816 resultados para Girl Scouts


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In this paper we offer a unique contribution to understandings of schooling as a site for the production of social class difference, by bringing together recent work on middle-class educational identities in neoliberal times (O’Flynn and Petersen 2007, Reay et al 2007, 2008) with explorations of classed femininity from the field of critical girlhood studies (Harris 2004, Ringrose and Walkerdine 2008). Drawing on data generated in two recent research projects in Australia and the UK our aim will be to explore how class mediates the construction of young femininities in the private girls’ school. Our particular focus will be on exploring how articulations of identity within such schools are configured through discourses of mobility and global social responsibility. In line with the broader ‘cultural turn’ in the social sciences (Devine 2005) we discuss class and femininity in this paper in cultural and symbolic terms. We draw on Butler’s (1993) notions of performativity to understand the multiple and processual nature of identity constitution and Bourdieu’s (1987) understandings of class (based on symbolic struggles for capital in social space) to enable us to explore the ‘subjective micro distinctions’ through which class is expressed, embodied and lived; viewing class as a set of fictional discourses that inscribe and produce identities (Walkerdine et al 2001). This understanding of class, as something that is ‘done’ rather than something that ‘we are’, was deemed particularly important in these studies of elite education, for the research was undertaken in schools where class was apparently ‘everywhere and nowhere’, never named or ‘directly known as class’ (Lawler 2005, Skeggs 2004). This underplaying of class identity is often linked to neo-liberalism, and in this paper we would like to link these constructions of ‘the private school girl’ with neoliberal subjectivity by focusing on two main characteristics. First we will consider the notion of mobility, where we will discuss the ways in which these girls constructed themselves as ‘cosmo’ girls (global citizens at ease with traversing national borders) and the ways in which the schools supported this through educational practices which enabled the students and their families ‘to exploit and strategically pursue economic and cultural capital’ (Doherty et al 2009). We will also focus on the struggles that the schools and students encountered as they attempted to juggle these discourses of global mobility with more traditional discourses of privilege (often associated with national boundaries and based within a predominantly British model of schooling steeped in colonial history). Second, we will look at discourses of responsibility, to explore how these girls were incited to take responsibility for themselves and their futures but also to embrace diversity and to commit themselves to social service. We will also examine the competing discourses of instrumentalism and social justice that were at play in these schools.


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Memories too sharp for public handling most often stay in our private worlds where we all live, at some point or other, with the weight of regret, or sadness of things lost. The idea of living to tell the tale becomes in itself the story, and we keep counsel with that idea in early morning dreams, or late night fears. For most of us, that is as far as our story goes. Some women, however, move beyond that instinctive silence born of trauma. When the story they have to tell is also a trauma of nationality, of intercultural connection, and of women’s shared sense of survival, it can be tough reading. Judith McNeil’s memoir, The Girl With the Cardboard Port was set down, like this, in front of me.


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The sexualization of the female body in contemporary media has created considerable anxiety about its impact on girls. Much of the resulting research focuses on the influence of visual media on body image and the flow-on effects for girls' health. Rather less attention is paid to the pedagogical role of popular romance fiction in teaching girls about their sexuality. Given the pronounced increase in eroticized fiction for girls over the past decade, this is a significant oversight. This article applies Hakim's (2010) concept of erotic capital to two chick lit novels for girls. The elements of erotic capital—assets additional to economic, cultural and social capital—are used to explore the lessons these novels teach about girl sexual subjectivities and sociality in a sexualized culture.


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While the gender and age of the girl may seem to remove her from any significant contribution to empire, this book provides both a new perspective on familiar girls' literature, and the first detailed examination of lesser-known fiction relating the emergence of fictional girl adventurers, castaways and 'ripping' schoolgirls to the British Empire.


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A fictocritical piece based on a fire in New York.
A girl jumps from the ninth floor of the Asch Building. People on the sidewalk are screaming for her not to jump. But she has to jump. As she stands on the ledge, her back against the open window, the fire is burning the clothes off her back. She has her head bent forward so her hair doesn't catch alight as she waves a handkerchief at the crowd. The windows on the floor beneath her start to explode. Tongues of flame lick at her feet. So she jumps. It's a definite jump, as she bends her knees before she leaps over the edge. It's not a graceful jump. Her arms begin to flail as she struggles to stay upright. There are gasps from the crowd, a few screams. Some people turn away. Others are transfixed, watching her as she falls. Suddenly, her dress catches on a hook jutting out of wall below and she is suspended in the air, mid-fall. But the ladders still can't reach her and so it is just a cruel pause in her inevitable death. She hangs there like a ragdoll until her dress burns itself free from her body and she resumes her fall. She lands on the pavement on the west - ward side of New York University building. Thud-dead...


