818 resultados para Machine learning,Keras,Tensorflow,Data parallelism,Model parallelism,Container,Docker
I recenti sviluppi nel campo dell’intelligenza artificiale hanno permesso una più adeguata classificazione del segnale EEG. Negli ultimi anni è stato dimostrato come sia possibile ottenere ottime performance di classificazione impiegando tecniche di Machine Learning (ML) e di Deep Learning (DL), facendo uso, per quest’ultime, di reti neurali convoluzionali (Convolutional Neural Networks, CNN). In particolare, il Deep Learning richiede molti dati di training mentre spesso i dataset per EEG sono limitati ed è difficile quindi raggiungere prestazioni elevate. I metodi di Data Augmentation possono alleviare questo problema. Partendo da dati reali, questa tecnica permette, la creazione di dati artificiali fondamentali per aumentare le dimensioni del dataset di partenza. L’applicazione più comune è quella di utilizzare i Data Augmentation per aumentare le dimensioni del training set, in modo da addestrare il modello/rete neurale su un numero di campioni più esteso, riducendo gli errori di classificazione. Partendo da questa idea, i Data Augmentation sono stati applicati in molteplici campi e in particolare per la classificazione del segnale EEG. In questo elaborato di tesi, inizialmente, vengono descritti metodi di Data Augmentation implementati nel corso degli anni, utilizzabili anche nell’ambito di applicazioni EEG. Successivamente, si presentano alcuni studi specifici che applicano metodi di Data Augmentation per migliorare le presentazioni di classificatori basati su EEG per l’identificazione dello stato sonno/veglia, per il riconoscimento delle emozioni, e per la classificazione di immaginazione motoria.
In this thesis we address a multi-label hierarchical text classification problem in a low-resource setting and explore different approaches to identify the best one for our case. The goal is to train a model that classifies English school exercises according to a hierarchical taxonomy with few labeled data. The experiments made in this work employ different machine learning models and text representation techniques: CatBoost with tf-idf features, classifiers based on pre-trained models (mBERT, LASER), and SetFit, a framework for few-shot text classification. SetFit proved to be the most promising approach, achieving better performance when during training only a few labeled examples per class are available. However, this thesis does not consider all the hierarchical taxonomy, but only the first two levels: to address classification with the classes at the third level further experiments should be carried out, exploring methods for zero-shot text classification, data augmentation, and strategies to exploit the hierarchical structure of the taxonomy during training.
In a sample of censored survival times, the presence of an immune proportion of individuals who are not subject to death, failure or relapse, may be indicated by a relatively high number of individuals with large censored survival times. In this paper the generalized log-gamma model is modified for the possibility that long-term survivors may be present in the data. The model attempts to separately estimate the effects of covariates on the surviving fraction, that is, the proportion of the population for which the event never occurs. The logistic function is used for the regression model of the surviving fraction. Inference for the model parameters is considered via maximum likelihood. Some influence methods, such as the local influence and total local influence of an individual are derived, analyzed and discussed. Finally, a data set from the medical area is analyzed under the log-gamma generalized mixture model. A residual analysis is performed in order to select an appropriate model.
This paper discusses a multi-layer feedforward (MLF) neural network incident detection model that was developed and evaluated using field data. In contrast to published neural network incident detection models which relied on simulated or limited field data for model development and testing, the model described in this paper was trained and tested on a real-world data set of 100 incidents. The model uses speed, flow and occupancy data measured at dual stations, averaged across all lanes and only from time interval t. The off-line performance of the model is reported under both incident and non-incident conditions. The incident detection performance of the model is reported based on a validation-test data set of 40 incidents that were independent of the 60 incidents used for training. The false alarm rates of the model are evaluated based on non-incident data that were collected from a freeway section which was video-taped for a period of 33 days. A comparative evaluation between the neural network model and the incident detection model in operation on Melbourne's freeways is also presented. The results of the comparative performance evaluation clearly demonstrate the substantial improvement in incident detection performance obtained by the neural network model. The paper also presents additional results that demonstrate how improvements in model performance can be achieved using variable decision thresholds. Finally, the model's fault-tolerance under conditions of corrupt or missing data is investigated and the impact of loop detector failure/malfunction on the performance of the trained model is evaluated and discussed. The results presented in this paper provide a comprehensive evaluation of the developed model and confirm that neural network models can provide fast and reliable incident detection on freeways. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The principle of using induction rules based on spatial environmental data to model a soil map has previously been demonstrated Whilst the general pattern of classes of large spatial extent and those with close association with geology were delineated small classes and the detailed spatial pattern of the map were less well rendered Here we examine several strategies to improve the quality of the soil map models generated by rule induction Terrain attributes that are better suited to landscape description at a resolution of 250 m are introduced as predictors of soil type A map sampling strategy is developed Classification error is reduced by using boosting rather than cross validation to improve the model Further the benefit of incorporating the local spatial context for each environmental variable into the rule induction is examined The best model was achieved by sampling in proportion to the spatial extent of the mapped classes boosting the decision trees and using spatial contextual information extracted from the environmental variables.
