902 resultados para Interactive Digital TV
O desenvolvimento de serviços e conteúdos dedicados a públicos específicos, tendo em consideração as suas preferências, necessidades e atitudes, é um dos desafios da TV do futuro. O projeto “iDTV-Saúde: Serviços inclusivos de promoção da saúde e bem-estar via televisão digital interativa” (UTA-Est/MAI/0012/2009) tem como principal objetivo avaliar o potencial da TV digital interativa na promoção de serviços, formatos e conteúdos originais que possam ser relevantes no suporte aos cuidados pessoais de saúde e ao bem-estar da população com mais de 55 anos, em Portugal. Uma das componentes deste estudo passa pela produção de uma reportagem interativa seguida de um debate, em torno do tema “Diabetes”, dirigida especialmente à população sénior. O presente artigo descreve o conceito e a estratégia de desenvolvimento desta solução para TV interativa, cujo principal intuito é permitir à população-alvo o acesso a informação fidedigna e especializada sobre saúde, através do uso das novas tecnologias. A elaboração dos conteúdos informativos prevê a combinação dos conceitos de TV linear e TV interativa, com vista a oferecer complementaridade aos conteúdos atualmente difundidos pelos media tradicionais e a potenciar o aumento de capital social do público-alvo, bem como da sua literacia na área da saúde, respeitando as suas especificidades.
Esta dissertação é um trabalho de projeto que pretende contribuir para o desenvolvimento dos estudos da comunicação organizacional. Devem ou não ser utilizadas soluções digitais em modelos de comunicação organizacional e quaisosbenefíciosdo uso de soluções digitais no âmbito da comunicação organizacional de uma empresa? No corpo de texto deste trabalho surge a resposta a estas questões com base na análise prática da investigação desenvolvida. A investigação desenvolvida tem como objetivo encontrar um modelo de comunicação eficaz baseado no uso de soluções digitais. A solução digital criada, que é o objeto de estudo deste trabalho de projeto, foi desenhada e concebida com a finalidade de ser implementada e testada numa empresa de telemarketing parceira, que atua, essencialmente, em Outbound (venda direta ao consumidor).A solução tem como intenção global envolver e motivar os teleoperadores da empresa, no intuito de aumentara sua produtividade.É descortinada a estratégia e o desenvolvimento da solução criada,assim como a sua avaliação pelos utilizadores, concluindo com uma análise detalhada dos resultados obtidos através daavaliação dos utilizadores.
Digital dermatitis is a significant problem in UK dairy herds and the cost to farmers has not yet been fully quantified. Under the current farm health planning initiative there is a need to demonstrate to farmers the costs and benefits of disease control. This paper presents the first attempt to quantify the costs and benefits of digital dermatitis control on UK dairy farms through the use of an interactive model.
This paper describes an approach to teaching and learning that combines elements of ludic engagement, gamification and digital creativity in order to make the learning of a serious subject a fun, interactive and inclusive experience for students regardless of their gender, age, culture, experience or any disabilities that they may have. This approach has been successfully used to teach software engineering to first year students but could in principle be transferred to any subject or discipline.
The aim of this research is to exhibit how literary playtexts can evoke multisensory trends prevalent in 21st century theatre. In order to do so, it explores a range of practical forms and theoretical contexts for creating participatory, site-specific and immersive theatre. With reference to literary theory, specifically to semiotics, reader-response theory, postmodernism and deconstruction, it attempts to revise dramatic theory established by Aristotle’s Poetics. Considering Gertrude Stein’s essay, Plays (1935), and relevant trends in theatre and performance, shaped by space, technology and the everchanging role of the audience member, a postdramatic poetics emerges from which to analyze the plays of Mac Wellman and Suzan-Lori Parks. Distinguishing the two textual lives of a play as the performance playtext and the literary playtext, it examines the conventions of the printed literary playtext, with reference to models of practice that radicalize the play form, including works by Mabou Mines, The Living Theatre and Fiona Templeton. The arguments of this practice-led Ph.D. developed out of direct engagement with the practice project, which explores the multisensory potential of written language when combined with hypermedia. The written thesis traces the development process of a new play, Rumi High, which is presented digitally as a ‘hyper(play)text,’ accessible through the Internet at www.RumiHigh.org. Here, ‘playwrighting’ practice is expanded spatially, collaboratively and textually. Plays are built, designed and crafted with many layers of meaning that explore both linguistic and graphic modes of poetic expression. The hyper(play)text of Rumi High establishes playwrighting practice as curatorial, where performance and literary playtexts are in a reciprocal relationship. This thesis argues that digital writing and reading spaces enable new approaches to expressing the many languages of performance, while expanding the collaborative network that produces the work. It questions how participatory forms of immersive and site-specific theatre can be presented as interactive literary playtexts, which enable the reader to have a multisensory experience. Through a reflection on process and an evaluation of the practice project, this thesis problematizes notions of authorship and text.
