815 resultados para Genetic Algorithm optimization


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At present, all methods in Evolutionary Computation are bioinspired by the fundamental principles of neo-Darwinism, as well as by a vertical gene transfer. Virus transduction is one of the key mechanisms of horizontal gene propagation in microorganisms (e.g. bacteria). In the present paper, we model and simulate a transduction operator, exploring the possible role and usefulness of transduction in a genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm including transduction has been named PETRI (abbreviation of Promoting Evolution Through Reiterated Infection). Our results showed how PETRI approaches higher fitness values as transduction probability comes close to 100%. The conclusion is that transduction improves the performance of a genetic algorithm, assuming a population divided among several sub-populations or ?bacterial colonies?.


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The diversity of bibliometric indices today poses the challenge of exploiting the relationships among them. Our research uncovers the best core set of relevant indices for predicting other bibliometric indices. An added difficulty is to select the role of each variable, that is, which bibliometric indices are predictive variables and which are response variables. This results in a novel multioutput regression problem where the role of each variable (predictor or response) is unknown beforehand. We use Gaussian Bayesian networks to solve the this problem and discover multivariate relationships among bibliometric indices. These networks are learnt by a genetic algorithm that looks for the optimal models that best predict bibliometric data. Results show that the optimal induced Gaussian Bayesian networks corroborate previous relationships between several indices, but also suggest new, previously unreported interactions. An extended analysis of the best model illustrates that a set of 12 bibliometric indices can be accurately predicted using only a smaller predictive core subset composed of citations, g-index, q2-index, and hr-index. This research is performed using bibliometric data on Spanish full professors associated with the computer science area.


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Finding the degree-constrained minimum spanning tree (DCMST) of a graph is a widely studied NP-hard problem. One of its most important applications is network design. Here we deal with a new variant of the DCMST problem, which consists of finding not only the degree- but also the role-constrained minimum spanning tree (DRCMST), i.e., we add constraints to restrict the role of the nodes in the tree to root, intermediate or leaf node. Furthermore, we do not limit the number of root nodes to one, thereby, generally, building a forest of DRCMSTs. The modeling of network design problems can benefit from the possibility of generating more than one tree and determining the role of the nodes in the network. We propose a novel permutation-based representation to encode these forests. In this new representation, one permutation simultaneously encodes all the trees to be built. We simulate a wide variety of DRCMST problems which we optimize using eight different evolutionary computation algorithms encoding individuals of the population using the proposed representation. The algorithms we use are: estimation of distribution algorithm, generational genetic algorithm, steady-state genetic algorithm, covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy, differential evolution, elitist evolution strategy, non-elitist evolution strategy and particle swarm optimization. The best results are for the estimation of distribution algorithms and both types of genetic algorithms, although the genetic algorithms are significantly faster.


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Encontrar el árbol de expansión mínimo con restricción de grado de un grafo (DCMST por sus siglas en inglés) es un problema NP-complejo ampliamente estudiado. Una de sus aplicaciones más importantes es el dise~no de redes. Aquí nosotros tratamos una nueva variante del problema DCMST, que consiste en encontrar el árbol de expansión mínimo no solo con restricciones de grado, sino también con restricciones de rol (DRCMST), es decir, a~nadimos restricciones para restringir el rol que los nodos tienen en el árbol. Estos roles pueden ser nodo raíz, nodo intermedio o nodo hoja. Por otra parte, no limitamos el número de nodos raíz a uno, por lo que, en general, construiremos bosques de DRCMSTs. El modelado en los problemas de dise~no de redes puede beneficiarse de la posibilidad de generar más de un árbol y determinar el rol de los nodos en la red. Proponemos una nueva representación basada en permutaciones para codificar los bosques de DRCMSTs. En esta nueva representación, una permutación codifica simultáneamente todos los árboles que se construirán. Nosotros simulamos una amplia variedad de problemas DRCMST que optimizamos utilizando ocho algoritmos de computación evolutiva diferentes que codifican los individuos de la población utilizando la representación propuesta. Los algoritmos que utilizamos son: algoritmo de estimación de distribuciones (EDA), algoritmo genético generacional (gGA), algoritmo genético de estado estacionario (ssGA), estrategia evolutiva basada en la matriz de covarianzas (CMAES), evolución diferencial (DE), estrategia evolutiva elitista (ElitistES), estrategia evolutiva no elitista (NonElitistES) y optimización por enjambre de partículas (PSO). Los mejores resultados fueron para el algoritmo de estimación de distribuciones utilizado y ambos tipos de algoritmos genéticos, aunque los algoritmos genéticos fueron significativamente más rápidos.---ABSTRACT---Finding the degree-constrained minimum spanning tree (DCMST) of a graph is a widely studied NP-hard problem. One of its most important applications is network design. Here we deal with a new variant of the DCMST problem, which consists of finding not only the degree- but also the role-constrained minimum spanning tree (DRCMST), i.e., we add constraints to restrict the role of the nodes in the tree to root, intermediate or leaf node. Furthermore, we do not limit the number of root nodes to one, thereby, generally, building a forest of DRCMSTs. The modeling of network design problems can benefit from the possibility of generating more than one tree and determining the role of the nodes in the network. We propose a novel permutation-based representation to encode the forest of DRCMSTs. In this new representation, one permutation simultaneously encodes all the trees to be built. We simulate a wide variety of DRCMST problems which we optimize using eight diferent evolutionary computation algorithms encoding individuals of the population using the proposed representation. The algorithms we use are: estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA), generational genetic algorithm (gGA), steady-state genetic algorithm (ssGA), covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMAES), diferential evolution (DE), elitist evolution strategy (ElististES), non-elitist evolution strategy (NonElististES) and particle swarm optimization (PSO). The best results are for the estimation of distribution algorithm and both types of genetic algorithms, although the genetic algorithms are significantly faster. iv