Recent studies have demonstrated that spatial patterns of fMRI BOLD activity distribution over the brain may be used to classify different groups or mental states. These studies are based on the application of advanced pattern recognition approaches and multivariate statistical classifiers. Most published articles in this field are focused on improving the accuracy rates and many approaches have been proposed to accomplish this task. Nevertheless, a point inherent to most machine learning methods (and still relatively unexplored in neuroimaging) is how the discriminative information can be used to characterize groups and their differences. In this work, we introduce the Maximum Uncertainty Linear Discrimination Analysis (MLDA) and show how it can be applied to infer groups` patterns by discriminant hyperplane navigation. In addition, we show that it naturally defines a behavioral score, i.e., an index quantifying the distance between the states of a subject from predefined groups. We validate and illustrate this approach using a motor block design fMRI experiment data with 35 subjects. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Experimental data for E. coli debris size reduction during high-pressure homogenisation at 55 MPa are presented. A mathematical model based on grinding theory is developed to describe the data. The model is based on first-order breakage and compensation conditions. It does not require any assumption of a specified distribution for debris size and can be used given information on the initial size distribution of whole cells and the disruption efficiency during homogenisation. The number of homogeniser passes is incorporated into the model and used to describe the size reduction of non-induced stationary and induced E. coil cells during homogenisation. Regressing the results to the model equations gave an excellent fit to experimental data ( > 98.7% of variance explained for both fermentations), confirming the model's potential for predicting size reduction during high-pressure homogenisation. This study provides a means to optimise both homogenisation and disc-stack centrifugation conditions for recombinant product recovery. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Formal Concept Analysis is an unsupervised machine learning technique that has successfully been applied to document organisation by considering documents as objects and keywords as attributes. The basic algorithms of Formal Concept Analysis then allow an intelligent information retrieval system to cluster documents according to keyword views. This paper investigates the scalability of this idea. In particular we present the results of applying spatial data structures to large datasets in formal concept analysis. Our experiments are motivated by the application of the Formal Concept Analysis idea of a virtual filesystem [11,17,15]. In particular the libferris [1] Semantic File System. This paper presents customizations to an RD-Tree Generalized Index Search Tree based index structure to better support the application of Formal Concept Analysis to large data sources.
A dynamic modelling methodology, which combines on-line variable estimation and parameter identification with physical laws to form an adaptive model for rotary sugar drying processes, is developed in this paper. In contrast to the conventional rate-based models using empirical transfer coefficients, the heat and mass transfer rates are estimated by using on-line measurements in the new model. Furthermore, a set of improved sectional solid transport equations with localized parameters is developed in this work to reidentified on-line using measurement data, the model is able to closely track the dynamic behaviour of rotary drying processes within a broad range of operational conditions. This adaptive model is validated against experimental data obtained from a pilot-scale rotary sugar dryer. The proposed modelling methodology can be easily incorporated into nonlinear model based control schemes to form a unified modelling and control framework.place the global correlation for the computation of solid retention time. Since a number of key model variables and parameters are identified on-line using measurement data, the model is able to closely track the dynamic behaviour of rotary drying processes within a broad range of operational conditions. This adaptive model is validated against experimental data obtained from a pilot-scale rotary sugar dryer. The proposed modelling methodology can be easily incorporated into nonlinear model based control schemes to form a unified modelling and control framework.
This paper examines a range of theoretical issues and the empirical evidence relating to clinical supervision in four mental health professions, namely clinical psychology, occupational therapy, social work, and speech pathology. Despite the widespread acceptance of the value of supervision among practitioners and the large quantity of literature on the topic, there is very little empirical evidence in this area. It is not clear whether supervision actually produces a change in clinician behaviour, nor whether it produces benefits in terms of client outcomes. To date, there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate which styles of supervision are most beneficial for particular types of staff, in terms of their level of experience or learning style. The data suggest that directive forms of supervision, rather than unstructured approaches, are preferred by relatively inexperienced practitioners, and that experienced clinicians also value direct supervision methods when learning new skills or dealing with complex or crisis situations. The available evidence suggests that supervisors typically receive little training in supervision methods. However, to date, we have little information to guide us as to the most effective ways of training supervisors. While acknowledging the urgent need for research, the paper concludes that supervision is likely to form a valuable component of professional development for mental health professionals.