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The transition to school is associated with a greater requirement to inhibit irrelevant or inappropriate thought and behavior in order to concentrate on effective learning and to interact successfully with peers. Current knowledge of inhibitory control development in the early school years is limited due to a lack of normative data from age-appropriate, sensitive measures. In this study, three pictorial versions of the Stroop task were administered to investigate inhibitory control development in early school-aged children. Age-related trajectories of inhibition and effects of gender were examined in 80 children (42 boys) aged 5 to 8 years. All children were assessed with the Cognitive Assessment System Expressive Attention subtest (Big-Small Stroop), Fruit Stroop, and Boy-Girl Stroop. The Big-Small Stroop revealed substantial age-related improvement in inhibition from 5 to 7 years with a levelling of performance at 8 years of age, while the Fruit Stroop and Boy-Girl Stroop demonstrated clear but nonsignificant age trends. In particular, older children committed fewer errors and corrected their errors more frequently than younger children. Performance on all Stroop tasks correlated significantly, providing evidence that they tap similar cognitive abilities. Some gender differences were found. This study indicates that inhibitory skills develop rapidly in the early school years and suggests that error awareness may be a useful indicator of the development of cognitive inhibition for this age group.


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This essay focuses on British girls' periodicals and novels published around the turn of the twentieth century that generate an imagined picture of Canadian girlhood; I also begin to contrast these representations with those produced and published in Canada.


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Focusing on six popular British girls' periodicals, Kristine Moruzi explores the debate about the shifting nature of Victorian girlhood between 1850 and 1915. During an era of significant political, social, and economic change, girls' periodicals demonstrate the difficulties of fashioning a coherent, consistent model of girlhood. The mixed-genre format of these magazines, Moruzi suggests, allowed inconsistencies and tensions between competing feminine ideals to exist within the same publication. Adopting a case study approach, Moruzi shows that the Monthly Packet, the Girl of the Period Miscellany, the Girl's Own Paper, Atalanta, the Young Woman, and the Girl's Realm each attempted to define and refine a unique type of girl, particularly the religious girl, the 'Girl of the Period,' the healthy girl, the educated girl, the marrying girl, and the modern girl. These periodicals reflected the challenges of embracing the changing conditions of girls' lives while also attempting to maintain traditional feminine ideals of purity and morality. By analyzing the competing discourses within girls' periodicals, Moruzi's book demonstrates how they were able to frame feminine behaviour in ways that both reinforced and redefined the changing role of girls in nineteenth-century society while also allowing girl readers the opportunity to respond to these definitions.


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This chapter examines the role of the immensely popular Girl's Own Paper to demonstrate how girls were prompted to think of emigration to a British colony.


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Visionnaire: a screening of graduate and masters short films: Wolf, Shaw, Mawrgan. Treasure, Horton, Kyle. Descent, Coughlin, Michael. Cut, Hendriks, Frouwke. A Silent Waltz, Lefoe, Kelsey; Elliott, Isaac; Nanayakkara, Ashini; Tillett, Michael; Teychenne, Danielle; Axiaq, Christopher. Siren, Brander, Dale; Heath, Katherine, Stielow, Rebecca; Bellamy, Edward; Boldeman, Emma; Dong, Jing. The Man Who Cared Too Much, Milner, Robert; Di Quinzio, Carl; Lancaster, Tabitha; Hennequin, Blake; Pinnock, Alicia; Hay, Sarah. Perspective, Hampson, Matt; Gubieski, Alex; Lam, Yen; Jokomo, Nyasha; Carew, Keanan; Burr, Harrison. A Cut Above, Giebler, Heather; Blythe, Carolyn, Carell, Eden; Lai, Cyrus; Rattenbury, Todd; Gatsios, Isaac. Pumpkins, Davies, Brooke; Scharf, Harrison; Jayawardena, Kevin; Lee, Sebastian; Haidari, Ali; Morris, Travis. The Runner, Mitchinson, Liz; Kelly, Rhin; Fomin, Nina; Luxa, Haili; Williams-Pate, Robert; Karoutsos, Antonios. Doors, Sadeghi, Sam; Ward, Ben; Thomson, Alana; Brown, Sam; Earl, Richard; Watterson, James. Daddy’s Little Girl, Dahlenburg, Zoe; Atalla, Joanna; McConnell, Adam; Perri, Tim; Turnbull, Sophie; Leszczynski, Dale. Hopscotch, Egenes, Silge Vikor; Burns, Matt; Fuller, Kelly; Wurm, Christopher; Parker, Stephen; Carson, Brooke Aung.


