527 resultados para Investigator


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Educacional.


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Este relatório pretende analisar o processo de Estágio Pedagógico, desenvolvido no ano letivo 2014/2015, integrado no Mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário. O Estágio foi realizado na Escola Secundária Fernando Namora, na Brandoa, Concelho da Amadora. Na dissertação descrevo, fundamento e reflito sobre o trabalho desenvolvido em quatro áreas de intervenção: Organização e Gestão do Ensino e da Aprendizagem (Área 1), Inovação e Investigação Pedagógica (Área 2), Participação na Escola (Área 3) e Relação com a Comunidade (Área 4). Tais atividades visaram a aquisição e desenvolvimento de um perfil de competências que me possibilitem, no ano vindouro, um reconhecimento profissional e integração sustentada no mercado de trabalho, particularmente como professor de Educação Física. Iniciei com uma caraterização do meio em que estava inserida a escola, bem como a uma caracterização da turma que tive o privilegio de acompanhar e onde desenvolvi competências ao nível do planeamento, condução e avaliação. É descrito também o acompanhamento ao trabalho realizado com a diretora de turma, bem como, o desenvolvimento de competências associadas ao papel de professor enquanto investigador, onde elaborei um artigo de investigação denominado “Acompanhamento parental percebido pelos alunos e relação com o sucesso académico”. Numa vertente direcionada à função de professor treinador, acompanhei a modalidade de Basquetebol inserida no Desporto Escolar e realizei uma ação de intervenção relacionada com estratégias metodológicas para o treino da condição física. Posto isto, posso afirmar que as competências desenvolvidas, no âmbito do estágio pedagógico, incentivaram o meu desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal, potenciando a qualidade da minha futura intervenção em qualquer contexto escolar e o compromisso com a formação ao longo da vida.


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Dissertação de mest. em Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2003


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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El trabajo sobre la Guía metodológica para el aprendizaje del trombon de varas dirigida al sistema integrado filarmónico infanto juvenil SINFIN de la UTPL. Primer año, nivel inicial, tiene como finalidad abordar desde una perspectiva metodológica la enseñanza del trombón de varas en el SINFÍN de la UTPL. Proponiendo para ello una visión renovada del aprendizaje del trombón en este nivel, dando así cumplimiento a los objetivos trazados en la investigación. El trabajo se realizó en la provincia del Loja, cantón de Loja, parroquia San Sebastián como parte del Programa de Maestría en Pedagogía e Investigación Musical que ofertó la Universidad de Cuenca. El trabajo investigativo está estructurado de la siguiente manera: Capítulo I: Metodología, donde se aborda el enfoque metodológico de Edgar Willems, su fundamentación pedagógica, desarrollo auditivo, el ritmo y la métrica; y, lectura y escritura. Capítulo II: Aprendizaje, aquí se hace referencia al principio del proceso de aprendizaje de la educación musical; y, a lo que es el SINFÍN de la UTPL. Capítulo III: Guía Metodológica para el aprendizaje del trombón de varas, primer año, nivel inicial del SINFÍN de la UTPL. Finalmente se plantean las conclusiones a las que se arribó y las respectivas recomendaciones para propender a un trabajo metodológico sustentado en los principios de los métodos de las diferentes escuelas y experiencia propia del investigador.


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Food allergy is a major health burden in early childhood. Infants who develop food allergy display a proinflammatory immune profile in cord blood, but how this is related to interleukin-4 (IL-4)/T helper 2 (T(H)2)-type immunity characteristic of allergy is unknown. In a general population-derived birth cohort, we found that in infants who developed food allergy, cord blood displayed a higher monocyte to CD4(+) T cell ratio and a lower proportion of natural regulatory T cell (nT(reg)) in relation to duration of labor. CD14(+) monocytes of food-allergic infants secreted higher amounts of inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α) in response to lipopolysaccharide. In the presence of the mucosal cytokine transforming growth factor-β, these inflammatory cytokines suppressed IL-2 expression by CD4(+) T cells. In the absence of IL-2, inflammatory cytokines decreased the number of activated nT(reg) and diverted the differentiation of both nT(reg) and naïve CD4(+) T cells toward an IL-4-expressing nonclassical TH2 phenotype. These findings provide a mechanistic explanation for susceptibility to food allergy in infants and suggest anti-inflammatory approaches to its prevention.


