918 resultados para Layer-by-layer technique


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Positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) has gained widespread acceptance as a staging investigation in the diagnostic workup of malignant tumours and may be used to visualize metabolic changes before the evolution of morphological changes. To make histology of PET findings without distinctive structural changes available for treatment decisions, we developed a protocol for multimodal image-guided interventions using an integrated PET-CT machine. We report our first experience in 12 patients admitted for staging and restaging of breast cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, cervical cancer, soft tissue sarcoma, and osteosarcoma. Patients were repositioned according to the findings in PET-CT and intervention was planned based on a subsequent single-bed PET-CT acquisition of the region concerned. The needle was introduced under CT guidance in a step-by-step technique and correct needle position in the centre of the FDG avid lesion was assured by repetition of a single-bed PET-CT acquisition before sampling. The metabolically active part of lesions was accurately targeted in all patients and representative samples were obtained in 92%. No major adverse effects occurred. We conclude that PET-CT guidance for interventions is feasible and may be promising to optimize the diagnostic yield of CT-guided interventions and to make metabolically active lesions without morphological correlate accessible to percutaneous interventions.


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Equine penile papillomas, in situ carcinomas, and invasive carcinomas are hypothesized to belong to a continuum of papillomavirus-induced diseases. The former ones clinically present as small grey papules, while the latter 2 lesions are more hyperplasic or alternatively ulcerated. To test the hypothesis that these lesions are papillomavirus-induced, samples of 24 horses with characteristic clinical and histologic findings of penile papillomas or in situ or invasive squamous cell carcinomas were collected. As controls, 11 horses with various lesions--namely, Balanoposthitis (6 cases), melanoma (3 cases), follicular cyst (1 case), and amyloidosis (1 case)--were included. DNA was extracted and polymerase chain reaction applied to amplify papillomavirus DNA. The respective primers were designed to amplify DNA of the recently discovered equine papillomavirus EcPV2. All tested papilloma and squamous cell carcinoma samples were found to contain DNA of either of 2 previously published EcPV2 variants. Among the other samples 6 of 11 were found to contain EcPV2 DNA. To further support the findings and to determine where the papillomavirus DNA was located within the lesions, an in situ hybridization for the detection of EcPV2 DNA was established. The samples tested by this technique were found to clearly contain papillomavirus nucleic acid concentrated in the nucleus of the koilocytes. The findings of this study support previous data and the hypothesis that papillomaviruses induce the described penile lesions in horses.


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Magnetic resonance temperature imaging (MRTI) is recognized as a noninvasive means to provide temperature imaging for guidance in thermal therapies. The most common method of estimating temperature changes in the body using MR is by measuring the water proton resonant frequency (PRF) shift. Calculation of the complex phase difference (CPD) is the method of choice for measuring the PRF indirectly since it facilitates temperature mapping with high spatiotemporal resolution. Chemical shift imaging (CSI) techniques can provide the PRF directly with high sensitivity to temperature changes while minimizing artifacts commonly seen in CPD techniques. However, CSI techniques are currently limited by poor spatiotemporal resolution. This research intends to develop and validate a CSI-based MRTI technique with intentional spectral undersampling which allows relaxed parameters to improve spatiotemporal resolution. An algorithm based on autoregressive moving average (ARMA) modeling is developed and validated to help overcome limitations of Fourier-based analysis allowing highly accurate and precise PRF estimates. From the determined acquisition parameters and ARMA modeling, robust maps of temperature using the k-means algorithm are generated and validated in laser treatments in ex vivo tissue. The use of non-PRF based measurements provided by the technique is also investigated to aid in the validation of thermal damage predicted by an Arrhenius rate dose model.


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DNA mediated gene transfection is an important tool for moving and isolating genes from one cell type and putting them into a foreign genetic background. DNA transfection studies have been done routinely in many laboratories to identify and isolate transforming sequences in human tumors and tumor cell lines. A second technique, microcell-mediated chromosome transfer, allows the transfer of small numbers of intact human chromosome from one cell to another. This work was done to compare the efficiency of these two techniques in the transformation of NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells.^ My intent in comparing these two techniques was to see if there was a difference in the transforming capability of DNA which has been purified of all associated protein and RNAs, and that of DNA which is introduced into a cell in its native form, the chromosome. If chromosomal sequences were capable of transforming the 3T3 cells in culture, the method could then be used as a way to isolate the relevant tumorigenic chromosomes from human tumors.^ The study shows, however, that even for those cell lines that contain transforming sequences identified by DNA-mediated gene transfer, those same sequences were unable to transform 3T3 cells when introduced to the cells by somatic fusion of human tumor microcells. I believe that the human transforming sequences in their original genetic conformation are not recognized by the mouse cell as genes which should be expressed; therefore, no noticeable transformation event was selected by this technique. ^


