888 resultados para Lean tools


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Syftet med denna studie är att granska hur användningen av smarttelefoner kan stöda elevens reflektion av sin egen slöjdprocess och samtidigt se hur eleven dokumenterar sin slöjdprocess med hjälp av Talking Tools (TT). Fokus i denna studie ligger på dokumentation av elevens slöjdprocess, men jag behandlar även presentation av slöjdprodukter och olika möjligheter till och sätt på hur eleverna använder TT på en smarttelefon i slöjdundervisningen. En förändring i hur informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) används sker och kommer även att ske i fortsättningen i grundskolan. Då en ny läroplan för den grundläggande utbildningen tas i bruk år 2016 kommer IKT att ha en avsevärt större roll. Denna förändring lägger press på lärare och på skolan överlag för att skapa ändamålsenliga metoder i användningen av IKT. Studien baserar sig på intervjuer med elever som använt TT under ett arbetsområde i slöjden. Elva elever presenterade först sina slöjdprodukter för forskaren varefter eleverna intervjuades. Eleverna hade tillgång till sina slöjdbloggar gjorda i TT under intervjutillfällena. Intervjuerna filmades och lades ihop med bloggarna för att förenkla analysen av materialet. I den här undersökningen framkom att dokumentationen av slöjdprocessen bidrog till en reflektion av när bilder och texter från bloggarna användes under presentationerna. Då kraven på dokumenteringen av arbetet i skolan blir högre i och med läroplanen 2016 tror jag att Talking Tools kan vara ett hjälpmedel för elever och lärare i förverkligandet av bland annat användningen av IKT i arbetet i skolan. Detta förutsätter att eleverna ges tid för användningen samt att tekniken fungerar.


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The main objective of the study is to evaluate the impact of Lean Innovation management philosophy on the creativity potential of the large multinational enterprise. A theory of Lean Innovation indicates that the modern company in any industry can successfully combine both waste-decreasing approach and innovative potential promotion through creativity cultivation or, at least, preservation. The theoretical part of the work covers the main factors, pros and cons of Lean thinking and Innovation management separately, along with generalized new product development overview. While the modern international market becomes more accessible for entrepreneural initiatives, small enterprises and start-ups, large international corporations are more subject to adopt the Lean Innovation approach in both operational and product development sectors due to extended resources and capabilities. Moreover, a multinational enterprise is a highly probable pioneer in Lean innovation implementation. The empirical part of the thesis refers to a case of large European enterprise, operating in many markets around the globe, that currently undergoes innovation management adjustments and implementations in product development while already have related themselves with operational process optimization process through Lean thinking. A goal of the work is to understand what kind of difficulties and consequences a large international firm faces when dealing with Lean Innovation to improve own performance, if they can be sealed for generalized approach.


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Marketing communications has gone through significant changes during the last decades and new online tools have been leading this change for the last decade. Now, in the digital age, if wanting to be successful companies need to experiment new things and seize the opportunities online provides and adapt to the new environment. However, during this time the marketing communication mix and the meanings given to the various components of it have not changed dramatically, and personal selling, direct marketing, sales promotion, advertising and public relations activities are still regarded as important tools in the marketing communications mix. The purpose of this study was to examine business-to-business marketing communications and the tools used by companies in their marketing communications efforts in the digital age and in a global environment. The research questions dealt with the marketing communication tools and their roles as well as the role of online marketing communication and the way it has shaped the field of b2b marketing communications. In order to answer these questions, qualitative approach was chosen and the data was collected by theme interviews with six representatives of Finnish global companies from the b2b sector being interviewed. The theoretical framework covers the general field of b2b marketing communications and its main elements. The online environment as well as the concept of a global marketplace and integrated approach to marketing communication activities is also discussed. The theory was supported by the interviews regarding the activities and roles of the marketing communication tools and both theory as well as the interviews found personal selling to be a vital tool. However, the importance of online has grown and online marketing activities have risen right next to personal selling. The use of analytics and marketing automation was found to be of great interest in the interviews and they were seen as a growing domain in b2b marketing communications. The importance of targeted and personalised messages from relevant medias was a repeating theme as was the customer-centric approach in marketing communication activities. Also, offline and online tools and channels were seen as something that should be treated together as an entity rather than as separate activities. Relevant content created according to the needs of the customer with the gathered data from analytics were seen as the future of b2b marketing communications. Online has added its input to the more traditionally perceived tools and they are executed within the framework of the digital age. Nevertheless, even though online has increased its presence in the b2b marketing communications mix, the more traditionally perceived marketing communication tools, especially personal selling, have not lost their meaning or place in the b2b marketing communication mix.


