742 resultados para Infusion Nursing


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The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of men who choose to work in maternal-newborn nursing roles. Using a qualitative phenomenological approach, interviews were conducted with a purposeful sample of six male nurses who worked in maternal-newborn settings using a semi-structured guide. Four themes emerged: Motivation and Influences in Career Choice, Barriers to Developing Caring Confidence as Maternal-Newborn Nurses, Surviving as Men in Maternal-Newborn Nursing, and The Invisible Norms Associated with Men in Maternal-Newborn Nursing. The study generated meaning surrounding career selection and addressed motivating factors such as role modeling, life experience, and passion for the area of specialization or convenience. There is importance in understanding the experiences of men who choose to work in maternal-newborn nursing roles. Thus, this research has implications for nursing, practice, education, and research, particularly with nursing leadership, policy makers, educators, guidance counselors, and men considering maternal-newborn nursing roles.


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The potential of formative assessment (FA) for informing learning in classroom-based nursing courses is clearly established in the literature; however, research on FA in clinical courses remains scarce. This inquiry explored the lived experience of nursing students using transcendental phenomenology and described the phenomenon of being assessed in clinical courses. The research question guiding the study was: How is the phenomenon of assessment experienced by nursing students when FA is formally embedded in clinical courses? Inherent in this question were the following issues: (a) the meaning of clinical experiences for nursing students, (b) the meaning of being assessed through FA, and (c) what it is like to be assessed when FA is formally embedded within clinical experiences. The noematic themes that illuminated the whatness of the participants’ experience were (a) enabled cognitive activity, (b) useful feedback, (c) freedom to be, (d) enhanced focus, (e) stress moderator, and (f) respectful mentorship. The noetic themes associated with how the phenomenon was experienced were related to bodyhood, temporality, spatiality, and relationship to others. The results suggest a fundamental paradigm shift from traditional nursing education to a more pervasive integration of FA in clinical courses so that students have time to learn before being graded on their practice. Furthermore, this inquiry and the literature consulted provide evidence that using cognitive science theory to inform and reform clinical nursing education is a timely option to address the repeated calls from nursing leaders to modernize nursing education. This inquiry contributes to reduce our reliance on assumptions derived from research on FA in nursing classrooms and provides evidence based on the reality of using formative assessment in clinical courses. Recommendations for future research are presented.


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Les effets cardiovasculaires des alpha-2 agonistes, particulièrement importants chez les chiens, limitent leur utilisation en pratique vétérinaire. La perfusion à débit constant (PDC) de ces drogues, comme la médétomidine (MED) permettrait un contrôle plus précis de ces effets. Les effets hémodynamiques de plusieurs doses de MED en PDC ont été évalués chez le chien. Lors de cette étude prospective, réalisée en double aveugle, 24 chiens en santé, ont reçu de façon aléatoire une des 6 doses de MED PDC (4 chiens par groupe). Les chiens ont été ventilés mécaniquement pendant une anesthésie minimale standardisée avec de l’isoflurane dans de l’oxygène. Une dose de charge (DC) de médétomidine a été administrée aux doses de 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.7, 4.0 ou 12.0 µg/kg pendant 10 minutes, après laquelle la MED PDC a été injectée à une dose identique à celle de la DC pendant 60 minutes. L’isoflurane a été administré seul pendant une heure après l’administration d’une combinaison d’ISO et de MED PDC pendant 70 minutes. La fréquence cardiaque (FC), la pression artérielle moyenne (PAM) et l’index du débit cardiaque (IC) ont été mesurés. Des prélèvements sanguins ont permis d’évaluer le profil pharmacocinétique. D’après ces études, les effets hémodynamiques de la MED PDC pendant une anesthésie à l’isoflurane ont été doses-dépendants. L’IC a diminué progressivement alors que la dose de MED augmentait avec: 14.9 (12.7), 21.7 (17.9), 27.1 (13.2), 44.2 (9.7), 47.9 (8.1), and 61.2 (14.1) % respectivement. Les quatre doses les plus basses n’ont provoqué que des changements minimes et transitoires de la FC, de la PAM et de l’IC. La pharmacocinétique apparaît clairement dose-dépendante. De nouvelles expériences seront nécessaires afin d’étudier l’utilisation clinique de la MED PDC.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Nurse Managers need today more than ever instruments that can be used to justify the billions of dollars that are invested in the healthcare sector annually. The objective of the study was to establish the validity and reliability of the Nursing Intensity Critical Care Questionnaire (NICCQ) in a cardiac surgery intensive care unit (CSICU) of a tertiary hospital. An expert panel evaluated the questionnaire’s content validity while generalizability theory was used to estimate the G and D coefficients. Decision studies enabled the investigators to determine if the current ward functioning of having one nurse rate one patient is adequate. Also, exploratory factorial analyses (EFA) preceded by principal component analyses (PCA) looked at establishing the factorial structure for the NICCQ. Finally, the NICCQ was correlated with a severity of illness score known as the Acute Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) to estimate the correlation between patient illness and nursing intensity of care. The NICCQ was used by nurses using a sample of patients who had undergone cardiac surgery and were hospitalized on a CSICU of a tertiary teaching hospital. A convenience sample of nurses and patients on the CSICU was used to reflect the procedures and usual functioning of the unit. Each item on the questionnaire measured nursing intensity of care using a three point ordinal scale (Light, Moderate, and Severe) for the first 11 items, and a five point ordinal scale for the global assessment item (including the intermediate categories light/moderate and moderate/severe). The questionnaire proved to be both valid and able to be generalized to all nurses working in the CSICU. Overall results showed that 94.4% of the item generalizability coefficients indicated acceptable to excellent reliability, with most (86.1%) being larger than .90. The EFA established a simple 4 factor structure that explained little of the variance (32%). A correlation coefficient of 0.36 indicated that patient’ severity of illness is somewhat correlated with nursing intensity of care. The study showed that the NICCQ is a valid questionnaire with a generalizability coefficient that is large enough to be used by nurses’ managers for administrative purposes. Further research using larger samples would be needed to further test the factor structure of the NICCQ.