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Measurements on 27 June 2011 were performed over the Southern Iberian Peninsula at Granada EARLINET station, using active and passive remote sensing and airborne and surface in-situ data in order to study the entrainment processes between aerosols in the free troposphere and those in the planetary boundary layer (PBL). To this aim the temporal evolution of the lidar depolarisation, backscatter-related Angström exponent and potential temperature profiles were used in combination with the PBL contribution to the aerosol optical depth (AOD). Our results show that the mineral dust entrainment in the PBL was caused by the convective processes which ‘trapped’ the lofted mineral dust layer, distributing the mineral dust particles within the PBL. The temporal evolution of ground-based in-situ data evidenced the impact of this process at surface level. Finally, the amount of mineral dust in the atmospheric column available to be dispersed into the PBL was estimated by means of POLIPHON (Polarizing Lidar Photometer Networking). The dust mass concentration derived from POLIPHON was compared with the coarse-mode mass concentration retrieved with airborne in-situ measurements. Comparison shows differences below 50 µg/m³ (30% relative difference) indicating a relative good agreement between both techniques.


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Cation exchange experiments (ammonium acetate and cation resin) on celadonite-smectite vein minerals from three DSDP holes demonstrate selective removal of common Sr relative to Rb and radiogenic Sr. This technique increases the Rb/Sr ratio by factors of 2.3 to 22 without significantly altering the age of the minerals, allowing easier and more precise dating of such vein minerals. The ages determined by this technique (Site 261 - 121.4+/-1.6 m.y.; Site 462A - 105.1+/-2.8 m.y.; Site 516F - 69.9+/-2.4 m.y.) are 34, 54 and 18 m.y. younger, respectively, than the age of crust formation at the site; in the case of site 462A, the young age is clearly related to off-ridge emplacement of a massive sill/flow complex. At the other sites, either the hydrothermal circulation systems persisted longer than for normal crust (10-15 m.y.), or were reactivated by off-ridge igneous activity. Celadonites show U and Pb contents and Pb isotopic compositions little changed from their basalt precursors, while Th contents are significantly lower. Celadonites thus have unusually high alkali/U,Th ratios and low Th/U ratios. If this celadonite alteration signature is significantly imprinted on oceanic crust as a whole, it will lead to very distinctive Pb isotope signatures for any hot spot magmas which contain a component of aged subducted recycled oceanic crust. Initial Sr isotope ratios of ocean crust vein minerals (smectite, celadonite, zeolite, calcite) are intermediate between primary basalt values and contemporary sea water values and indicate formation under seawaterdominated systems with effective water/rock ratios of 20-200.


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Physical properties measurements provide a relatively inexpensive and fast way to obtain high-resolution estimates of the variations in sedimentological properties. To better resolve the validity and cause of the geophysical signals measured by the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) shipboard multisensor track (MST) instruments, 223 x 10 cm**3 core samples were collected at 4 cm intervals in Core 167-1016B-17H at the California Margin Conception Transect for the measurements of index properties, carbonate content, and opal content. This core was chosen because hole-to-hole stratigraphic correlation of MST data suggested that Core 17H corresponds to a depth interval that displays the greatest range of amplitude of many physical properties.


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El proyecto de rehabilitación de una de las naves del complejo fabril de la industria química ?CROS? en Valencia se llevó a cabo con el criterio de mantener, en la medida de lo posible, los elementos estructurales presentes en la nave. Con este objetivo se realizaron una serie de ensayos no destructivos (END) in situ. Estos ensayos permitieron evaluar la calidad de la madera, determinar qué elementos estructurales debían ser sustituidos y comprobar la aptitud de los que iban a ser reutilizados. Los END empleados en este estudio fueron los siguientes: (1) Identificación de la especie por técnicas anatómicas, (2) Clasificación resistente por método visual, (3) Estimación de humedad por la técnica de resistencia eléctrica; (4) Obtención de velocidades de propagación ultrasónicas (5) Resistógrafía y (6) Alteración de la propagación de ondas electromagnéticas por medio de Georradar. Para la calibración de estos END se tomó una muestra de piezas y se hicieron ensayos destructivos bajo condiciones controladas en laboratorio. En el trabajo que aquí se presenta se muestra la metodología empleada durante el proceso de toma de datos, de análisis de resultados y de cruce de la información obtenida a partir de cada uno de los ensayos hasta llegar a un diagnóstico para los elementos analizados. The assessment of structural timber was requested in the rehabilitation project of the Naves of the chemical industry "CROS". The criterion was to maintain as much as possible timber of the structure and to make only partial replacements. In order not to damage the existing structure and to assess the quality of the existing timber, a series of non-destructive testing (NDT) in the entire structure were performed: (1) Identification of the species by anatomical techniques, (2) Strength grading by visual method, (3) Estimation of moisture content by the technique of electrical resistance, (4) Acquisition of ultrasonic propagation velocities (5) Resistography and (6) Record of the propagation of electromagnetic waves by means of Ground-penetrating radar. Following, a sample group was chose to carry out destructive testing in the lab and compare the NDT results with those obtained with the standard UNE-EN408 (modules of strength, stiffness and density). In the present work, the results provided by each of the NDT techniques are detailed and above all, what is more important, the validity of these after they have been contrasted with the destructive standard tests.


