999 resultados para Mare de Déu de Campanar-Culte-Història


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New elements about the stratigraphy of the Serra de Candeeiros Dogger and Lower «Lusitanian» are presented. The Lower Aalenian was recognized for the first time. Bathonian (more than 50 metres thick) is dated on brachiopods and foraminifera. It corresponds to a series of massive micritic, biodetritical, coral-reef, chaetetid, bryozoa and oolitic-limestones. Callovian (120 m) begins by whitish or yellowish limestones with ammonites and brachiopods of the Gracilis zone. It is followed by regressive limestone sequences ending with thick oncolitic layers. The «Lusitanian» base is formed by greyish lagoon brackish limestones; it lies unconformably on the Dogger, with or without angular and/or cartographic unconformity. This radical facies change is related to tectonic deformation of several blocks between the Nazaré and Tagus faults during Oxfordian times.


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The biozonation of the portuguese Domerian is presented. This biozonation is based essentially on fauna from the following sections: S. Pedro de Muel, Peniche (Stokesi zone and lower part of the Margaritatus zone) and Brenha (Margaritatus and Spinatum zones). The distribution of the main fossil groups enabled an accurate division of the Stokesi zone into three horizons: Occidentale, Monestieri-Nitescens and Lusitanicum. In the Middle Domerian, the extension of the Ragazzonii horizon was reduced. An Elisa horizon was individualized at the top of the Upper Domerian.


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In Portugal, Carixian is generally represented by alternative layers of marly limestones characterized by nodule and lumpy levels. These layers are particularly developped [show preferential development] on passage areas to a sedimentary basin, particularly along the slope of tilted blocks between the Meseta and Berlenga's horst. This facies is included in the range of the «nodular limestone» and of the «ammonitico-rosso». Limestones are radiolaria micrites with fragments of pelagic organisms (ammonoids, thin shelled gastropods). These layers can be affected by intensive bioturbation (Brenha) which is responsible for dismantlement, specially where the initial thickness does not exceed a few centimetres. This process can lead to the isolation of residual nodules (Brenha, São Pedro de Muel, Peniche) which can be mobilised by massive sliding (Peniche). The isolated elements, shell fragments or residual nodules, can also be incrustated, thus developing oncolitic cryptalgal structures. At Brenha the lump structure developed progressively into a sequence overlapping the normal sedimentary one (thick limestone beds alternating with bituminous shales). Cryptalgal structures correspond to rather unstable environment conditions on mobile margins. These structures are known in deep pelagic sediments corresponding to well defined events of the geodynamic evolution (end of the initial rifting). Cryptalgal accretions disappear towards the sedimentary basin, and the nodular levels are less important. In the articulation areas with the Tomar platform, small mounds and cupules (Alcabideque) developed within the alternating marly-limestone levels. They represent the so called «mud mounds» of metric dimensions. The upper part of these «mud mounds» is hardened, showing track remains and supporting some brachiopods and pectinids. Hence the lumpy facies of Portugal is included among the range of sedimentaty environments and can be used as «geodynamic tracer».


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Twelve new species of miocene ostracoda from the Tagus basin (Portugal) are described. Paleoenvironments concerning each of these species are given.


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Résumé I (Pratiques Pédagogiques)- Ce compte-rendu du stage réalisé pour ma deuxième année de master rapporte le résultat de l’observation des cours donnés à trois élèves de niveaux différents par le professeur de harpe de l’Ecole de Musique « Nossa Senhora do Cabo » à Linda-a-Velha, commune de Oeiras, située près de Lisbonne. Grâce à l’activité du professeur, et par le suivi de l’évolution de ses élèves tout au long de l’année scolaire 2012-2013, tant sur le plan technique que sur le plan musical, j’ai pu participer à toutes les étapes de leur apprentissage et retrouver quelques principes pédagogiques fondamentaux. Ainsi, j’ai constaté la nécessité d’une organisation didactique solide dans la définition d’objectifs, la planification du travail, le choix des méthodes d’étude, mais souple par la régulation des rythmes d’apprentissage et des techniques d’acquisition. La métacognition est aussi une notion composante essentielle de la pratique du professeur, dont un des grands objectifs est de développer chez ses élèves la capacité de se prendre en charge seul. J’ai également apprécié l’importance de l’aspect relationnel intrinsèque à toute situation d’apprentissage, ainsi que celle de la connaissance des théories de la motivation, atout important permettant d’agir au niveau psychologique sur les élèves et d’obtenir à plus ou moins long terme des changements comportementaux influents sur la qualité de ces apprentissages. J’ai enfin essayé de dégager différents types d’approches pédagogiques possibles, parmi les stratégies observées chez le professeur, ainsi que d’après quelques éléments de réflexion personnelle.


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The reef levels of the gulf of Skoura belong to the reef formation of the Upper Miocene of the South-Rifan straits. A detailed analysis of the vertical distribution of various forms of colonies has led to the establishment of precise coral morphologies zonation. This palaeoecological approach leads us to distinguish between two environments in the Skoura gulf, probably corresponding to two reef episodes. The palaeogeographical implications (relationships between the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean sea) will be pointed out.


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The Aquitaine Basin (southwestern France) is known since long ago for its richness in marine miocene deposits of various facies. A few stratotypes concerning this period have been described in the investigated area. The stratigraphical framework has been recently revised and the study of new exposures completes our knowledge on these levels. In the present work, the authors produce a biostratigraphical distribution of about 160 species (larger and smaller foraminifera), found in the surface exposures of Aquitaine, from the topmost Oligocene (Chattian) through to Middle Miocene (including Serravallian). As a rule, the common species without significant ranges have not bcen mentioned. The microfaunas of several exposures have been thoroughly revised, which has allowed to precise the distribution of many species and induced a few modifications of the results previously produced. Synonymy problems and new taxonomical revisions have been taken into account. Of course, this work will be probably submitted to some changes according to new research on the already known exposures or other more recently discovered.


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Abundant crops of Glycymeris have been made in the neritic bioclastic deposits of the Aquitaine Basin. After an outline about the Chattian taxa, the 5 Lower Miocene lineages are presented; G. cor is plainly predominant. Then, the Middle Miocene faunas are also detaiIed, G. inflatus and G. bimaculatus being the most frequent taxa. A test of biometrical analysis about the G. cor species is presented.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Geologia para o Ensino


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção de grau de mestre em Física Laboratorial, Ensino e História da Física


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Ler História, n.21, pág.128-145


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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O sistema respiratório sofre alterações inerentes ao envelhecimento que, aliadas à exposição ambiental e à carga tabágica contribuem para um maior declínio da função respiratória. Os testes de função respiratória (e.g. espirometria) contribuem para uma melhor identificação alterações ventilatórias nas vias aéreas, tendo em conta que idade avançada poderá ser um fator para má perceção de sintomas. Objetivo do estudo - Caracterizar o perfil espirométrico e os sintomas respiratórios em idosos sem história de doença respiratória, residentes num lar de Lisboa.