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Tämän Pro Gradu-tutkielman tavoitteena on muodostaa työkalu Lean-projektin kannattavuuden ennalta-arvioinnin toteuttamiseen soveltamalla tuottojakauma-menetelmää. Lisäksi tutkimus pyrkii selvittämään, minkälaista siihen liittyvää akateemista tutkimusta on aikaisemmin toteutettu sekä mitä haasteita tämänkaltaisen arvion toteuttamiselle on. Tutkimuksen syntymistä on motivoinut Lean-pro-jektien kannattavuuden ennalta-arvioimisen akateemisesta tutkimuksesta tunnistettu tutkimusaukko. Empiirinen tutkimus on toteutettu kvalitatiivisena tapaustutkimuksena, yhteistyössä Lean-projekteihin erikoistuneen konsultointiyrityksen kanssa. Empiiristä tutkimusta on ohjannut sille valittu metodologia, jonka tavoitteena on ollut systemaattisesti muodostaa tutkimuksen tavoitteen mukainen työkalu. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä on toiminut teemahaastattelu, joka on toteutettu kaksiosaisena. Niiden pohjalta saadut aineistot on analysoitu Grounded theory-menetelmää käyttäen. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että muodostetulla tuottojakauma-menetelmää soveltavalla työkalulla on mahdollista toteuttaa Lean-pro¬jektin kannattavuuden ennalta-arviointi. Tulosten perusteella, sen avulla pystytään myös vastaamaan tutkimuksessa tunnistettuihin haasteisiin, jotka ovat aikaisemmin rajoittaneet tämän arvion toteuttamista. Työkalulla on mahdollista, tutkimuksen perusteella, myös tukea sen yhteistyöyrityksen Lean-projektien myyntiä.


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Teollisilla markkinoilla yhä useampi yritys pyrkii siirtymään ratkaisuliiketoimintaan. Kuitenkin muutos on osoittautunut vaikeaksi monissa yrityksissä, joissa toimintatapa on vakiintunut tuotekeskeiseen liiketoimintaan. Lean-ajattelua on menestyksekkäästi sovellettu moniin teollisuusyrityksiin, joissa on onnistuttu tehostamaan asiakasarvon tuottoa. Tämän pohjalta kandidaatin työn tavoitteena on tarkastella, miten lean-ajattelulla voitaisiin tehostaa ratkaisuliiketoimintaan siirtymistä. Työssä esitellään sekä ratkaisuliiketoiminnan että lean-ajattelun teoriaa, jonka pohjalta tarkastellaan lean-ajattelun soveltamismahdollisuuksia ratkaisuliiketoimintaan siirryttäessä. Lopuksi vertaillaan lean-ajattelun soveltamisen hyötyjä ratkaisuliiketoiminnan vaatimuksiin ja toisaalta haasteita, miten lean-ajattelu ei vastaa ratkaisuliiketoimintaa. Lean-ajattelun tukee parhaiten ratkaisuliiketoimintaa sekä asiakas- ja toimittajakeskeisyyden yhdistävän lean-ratkaisun kautta. Lisäksi lean-ajattelu tuo ratkaisuliiketoimintaa laajemman näkemyksen organisaation kehittämiseen. Haasteet liittyvät erilaiseen näkemykseen asiakkaan roolista liiketoiminnassa ja tarjoaman luomisesta.


