942 resultados para Fused salts.


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La proteïna CK2 és una Ser/Thr fosfotransferasa evolutivament conservada. Està formada per dues subunitats diferents, α (catalítica) i β (reguladora), que s’associen en un complex heterotetramèric (α2β2). L’activitat d’aquest enzim està regulada per varis mecanismes que la modulen diferencialment en funció del substrat, entre ells, la localització subcel·lular de les diferents subunitats. A partir de plantes transgèniques que contenen les subunitats de CK2 fusionades a una proteïna fluorescent (GFP o YFP) hem establert línies cel·lulars que permetran analitzar, en treballs futurs, els canvis de localització subcel·lular de les subunitats de CK2 provocats per diferents estímuls. La CK2 intervé en un gran nombre de processos cel·lulars, entre d’altres, metabolisme, transport a nucli, control del cicle cel·lular i reparació del DNA. Amb la finalitat d’estudiar el paper de la CK2 en el desenvolupament de les plantes, membres del grup van generar un mutant dominant negatiu per transformació estable de plantes d’Arabidopsis thaliana. Estudis previs mostraven que la pèrdua d’activitat CK2 en aquestes plantes provocava una alteració de l’activitat mitòtica i un bloqueig del cicle cel·lular. Els resultats obtinguts en aquest treball indiquen que aquests fenotips podrien ser conseqüència de la implicació de la CK2 en processos d’estructuració de la cromatina.


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On few occasions, Phytomonas davidi (McGhee & Postell isolate) cultures in LIT (liver infusion-tryptose) medium around 27oC presented, as seen in Giemsa-stained smears, a set of peculiar morphological features, among them being noticeable the pairs of apposed cells attached by their posterior ends, where occurred a stained line and/or a dilatation, usually bulb-like in shape; sometimes this dilatation could occupy one of the cells or hold both together. In some pairs, the nucleus of each parasite seemed migrating towards the other, entering into such dilatation; in others, both nuclei were inside it, sometimes in close proximity or seeming fused; peculiar chromatin arrangements involving both nuclei were occasionally observed. Several mono or binucleate round forms bearing one or two flagella, as well as flagellate slender cells without nucleus were concomitantly seen there. In some instances, an intriguing small stained body occurred beside a single large nucleus, either in pairs presenting the bulb-like structure or in round cells. These cytological findings seemed steps of a dynamic process suggesting sexuality, since in several of them nuclear interactions following fusion of two parasites appeared to occur


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In five experiments, Leishmania (Leishmania) major (MRHO/SU/59/P-strain) grew poorly when seeded in FYTS medium supplemented with 15% fetal calf serum, but presented several peculiar pairs of promastigotes diametrically opposed and attached at their posterior ends (5.8-13.5%). As seen in Giemsa-stained smears, a ring-like line and/or an enlargement, generally occurred at the parasite junction. A close proximity of nuclei, which sometimes were difficult to distinguish from each other, was also observed at this junction. Several of these pairs appeared to be composed of fused cells in which the nuclei could be apparently fused, as shown by fluorescence microscopy to detect ß-tubulin and DNA, and by scanning electron microscopy. Under other culture conditions these pairs were absent or occurred at very low rates (0.2-2.2%). Such pairs differ markedly from longitudinally dividing cells and resemble those described in two other Leishmania species, as well as in Herpetomonas megaseliae and Phytomonas davidi, suggesting steps of a putative sexual process


