951 resultados para Kim, Jaegwon: Physicalism, or something near enough


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An integrated instrument package for measuring and understanding the surface radiation budget of sea ice is presented, along with results from its first deployment. The setup simultaneously measures broadband fluxes of upwelling and downwelling terrestrial and solar radiation (four components separately), spectral fluxes of incident and reflected solar radiation, and supporting data such as air temperature and humidity, surface temperature, and location (GPS), in addition to photographing the sky and observed surface during each measurement. The instruments are mounted on a small sled, allowing measurements of the radiation budget to be made at many locations in the study area to see the effect of small-scale surface processes on the large-scale radiation budget. Such observations have many applications, from calibration and validation of remote sensing products to improving our understanding of surface processes that affect atmosphere-snow-ice interactions and drive feedbacks, ultimately leading to the potential to improve climate modelling of ice-covered regions of the ocean. The photographs, spectral data, and other observations allow for improved analysis of the broadband data. An example of this is shown by using the observations made during a partly cloudy day, which show erratic variations due to passing clouds, and creating a careful estimate of what the radiation budget along the observed line would have been under uniform sky conditions, clear or overcast. Other data from the setup's first deployment, in June 2011 on fast ice near Point Barrow, Alaska, are also shown; these illustrate the rapid changes of the radiation budget during a cold period that led to refreezing and new snow well into the melt season.


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Bioaccumulation of metals by zoobenthos was investigated during cruise 11A of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in the vicinity of a gas-hydrate seep off Paramushir Island in the Sea of Okhotsk. Atomic absorption studies of concentrations of Al, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu and Zn in zoobenthos (polychaetes, bivalves, ophiurans and echinoderms) collected from depths of 700-800 m indicated that their concentrations in individuals near the seep were not significantly different from those in individuals from other communities. Obtained results indicate that sea urchins and holothurians (non-sorting bottom-feeders) can separate mineral fraction of ingested bottom material.


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A depression filled with Late Glacial and Holocene sediments was excavated during the geological exploration and recovery of a dump area near Tessin close to Rostock, and initiated the studies of the present paper. Pebble analysis of three exposed or respectively drilled till horizons as well as pollenanalytical, carpological and faunistical studies carried out allow the stratigraphical subdivision of the Quaternary sequence of the dump area. The basal till was probably the result of dead ice decay, and was lithostratigraphically assigned to the Pomerian Stage (qw2). The palynological results of boreholes RKS 19/93 and A/92 reveal pre-Allerod and other sediments instead of the expected interweichselian deposits. Based on the palynological and carpological findings, we correlated the beginning of the late glacial development in the locality with the end of the Meiendorf-lnterstadial sensu Menke in Bock et al. (1985, doi:10.3285/eg.35.1.18). The limnic-telmatic sedimentation could be observed pollen floristically probably starting with the Meiendorf-lnterstadial (Hippophae-Betula nana-phase) followed by the Bolling-(Betula nana-B. alba s.l.-Artemisia-Helianthemum-Poaceae-phase) and the Allerad-lnterstadial [Betula alba s.l.-(Pinus)-Cyperaceae-phase] lasting up to the Younger Dryas (Juniperus-Artemisia-Poaceae-phase). Sedimentation closed during the Younger Dryas with the accumulation of fine sands. It was reactivated later during the Holocene due to the anthropogene influence (Older and Younger Subatlantic, dampness of the depression by clearing).


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El agua ha sido un elemento presente en muchas cosmogonías. El agua es necesaria a la vida, sin ella no existiría la vida como la conocemos. Esta percepción sobre el agua es tan antigua como la misma humanidad, haciéndose particularmente importante en pueblos donde ella no abunda, pueblos donde la orografía es desértica o pueblos donde el agua en forma de ríos se hace fundamental a la cosecha y por consiguiente a la vida, como los pueblos del cercano oriente, en particular los pueblos de la región del levante. Siendo esto así, pareciera peculiar la importancia dada por los primeros pensadores griegos, llamados filósofos presocráticos, al elemento agua en su filosofía. Argumentaré que el elemento agua es extraño al pensamiento griego, como elemento primigenio. Para ello discutiré algunos de los textos cosmogónicos griegos y del cercano oriente