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The objective of this thesis is to better understand customer’s role in lean startup methodology. The aim is to find out how customers are involved in lean startup methodology implantation and increase the likelihood of new venture survival. This study emphasizes the usage of customers in shaping of new product development processes within companies, through iteration and constant communication. This communication facilitates the development of features that are requested by the customers and enhances the prospects of the new venture. The empirical part of the study is a single qualitative case study that uses action research to implement the lean startup methodology into a pre-revenue venture and examines its customer involvement processes. The studied case company is Karaoke d.o.o., developing a game called kParty. The study used the theory discussed in the literature review: customer involvement (in the survey and interviews conducted for the lean startup methodology), lean principles (through the implementation of lean startup methodology) and lean startup methodology, which are the central building parts of this thesis as a whole. The thesis contributes to the understanding of customer involvement in lean startup methodology, while giving practical implications of customer orientation and product market fitting.


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Tässä kandidaatin työssä analysoidaan kohdeyrityksen varaosakunnostuksen tehokkuutta ja havaitaan toiminnassa esiintyviä puutteita. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on nostaa esille toiminnassa esiintyvät kehityskohteet. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa arvioidaan Lean-ajatusmallin sovellettavuutta kunnostusprosessin kehittämiseen. Lopuksi Lean-ajatusmallin ja haastatteluissa esille nousseiden kehitysehdotusten pohjalta, kohdeyritykselle esitetään ehdotuksia menetelmistä toiminnan tehostamiseksi


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Lean-filosofia ei ole syntynyt hetkessä vaan sen periaatteet ovat syvällä historiassa. Leaniin kuuluvia asioita kuten standardointia, oikeaan tarpeeseen vastaamista ja tuotannon virtausta on käytetty aikaisemmin erilaisissa sovelluksissa. Lean-käsitteen pohjana on Toyota Production System, joka oli syntynyt vaadittaessa kustannustehokasta tuotantoa niukin resurssein. Lean syntyi, kun yhdysvaltalaistutkijat kiinnostuivat Toyotan käyttämistä tavoista valmistaa monia erilaisia malleja tehokkaasti. Leania voidaan pitää vastakohtana massatuotannolle. Lean levisi kulovalkean tavoin läntisessä teollisuusmaailmassa, vaikka sitä ei välttämättä edes kokonaisuudessa sovellettu. Leanista eroteltiin selkeitä työkaluja, joilla yritykset pääsivät kehittämään toimintaansa ja tehostamaan prosesseja. Työkalut otettiin innokkaasti käyttöön valmistuksessa ja niille kehitettiin myös muita sovelluskohteita. Leanin perimmäinen filosofia jäi usein huomiotta, eivätkä kaikki saaneet odotettuja tuloksia. 2000-lukuun mennessä leanin periaatteet oli tutkittu jo läpikotaisin. Ymmärrettiin leanin implementoinnin koskeneen koko organisaatiota, jotta sen periaatteita voitiin toteuttaa tehokkaasti. Lean on kuitenkin tähän päivään mennessä yhä hieman vieras asia sisältönsä puolesta vaikka termi alkaa olla tuttu jo kaikille monilla eri aloilla. Leanin tutkimus jatkuu ja sille löydetään yhä uusia sovelluskohteita, osin ratsastetaan termin maineella, osin ymmärretään oikein virtaustehokkuuden merkitys asiakkaan palvelemisessa.


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Imagine the potential implications of an organization whose business and IT processes are well aligned and are capable of reactively and proactively responding to the external and internal changes. The Philips IT Infrastructure and Operations department (I&O) is undergoing a series of transformation activities to help Philips business keeping up with the changes. I&O would serve a critical function in any business sectors; given that the I&O’s strategy switched from “design, build and run” to “specify, acquire and performance manage”, that function is amplified. In 2013, I&O’s biggest transforming programme I&O Futures engaged multiple interdisciplinary departments and programs on decommissioning legacy processes and restructuring new processes with respect to the Information Technology Internet Library (ITIL), helping I&O to achieve a common infrastructure and operating platform (CI&OP). The author joined I&O Futures in the early 2014 and contributed to the CI&OP release 1, during which a designed model Bing Box and its evaluations were conducted through the lens of six sigma’s structured define-measure-analyze-improve-control (DMAIC) improvement approach. This Bing Box model was intended to firstly combine business and IT principles, namely Lean IT, Agile, ITIL best practices, and Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) into a framework. Secondly, the author implemented the modularized optimization cycles according to the defined framework into Philips’ ITIL-based processes and, subsequently, to enhance business process performance as well as to increase efficiency of the optimization cycles. The unique of this thesis is that the Bing Box model not only provided comprehensive optimization approaches and principles for business process performance, but also integrated and standardized optimization modules for the optimization process itself. The research followed a design research guideline that seek to extend the boundaries of human and organizational capabilities by creating new and innovative artifacts. The Chapter 2 firstly reviewed the current research on Lean Six Sigma, Agile, AOP and ITIL, aiming at identifying the broad conceptual bases for this study. In Chapter 3, we included the process of constructing the Bing Box model. The Chapter 4 described the adoption of Bing Box model: two-implementation case validated by stakeholders through observations and interviews. Chapter 5 contained the concluding remarks, the limitation of this research work and the future research areas. Chapter 6 provided the references used in this thesis.