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Este trabalho é referente ao desenvolvimento de um calibrador multiobjetivo automático do modelo SWMM (Storm Water Management Model), e avaliação de algumas fontes de incertezas presentes no processo de calibração, visando à representação satisfatória da transformação chuva-vazão. O código foi escrito em linguagem C, e aplica os conceitos do método de otimização multiobjetivo NSGAII (Non Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm) com elitismo controlado, além de utilizar o código fonte do modelo SWMM para a determinação das vazões simuladas. Paralelamente, também foi criada uma interface visual, para melhorar a facilidade de utilização do calibrador. Os testes do calibrador foram aplicados a três sistemas diferentes: um sistema hipotético disponibilizado no pacote de instalação do SWMM; um sistema real de pequenas dimensões, denominado La Terraza, localizado no município de Sierra Vista, Arizona (EUA); e um sistema de maiores dimensões, a bacia hidrográfica do Córrego do Gregório, localizada no município de São Carlos (SP). Os resultados indicam que o calibrador construído apresenta, em geral, eficiência satisfatória, porém é bastante dependente da qualidade dos dados observados em campo e dos parâmetros de entrada escolhidos pelo usuário. Foi demonstrada a importância da escolha dos eventos utilizados na calibração, do estabelecimento de limites adequados nos valores das variáveis de decisão, da escolha das funções objetivo e, principalmente, da qualidade e representatividade dos dados de monitoramento pluvio e fluviométrico. Conclui-se que estes testes desenvolvidos contribuem para o entendimento mais aprofundado dos processos envolvidos na modelagem e calibração, possibilitando avanços na confiabilidade dos resultados da modelagem.


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O problema de Planejamento da Expansão de Sistemas de Distribuição (PESD) visa determinar diretrizes para a expansão da rede considerando a crescente demanda dos consumidores. Nesse contexto, as empresas distribuidoras de energia elétrica têm o papel de propor ações no sistema de distribuição com o intuito de adequar o fornecimento da energia aos padrões exigidos pelos órgãos reguladores. Tradicionalmente considera-se apenas a minimização do custo global de investimento de planos de expansão, negligenciando-se questões de confiabilidade e robustez do sistema. Como consequência, os planos de expansão obtidos levam o sistema de distribuição a configurações que são vulneráveis a elevados cortes de carga na ocorrência de contingências na rede. Este trabalho busca a elaboração de uma metodologia para inserir questões de confiabilidade e risco ao problema PESD tradicional, com o intuito de escolher planos de expansão que maximizem a robustez da rede e, consequentemente, atenuar os danos causados pelas contingências no sistema. Formulou-se um modelo multiobjetivo do problema PESD em que se minimizam dois objetivos: o custo global (que incorpora custo de investimento, custo de manutenção, custo de operação e custo de produção de energia) e o risco de implantação de planos de expansão. Para ambos os objetivos, são formulados modelos lineares inteiros mistos que são resolvidos utilizando o solver CPLEX através do software GAMS. Para administrar a busca por soluções ótimas, optou-se por programar em linguagem C++ dois Algoritmos Evolutivos: Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-2 (NSGA2) e Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm-2 (SPEA2). Esses algoritmos mostraram-se eficazes nessa busca, o que foi constatado através de simulações do planejamento da expansão de dois sistemas testes adaptados da literatura. O conjunto de soluções encontradas nas simulações contém planos de expansão com diferentes níveis de custo global e de risco de implantação, destacando a diversidade das soluções propostas. Algumas dessas topologias são ilustradas para se evidenciar suas diferenças.


