972 resultados para Kanaka (New Caledonian people)


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Health care reform has been described as a global epidemic. This thesis deals with nature and experience of health care reform in developing countries. Increasing privatisation, economic transition, and structural adjustment have provided the context for health system changes. Different approaches to reform have been developed by international organisations such as the World Bank, WHO and UNICEF. What has driven national health care reforms? Are such policies really appropriate to developing countries? Has a consensus now emerged in relation to international health policy? Has a new health care ‘model’ appeared? The study of health care reform in Cambodia is a timely opportunity to investigate the implementation of health care reform under extreme conditions. These conditions include a legacy of genocide, long-term conflict, political isolation, and economic transition. This case study uses both qualitative and quantitative methods and multiple sources of data to analyse the reform program. The study reinforces the conclusion that, under conditions of extreme poverty, market based reforms are likely to have limited positive impact. Rather, understanding the cultural conditions that determine demand, delivering health care of a satisfactory quality, providing appropriate incentives for health practitioners, and supporting services with adequate public funding are the prerequisites for improved service delivery and utilisation. Cambodia's strategy of integrated district health service development and universal population coverage may provide an instructive example of reform. Emerging policy issues identified by this case study include the fundamental role of equity in service provision, the influence of the social determinants of health and illness and interest in the appropriate use of evidence in international health policy-making.


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This paper explores the meaning of ‘inclusive community’ as understood by a major disability service provider in Victoria, Australia. Scope is a major non government agency with 1300 staff, a $50M annual budget and over 4500 clients. The recent adoption of a new Strategic plan for the organisation has focused significant attention on the priority area of building welcoming and inclusive communities. Given this mandate, the organisation has begun research to define and measure outcomes for people with a disability, their families, and the communities with whom they engage, as a result of increased community inclusion. This paper reviews literature on outcomes definition relevant to this task and suggests that outcome measures to date, especially within the field of disability, have offered a set of outcomes that are too limited in their aspiration and breadth. It has been the experience within Scope that people with a disability, including people with intellectual, multiple and complex disabilities, aspire to and experience outcomes across a far broader range of life domains than is currently captured in either existing disability outcome measures or in government policies that frame service delivery. As a result, the paper introduces an emerging outcomes framework which seeks to define outcomes across a range of citizenship domains.


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Words work in powerful ways in the world. We work from and with an understanding that the ways we talk about people, places and practices matter. If this was ever in doubt, witness recent media reports of the 'attacks on America' and the aftermath of the 'war on terrorism': the world's people have been re-divided both metaphorically and materially in these phrases. Meaning is constructed in and through language as categories, metaphors, rationales, stories, and tropes (Game & Metcalfe, 1996) and, while these are just representations of ideas, practices and material events and circumstances (Hall, 1997), we nevertheless act on those meanings (Fairclough, 1989; Gee, 1999). For example, whether people are described as 'border crossers,' 'invaders,' 'nomads,' 'gypsies,' 'asylum seekers' or 'refugees' affects how they treated, what they can be and what they can do. And in education, whether it's the 'literacy hour' or 'catching children in the net' or reading 'recovery,' words are inevitably tied to programs and proposals for solutions. How the problems are described and defined are crucial in how decisions are made.


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A new stress scale was devised based on issues raised by people with an intellectual disability and entitled the Lifestress Inventory. The Inventory was used in a number of studies in order to assess the impact of daily hassles and life events on their perceived stress levels and quality of life. Data suggests that they experience general worries, negative interpersonal relations with others, and frustration with their restricted coping skills as their principal areas of stress.


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Examines the relationship between anthropology and native administration in the Australian territories of Papua and New Guinea and the Northwest of Australia between 1920 and 1950. Is is argued that anthropology needed colonialism rather than colonialism needing anthropology.


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Development in Papua New Guinea ... is research into village level issues of logging. In New Britain, nationals are offered royalties for cutting their rainforest. Information about ecology and biodiversity is usually late in coming, and such information to them does not appear to advance their development. This thesis offers the most specific method for dealing with small communities in Papua New Guinea, and confronts the issue of self development. It is posited that all other development must encourage self development in Papua New Guinea. Evidence brought here shows the need to make the Melanesian community central to development strategies.

To accomplish such a strategy, there is a need to consider Melanesian cultures. An explanation of world views ensues. The world views of people of the Pasismanua region, of New Britain's south coast, was compared broadly with Melanesian cultures and Melanesian development in a variety of circumstances. Consequently, the suggestions made are broadly applicable to situations where resources must be well monitored. There are many such situations in Pacific nations, which suggests that the thesis will be of usc to a wide research community.

Since research is grounded in ethnographic as well as other research, this kind of study generates many other research questions, and the research is designed to lead to other studies. Certain aspects of the design become disclosed when the research has progressed. As well, the background of an expatriate researcher is intrusive, and must be mitigated by some form of participation in the host culture. This is a central tenet of the thesis. This participation increases sensitivity to culture and yields a circumspect consideration of the colonial issue. Occupied for many years by colonial powers especially Australia, all New Guinea including West New Britain shows the effects of colonisation. It also shows evidence of the new colonialism of cash-cropping, and of the destruction of biodiversity. This becomes a central theme, as does the position of this researcher as a participant in a global economic culture encroaching on and invited by Papua New Guinea.


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Principal Topic Internationalisation strategies are important for company expansion because New Zealand, with its four million people, has such a small market. There may or may not exist ”agency costs” in the use of Outside Directors. Ownership patterns may also influence Internationalisation.

Methodology/Key Propositions This study uses Principal Component Analysis both in a grounded theory approach and in a confirmatory approach.

