensions occurred. DMSO was found to be a poor solvent for PHEMA, which adopts a compact conformation in DMSO. This work has demonstrated that PFG-NMR is a sensitive method for detecting subtle changes in polymer conformation in polymers with exchangeable protons.
Computational and experimental study of the interactions between xenon and crown ethers by 129Xe NMR