Abundance of plant macrofossils, mollusca and ostracoda in sediments obtained near Tessin, north Germany

Autoria(s): Krienke, Hans-Dieter; Strahl, Jaqueline; Frenzel, Peter; Keding, Elmar

LATITUDE: 54.041050 * LONGITUDE: 12.476300




A depression filled with Late Glacial and Holocene sediments was excavated during the geological exploration and recovery of a dump area near Tessin close to Rostock, and initiated the studies of the present paper. Pebble analysis of three exposed or respectively drilled till horizons as well as pollenanalytical, carpological and faunistical studies carried out allow the stratigraphical subdivision of the Quaternary sequence of the dump area. The basal till was probably the result of dead ice decay, and was lithostratigraphically assigned to the Pomerian Stage (qw2). The palynological results of boreholes RKS 19/93 and A/92 reveal pre-Allerod and other sediments instead of the expected interweichselian deposits. Based on the palynological and carpological findings, we correlated the beginning of the late glacial development in the locality with the end of the Meiendorf-lnterstadial sensu Menke in Bock et al. (1985, doi:10.3285/eg.35.1.18). The limnic-telmatic sedimentation could be observed pollen floristically probably starting with the Meiendorf-lnterstadial (Hippophae-Betula nana-phase) followed by the Bolling-(Betula nana-B. alba s.l.-Artemisia-Helianthemum-Poaceae-phase) and the Allerad-lnterstadial [Betula alba s.l.-(Pinus)-Cyperaceae-phase] lasting up to the Younger Dryas (Juniperus-Artemisia-Poaceae-phase). Sedimentation closed during the Younger Dryas with the accumulation of fine sands. It was reactivated later during the Holocene due to the anthropogene influence (Older and Younger Subatlantic, dampness of the depression by clearing).


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Supplement to: Krienke, Hans-Dieter; Strahl, Jaqueline; Frenzel, Peter; Keding, Elmar (1999): Weichselzeitliche und holozäne Ablagerungen im Bereich der Deponie Tessin bei Rostock (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Prä-Alleröd-Komplexes. Meyniana, 51, 125-151, doi:10.2312/meyniana.1999.51.129

Palavras-Chave #(?Pinus); B. leachi; Bet.a; Bet.n; Bet.p; Betula alba; Betula nana; Betula pubescens; Bithynia leachi; Braunmoosblättchen; Bryophyta; C. candida; C. compressa; C. geophilum scl; C. ophtalmica; C. serena; C. tricicatricosa; C. vidua; Candona candida; Candona compressa; Candona ssp.; Candona tricicatricosa; Carex ssp.; Cenococcum geophilum, sclerotia; Chara; Characeae, oogonia; Characeae oogonia; Com.p; Comarum palustre; Core; Cretaceous foraminifers; Cri.muc; Cristatella mucedo; Cyclocypris serena; Cypria ophtalmica; Cypridopsis vidua; Daphnia sp., ephippia; DumpTessin; Emp.n; Empetrum nigrum; fragments; Früchte; Fruchtschuppen; G. crista; Gp; Gypsum; Gyraulus crista; Herpetocypris sp.; Hip.v; Hippuris vulgaris; including other arthropod remains; Insect rem; Insect remains; Juncus, seeds; Juncus seed; Knospenschuppen; Megasporen; Menyanthes trifoliata; Mey.t; Myo.v; Myriophyllum verticillatum; Needles; Nitella; Nüßchen; Nüßchen, Schläuche; P. filiformis endoc; P. planorbis; Piece; Pisidium spp.; Planorbis planorbis; Potamogeton filiformis, endocarp; questionable, might be M. spicatum; R. peregra; Radix peregra; Rammkernsonde; Ranunculus sp.; Rew; Reworked; RKS; s. I.; Nüßchen; Salix sp.; Sample ID; Schleswig-Holstein, Germany; Sel.s; Selaginella selaginoides; sp., oospores; species questionable; ssp., oospores, oogonia; Valvata sp.; Wood