Results and Implications We find evidence that in New Zealand, contrary to some previous research elsewhere, outside Directors actually have less influence on Internationalisation than Inside Directors. Private ownership also seems to have a greater association with Internationalisation than other ownership types. A highly reliable sample of 1989 New Zealand company directors showed that such factors as gender, age and location and even industry sector were irrelevant. Two factors were important in explaining whether a company goes off-shore. These are the size and magnitude of the company as well as the ownership type and role of the CEO. In essence, this study validates New Zealand’s present strategy of ”picking winners”, that is, selecting firms based upon factor components. This study adds strength to that strategy because it identifies the concrete components that should be taken into account when picking companies for special treatment, e.g. export promotion.


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Internationalisation strategies are important for company expansion because New Zealand, with its four million people, has such a small market. Nonetheless, there mayor may not exist ;"agency costs" in the use of Outside Directors. Ownership patterns may also influence Internationalization Strategy. Using Binary Correlation, N-Way Cross-Tabulation, and Principal Component Analysis, we find evidence that Outside Directors have less influence on Internationalisation Strategy than Inside Directors. Family ownership also seems to have a greater association than non-family owned companies. Despite substantial limitations, the methods and models proposed seem to have some utility in examining the association of Internationalisation Strategy with Board Composition and Ownership Patterns.


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This article focuses on aid, debt relief and new sources of finance for meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It was said that MDGs provide a clear set of objectives for mobilizing the international development community, especially in the area of development finance. The call for increased aid as well as for more debt relief in the creation of new sources of development finance has increased since the United Nations Financing for Development Summit and the subsequent report of the panel chaired by then President Ernesto Zedillo of Mexico on development finance. The goal of reducing the proportion of people living in extreme poverty by 2015 cannot be achieved in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Such optimistic forecast suggests that MDG income poverty target will not be achieved in SSA until 2147.


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An international movement promoting the reduced use of physical restraint and other coercive practices has brought into focus the ways in which those who are responsible for the care of children and young people respond to problematic behaviour. The topic generates emotive discussion, with proponents advancing the argument that the use of coercive measures enhances the quality of care and protects young people from harm, and civil libertarians who argue that restraint is never an appropriate way of managing behaviour. Despite such debates there is an absence of good research and scholarly activity on restraint practices, leading to uncertainty about the immediate and long-term effects of particular practices on both staff and young people. Consequently, it has been difficult for agencies to develop clear, consistent, and definitive policies. Drawing on international perspectives, the aim of this article is to discuss issues relevant to the practice of restraint in residential care facilities for children and young people in Australia, highlighting a number of issues that require resolution prior to the development of practice guidelines.


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Around the world Indigenous Peoples are struggling to rebuild their 'nations' and improve the socioeconomic circumstances of their people. As a group they constitute an emerging market of more than 500 hundred million people. Participation in the global economy through entrepreneurship is widely accepted as the key to success by most Indigenous people. Importantly, most want this participation to be 'on their own terms' terms in which traditional lands, history, culture and values play an important role. Using regulation theory, we explore the feasibility of the emerging Indigenous approach to development and conclude that is theoretically sound. Then we present a case study on the Osoyoos First Nation that illustrates how the community has use entrepreneurship to participate in the broader economy 'on its own terms'.


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In the US, Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, Finland, Ireland and other countries, the growth of the Internet and other related new technologies have become the catalyst for the creation of ‘knowledge economies’. The new information and communication technologies have created global markets for goods and services. Countries that have encouraged their people through education and life-long learning and by investing heavily in research and development (R&D) are well positioned to take advantage of these new global markets. Along with globalisation has come the death of distance. Thanks to the Internet, New Zealand is no longer remote from the rest of the world.

But New Zealand’s economy is still too dependent on producing commodities for export. While efforts over the last fifteen years to diversify markets have been very successful, we still need to expand our limited range of products. We must take the next important step and transform New Zealand from a pastoral economy into a knowledge-driven economy. For New Zealand, the Internet is the modern equivalent of the freezer ship that revolutionised our economy last century. If New Zealanders do not seize the opportunities provided by the knowledge economy, we will survive only as an amusement park and holiday land for the citizens of more successful developed economies.

This article puts New Zealand into world perspective by assessing its knowledge economy benchmarks against its competitors. It outlines the theoretical background to ‘‘new growth theory'' and delineates the lessons of that theory, especially for New Zealand. It treats the key issues for New Zealand’s emergence as a knowledge economy, including education, the M ori dimension, immigration, research and development, venture capital, export policy and telecommunications regulation.


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This study documented the parenting styles among African migrants now living in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, and assessed how intergenerational issues related to parenting in a new culture impact on family functioning and the modification of lifestyles. A total of 10 focus group discussions (five with parents and five with 13–17-year-old children; N = 85 participants) of 1.5–2 hours duration were conducted with Sudanese, Somali and Ethiopian migrant families. The analysis identified three discrete themes: (i) parenting-related issues; (ii) family functioning and family relations; and (iii) lifestyle changes and health. African migrant parents were restrictive in their parenting; controlled children's behaviours and social development through strict boundary-setting and close monitoring of interests, activities, and friends; and adopted a hierarchical approach to decision-making while discouraging autonomy among their offspring. Programmes seeking to improve the health and welfare of African migrants in their host countries need to accommodate the cultural and social dimensions that shape their lives. Such programmes may need to be so broad as to apply an acculturation lens to planning, and to assist young people, parents and families in addressing intergenerational issues related to raising children and growing up in a different social and cultural milieu.