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa has an anabolic (ArgF) and a catabolic (ArcB) ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OTCase). Despite extensive sequence similarities, these enzymes function unidirectionally in vivo. In the dodecameric catabolic OTCase, homotropic cooperativity for carbamoylphosphate strongly depresses the anabolic reaction; the residue Glu1O5 and the C-terminus are known to be essential for this cooperativity. When Glu1O5 and nine C-terminal amino acids of the catabolic OTCase were introduced, by in vitro genetic manipulation, into the closely related, trimeric, anabolic (ArgF) OTCase of Escherichia coli, the enzyme displayed Michaelis-Menten kinetics and no cooperativity was observed. This indicates that additional amino acid residues are required to produce homotropic cooperativity and a dodecameric assembly. To localize these residues, we constructed several hybrid enzymes by fusing, in vivo or in vitro, the E. coli argF gene to the P. aeruginosa arcB gene. A hybrid enzyme consisting of 101 N-terminal ArgF amino acids fused to 233 C-terminal ArcB residues and the reciprocal ArcB-ArgF hybrid were both trimers with little or no cooperativity. Replacing the seven N-terminal residues of the ArcB enzyme by the corresponding six residues of E. coli ArgF enzyme produced a dodecameric enzyme which showed a reduced affinity for carbamoylphosphate and an increase in homotropic cooperativity. Thus, the N-terminal amino acids of catabolic OTCase are important for interaction with carbamoylphosphate, but do not alone determine dodecameric assembly. Hybrid enzymes consisting of either 26 or 42 N-terminal ArgF amino acids and the corresponding C-terminal ArcB residues were both trimeric, yet they retained some homotropic cooperativity. Within the N-terminal ArcB region, a replacement of motif 28-33 by the corresponding ArgF segment destabilized the dodecameric structure and the enzyme existed in trimeric and dodecameric states, indicating that this region is important for dodecameric assembly. These findings were interpreted in the light of the three-dimensional structure of catabolic OTCase, which allows predictions about trimer-trimer interactions. Dodecameric assembly appears to require at least three regions: the N- and C-termini (which are close to each other in a monomer), residues 28-33 and residues 147-154. Dodecameric structure correlates with high carbamoylphosphate cooperativity and thermal stability, but some trimeric hybrid enzymes retain cooperativity, and the dodecameric Glu1O5-->Ala mutant gives hyperbolic carbamoylphosphate saturation, indicating that dodecameric structure is neither necessary nor sufficient to ensure cooperativity.


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The phytochrome (phy) family of photoreceptors is of crucial importance throughout the life cycle of higher plants. Light-induced nuclear import is required for most phytochrome responses. Nuclear accumulation of phyA is dependent on two related proteins called FHY1 (Far-red elongated HYpocotyl 1) and FHL (FHY1 Like), with FHY1 playing the predominant function. The transcription of FHY1 and FHL are controlled by FHY3 (Far-red elongated HYpocotyl 3) and FAR1 (FAr-red impaired Response 1), a related pair of transcription factors, which thus indirectly control phyA nuclear accumulation. FHY1 and FHL preferentially interact with the light-activated form of phyA, but the mechanism by which they enable photoreceptor accumulation in the nucleus remains unsolved. Sequence comparison of numerous FHY1-related proteins indicates that only the NLS located at the N-terminus and the phyA-interaction domain located at the C-terminus are conserved. We demonstrate that these two parts of FHY1 are sufficient for FHY1 function. phyA nuclear accumulation is inhibited in the presence of high levels of FHY1 variants unable to enter the nucleus. Furthermore, nuclear accumulation of phyA becomes light- and FHY1-independent when an NLS sequence is fused to phyA, strongly suggesting that FHY1 mediates nuclear import of light-activated phyA. In accordance with this idea, FHY1 and FHY3 become functionally dispensable in seedlings expressing a constitutively nuclear version of phyA. Our data suggest that the mechanism uncovered in Arabidopsis is conserved in higher plants. Moreover, this mechanism allows us to propose a model explaining why phyA needs a specific nuclear import pathway.


