924 resultados para Giddens, Anthony
Both Nicholas Malebranche and Pierre-Daniel Huet were at first positively influenced by Descartes's Meditations, and both came to perceive shortcomings in that work. With respect to mind-body dualism, Malebranche attempted to strengthen Descartes's position by jettisoning clarity and distinctness basing it instead on a principle of intentionality. Huet jettisoned the whole position in favor of skepticism. The source of their different responses lay in their different estimations of Descartes's integrity.
This paper discusses the capital role that friendship plays in moral self-knowledge within Aristotelian Ethics. It focuses on the different ways in which a friend may shed light on the understanding of our behavior. Great attention is paid to the accounts of certain commentators (especially, of Richard Kraut and Anthony Kenny) on this subject. The paper tries to provide a conciliatory interpretation between views on self-knowledge that are, only in appearance, irreconcilable.
In the German academies of Nietzsche's period of writing, the Kantian tradition was largely displaced in favor of two independent schools that have since been labeled "Neo-Kantianism." This paper presents four key theses about philosophy of history from four Neo-Kantian thinkers, how they follow from their adaptation of the Kantian tradition, and how Nietzsche critically engaged the very same issues in the formation of his own historical theory. Although there is little direct influence between orthodox Neo-Kantianism and Nietzsche, their comparison on these points will illuminate their unique adaptations of the Kantian tradition.
O presente texto trata-se de uma resenha sobre o livro "Jung", de Anthony Stevens.
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido para analisar as perdas de carga localizadas em gotejadores coaxiais integrados em tubos de polietileno. A perda de carga para diferentes vazões foi determinada em quatro modelos de tubos gotejadores, com sete repetições. Para cada vazão, a perda de carga localizada foi calculada pela diferença entre a perda de carga no tubo com emissor e a perda de carga contínua no tubo uniforme, estimada pela equação de Darcy-Weisbach. Aproximações matemáticas foram sugeridas para calcular a perda de carga com base no coeficiente de carga cinética (K) e em um valor constante de comprimento equivalente (Le). A desconsideração da perda de carga localizada levou à superestimativa do comprimento máximo da linha lateral de até 25,7%, para os gotejadores autocompensados, e de 9,5%, para os não autocompensados. O cálculo da perda de carga localizada, utilizando o modelo potencial para estimar o valor de K em função do índice de obstrução, mostrou bons resultados, comparáveis àqueles obtidos com o valor de K ajustado pelos dados observados em laboratório, o que resultou em pequenas variações na estimativa do comprimento máximo da linha lateral por esses dois procedimentos.
Operation Musketeer, a combined joint Anglo-French operation aimed at regaining control of the Suez Canal in 1956, has received much attention from scholars. The most common approach to the crisis has been to examine the political dimension. The political events that led Prime Minister Anthony Eden’s cabinet to decide to use military force against the wishes of their superior American ally and in the face of American economic pressure and a Soviet threat to attack Paris and London with rockets have been analysed thoroughly. This is particularly the case because the ceasefire and eventual withdrawal were an indisputable defeat of British policy in the Middle East. The military operation not only ruined Prime Minister Eden’s career, but it also diminished the prestige of Britain. It was the beginning of the end, some claim. The British Empire would never be the same. As the consequences of using force are generally considered more important than the military operations themselves, very little attention has been paid to the military planning of Operation Musketeer. The difference between the number of publications on Operation Corporate of the Falklands War and Operation Musketeer is striking. Not only has there been little previous research on the military aspects of Musketeer, the conclusions drawn in the existing works have not reached a consensus. Some historians, such as Correlli Barnett, compare Musketeer to the utter failures of the Tudor landings and Gallipoli. Among significant politicians, Winston Churchill, who had retired from the prime ministership only a year before the Suez Crisis, described the operation as “the most ill-conceived and ill-executed imaginable”. Colin McInnes, a well-known author on British defence policy, represents the middle view when he describes the execution as “far from failure”. Finally, some, like Julian Thompson, the Commander of 3 Commando Brigade during the Falklands War, rate the military action itself as being successful. The interpretation of how successful the handling of the Suez Crisis was from the military point of view depends very much on the approach taken and the areas emphasised in the subject. Frequently, military operations are analysed in isolation from other events. The action of a country’s armed forces is separated from the wider context and evaluated without a solid point of comparison. Political consequences are often used as validated criteria, and complicated factors contributing to military performance are ignored. The lack of comprehensive research on the military action has left room for an analysis concentrating on the military side of the crisis.