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Infant body composition and postnatal weight gain have been implicated in the development of adult obesity and cardiovascular disease, but there are limited prospective data regarding the association between infant adiposity, postnatal growth and early cardiovascular parameters. Increased aortic intima-media thickness (aortic IMT) is an intermediate phenotype of early atherosclerosis. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between weight and adiposity at birth, postnatal growth and aortic IMT. The Barwon Infant Study (n=1074 mother-infant pairs) is a population-derived birth cohort. Infant weight and other anthropometry were measured at birth and 6 weeks of age. Aortic IMT was measured by trans-abdominal ultrasound at 6 weeks of age (n=835). After adjustment for aortic size and other factors, markers of adiposity including increased birth weight (β=19.9 μm/kg, 95%CI 11.1, 28.6; P<0.001) and birth skinfold thickness (β=6.9 μm/mm, 95%CI 3.3, 10.5; P<0.001) were associated with aortic IMT at 6 weeks. The association between birth skinfold thickness and aortic IMT was independent of birth weight. In addition, greater postnatal weight gain was associated with increased aortic IMT, independent of birth weight and age at time of scan (β=11.3 μm/kg increase, 95%CI 2.2, 20.3; P=0.01). Increased infant weight and adiposity at birth, as well as increased early weight gain, were positively associated with aortic IMT. Excessive accumulation of adiposity during gestation and early infancy may have adverse effects on cardiovascular risk.


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BACKGROUND: Clozapine is an effective treatment for a proportion of people with schizophrenia (SZ) who are resistant to the beneficial effects of other antipsychotic drugs. However, anything from 40-60 % of people on clozapine experience residual symptoms even on adequate doses of the medication, and thus could be considered 'clozapine resistant'. Agents that could work alongside clozapine to improve efficacy whilst not increasing the adverse effect burden are both desired and necessary to improve the lives of individuals with clozapine-resistant SZ. N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) is one such possible agent. Previous research from our research group provided promising pilot data suggesting the efficacy of NAC in this patient population. The aim of the study reported here is to expand this work by conducting a large scale clinical trial of NAC in the treatment of clozapine-resistant SZ.

METHODS: This study is an investigator initiated, multi-site, randomised, placebo-controlled trial. It aims to include 168 patients with clozapine-resistant SZ, divided into an intervention group (NAC) and a control group (placebo). Participants in the intervention group will receive 2 g daily of NAC. The primary outcome measures will be the negative symptom scores of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). Secondary outcome measures will include: changes in quality of life (QoL) as measured by the Lancashire Quality of Life Profile (LQoLP) and cognitive functioning as measured by the total score on the MATRICS. Additionally we will examine peripheral and cortical glutathione (GSH) concentrations as process outcomes.

DISCUSSION: This large scale clinical trial will investigate the efficacy of NAC as an adjunctive medication to clozapine. This trial, if successful, will establish a cheap, safe and easy-to-use agent (NAC) as a 'go to' adjunct in patients that are only partly responsive to clozapine.


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BackgroundGrowth of hormone-receptor–positive breast cancer is dependent on cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6 (CDK4 and CDK6), which promote progression from the G1 phase to the S phase of the cell cycle. We assessed the efficacy of palbociclib (an inhibitor of CDK4 and CDK6) and fulvestrant in advanced breast cancer.MethodsThis phase 3 study involved 521 patients with advanced hormone-receptor–positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2–negative breast cancer that had relapsed or progressed during prior endocrine therapy. We randomly assigned patients in a 2:1 ratio to receive palbociclib and fulvestrant or placebo and fulvestrant. Premenopausal or perimenopausal women also received goserelin. The primary end point was investigator-assessed progression-free survival. Secondary end points included overall survival, objective response, rate of clinical benefit, patient-reported outcomes, and safety. A preplanned interim analysis was performed by an independent data and safety monitoring committee after 195 events of disease progression or death had occurred.ResultsThe median progression-free survival was 9.2 months (95% confidence interval [CI], 7.5 to not estimable) with palbociclib–fulvestrant and 3.8 months (95% CI, 3.5 to 5.5) with placebo–fulvestrant (hazard ratio for disease progression or death, 0.42; 95% CI, 0.32 to 0.56; P<0.001). The most common grade 3 or 4 adverse events in the palbociclib–fulvestrant group were neutropenia (62.0%, vs. 0.6% in the placebo–fulvestrant group), leukopenia (25.2% vs. 0.6%), anemia (2.6% vs. 1.7%), thrombocytopenia (2.3% vs. 0%), and fatigue (2.0% vs. 1.2%). Febrile neutropenia was reported in 0.6% of palbociclib-treated patients and 0.6% of placebo-treated patients. The rate of discontinuation due to adverse events was 2.6% with palbociclib and 1.7% with placebo.ConclusionsAmong patients with hormone-receptor–positive metastatic breast cancer who had progression of disease during prior endocrine therapy, palbociclib combined with fulvestrant resulted in longer progression-free survival than fulvestrant alone. (Funded by Pfizer; PALOMA3 ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01942135.)