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ICEclc is a mobile genetic element found in two copies on the chromosome of the bacterium Pseudomonas knackmussii B13. ICEclc harbors genes encoding metabolic pathways for the degradation of chlorocatechols (CLC) and 2-aminophenol (2AP). At low frequencies, ICEclc excises from the chromosome, closes into a circular DNA molecule which can transfer to another bacterium via conjugation. Once in the recipient cell, ICEclc can reintegrate into the chromosome by site-specific recombination. This thesis aimed at identifying the regulatory network underlying the decisions for ICEclc horizontal transfer (HGT). The first chapter is an introduction on integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs) more in general, of which ICEclc is one example. In particular I emphasized the current knowledge of regulation and conjugation machineries of the different classes of ICE. In the second chapter, I describe a transcriptional analysis using microarrays and other experiments to understand expression of ICEclc in exponential and stationary phase. By overlaying transcriptomic profiles with Northern hybridizations and RT- PCR data, we established a transcription map for the entire core region of ICEclc, a region assumed to encode the ICE conjugation process. We also demonstrated how transcription of the ICEclc core is maximal in stationary phase, which correlates to expression of reporter genes fused to key ICEclc promoters. In the third chapter, I present a transcriptome analysis of ICEclc in a variety of different host species, in order to explore whether there are species-specific differences. In the fourth chapter, I focus on the role of a curious ICEclc-encoded TetR-type transcriptional repressor. We find that this gene, which we name mfsR, not only controls its own expression but that of a set of genes for a putative multi-drug efflux pump (mfsABC) as well. By using a combination of biochemical and molecular biology techniques, I could show that MfsR specifically binds to operator boxes in two ICEclc promoters (PmfsR and PmfsA), inhibiting the transcription of both the mfsR and mfsABC-orf38184 operons. Although we could not detect a clear phenotype of an mfsABC deletion, we discuss the implications of pump gene reorganizations in ICEclc and close relatives. In the fifth chapter, we find that mfsR not only controls its own expression and that of the mfsABC operon, but is also indirectly controlling ICEclc transfer. Using gene deletions, microarrays, transfer assays and microscopy-based reporter fusions, we demonstrate that mfsR actually controls a small operon of three regulatory genes. The last gene of this mfsR operon, orf17162, encodes a LysR-type activator that when deleted strongly impairs ICEclc transfer. Interestingly, deletion of mfsR leads to transfer competence in almost all cells, thereby overruling the bistability process in the wild-type. In the final sixth chapter, I discuss the relevance of the present thesis and the resulting perspectives for future studies.


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In this study, we evaluated the immune response of patients suffering from cutaneous leishmaniasis treated with two distinct protocols. One group was treated with conventional chemotherapy using pentavalent antimonium salts and the other with immunochemotherapy where a vaccine against cutaneous leishmaniasis was combined with the antimonium salt. Our results show that, although no differences were observed in the necessary time for complete healing of the lesions between the two treatments, peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients treated by chemotherapy showed smaller lymphoproliferative responses at the end of the treatment than those from patients in the immunochemotherapy group. Furthermore, IFN-gamma production was also different between the two groups. While cells from patients in the chemotherapy group produced more IFN-gamma at the end of treatment, a significant decrease in this cytokine production was associated with healing in the immunochemotherapy group. In addition, IL-10 production was also less intense in this latter group. Finally, an increase in CD8+ -IFN-gamma producing cells was detected in the chemotherapy group. Together these results point to an alternative treatment protocol where healing can be induced with a decreased production of a potentially toxic cytokine.


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The root-colonizing bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 was used to construct an oxygen-responsive biosensor. An anaerobically inducible promoter of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which depends on the FNR (fumarate and nitrate reductase regulation)-like transcriptional regulator ANR (anaerobic regulation of arginine deiminase and nitrate reductase pathways), was fused to the structural lacZ gene of Escherichia coli. By inserting the reporter fusion into the chromosomal attTn7 site of P. fluorescens CHA0 by using a mini-Tn7 transposon, the reporter strain, CHA900, was obtained. Grown in glutamate-yeast extract medium in an oxystat at defined oxygen levels, the biosensor CHA900 responded to a decrease in oxygen concentration from 210 x 10(2) Pa to 2 x 10(2) Pa of O(2) by a nearly 100-fold increase in beta-galactosidase activity. Half-maximal induction of the reporter occurred at about 5 x 10(2) Pa. This dose response closely resembles that found for E. coli promoters which are activated by the FNR protein. In a carbon-free buffer or in bulk soil, the biosensor CHA900 still responded to a decrease in oxygen concentration, although here induction was about 10 times lower and the low oxygen response was gradually lost within 3 days. Introduced into a barley-soil microcosm, the biosensor could report decreasing oxygen concentrations in the rhizosphere for a 6-day period. When the water content in the microcosm was raised from 60% to 85% of field capacity, expression of the reporter gene was elevated about twofold above a basal level after 2 days of incubation, suggesting that a water content of 85% caused mild anoxia. Increased compaction of the soil was shown to have a faster and more dramatic effect on the expression of the oxygen reporter than soil water content alone, indicating that factors other than the water-filled pore space influenced the oxygen status of the soil. These experiments illustrate the utility of the biosensor for detecting low oxygen concentrations in the rhizosphere and other soil habitats.