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Current approaches to mobile code safety – inspired by the technique of Proof-Carrying Code (PCC) [4] – associate safety information (in the form of a certificate) to programs. The certificate (or proof) is created by the code supplier at compile time, and packaged along with the untrusted code. The consumer who receives the code+certificate package can then run a checker which, by a straightforward inspection of the code and the certificate, is able to verify the validity of the certificate and thus compliance with the safety policy. The main practical difficulty of PCC techniques is in generating safety certificates which at the same time: i) allow expressing interesting safety properties, ii) can be generated automatically and, iii) are easy and efficient to check.


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Abnormalities of the aortic arch, as the most proximal site of the cardiovascular system, are of great interest due to its major role in blood distribution to all downstream members. Wall dissection is one of the disorders that an aorta may suffer due to hypertension or degradation of aortic wall properties. A geometrical change of the aortic arch caused by the dissected wall, and consequently the blood flow path, makes the time-varying flow curves to be different in comparison to the healthy aortic arch. This phenomenon modifies wall shear stress (WSS) history during the cardiac cycle. In the current work, the pulsatile blood flow in a typical Stanford A (DeBakey II) dissected aorta is simulated by CFD technique, STAR-CCM+. The boundary conditions are calculated based on a combination of the impedance boundary condition and the auto-regulation concept in the cardiovascular system.


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La medicina ha evolucionado de forma que las imágenes digitales tienen un papel de gran relevancia para llevar a cabo el diagnóstico de enfermedades. Son muchos y de diversa naturaleza los problemas que pueden presentar el aparato fonador. Un paso previo para la caracterización de imágenes digitales de la laringe es la segmentación de las cuerdas vocales. Hasta el momento se han desarrollado algoritmos que permiten la segmentación de la glotis. El presente proyecto pretende avanzar un paso más en el estudio, procurando asimismo la segmentación de las cuerdas vocales. Para ello, es necesario aprovechar la información de color que ofrecen las imágenes, pues es lo que va a determinar la diferencia entre una región y otra de la imagen. En este proyecto se ha desarrollado un novedoso método de segmentación de imágenes en color estroboscópicas de la laringe basado en el crecimiento de regiones a partir de píxeles-semilla. Debido a los problemas que presentan las imágenes obtenidas por la técnica de la estroboscopia, para conseguir óptimos resultados de la segmentación es necesario someter a las imágenes a un preprocesado, que consiste en la eliminación de altos brillos y aplicación de un filtro de difusión anisotrópica. Tras el preprocesado, comienza el crecimiento de la región a partir de unas semillas que se obtienen previamente. La condición de inclusión de un píxel en la región se basa en un parámetro de tolerancia que se determina de forma adaptativa. Este parámetro comienza teniendo un valor muy bajo y va aumentando de forma recursiva hasta alcanzar una condición de parada. Esta condición se basa en el análisis de la distribución estadística de los píxeles dentro de la región que va creciendo. La última fase del proyecto consiste en la realización de las pruebas necesarias para verificar el funcionamiento del sistema diseñado, obteniéndose buenos resultados en la segmentación de la glotis y resultados esperanzadores para seguir mejorando el sistema para la segmentación de las cuerdas vocales. ABSTRACT Medicine has evolved so that digital images have a very important role to perform disease diagnosis. There are wide variety of problems that can present the vocal apparatus. A preliminary step for characterization of digital images of the larynx is the segmentation of the vocal folds. To date, some algorithms that allow the segmentation of the glottis have been developed. This project aims to go one step further in the study, also seeking the segmentation of the vocal folds. To do this, we must use the color information offered by images, since this is what will determine the difference between different regions in a picture. In this project a novel method of larynx color images segmentation based on region growing from a pixel seed is developed. Due to the problems of the images obtained by the technique of stroboscopy, to achieve optimal results of the segmentation is necessary a preprocessing of the images, which involves the removal of high brightness and applying an anisotropic diffusion filter. After this preprocessing, the growth of the region from previously obtained seeds starts. The condition for inclusion of a pixel in the region is based on a tolerance parameter, which is adaptively determined. It initially has a low value and this is recursively increased until a stop condition is reached. This condition is based on the analysis of the statistical distribution of the pixels within the grown region. The last phase of the project involves the necessary tests to verify the proper working of the designed system, obtaining very good results in the segmentation of the glottis and encouraging results to keep improving the system for the segmentation of the vocal folds.