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The Parthenon is a unique example of a colonial Australian magazine published for girl readers by two aspirant writers, Ethel and Lilian Turner. In addition to its domestic content, typical of women's magazines, it also sought to contribute to nascent Australian literary culture. This article locates the Parthenon within the history of colonial women's publishing and literary culture, and situates its content within the context of the Woman Movement of the period. It reads the Parthenon's telling picture of young women's perceptions of colonial literary culture and of the need to balance literary aspirations with domestic responsibilities through the lens of the “expediency feminism” advocated by the Dawn, a women's magazine published by Louisa Lawson from 1888. The article argues that the Parthenon's superficially conservative opinion of women's supreme calling being in the home rather than the newspaper office or university library was in alignment with the arguments made by the Woman Movement to advocate for women's greater participation in the public sphere. The comparison of these contemporaneous monthly publications written and produced by women enables an understanding of the ways in which late nineteenth-century attempts to encourage women's careers and independence were grounded in domesticity.


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Review of Briony Kimmings Credible Likeable Superstar Role Model at Theatreworks.


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Regional Support Network presents:A Sampled OZ Hystery: Australian Alternative Film from the 60s to the PresentTuesday, October 21, 8pm ($5 or PWYC)Videofag (187 Augusta Avenue)(co-sponsored by Videofag and Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT))Curated by Dirk De Bruyn (in person)PROGRAM:Fun Radio - Nigel BuesstLeading Ladies - Lynsey MartinContemplation of the Rose - Michael LeeZoomfilm - Dirk de BruynDiscs - Dirk de BruynDolls - Paul FletcherExcerpt - Chris KnowlesExacuate - Michael Buckley and Sue McCauleyMorena - Marie CravenShort Lives - Neil TaylorE.G. (Elephant Girl) - Virginia HilyardTraum A Dream - Dirk de BruynKeepinTime Abstract - Steven McIntyreTime Ball - Marcia JaneWAP - Dirk de Bruyn


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This article explores two series of girls' annuals: the Empire Annual for Australian Girls (1909-30), published by the Religious Tract Society, and the Australian Girl's Annual (1910-3?), published by Cassell. Although both series were seemingly targeted at Australian girls, they were published in Britain before being given a new title and sent to the colonies. This article examines the implications of these British models of girlhood for their explicitly colonial girl readers. The British publishers of these annuals addressed an apparently homogenous readership comprised of girls from white settler colonies and Britain without attempting to customize the contents of their books for different audiences. In both fiction and illustrations, the annuals simultaneously employed and produced a British model of girlhood that was attractive to Australian girl readers.


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In this illustrative case study we examine the three forensic interviews of a girl who experienced repeated sexual abuse from ages 7 to 11. She disclosed the abuse after watching a serialized television show that contained a storyline similar to her own experience. This triggered an investigation that ended in successful prosecution of the offender. Because this case involved abuse that was repeated on a weekly basis for 4 years we thus investigated the degree to which the child's narrative reflected specific episodes or generic accounts, and both the interviewer's and child's attempts to elicit and provide, respectively, specific details across the 3 interviews collected in a 1 month period. Across the 3 interviews, the child's account was largely generic, yet on a number of occasions she provided details specific to individual incidents (episodic leads) that could have been probed further. As predicted: earlier interviews were characterized more by episodic than generic prompts and the reverse was true for the third interview; the child often responded using the same style of language (episodic or generic) as the interviewer; and open questions yielded narrative information. We discuss the importance of adopting children's words to specify occurrences, and the potential benefits of permitting generic recall in investigative interviews on children's ability to provide episodic leads. Despite the fact that the testimony was characterized by generic information about what usually happened, rather than specific episodic details about individual occurrences, this case resulted in successful prosecution.