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The transcriptional repressor RE1 silencer transcription factor (REST) is an important factor that restricts some neuronal traits to neurons. Since these traits are also present in pancreatic beta-cells, we evaluated their role by generating a model of insulin-secreting cells that express REST. The presence of REST led to a decrease in expression of its known target genes, whereas insulin expression and its cellular content were conserved. As a consequence of REST expression, the capacity to secrete insulin in response to mitochondrial fuels, a particularity of mature beta-cells, was impaired. These data provide evidence that REST target genes are required for an appropriate glucose-induced insulin secretion.


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Oxidative metabolism of the isolated embryonic heart of the chick has been determined using a spectrophotometric technique allowing global as well as localized micromeasurements of the O2 uptake. Entire hearts, excised from embryos of 10 somites (primordia fused, stage 10 HH) and 40 somites (S shaped, stage 20 HH) were placed in a special chamber under controlled metabolic conditions where they continued to beat spontaneously and regularly. During the 32 h of development, the O2 consumption of the whole heart increased from 0.9 +/- 0.1 to 5.3 +/- 0.8 nmol O2/h. These values corrected for protein content were, however, comparable (0.45 nmol O2.h-1.micrograms-1). At stage 10-12, the O2 uptake varied along the cardiac tube (from 0.74 to 1.0 nmol O2.h-1.mm-2). From stage 10 to 20, the O2 uptake per unit area of ventricle wall increased from 0.7 +/- 0.2 to 1.8 +/- 0.2 nmol O2.h-1.mm-2, and the O2 uptake per myocardial volume during one cardiac cycle varied from 7 to 2.5 nmol O2/cm3. These results indicate that, despite an intense morphogenesis, the cardiac tissue has a rather low and stable oxidative metabolism, although the O2 requirement of the whole heart increases significantly. Moreover, the normalized suprabasal aerobic energy expenditure decreases throughout early cardiogenesis. The functional integrity of the isolated embryonic heart combined with the experimental possibilities of the microtechnique make the preparation appropriate for studying the changes in cardiac metabolism during development.


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Aggregation-prone polyglutamine (polyQ) expansion proteins cause several neurodegenerative disorders, including Huntington disease. The pharmacological activation of cellular stress responses could be a new strategy to combat protein conformational diseases. Hydroxylamine derivatives act as co-inducers of heat-shock proteins (HSPs) and can enhance HSP expression in diseased cells, without significant adverse effects. Here, we used Caenorhabditis elegans expressing polyQ expansions with 35 glutamines fused to the yellow fluorescent protein (Q35-YFP) in body wall muscle cells as a model system to investigate the effects of treatment with a novel hydroxylamine derivative, NG-094, on the progression of polyQ diseases. NG-094 significantly ameliorated polyQ-mediated animal paralysis, reduced the number of Q35-YFP aggregates and delayed polyQ-dependent acceleration of aging. Micromolar concentrations of NG-094 in animal tissues with only marginal effects on the nematode fitness sufficed to confer protection against polyQ proteotoxicity, even when the drug was administered after disease onset. NG-094 did not reduce insulin/insulin-like growth factor 1-like signaling, but conferred cytoprotection by a mechanism involving the heat-shock transcription factor HSF-1 that potentiated the expression of stress-inducible HSPs. NG-094 is thus a promising candidate for tests on mammalian models of polyQ and other protein conformational diseases.