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La corriente norteamericana llamada 'Nuevo periodismo', nacida en los años sesenta, supuso para la Periodística tradicional de Estados Unidos toda una revolución por la combinación de elementos literarios con otros propios de la investigación periodística. Hunter S. Thompson, autor de Miedo y asco en las Vegas (1971), con su periodismo gonzo, le iba a dar una vuelta más a la propuesta del New Journalism, llevando al extremo el proceso de inmersión, hasta implicarse personalmente en sus reportajes y acogiendo sobre todo influencias narrativas del movimiento Beat de los cincuenta. Casi 35 años después, en El Dorado, Juan-Cantavella hace un paralelismo entre Las Vegas y la ciudad de vacaciones en la costa mediterránea española, Marina D'Or y desarrolla en este ámbito una novela, protagonizada por su alter ego el periodista punk, Escargot. Novela, periodismo, gonzo, ficción, cuento, punk, ensayo, reportaje, 'aportaje', fragmentación discursiva, diálogos, monólogos interiores, descripciones, comunicados, telegramas, emails, notas de prensa, noticias radiofónicas, canciones, eslóganes, todo cabe para recrear géneros, para releer tradiciones periodísticas y literarias, y llegar a construir algo nuevo. Este trabajo analiza este proceso que va desde el periodismo gonzo, de Miedo y asco en Las Vegas a la narrativa española actual de El Dorado. Se ocupa de discernir los recursos literarios de que se sirve el periodista gonzo para construir sus reportajes y las herramientas periodísticas que nutren la 'narrativa punk' de Juan-Cantavella. Un ejemplo singular de simbiosis periodístico-literaria


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La corriente norteamericana llamada 'Nuevo periodismo', nacida en los años sesenta, supuso para la Periodística tradicional de Estados Unidos toda una revolución por la combinación de elementos literarios con otros propios de la investigación periodística. Hunter S. Thompson, autor de Miedo y asco en las Vegas (1971), con su periodismo gonzo, le iba a dar una vuelta más a la propuesta del New Journalism, llevando al extremo el proceso de inmersión, hasta implicarse personalmente en sus reportajes y acogiendo sobre todo influencias narrativas del movimiento Beat de los cincuenta. Casi 35 años después, en El Dorado, Juan-Cantavella hace un paralelismo entre Las Vegas y la ciudad de vacaciones en la costa mediterránea española, Marina D'Or y desarrolla en este ámbito una novela, protagonizada por su alter ego el periodista punk, Escargot. Novela, periodismo, gonzo, ficción, cuento, punk, ensayo, reportaje, 'aportaje', fragmentación discursiva, diálogos, monólogos interiores, descripciones, comunicados, telegramas, emails, notas de prensa, noticias radiofónicas, canciones, eslóganes, todo cabe para recrear géneros, para releer tradiciones periodísticas y literarias, y llegar a construir algo nuevo. Este trabajo analiza este proceso que va desde el periodismo gonzo, de Miedo y asco en Las Vegas a la narrativa española actual de El Dorado. Se ocupa de discernir los recursos literarios de que se sirve el periodista gonzo para construir sus reportajes y las herramientas periodísticas que nutren la 'narrativa punk' de Juan-Cantavella. Un ejemplo singular de simbiosis periodístico-literaria


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From the south-eastern Tyrrhenian deep-sea floor, four sediment cores of "Meteor" cruise 22 (1971) are described. These cores were taken in the basin between the Aeolian Islands and the Marsili Seamount, an elevation of more tha 3000 m above the sea floor. The sedimentation of the deep-sea basin is distinguished by a sequence of turbidites with a high sedimentation rate. The composition of the clastic material and the position of the cores in the mouth area of the morphologically very pronounced Stromboli Canyon suggest an interpretation of the turbidite sequence as fan of this canyon onto the deep-sea floor. A white rhyolitic pumice-tephra at the base of the 4 m thick sequence of turbidites in core M22-102 has been correlated with the Pelato eruption of the island of Liparo in the 6th century A.D. At the foot of the Marsili Seamount - apparently in morphologically elevated positions - the influence of the turbidite sedimentation increases, the rate of sedimentation is lower and stratigraphic omissions are probable. Here, rather compacted globigerina marls have been found in only 15 -25 cm depth. In addition, volcanic material in the form of lapilli layers, palagonitized ashes and detrital volcanic sands of the Marsili Seamount have been encountered in this area. An up to 3 cm thick layer of completely palagonitized basaltic ash intercalates with the marls at the base of two cores. Layers of very fresh olivine basaltic lapilli in core 103 and palagonitized lapilli of latitic composition in core 104 testify to an explosive submarine volcanism of the Marsili Seamount. According to the stratigraphy of core 103, the latest manifestations of this basaltic volcanism belong to the late Pleistocene (Emiliana huxleyi-zone of Nannoplankton stratigraphy) The basaltic lapilli are glassy to perhyaline with phenocrysts or microphenocrysts predominantely of olivine. The petrological character of the basaltic volcanites with high MgO, Ni, Cr and high MgO/FeO- and Ni/Co-ratios exhibits primitive basaltic features. These basalts clearly differ from basalts of the ocean floors, mid-ocean ridges and marginal basins. Prominent features are a missing iron-enrichment trend and low TiO2. Al2O3 tends to be high, as well as K2O and related trace elements (Ba, Sr). In spite of silica undrsaturation and high color index, the Marsili basalt exhibit some analogies with the calcalkaline basalts of the Aeolian arc, as well as the undersaturated basalts of some other circumoceanic areas.