The long short-term memory (LSTM) is not the only neural network which learns a context sensitive language. Second-order sequential cascaded networks (SCNs) are able to induce means from a finite fragment of a context-sensitive language for processing strings outside the training set. The dynamical behavior of the SCN is qualitatively distinct from that observed in LSTM networks. Differences in performance and dynamics are discussed.
Dental implant recognition in patients without available records is a time-consuming and not straightforward task. The traditional method is a complete user-dependent process, where the expert compares a 2D X-ray image of the dental implant with a generic database. Due to the high number of implants available and the similarity between them, automatic/semi-automatic frameworks to aide implant model detection are essential. In this study, a novel computer-aided framework for dental implant recognition is suggested. The proposed method relies on image processing concepts, namely: (i) a segmentation strategy for semi-automatic implant delineation; and (ii) a machine learning approach for implant model recognition. Although the segmentation technique is the main focus of the current study, preliminary details of the machine learning approach are also reported. Two different scenarios are used to validate the framework: (1) comparison of the semi-automatic contours against implant’s manual contours of 125 X-ray images; and (2) classification of 11 known implants using a large reference database of 601 implants. Regarding experiment 1, 0.97±0.01, 2.24±0.85 pixels and 11.12±6 pixels of dice metric, mean absolute distance and Hausdorff distance were obtained, respectively. In experiment 2, 91% of the implants were successfully recognized while reducing the reference database to 5% of its original size. Overall, the segmentation technique achieved accurate implant contours. Although the preliminary classification results prove the concept of the current work, more features and an extended database should be used in a future work.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a worldwide infectious disease that has shown over time extremely high mortality levels. The urgent need to develop new antitubercular drugs is due to the increasing rate of appearance of multi-drug resistant strains to the commonly used drugs, and the longer durations of therapy and recovery, particularly in immuno-compromised patients. The major goal of the present study is the exploration of data from different families of compounds through the use of a variety of machine learning techniques so that robust QSAR-based models can be developed to further guide in the quest for new potent anti-TB compounds. Eight QSAR models were built using various types of descriptors (from ADRIANA.Code and Dragon software) with two publicly available structurally diverse data sets, including recent data deposited in PubChem. QSAR methodologies used Random Forests and Associative Neural Networks. Predictions for the external evaluation sets obtained accuracies in the range of 0.76-0.88 (for active/inactive classifications) and Q(2)=0.66-0.89 for regressions. Models developed in this study can be used to estimate the anti-TB activity of drug candidates at early stages of drug development (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work describes a methodology to extract symbolic rules from trained neural networks. In our approach, patterns on the network are codified using formulas on a Lukasiewicz logic. For this we take advantage of the fact that every connective in this multi-valued logic can be evaluated by a neuron in an artificial network having, by activation function the identity truncated to zero and one. This fact simplifies symbolic rule extraction and allows the easy injection of formulas into a network architecture. We trained this type of neural network using a back-propagation algorithm based on Levenderg-Marquardt algorithm, where in each learning iteration, we restricted the knowledge dissemination in the network structure. This makes the descriptive power of produced neural networks similar to the descriptive power of Lukasiewicz logic language, minimizing the information loss on the translation between connectionist and symbolic structures. To avoid redundance on the generated network, the method simplifies them in a pruning phase, using the "Optimal Brain Surgeon" algorithm. We tested this method on the task of finding the formula used on the generation of a given truth table. For real data tests, we selected the Mushrooms data set, available on the UCI Machine Learning Repository.
Metalearning is a subfield of machine learning with special pro-pensity for dynamic and complex environments, from which it is difficult to extract predictable knowledge. The field of study of this work is the electricity market, which due to the restructuring that recently took place, became an especially complex and unpredictable environment, involving a large number of different entities, playing in a dynamic scene to obtain the best advantages and profits. This paper presents the development of a metalearner, applied to the decision support of electricity markets’ negotia-tion entities. The proposed metalearner takes advantage on several learning algorithms implemented in ALBidS, an adaptive learning system that pro-vides decision support to electricity markets’ participating players. Using the outputs of each different strategy as inputs, the metalearner creates its own output, considering each strategy with a different weight, depending on its individual quality of performance. The results of the proposed meth-od are studied and analyzed using MASCEM - a multi-agent electricity market simulator that models market players and simulates their operation in the market. This simulator provides the chance to test the metalearner in scenarios based on real electricity market´s data.