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This thesis introduces heat demand forecasting models which are generated by using data mining algorithms. The forecast spans one full day and this forecast can be used in regulating heat consumption of buildings. For training the data mining models, two years of heat consumption data from a case building and weather measurement data from Finnish Meteorological Institute are used. The thesis utilizes Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services data mining tools in generating the data mining models and CRISP-DM process framework to implement the research. Results show that the built models can predict heat demand at best with mean average percentage errors of 3.8% for 24-h profile and 5.9% for full day. A deployment model for integrating the generated data mining models into an existing building energy management system is also discussed.


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Press forming is nowadays one of the most common industrial methods in use for producing deeper trays from paperboard. Demands for material properties like recyclability and sustainability have increased also in the packaging industry, but there are still limitations related to the formability of paperboard. A majority of recent studies have focused on material development, but the potential of the package manufacturing process can also be improved by the development of tooling and process control. In this study, advanced converting tools (die cutting tools and the press forming mould) are created for production scale paperboard tray manufacturing. Also monitoring methods that enable the production of paperboard trays with enhanced quality, and can be utilized in process control are developed. The principles for tray blank preparation, including creasing pattern and die cutting tool design are introduced. The mould heating arrangement and determination of mould clearance are investigated to improve the quality of the press formed trays. The effect of the spring back of the tray walls on the tray dimensions can be managed by adjusting the heat-related process parameters and estimating it at the mould design stage. This enables production speed optimization as the process parameters can be adjusted more freely. Real-time monitoring of pressing force by using multiple force sensors embedded in the mould structure can be utilized in the evaluation of material characteristics on a modified production machinery. Comprehensive process control can be achieved with a combination of measurement of the outer dimensions of the trays and pressing force monitoring. The control method enables detection of defects and tracking changes in the material properties. The optimized converting tools provide a basis for effective operation of the control system.


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The recent rapid development of biotechnological approaches has enabled the production of large whole genome level biological data sets. In order to handle thesedata sets, reliable and efficient automated tools and methods for data processingand result interpretation are required. Bioinformatics, as the field of studying andprocessing biological data, tries to answer this need by combining methods and approaches across computer science, statistics, mathematics and engineering to studyand process biological data. The need is also increasing for tools that can be used by the biological researchers themselves who may not have a strong statistical or computational background, which requires creating tools and pipelines with intuitive user interfaces, robust analysis workflows and strong emphasis on result reportingand visualization. Within this thesis, several data analysis tools and methods have been developed for analyzing high-throughput biological data sets. These approaches, coveringseveral aspects of high-throughput data analysis, are specifically aimed for gene expression and genotyping data although in principle they are suitable for analyzing other data types as well. Coherent handling of the data across the various data analysis steps is highly important in order to ensure robust and reliable results. Thus,robust data analysis workflows are also described, putting the developed tools andmethods into a wider context. The choice of the correct analysis method may also depend on the properties of the specific data setandthereforeguidelinesforchoosing an optimal method are given. The data analysis tools, methods and workflows developed within this thesis have been applied to several research studies, of which two representative examplesare included in the thesis. The first study focuses on spermatogenesis in murinetestis and the second one examines cell lineage specification in mouse embryonicstem cells.