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El agua ha sido un elemento presente en muchas cosmogonías. El agua es necesaria a la vida, sin ella no existiría la vida como la conocemos. Esta percepción sobre el agua es tan antigua como la misma humanidad, haciéndose particularmente importante en pueblos donde ella no abunda, pueblos donde la orografía es desértica o pueblos donde el agua en forma de ríos se hace fundamental a la cosecha y por consiguiente a la vida, como los pueblos del cercano oriente, en particular los pueblos de la región del levante. Siendo esto así, pareciera peculiar la importancia dada por los primeros pensadores griegos, llamados filósofos presocráticos, al elemento agua en su filosofía. Argumentaré que el elemento agua es extraño al pensamiento griego, como elemento primigenio. Para ello discutiré algunos de los textos cosmogónicos griegos y del cercano oriente


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Pore-water samples from the equatorial sedimentary bulge area show reversals in depth profiles of 87Sr/86Sr ratios at the sediment/basement interface. Results of this work support inferences made from previous pore-water data (from DSDP drilling in the area) that large-scale horizontal advection of seawater has occurred through the basement underlying the thick sedimentary sequence in this region. The area of apparent advection includes the eastern part of the equatorial high-productivity zone and part of the Guatemala Basin. We attempted to find links between the observed near-basement reversals in pore-water chemistry and sedimentary thickness, age, and topography of the area. Most of the sites that show horizontal advection have disturbed basement topography or outcrops within 10 to 20 km, suggesting that the cooling effects of outcrops may extend for at least 20 km horizontally. Heat-flow data from the area were compared to determine whether sites showing near-bottom chemistry reversals were consistent with areas of low conductive heat flow. This was generally true for the area of the sedimentary bulge and Guatemala Basin. Not enough pore-water data from the Nazca Plate were available to establish any reliable systematics. Because the high-productivity area is well-sealed from hydrothermal circulation, the missing heat must be lost by horizontal advective heat transport. From profiles of strontium isotopes and other elements that show departure from seawater values with increasing depth in the sediments, but return to seawater values near the basement, it appears that water flows relatively freely through much of the oceanic crust, even when sealed by considerable sedimentary cover.


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El agua ha sido un elemento presente en muchas cosmogonías. El agua es necesaria a la vida, sin ella no existiría la vida como la conocemos. Esta percepción sobre el agua es tan antigua como la misma humanidad, haciéndose particularmente importante en pueblos donde ella no abunda, pueblos donde la orografía es desértica o pueblos donde el agua en forma de ríos se hace fundamental a la cosecha y por consiguiente a la vida, como los pueblos del cercano oriente, en particular los pueblos de la región del levante. Siendo esto así, pareciera peculiar la importancia dada por los primeros pensadores griegos, llamados filósofos presocráticos, al elemento agua en su filosofía. Argumentaré que el elemento agua es extraño al pensamiento griego, como elemento primigenio. Para ello discutiré algunos de los textos cosmogónicos griegos y del cercano oriente