For the last few years, I have been working on an extensive digital model of ancient Rome as it appeared in the early 4th Century AD. This sort of visualisation lends itself to many applications in diverse fields: I am currently using it for research work into illumination and sightlines in the ancient city, have licensed it for broadcast in TV documentaries and publication in magazines, and am working with a computer games studio to turn it into an online game where players will be able to walk round the streets and buildings of the entire city (when not engaged in trading with or assassinating one another). Later this year I will be making a free online course, or MOOC, about the architecture of ancient Rome, which will largely be illustrated by this model.
I denna uppsats undersöks huruvida en lyssnare kan skilja på två ljudmixar som är mixade på samma sätt men summerade på olika sätt. Den ena summeras analogt och den andra digitalt. Om så är fallet, hur tycker lyssnaren att dessa skillnader yttrar sig? Som metod fick en testpanel i ett blindtest lyssna på två olika mixar, en rocklåt och en jazzlåt, som båda fanns i både analogt och digitalt summerade versioner. Dessa fick testsubjekten sedan besvara några frågor kring och tycka till om dessa olika versioner i en kvalitativ enkätundersökning Det visade sig att skillnader uppfattades av merparten av lyssnarna. Den vanligast förekommande beskrivningen var att det var skillnad på stereobredd, djup och dynamik i mixarna beroende på hur de summerats. Även ord som klarhet, värme och tydlighet förekom. Testpanelen var överlag även väldigt bra på att gissa vilken version som var summerad på vilket sätt. Dessa gissningar verkar i på många fall vara baserad på den förutfattade meningen att analogt borde vara bättre. Det är ganska tydligt att detta forskningsarbete i mångt och mycket är en fallstudie för just de variabler som förekom (märke på den analoga summeraren, ljudkvalité på de inspelade ljudet, programmaterial med mera). Fler tester och undersökningar behövs för att kunna dra generella slutsatser.
Fet-Mats är den gruvdräng som omkom och försvann i en rasolycka i Falu koppargruva under 1670-talet och vars kropp upptäcktes välbevarad, med fortfarande ungdomligt utseende, mer än fyra årtionden senare 1719. Han igenkändes då av sin trolovade - nu en gammal gumma. På grund av den märkligt bibehållna kroppen och det hisnande ögonblick då den åldrade kvinnan återsåg sin ungdoms kärlek, blev Fet-Mats och hans historia snabbt känd, även internationellt. Den spreds under 1800- och 1900-talen i Europa som novell och poesi, dramatik och opera. Även idag berättas historien om Fet-Mats både utomlands och i Sverige. Intresset för historien är rentav i växande. Orsaken härtill är omdaningen under senare år av Falu gruva från storindustri till musealt världsarv, från malmbrytning till turistorienterad upplevelseindustri. Fet-Mats-berättelsen bildar centrum i denna upplevelseindustri. I mitt paper diskuteras detta förhållande samt den nutida Fet-Mats-epikens karakteristika i ett semiotiskt, narratologiskt och tematiskt perspektiv. Jag finner bl.a. att Fet-Mats-berättandet idag, på ett annat sätt än tidigare, äger en flermedial karaktär och formulerar det postmoderna tillståndets centrala tematik: representationens kris. Jag fokuserar särskilt på två berättelser med anknytning till Fet-Mats-motivet: Julian Barnes historiografiska metafiktion The Story of Mats Israelson (2004) och det dramadokumentära seriealbumet Fet-Mats: en gruvdrängs hemska öde (2005).
This thesis is about new digital moving image recording technologies and how they augment the distribution of creativity and the flexibility in moving image production systems, but also impose constraints on how images flow through the production system. The central concept developed in this thesis is ‘creative space’ which links quality and efficiency in moving image production to time for creative work, capacity of digital tools, user skills and the constitution of digital moving image material. The empirical evidence of this thesis is primarily based on semi-structured interviews conducted with Swedish film and TV production representatives.This thesis highlights the importance of pre-production technical planning and proposes a design management support tool (MI-FLOW) as a way to leverage functional workflows that is a prerequisite for efficient and cost effective moving image production.