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Cette étude valide l’efficacité du traitement de céfapirine intra-utérin sur les vaches diagnostiquées comme positives à l’endométrite clinique (PVD+) par vaginoscopie. Un seuil diagnostic des PVD+ a, d’abord, été déterminé selon les effets néfastes significatifs des écoulements vaginaux sur le statut de gestation à 120 jours post-partum. Les observations de 1247 vaches de 18 troupeaux, faites à 34 ± 7 jours post-partum, ont mené à considérer la présence de mucus vaginal trouble avec ou sans flocons de pus comme seuil pour les PVD+. La prévalence de PVD+ était de 21.6%. La chance d’être gestante à la première insémination effectuée à temps fixe sur un protocole de synchronisation était 1.89 fois moindre chez les vaches PVD+. Le traitement de céfapirine a été administré aléatoirement lors de la première visite. Même en absence d’effets significatifs sur la guérison clinique évaluée après 2 semaines, le traitement améliore significativement les performances en reproduction des PDV+. Les PVD+ ayant reçu le traitement avaient 1.85 fois plus de chance d’être gestantes à la première insémination que les PVD+ du groupe contrôle. Elles présentaient aussi une amélioration du jour ouvert médian de 38 jours.


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In the present study, the effects of 5-HT, GABA and Bone Marrow Cells infused intranigrally to substantia nigra individually and in combinations on unilateral rotenone infused Parkinsonism induced rats. Scatchard analysis of DA, DA D1 and D2 receptors in the corpus striatum, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, brain stem and hippocampus showed a significant increase in the Brain regions of rotenone infused rat compared to control. Real Time PCR amplification of DA D1, D2, Bax and ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase were up regulated in the brain regions of rotenone infused rats compared to control. Gene expression studies of -Synuclien, cGMP and Cyclic AMP response element-binding protein showed a significant down regulation in Rotenone infused rats compared to control. Behavioural studies were carried out to confirm the biochemical and molecular studies.Our study demonstrated that BMC administration alone cannot reverse the above said molecular changes occurring in PD rat. 5-HT and GABA acting through their specific receptors in combination with bone marrow cells play a crucial role in the functional recovery of PD rats. 5-HT, GABA and Bone marrow cells treated PD rats showed significant reversal to control in DA receptor binding and gene expression. 5-HT and GABA have co-mitogenic property. Proliferation and differentiation of cells re-establishing the connections in Parkinson's disease facilitates the functional recovery. Thus, it is evident that 5-HT and GABA along with BMC to rotenone infused rats renders protection against oxidative, related motor and cognitive deficits which makes them clinically significant for cellbased therapy. The BMC transformed to neurons when co-transplanted with 5-HT and GABA which was confirmed with PKH2GL and nestin. These newly formed neurons have functional significance in the therapeutic recovery of Parkinson’s disease.


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INTRODUCCION: El despertar de la anestesia general se ha asociado con tos, agitación y cambios hemodinámicos, con los consiguientes efectos deletéreos para los pacientes, el uso de medicamentes opioides como el remifentanilo pueden atenuar estos efectos. METODOS: Estudio observacional descriptivo, de 166 pacientes a los que se les realizo procedimientos quirúrgicos bajo anestesia general balanceada, 53 pacientes recibieron remifentanil en infusión continua hasta la extubación y 113 pacientes en los que la infusión se suspendió 10 minutos antes de la extubación en el Hospital de Kennedy ESE. RESULTADOS: La media de la presión arterial sistólica de los pacientes que recibieron remifentanilo hasta la extubación y la media de la presión arterial sistólica de los que no recibieron remifentanilo hasta la extubación presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas al 95% (p= 0.034) siendo un 20% mayor en los pacientes que no recibieron la infusión de remifentanil hasta la extubación, un resultado similar se observó respecto a la presión arterial distolica (p= 0.010). CONCLUSIONES: El uso de remifentanil en infusión continua a bajas dosis hasta la extubación, tiene un efecto hemodinámico benefico en los pacientes y puede disminuir la incidencia de efectos secundarios


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Essential Library Skills Year 1 Nursing October 2012


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Module enrolement and blackboard


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Overview of what they should be using and where to find it


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El inglés para enfermería está diseñado para mejorar las habilidades de comunicación y conocimiento de ese idioma de profesionales de la salud, lo que les permite trabajar con más confianza. Las ocho unidades independientes cubren áreas esenciales de la enfermería como la admisión de un paciente en el hospital, cuidado de un paciente diabético, pacientes en observación y tratar con familiares y cuidadores. Escrito por profesionales para profesionales, combina la enseñanza del inglés con prácticas reales. El audio tiene situaciones tipo en las que se encuentran estos profesionales de enfermería. También es válido para el estudio independiente.