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La corriente norteamericana llamada 'Nuevo periodismo', nacida en los años sesenta, supuso para la Periodística tradicional de Estados Unidos toda una revolución por la combinación de elementos literarios con otros propios de la investigación periodística. Hunter S. Thompson, autor de Miedo y asco en las Vegas (1971), con su periodismo gonzo, le iba a dar una vuelta más a la propuesta del New Journalism, llevando al extremo el proceso de inmersión, hasta implicarse personalmente en sus reportajes y acogiendo sobre todo influencias narrativas del movimiento Beat de los cincuenta. Casi 35 años después, en El Dorado, Juan-Cantavella hace un paralelismo entre Las Vegas y la ciudad de vacaciones en la costa mediterránea española, Marina D'Or y desarrolla en este ámbito una novela, protagonizada por su alter ego el periodista punk, Escargot. Novela, periodismo, gonzo, ficción, cuento, punk, ensayo, reportaje, 'aportaje', fragmentación discursiva, diálogos, monólogos interiores, descripciones, comunicados, telegramas, emails, notas de prensa, noticias radiofónicas, canciones, eslóganes, todo cabe para recrear géneros, para releer tradiciones periodísticas y literarias, y llegar a construir algo nuevo. Este trabajo analiza este proceso que va desde el periodismo gonzo, de Miedo y asco en Las Vegas a la narrativa española actual de El Dorado. Se ocupa de discernir los recursos literarios de que se sirve el periodista gonzo para construir sus reportajes y las herramientas periodísticas que nutren la 'narrativa punk' de Juan-Cantavella. Un ejemplo singular de simbiosis periodístico-literaria


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The measurement of short-lived 223Ra often involves a second measurement for supported activities, which represents 227Ac in the sample. Here we exploit this fact, presenting a set of 284 values on the oceanic distribution of 227Ac, which was collected when analyzing water samples for short-lived radium isotopes by the radium delayed coincidence counting system. The present work compiles 227Ac data from coastal regions all over the northern hemisphere, including values from ground water, from estuaries and lagoons, and from marine end-members. Deep-sea samples from a continental slope off Puerto Rico and from an active vent site near Hawaii complete the overview of 227Ac near its potential sources. The average 227Ac activities of nearshore marine end-members range from 0.4 dpm/m**3 at the Gulf of Mexico to 3.0 dpm m? 3 in the coastal waters of the Korean Strait. In analogy to 228Ra, we find the extension of adjacent shelf regions to play a substantial role for 227Ac activities, although less pronounced than for radium, due to its weaker shelf source. Based on previously published values, we calculate an open ocean 227Ac inventory of 1.35 * 1018 dpm 227Acex in the ocean, which corresponds to 37 moles, or 8.4 kg. This implies a flux of 127 dpm/m**2/y from the deep-sea floor. For the shelf regions, we obtain a global inventory of 227Ac of 4.5 * 10**15 dpm, which cannot be converted directly into a flux value, as the regional loss term of 227Ac to the open ocean would have to be included. Ac has so far been considered to behave similarly to Ra in the marine environment, with the exception of a strong Ac source in the deep-sea due to 231Paex. Here, we present evidence of geochemical differences between Ac, which is retained in a warm vent system, and Ra, which is readily released [Moore, W.S., Ussler, W. and Paull, C.K., 2008-this issue. Short-lived radium isotopes in the Hawaiian margin: Evidence for large fluid fluxes through the Puna Ridge. Marine Chemistry]. Another potential mechanism of producing deviations in 227Ac/228Ra and daughter isotope ratios from the expected production value of lithogenic material is observed at reducing environments, where enrichment in uranium may occur. The presented data here may serve as a reference for including 227Ac in circulation models, and the overview provides values for some end-members that contribute to the global Ac distribution.


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Frost flowers have been proposed to be the major source of sea-salt aerosol to the atmosphere during polar winter and a source of reactive bromine during polar springtime. However little is known about their bulk chemical composition or microstructure, two important factors that may affect their ability to produce aerosols and provide chemically reactive surfaces for exchange with the atmosphere. Therefore, we chemically analyzed 28 samples of frost flowers and parts of frost flowers collected from sea ice off of northern Alaska. Our results support the proposed mechanism for frost flower growth that suggests water vapor deposition forms an ice skeleton that wicks brine present on newly grown sea ice. We measured a high variability in sulfate enrichment factors (with respect to chloride) in frost flowers and seawater from the vicinity of freezing sea ice. The variability in sulfate indicates that mirabilite precipitation (Na2SO4 x 10 H2O) occurs during frost flower growth. Brine wicked up by frost flowers is typically sulfate depleted, in agreement with the theory that frost flowers are related to sulfate-depleted aerosol observed in Antarctica. The bromide enrichment factors we measured in frost flowers are within error of seawater composition, constraining the direct reactive losses of bromide from frost flowers. We combined the chemical composition measurements with temperature observations to create a conceptual model of possible scenarios for frost flower microstructure development.