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan eurooppalaisen identiteetin diskursiivista rakentumista Euroopan komission laatimissa EU:n toimintaa käsittelevissä esitteissä. Esitteet nähdään tutkimuksessa osana Euroopan unionin identiteettipolitiikkaa, jonka tarkoituksena on luoda yhteisölle kollektiivinen identiteetti legitimoimaan unionin toimintaa ja yhteisön integraatiota. Tarkastelun keskiössä on komission kansalaisille suuntaama kuva eurooppalaisesta identiteetistä: mitä merkityksiä komissio eurooppalaiselle identiteetille esitteissä antaa ja miten näitä merkityksiä konstruoidaan. Tutkimuksessa nostetaan esille myös eurooppalaisen identiteetin konstruoimisprojektin yhteydet kansallisen identiteetin projektiin vertailemalla tutkimustuloksia kahden kollektiivisen identiteetin luonnetta kuvaavan mallin valossa. Lisäksi tarkastelun kohteena on identiteetin yhteys unionin toiminnan legitimointiin. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana toimii konstruktivistinen käsitys kollektiivisista identiteeteistä. Merkittävimpiä lähteitä tutkielman teoreettisen viitekehyksen osalta ovat Lars-Erik Cedermanin ja Jeffrey T. Checkelin konstruktivismia koskeva tuotanto. Myös Theodora Kostakopouloun ja Anthony Smithin käsitykset kollektiivisen identiteetin rakentumisesta toimivat tutkimuksessa olennaisessa roolissa. Identiteettejä tarkastellaan tutkimuksessa muokattavina ja liikkuvina kielellisinä konstruktioina, mistä johtuen tutkimuksen metodologisena lähestymistapana on diskurssianalyysi. Aineistossa eurooppalaisesta identiteetistä piirtyy kuva EU:n ohjaamana projektina. Eurooppalaista identiteettiä konstruoidaan esitteissä hegemonisin diskurssein, jotka keskittyvät yhtenäisyyteen, eurooppalaiseen toimijaan ja eurooppalaisuuteen hankkeena. Diskurssit konstruoivat eurooppalaisuutta monilla eri tasoilla korostaen yhteisen identiteetin kulttuurista, sosiaalista, poliittista ja historiallista luonnetta. Identiteettien poliittisesta luonteesta kertoo myös se, että EU:n toimintaa legitimoidaan erilaisin menetelmin näiden diskurssien yhteydessä. Diskurssien toiseuttava olemus tulee esille maahanmuuttajien ja itäisten naapurien kohdalla. Eurooppalainen piirtyy aineistossa toisaalta essentialistisen stabiiliksi kansallisen identiteetin mallia toistavaksi kokonaisuudeksi, mutta toisaalta identiteetissä on erotettavissa konstruktivistisiä projektiluontoisuutta korostavia piirteitä. Tutkimustulokset viittaavat siihen, että Euroopan unionissa on käynnissä tietoinen identiteettiprojekti, joka sekä lainaa kansallisten identiteettien perinteestä rakennuspalikoita että pyrkii erottautumaan tästä traditioista.