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Speech is the major function, emergence and which development radically changes all course of formation of the identity of the child already in the early childhood. If language and speech development in solitary born children is investigated today quite well, at twin children this process practically is not studied. Our research was carried out for the purpose of studying of an originality of mastering by speech by heterosexual children of pair of twins within communicative and pragmatist approach (T.N. Ushakov,G. V. Chirkina). Application of this approach to the analysis of process of communication at twin children allowed us to allocate those peculiar receptions and means of communication which they functionally develop in a situation of pair of twins, as allows them to show the phenomena of the speech which are not meeting at solitary born contemporaries. In this work results of supervision and research of pair of heterosexual twins of the second year of the life, carried out by a technique developed by us under the scientific guide of G. V. Chirkina


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A consistent Finite Element formulation was developed for four classical 1-D beam models. This formulation is based upon the solution of the homogeneous differential equation (or equations) associated with each model. Results such as the shape functions, stiffness matrices and consistent force vectors for the constant section beam were found. Some of these results were compared with the corresponding ones obtained by the standard Finite Element Method (i.e. using polynomial expansions for the field variables). Some of the difficulties reported in the literature concerning some of these models may be avoided by this technique and some numerical sensitivity analysis on this subject are presented.


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La hipótesis de partida de esta tesis es que existe una influencia directa entre la técnica que se desarrolla durante el segundo período del s. XIX y el cambio sustancial de los conceptos y de la teoría arquitectónica que se da en esos mismos años. Dicha influencia genera nuevos modelos constructivos que serán la base de la arquitectura moderna. Para llegar a la confirmación de la hipótesis, se han planteado tres objetivos principales que responden a los tres capítulos principales de la misma. En primera instancia, se establecen las condiciones teóricas del debate arquitectónico entre las fechas estudiadas. Se analiza el concepto de modelo y «estilo» para evaluar si, efectivamente, hubo cambio o no. También se analizará si los arquitectos eran conscientes de la necesidad de una nueva arquitectura que respondiese a la funcionalidad que el progreso requería. Para comprobar que dicho cambio se ha producido a todos los niveles hasta el punto de redefinir el modelo constructivo se escoge un ejemplo práctico que cumpla las condiciones necesarias para sustentar o no la tesis y se investiga sobre si sucede o no el cambio. A continuación, se analizará la situación de la técnica y de los avances tecnológicos en el período estudiado. Es importante contrastar que realmente hay un conocimiento y una conciencia verdadera de cambio entre los teóricos y los arquitectos que están construyendo en ese momento. Confirmar que dicha conexión existe es vital para la investigación; para eso, se analizará y se profundizará en las conexiones entre la arquitectura y la ingeniería (o los avances tecnológicos) para entender la implicación de uno con el otro. Con este fin, se han estudiado las distintas publicaciones periódicas de la época; sobre todo la más relevante y la que primero se editó, que fue La revue générale de l’architecture; me he apoyado en ella. Es un documento que mensualmente recoge cambios, avances y debates. Tuvo una grandísima divulgación; todo docente, arquitecto e ingeniero de la época tenía un acceso fácil y directo a dicha publicación. Por último, a raíz de una construcción ideal proyectada por uno de los grandes arquitectos teóricos de la época, se reflexiona sobre si esa arquitectura supone realmente una comprensión y una conciencia de los nuevos modelos arquitectónicos, definidos por una técnica en progreso, o si responde exclusivamente a una utopía arquitectónica como tantas otras se habían esbozado con anterioridad por grandes teóricos. Para poder definir la geometría de este elemento estructural, se ha realizado un modelado tridimensional que permite calcular la estructura a través de un proceso de elementos finitos. El propósito de este cálculo no es exclusivamente saber si la estructura era viable o no en aquella época, sino también comprender si la definición de estos originales elementos estructurales implicaba una concepción nueva de las estructuras tridimensionales y eso significa que empezaba a germinar un cambio sustancial en la teoría de la arquitectura, con la búsqueda de un nuevo modelo constructivo derivado de los avances técnicos. De este modo queda demostrado que el modelo constructivo ha cambiado definitivamente por un modelo mucho más versátil y sobre todo con una gran capacidad de adaptación, esto combinado a su vez con una proliferación de patentes que intentan y buscan una