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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a childhood onset psychiatric disorder that can persist into adulthood in up to 50% of patients. From a clinical point of view, ADHD is characterized by hyperactivity, mood instability, irritability, difficulties in maintaining attention, lack of organization and impulsive behaviours. The presence of other disorders occurring at the the same time is also common, especially mood disorders and substance abuse. It seems that amphetamines could reverse the underlying neurological problems that feature in ADHD, and so improve ADHD symptoms. We found seven studies, which enrolled 1091 patients. These studies compared amphetamines to placebo and three of them also compared amphetamines with other drugs: guanfacine, modafinil and paroxetine. Three amphetamine derivatives were investigated: dexamphetamine, lisdexamphetamine and mixed amphetamine salts (MAS). Treatment length ranged from two to 20 weeks. All amphetamines improved ADHD symptoms but overall they did not make people more likely to stay in treatment and were associated with a higher risk of treatment ending early due to adverse events. One type of amphetamine, mixed amphetamine salts, did, however, increase retention in treatment. We found no evidence that higher doses worked better than lower ones. We did not find any difference in effectiveness between immediate-release and sustained-release formulations. Therefore, it appears that short-term treatment with amphetamines reduces ADHD symptoms, but studies assessing the effects of amphetamines for longer periods of time are needed.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The tumor necrosis factor (TNF)/TNF receptor (TNFR) families of ligands and receptors are implicated in a variety of physiological and pathological processes and regulate cellular functions as diverse as proliferation, differentiation, and death. Recombinant forms of these ligands and receptors can act to agonize or antagonize these functions and are therefore useful for laboratory studies and may have clinical applications. A protocol is presented for the expression and purification of dimeric soluble receptors fused to the Fc portion of human IgG1 and of soluble, N-terminally Flag-tagged ligands. Soluble recombinant proteins are easier to handle than membrane-bound proteins and the use of tags greatly facilitates their detection and purification. In addition, some tags may provide enhanced biological activity to the recombinant proteins (mainly by oligomerization and stabilization effects) and facilitate their functional characterization. Expression in bacterial (for selected ligands) and eukaryotic expression systems (for ligands and receptors) was performed using M15 pREP4 bacteria and human embryonic kidney 293 cells, respectively. The yield of purified protein is about 1 mg/liter for the mammalian expression system and several milligrams per liter for the bacterial expression system. Protocols are given for a specific ligand-receptor pair, namely TRAIL (Apo-2L) and TRAIL receptor 2 (DR5), but can be applied to other ligands and receptors of the TNF family.


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Mechanically ventilated patients in hospitals are subjected to an increased risk of acquiring nosocomial pneumonia that sometimes has a lethal outcome. One way to minimize the risk could be to make the surfaces on endotracheal tubes antibacterial. In this study, bacterial growth was inhibited or completely prevented by silver ions wet chemically and deposited onto the tube surface. Through the wet chemical treatment developed here, a surface precipitate was formed containing silver chloride and a silver stearate salt. The identity and morphology of the surface precipitate was studied using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and x-ray powder diffraction. Leaching of silver ions into solution was examined, and bacterial growth on the treated surfaces was assayed using Pseudomonas aeruginosa wild type (PAO1) bacteria. Furthermore, the minimum inhibitory concentration of silver ions was determined in liquid- and solid-rich growth medium as 23 and 18 microM, respectively, for P. aeruginosa.


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Novel formulations of cationic nanoemulsions based on three different lipids were developed to strengthen the attraction of the polyanionic oligonucleotide (ODN) macromolecules to the cationic moieties on the oil nanodroplets. These formulations were developed to prolong the release of the ODN from the nanoemulsion under appropriate physiological dilutions as encountered in the eye following topical application. Increasing the concentration of the new cationic lipid exhibiting two cationic amine groups (AOA) in the emulsion from 0.05% to 0.4% did not alter markedly the particle size or zeta potential value of the blank cationic nanoemulsion. The extent of ODN association did not vary significantly when the initial concentration of ODN remained constant at 10 microM irrespective of the cationic lipid nature. However, the zeta potential value dropped consistently with the low concentrations of 0.05% and 0.1% of AOA in the emulsions suggesting that an electrostatic attraction occurred between the cationic lipids and the polyanionic ODN molecules at the o/w interface. Only the nanoemulsion prepared with N-[1-(2,3-dioleoyloxy)propyl]-N,N,N-trimethylammonium salts (DOTAP) remained physically stable over time. DOTAP cationic lipid nanoemulsion was the most efficient formulation capable of retaining the ODN despite the high dilution of 1:100 with simulated tear solution (STS). Less than 10% of the ODN was exchanged in contrast to 40-50% with the other cationic nanoemulsions. The in-vitro release kinetic behavior of ODN exchange with physiological anions present in the STS appears to be complex and difficult to characterize using mathematical fitting model equations. Further pharmacokinetic studies are needed to verify our kinetic assumptions and confirm the in-vitro ODN release profile from DOTAP cationic nanoemulsions.