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Upwelling along the western coast of Africa south of the equator may be partitioned into three major areas, each having its own dynamics and history: (1) the eastern equatorial region, comprising the Congo Fan and the area of Mid-Angola; (2) the Namibia upwelling system, extending from the Walvis Ridge to Lüderitz; and (3) the Cape Province region, where upwelling is subdued. The highest nutrient contents in thermocline waters are in the northern region, the lowest in the southern one. Wind effects are at a maximum near the southern end of the Namibia upwelling system, and maximum productivity occurs near Walvis Bay, where the product between upwelling rate and nutrient content of upwelled waters is at a maximum. In the Congo/Angola region, opal tends to follow organic carbon quite closely in the Quaternary record. However, organic carbon has a strong precessional component, while opal does not. Despite relatively low opal content, sediments off Angola show the same patterns as those off the Congo; thus, they are part of the same regime. The spectrum shows nonlinear interference patterns between high- and low-latitude forcing, presumably tied to thermocline fertility and wind. On Walvis Ridge, as in the Congo-Angola region, the organic matter record behaves normally; that is, supply is high during glacial periods. In contrast, interglacial periods are favorable for opal deposition. The pattern suggests reduction in silicate content of the thermocline during glacial periods. The reversed phase (opal abundant during interglacials) persists during the entire Pleistocene and can be demonstrated deep into the Pliocene, not just on Walvis Ridge but all the way to the Oranje River and off the Cape Province. From comparison with other regions, it appears that silicate is diminished in the global thermocline, on average, whenever winds become strong enough to substantially shorten the residence time of silicate in upper waters (Walvis Hypothesis, solving the Walvis Paradox of reversed phase in opal deposition). The central discovery during Leg 175 was the documentation of a late Pliocene opal maximum for the entire Namibia upwelling system (early Matuyama Diatom Maximum [MDM]). The maximum is centered on the period between the end of the Gauss Chron and the beginning of the Olduvai Chron. A rather sharp increase in both organic matter deposition and opal deposition occurs near 3 Ma in the middle of the Gauss Chron, in association with a series of major cooling steps. As concerns organic matter, high production persists at least to 1 Ma, when there are large changes in variability, heralding subsequent pulsed production periods. From 3 to 2 Ma, organic matter and opal deposition run more or less parallel, but after 2 Ma opal goes out of phase with organic matter. Apparently, this is the point when silicate becomes limiting to opal production. Thus, the MDM conundrum is solved by linking planetary cooling to increased mixing and upwelling (ramping up to the MDM) and a general removal of silicate from the upper ocean through excess precipitation over global supply (ramping down from the MDM). The hypothesis concerning the origin of the Namibia opal acme or MDM is fundamentally the same as the Walvis Hypothesis, stating that glacial conditions result in removal of silicate from the thermocline (and quite likely from the ocean as a whole, given enough time). The Namibia opal acme, and other opal maxima in the latest Neogene in other regions of the ocean, marks the interval when a cooling ocean selectively removes the abundant silicate inherited from a warm ocean. When the excess silicate is removed, the process ceases. According to the data gathered during Leg 175, major upwelling started in the late part of the late Miocene. Presumably, this process contributed to the drawing down of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping to prepare the way for Northern Hemisphere glaciation.


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The carbon (C) sink strength of arctic tundra is under pressure from increasing populations of arctic breeding geese. In this study we examined how CO2 and CH4 fluxes, plant biomass and soil C responded to the removal of vertebrate herbivores in a high arctic wet moss meadow that has been intensively used by barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) for ca. 20 years. We used 4 and 9 years old grazing exclosures to investigate the potential for recovery of ecosystem function during the growing season (July 2007). The results show greater above- and below-ground vascular plant biomass within the grazing exclosures with graminoid biomass being most responsive to the removal of herbivory whilst moss biomass remained unchanged. The changes in biomass switched the system from net emission to net uptake of CO2 (0.47 and -0.77 µmol/m**2/s in grazed and exclosure plots, respectively) during the growing season and doubled the C storage in live biomass. In contrast, the treatment had no impact on the CH4 fluxes, the total litter C pool or the soil C concentration. The rapid recovery of the above ground biomass and CO2 fluxes demonstrates the plasticity of this high arctic ecosystem in terms of response to changing herbivore pressure.