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Esta pesquisa visa a análise da contribuição de cinco variáveis de entrada e a otimização do desempenho termo-hidráulico de trocadores de calor com venezianas combinados com geradores de vórtices delta-winglets. O desempenho termohidráulico de duas geometrias distintas, aqui nomeadas por GEO1 e GEO2, foram avaliadas. Smoothing Spline ANOVA foi usado para avaliar a contribuição dos parâmetros de entrada na transferência de calor e perda de carga. Considerando aplicação automotiva, foram investigados números de Reynolds iguais a 120 e 240, baseados no diâmetro hidráulico. Os resultados indicaram que o ângulo de venezianas é o maior contribuidor para o aumento do fator de atrito para GEO1 e GEO2, para ambos os números de Reynolds. Para o número de Reynolds menor, o parâmetro mais importante em termos de transferência de calor foi o ângulo das venezianas para ambas as geometrias. Para o número de Reynolds maior, o ângulo de ataque dos geradores de vórtices posicionados na primeira fileira é o maior contribuidor para a tranfesferência de calor, no caso da geometria GEO1, enquanto que o ângulo de ataque dos geradores de vórtices na primeira fileira foi tão importante quanto os ângulos das venezianas para a geometria GEO2. Embora as geometrias analisadas possam ser consideradas como técnicas compostas de intensificação da transferência de calor, não foram observadas interações relevantes entre ângulo de venezianas e parâmetros dos geradores de vórtices. O processo de otimização usa NSGA-II (Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm) combinado com redes neurais artificiais. Os resultados mostraram que a adição dos geradores de vórtices em GEO1 aumentaram a transferência de calor em 21% e 23% com aumentos na perda de carga iguais a 24,66% e 36,67% para o menor e maior números de Reynolds, respectivamente. Para GEO2, a transferência de calor aumentou 13% e 15% com aumento na perda de carga de 20,33% e 23,70%, para o menor e maior número de Reynolds, respectivamente. As soluções otimizadas para o fator de Colburn mostraram que a transferência de calor atrás da primeira e da segunda fileiras de geradores de vórtices tem a mesma ordem de magnitude para ambos os números de Reynolds. Os padrões de escoamento e as características de transferência de calor das soluções otimizadas apresentaram comportamentos vi particulares, diferentemente daqueles encontrados quando as duas técnicas de intensificação de transferência de calor são aplicadas separadamente.


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Esta tese propõe um modelo de regeneração de energia metroviária, baseado no controle de paradas e partidas do trem ao longo de sua viagem, com o aproveitamento da energia proveniente da frenagem regenerativa no sistema de tração. O objetivo é otimizar o consumo de energia, promover maior eficiência, na perspectiva de uma gestão sustentável. Aplicando o Algoritmo Genético (GA) para obter a melhor configuração de tráfego dos trens, a pesquisa desenvolve e testa o Algoritmo de Controle de Tração para Regeneração de Energia Metroviária (ACTREM), usando a Linguagem de programação C++. Para analisar o desempenho do algoritmo de controle ACTREM no aumento da eficiência energética, foram realizadas quinze simulações da aplicação do ACTREM na linha 4 - Amarela do metrô da cidade de São Paulo. Essas simulações demonstraram a eficiência do ACTREM para gerar, automaticamente, os diagramas horários otimizados para uma economia de energia nos sistemas metroviários, levando em consideração as restrições operacionais do sistema, como capacidade máxima de cada trem, tempo total de espera, tempo total de viagem e intervalo entre trens. Os resultados mostram que o algoritmo proposto pode economizar 9,5% da energia e não provocar impactos relevantes na capacidade de transporte de passageiros do sistema. Ainda sugerem possíveis continuidades de estudos.


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Tuning compilations is the process of adjusting the values of a compiler options to improve some features of the final application. In this paper, a strategy based on the use of a genetic algorithm and a multi-objective scheme is proposed to deal with this task. Unlike previous works, we try to take advantage of the knowledge of this domain to provide a problem-specific genetic operation that improves both the speed of convergence and the quality of the results. The evaluation of the strategy is carried out by means of a case of study aimed to improve the performance of the well-known web server Apache. Experimental results show that a 7.5% of overall improvement can be achieved. Furthermore, the adaptive approach has shown an ability to markedly speed-up the convergence of the original strategy.