estandarización del modelo constructivo y que no son, en ningún caso, un modelo en sí. Como última conclusión, queda argumentado que en aquella época ya se tenía una gran intuición estructural; a pesar de que el cálculo matemático era todavía algo relativamente nuevo, se manejaban de forma instintiva líneas de cargas, combinación de materiales y nuevas formas, que ayudarán a crear los modelos de los próximos años y que serán la base del cálculo numérico posterior. ABSTRACT The hypothesis of this thesis is that there is a direct influence between the technique developed during the second period of the XIX century and the substantial change in the concepts and in the architectural theory that occurs in those years. This influence develops new building models that will be the basis of modern architecture. To confirm this hypothesis, we present three principal objectives that corresponds to the three principals chapsters of the text. First, we establish the theoretical conditions of the architectural debate between the dates studied. We analyze the concepts of model and “style” to assess whether there was a change or not. We consider as well if architects were aware of the need for a new architecture to respond to the functionality needs that progress demanded. To verify that the change occurred at all levels to the extent of redefining the building model we choose a practical example that fulfills the necessary conditions to support or not the thesis and we investigate whether or not the change happens. Next, we analyze the status of technical and technological advances in the study period of study. It is important to contrast that there is a real knowledge and awareness of change between the theorists and architects who are building at the time. Confirming that that connection exists is vital for the research; for that, we will analyze and deepen into the connections between architecture and engineering (or technological progress) to understand the implication of one into the other. To this end, we have studied various publications of the time; especially the most relevant and the first published, La Revue générale de l’architecture; I have relied on it. This is a monthly document that includes changes, developments and debates. It had a very great disclosure; every teacher, architect and engineer of the time had a direct and easy access to this publication. Finally, following theoretical ideal construction projected by one of the great architects of the time, we reflect on whether that architecture really represents an understanding and awareness of the new architectural models defined by a technique in progress, or if it only responds to an architectural utopia as the ones outlined earlier by the great theorists. To be able to define the geometry of this structural item, we have carried out a three-dimensional modeling that enables us to calculate the structure through a process of finite elements. The purpose of this calculation is not exclusively understanding whether the structure was viable or not at the time, but also understanding if the definition of these original structural elements involved a new concept of three-dimensional structures and if that involved the beginning of a substantial change in theory of architecture, with the search for a new construction model derived from technical advances. In this way it is demonstrated that the building model has definitely changed for a much more versatile one and above all with a high adaptation capacity, this combined in turn with a proliferation of patents that try and seek a standardization of the building model and are not, in any case, a model in itself. As a final conclusion, it is argued that at the time a major structural intuition was present; even though the math calculation was still relatively new, in an instinctively way load lines, combination of materials and new forms were taken into account, that will help to create models in the coming years and which will form the basis of subsequent numerical calculation.


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O objetivo da presente pesquisa é explicitar a relação entre a religião e a vida cotidiana na cid ade de Alto Paraíso (RO). Pretende discutir o papel do imaginário religioso no processo de ocupação de um novo espaço geográfico e na luta pela sobrevivência neste contexto. Sistematiza, assim, a história de uma cidade a partir de depoimentos de seus primeiros habitantes, perguntando pelo lugar da religião nesta memória. A metodologia privilegia o depoimento oral, colhido através da técnica de entrevistas, transcritas, sistematizadas e problematizadas como fonte plausível de investigação. Tenta captar e visibilizar os sentidos que sujeitos anônimos atribuem a suas experiências de vida num processo de transformação de um espaço inóspito em um lugar habitável e promissor em termos econômicos e sociais. A pesquisa está dividida em três capítulos. O primeiro sistematiza a história de Alto Paraíso, privilegiando a memória dos primeiros moradores da região. O segundo debate a religião como agente na formação do imaginário e das transformações sociais. O terceiro capítulo discute o embricamento entre o trânsito religioso, as magias populares e os milagres institucionalizados.(AU)