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BACKGROUND: This project addressed an unresolved issue involving measurement methods for determining step uniformity. Leading experts on stairway safety agree that lack of step uniformity within a flight contributes to risk of missteps. A relatively new method for precisely measuring step dimensions is the nosing-to-nosing method. An issue in applying the method is lack of agreement on the lateral location to make the measurements. That location depends on where stairway users ascend and descend relative to the width of the steps. A prior investigator examined people descending to determine the lateral distance between the handrail center and the mid-line of the person’s body. He found the median was 44 cm. AIM: The two objectives of the experiment were to: (1) determine if a different set of stairway users will have the same median lateral distance from the handrail as those described in the prior observational study, and (2) determine if the lateral distance of participants is affected by their direction of travel and use of a handrail. METHODS: The investigators established visible distance markers on one stairway in a campus building and videotaped volunteer students ascending and descending the flight of stairs. Each of the 16 participant ascended with and without using the handrail, and each descended with and without using the handrail. Images were printed and analyzed to determine their lateral distance between the inner edge of the handrail and a point midway between the participant’s knees. Results were analyzed statistically to test hypotheses corresponding to the two objectives. RESULTS: The previous study found a median lateral distance of 44 cm when measured from the center of the handrail. Using comparable data, the median found in this study was 25 cm. Results of this study indicated that lateral distance from the handrail is significantly affected by the direction of travel and by use of the handrail. The greatest lateral distance was for ascending with the handrail. The shortest lateral distance was for descending without the handrail. VALUE: Committees develop and periodically revise standards for stairways leading to fire exits and workplace facilities. The practical value of this project is providing empirical evidence that standard developing committees may consider when convening to update their requirements and guidelines on how to measure step uniformity.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar


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Cytokinesis in animal cells requires the constriction of an actomyosin contractile ring, whose architecture and mechanism remain poorly understood. We use laser microsurgery to explore the biophysical properties of constricting rings in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos. Laser cutting causes rings to snap open. However, instead of disintegrating, ring topology recovers and constriction proceeds. In response to severing, a finite gap forms and is repaired by recruitment of new material in an actin polymerization-dependent manner. An open ring is able to constrict, and rings repair from successive cuts. After gap repair, an increase in constriction velocity allows cytokinesis to complete at the same time as controls. Our analysis demonstrates that tension in the ring increases while net cortical tension at the site of ingression decreases throughout constriction and suggests that cytokinesis is accomplished by contractile modules that assemble and contract autonomously, enabling local repair of the actomyosin network. Consequently, cytokinesis is a highly robust process impervious to discontinuities in contractile ring structure.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar


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There is a controversy on whether listening to music before or during colonoscopy reduces anxiety and pain and improves satisfaction and compliance with the procedure. This study aimed to establish whether specifically designed music significantly affects anxiety, pain, and experience associated with colonoscopy. In this semirandomized controlled study, 34 patients undergoing a colonoscopy were provided with either muted headphones (n = 17) or headphones playing the investigator-selected music (n = 17) for 10 minutes before and during colonoscopy. Anxiety, pain, sedation dose, and overall experience were measured using quantitative measures and scales. Participants' state anxiety decreased over time (P < .001). However, music did not significantly reduce anxiety (P = .441), pain scores (P = .313), or midazolam (P = .327) or fentanyl doses (P = .295). Despite these findings, 100% of the music group indicated that they would want music if they were to repeat the procedure, as compared with only 50% of those in the nonmusic group wanting to wear muted headphones. Although no significant effects of music on pain, anxiety, and sedation were found, a clear preference for music was expressed, therefore warranting further research on this subject.