OBJETIVO: avaliar a taxa de detecção do papilomavírus humano (HPV) de alto risco oncogênico em pacientes portadoras de neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical (NIC) e verificar se existe associação entre a presença do vírus e a carga viral com a gravidade da lesão cervical, assim como qual o melhor ponto de corte para predizer a gravidade desta lesão. MÉTODOS: estudo de corte transversal, no qual foram selecionadas 110 mulheres com citologia e/ou biópsia com diagnóstico de NIC. Todas foram submetidas à coleta de nova citologia oncológica, captura híbrida II (CH II), colposcopia e conização pela cirurgia de alta freqüência com alça. RESULTADOS: a taxa global de detecção do HPV de alto risco oncogênico na população estudada foi de 77,3%. À avaliação histopatológica, 81 (73,7%) mulheres apresentavam NIC e, nestas mulheres, a taxa de detecção do DNA-HPV foi de 87,6%, sendo de 85,9% nas mulheres com NIC 2 ou 3. A CH II apresentou sensibilidade de 87,7%, especificidade de 56%, valor preditivo positivo de 86,6% e valor preditivo negativo de 58,3%, com odds ratio (OR) de 7,76 (2,47 < OR < 25,15) no diagnóstico de NIC 2 ou 3. Com ponto de corte de carga viral de 20 pg/mL, selecionado a partir da curva ROC, o valor preditivo positivo da CH II no diagnóstico da NIC 2 ou 3, na população estudada, foi de 81,3%. CONCLUSÕES: a taxa de detecção do DNA-HPV nas pacientes portadoras de NIC foi de 77,3% e, em mulheres com NIC 2 e 3, foi de 85,9%. O melhor ponto de corte da carga viral para a predição da lesão cervical de alto grau foi de 20 pg/mL. Acima deste ponto a probabilidade de detecção do HPV de alto risco oncogênico é maior que 80%.
Slight topographic variations appear to exert dramatic effects on the structure of forests subject to inundation. In a late successional tidal floodplain forest near the Amazon port of Belém, Brazil, we examined these effects by studying floristic composition along a topographic gradient. We predicted that, relative to high sites, low sites would be characterized by high representation of life forms and taxa characteristic of inundated sites. We found striking variations in floristic composition along a slight topographic gradient. In comparison with topographically high sites, low sites were characterized by a high representation of Palm trees (Arecaceae), low diversity of trees and lianas, and high plant density. These variations appear to reflect edaphic limitations imposed by periodic flooding. The high spatial variation in floristic composition found in this ecosystem suggest caution in implementing intensive forms of agriculture.
The dynamics of forests subject to inundation appears to be strongly influenced by the frequency and intensity of natural disturbances such as flooding. In a late successional tidal floodplain forest near the Amazon port of Belém, Brazil, we tested this prediction by measuring seasonal patterns of phenology and litterfall in relation to two key variables: rainfall and tide levels. In addition, we estimated the root biomass and the annual growth of the forest community by measuring stem increments over time. Our results showed high correlations between phenological events (flowering and fruiting) and rainfall and tide levels, while correlations between litterfall and these variations were generally weaker. Contrary to our prediction, root biomass to 1 m depth showed no significant differences along the topographic gradient, and the root biomass at all topographic levels was low to intermediate compared with other neotropical forests. Both litterfall and total stem increment were high compared to other tropical forest, indicating the high productivity of this ecosystem.
Photosynthetic performance of distinct marine macroalgae, Ulva fasciata Delile (green alga), Lobophora variegata (J. V. Lamouroux) Womersley ex E. C. Oliveira (brown alga), and Plocamium brasiliensis (Greville) M. A. Howe & W. R. Taylor (red alga), were compared using a pulse amplitude-modulated fluorometer. The maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) ranged from 0.80 to 0.51, and the lowest value was found in P. brasiliensis. Under 400 µmol photons m-2 s-1 irradiance, the highest value of photochemical quenching (qP = 0.92 ± 0.13) was observed for U. fasciata. The red alga P. brasiliensis dissipated high amounts of excitation energy (qN = 0.56 ± 0.09), resulting in relatively low values for the effective quantum yield of PS-II (0.23 ± 0.04), as well as for the relative electron transport rate (3.3 ± 0.7). The high photosynthetic potential found for U. fasciata partially explains the species ability for rapid growth and high productivity.