Syftet med studien är att åskådliggöra hur nio sfi-deltagare på en vuxenutbildning i Mellansverige upplever sin skriftspråksutveckling i samband med nya digitala hjälpmedel, i detta fall med iPad och appar eller distansutbildning med lärplattformen Fronter. De huvudsakliga frågorna gäller hur informanterna upplever de digitala hjälpmedlen i samband med skriftspråksinlärning samt hur de upplever att de utvecklar sin litteracitet genom dessa. Undersökningen görs med kvalitativa intervjuer där frågorna har hög standardisering men låg strukturering. Intervjuerna genomfördes via fysiska träffar eller via telefon för de informanter som inte kan närvara och som studerar på distans. Resultatet från studien diskuteras och jämförs med tidigare studier och forskning. Det som framkommer i studien är att fyra av sex av de informanter som använt iPad tycker att de utvecklate sin litteracitet och sin skriftspråksutveckling på ett bra sätt och de har upptäckt strategier som påskyndar utvecklingen, t.ex. det repetitionsmoment som använts. Två informanter är dock inte lika imponerade utan ser helst att de får arbeta med datorer som de är mer vana att använda. De material de arbetar med i iPad är appar som iBook, Alfavux, Moji Clock, U-talk, Talking Cards, Safari samt iTranslate. Inom distansutbildningen arbetas det via lärplattformen Fronter med blandade uppgifter som täcker de områden som krävs för skriftspråksutveckling inom sfi, såsom att lyssna, tala, läsa och skriva. Tre informanter deltar från början men det blir två kvar som utvärderar sitt arbete, med bra resultat. Båda är mycket nöjda med tillgängligheten, de vet vad som ska göras och de kan bestämma själva när och hur mycket tid de ville lägga på arbetet. De kan också bestämma vilken del av utbildningen de kan och vill fokusera mest på. Samlitliga informanter tycker att de fått bra hjälp och stöd av de lärare och den projektutvecklare som är delaktiga i utbildningen.
The movement of graphics and audio programming towards three dimensions is to better simulate the way we experience our world. In this project I looked to use methods for coming closer to such simulation via realistic graphics and sound combined with a natural interface. I did most of my work on a Dell OptiPlex with an 800 MHz Pentium III processor and an NVIDlA GeForce 256 AGP Plus graphics accelerator -high end products in the consumer market as of April 2000. For graphics, I used OpenGL [1], an open·source, multi-platform set of graphics libraries that is relatively easy to use, coded in C . The basic engine I first put together was a system to place objects in a scene and to navigate around the scene in real time. Once I accomplished this, I was able to investigate specific techniques for making parts of a scene more appealing.
This research has the objective to present the economic, technological and social impacts on the TV Amazonas' employees development. The study was made based on the perception of directors, managers and old employees of the organization, since the creation of the Rede Amazonica Foundation. The methodical procedures were based on the phenomenologic-hermeneutic approach, using theoretical study, text analysis, documents and interviews. The theoretical referential was based on publications about the history of the television in the world, Brazil and Amazon. It looked at digital television, the importance of the education on people's development and the society, as a whole changes in the labor market, professional qualification; professional education and social responsibility. The results show that employees qualification has contributed directly to the economic, technological and social growth of TV Amazonas.
This dissertation of Mestrado investigated the performance and quality of web sites. The target of the research is the proposal of an integrated model of evaluation of services of digital information in web educational sites. The universe of the research was constituted by eighteen Brazilian Universities that offer after-graduation courses, in the levels of mestrado and doutorado in the area of Engineering of Production. The adopted methodology was a descriptive and exploratory research, using the technique of systematic comment and focus group, for the collection of the data, using itself changeable independent dependents and, through the application of two instruments of research. The analysis protocol was the instrument adopted for evaluation and attainment of qualitative results. E the analysis grating was applied for evaluation and attainment of the quantitative results. The qualitative results had identified to the lack of standardization of web sites, under the attributes of content, hierarchy of information, design of the colors and letters. It of accessibility for carriers of auditory and visual special necessities was observed inexistence, as well as the lack of convergence of medias and assistivas technologies. The language of the sites also was evaluated and all present Portuguese only language. The general result demonstrated in grafico and tables with classification of the Universities, predominating the Good note As for the quantitative results, analysis method ed was estatistico, in order to get the descriptive and inferencial result between the dependent and independent variaveis. How much a category of analysis of the services of the evaluated sites, was found it props up and the index generality weighed. These results had served of base for ranking of existence or inexistence the Universities, how much of the information of services in its web sites. In analysis inferencial the result of the test of correlation or association of the independent variaveis (level, concept of the CAPES and period of existence of the program) with the caracteristicas, called was gotten categories of services. For this analysis the estatisticos methods had been used: coefficient of Spearman and the Test of Fisher. But the category you discipline of the Program of Mestrado presented significance with variavel independent and concept of the CAPES. Main conclusion of this study it was ausencia of satandardization o how much to the subjective aspects, design, hierarchy of information navigability and content precision and the accessibility inexistence and convergence. How much to the quantitative aspects, the information services offered by web sites of the evaluated Universities, still they do not present a satisfactory and including quality. Absence of strategies, adoption of tools web, techniques of institucional marketing and services that become them more interactive, navigable is perceived and with aggregate value