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An important aspect in manufacturing design is the distribution of geometrical tolerances so that an assembly functions with given probability, while minimising the manufacturing cost. This requires a complex search over a multidimensional domain, much of which leads to infeasible solutions and which can have many local minima. As well, Monte-Carlo methods are often required to determine the probability that the assembly functions as designed. This paper describes a genetic algorithm for carrying out this search and successfully applies it to two specific mechanical designs, enabling comparisons of a new statistical tolerancing design method with existing methods. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The research literature on metalieuristic and evolutionary computation has proposed a large number of algorithms for the solution of challenging real-world optimization problems. It is often not possible to study theoretically the performance of these algorithms unless significant assumptions are made on either the algorithm itself or the problems to which it is applied, or both. As a consequence, metalieuristics are typically evaluated empirically using a set of test problems. Unfortunately, relatively little attention has been given to the development of methodologies and tools for the large-scale empirical evaluation and/or comparison of metaheuristics. In this paper, we propose a landscape (test-problem) generator that can be used to generate optimization problem instances for continuous, bound-constrained optimization problems. The landscape generator is parameterized by a small number of parameters, and the values of these parameters have a direct and intuitive interpretation in terms of the geometric features of the landscapes that they produce. An experimental space is defined over algorithms and problems, via a tuple of parameters for any specified algorithm and problem class (here determined by the landscape generator). An experiment is then clearly specified as a point in this space, in a way that is analogous to other areas of experimental algorithmics, and more generally in experimental design. Experimental results are presented, demonstrating the use of the landscape generator. In particular, we analyze some simple, continuous estimation of distribution algorithms, and gain new insights into the behavior of these algorithms using the landscape generator.


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Foreign exchange trading has emerged in recent times as a significant activity in many countries. As with most forms of trading, the activity is influenced by many random parameters so that the creation of a system that effectively emulates the trading process is very helpful. In this paper, we try to create such a system with a genetic algorithm engine to emulate trader behaviour on the foreign exchange market and to find the most profitable trading strategy.


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This paper presents an approach for optimal design of a fully regenerative dynamic dynamometer using genetic algorithms. The proposed dynamometer system includes an energy storage mechanism to adaptively absorb the energy variations following the dynamometer transients. This allows the minimum power electronics requirement at the mains power supply grid to compensate for the losses. The overall dynamometer system is a dynamic complex system and design of the system is a multi-objective problem, which requires advanced optimisation techniques such as genetic algorithms. The case study of designing and simulation of the dynamometer system indicates that the genetic algorithm based approach is able to locate a best available solution in view of system performance and computational costs.


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A theoretical model is presented which describes selection in a genetic algorithm (GA) under a stochastic fitness measure and correctly accounts for finite population effects. Although this model describes a number of selection schemes, we only consider Boltzmann selection in detail here as results for this form of selection are particularly transparent when fitness is corrupted by additive Gaussian noise. Finite population effects are shown to be of fundamental importance in this case, as the noise has no effect in the infinite population limit. In the limit of weak selection we show how the effects of any Gaussian noise can be removed by increasing the population size appropriately. The theory is tested on two closely related problems: the one-max problem corrupted by Gaussian noise and generalization in a perceptron with binary weights. The averaged dynamics can be accurately modelled for both problems using a formalism which describes the dynamics of the GA using methods from statistical mechanics. The second problem is a simple example of a learning problem and by considering this problem we show how the accurate characterization of noise in the fitness evaluation may be relevant in machine learning. The training error (negative fitness) is the number of misclassified training examples in a batch and can be considered as a noisy version of the generalization error if an independent batch is used for each evaluation. The noise is due to the finite batch size and in the limit of large problem size and weak selection we show how the effect of this noise can be removed by increasing the population size. This allows the optimal batch size to be determined, which minimizes computation time as well as the total number of training examples required.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the optimization for a placement machine in printed circuit board (PCB) assembly when family setup strategy is adopted. Design/methodology/approach – A complete mathematical model is developed for the integrated problem to optimize feeder arrangement and component placement sequences so as to minimize the makespan for a set of PCB batches. Owing to the complexity of the problem, a specific genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed. Findings – The established model is able to find the minimal makespan for a set of PCB batches through determining the feeder arrangement and placement sequences. However, exact solutions to the problem are not practical due to the complexity. Experimental tests show that the proposed GA can solve the problem both effectively and efficiently. Research limitations/implications – When a placement machine is set up for production of a set of PCB batches, the feeder arrangement of the machine together with the component placement sequencing for each PCB type should be solved simultaneously so as to minimize the overall makespan. Practical implications – The paper investigates the optimization for PCB assembly with family setup strategy, which is adopted by many PCB manufacturers for reducing both setup costs and human errors. Originality/value – The paper investigates the feeder arrangement and placement sequencing problems when family setup strategy is adopted, which has not been studied in the literature.