961 resultados para Esmeralda (Ship)


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Zeitschrift K.C. Blaetter (1932-1933); Festschrift of K.C., New York, 1946; Literaturwegweiser fuer den K.C., Berlin 1926; Hochschulhefte, 1921; misc. printings and publications of the K.C. including fraternity postcards with logos; clipping about the voyage of ship to St. Louis (1939).


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The aim of this study was to look at the metaphors contemporary merchant seamen use for their ship and for their life at sea. The larger theoretical framework of the study consisted of worldview, which is one of the key concepts of comparative religion. The data for the study consisted of 91 interviews with Finnish professional seafarers that were conducted in 1996, 1999, and 2000, field journals that were written during two periods of fieldwork in 1996 and 1999-2000, and correspondence with some of the Finnish seafarers during 1999-2002. The data was analyzed by using metaphor theory. The study consists of two parts. The first part is ethnography of modern Finnish shipworld. This entails work, organization, hierarchy and gender. The second part discusses the metaphors the seafarers use. The study belongs to the field of anthropology of religions which is part of comparative religion.


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Emissions of gases and particles from sea-faring ships have been shown to impact on the atmospheric chemistry and climate. To efficiently monitor and report these emissions found from a ship’s plume, the concept of using a multi-rotor or UAV to hover inside or near the exhaust of the ship to actively record the data in real time is being developed. However, for the required sensors obtain the data; their sensors must face into the airflow of the ships plume. This report presents an approach to have sensors able to read in the chemicals and particles emitted from the ship without affecting the flight dynamics of the multi-rotor UAV by building a sealed chamber in which a pump can take in the surrounding air (outside the downwash effect of the multi-rotor) where the sensors are placed and can analyse the gases safely. Results show that the system is small, lightweight and air-sealed and ready for flight test.


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This paper considers the dynamic modelling and motion control of a Surface Effect Ship (SES) for safer transfer of personnel and equipment from vessel to-and-from an offshore wind-turbine. The control system designed is referred to as Boarding Control System (BCS). The performance of this system is investigated for a specific wind-farm service vessel—The Wave Craft. On a SES, the pressurized air cushion supports the majority of the weight of the vessel. The control problem considered relates to the actuation of the pressure such that wave-induced vessel motions are minimized. Results are given through simulation, model- and full-scale experimental testing.


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Abstract (The socio-onomastic approach and translation): The article adopts an onomastic perspective on the translation, and highlights the challenges posed by the given names. The newer socio-onomastic research has drawn attention to the emotive, appealing, ideological and integrative functions of the names, showing strong links with both the period and with society. In the article this is exemplified with ship names from the nineteenth century, which partly reflect classicism (Argo, Hercules, Juno, Neptunus) and national romanticism (Aallotar, Aino, Sampo, Wellamo). A special challenge is posed by the transparent names that evoke the actual words used, such as Penningdraken ('Money Dragon'), a ship that brought big money, and Människoätaren ('The man killer'), a ship where many sailors lost their lives. Names raise time-bound and culture-bound associations and the translator should be able to interpret the names as an embodiment of the society and the culture from which they originate.


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International new ventures (INVs) are firms that engage very early after their foundation, if not immediately, in inter-national activities. INVs are a relatively recent phenomenon that deviates from earlier theories on international business. In order to develop our understanding of the emergence and early internationalisation of INVs three different research areas are built upon in the dissertation: International Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship and Networks. Net-works have been identified as important for INVs. However, there is a lack of more profound studies regarding the way different types of relationships influence INVs. Few studies are concerned with exploration and exploitation of opportunities and research on the benefits and drawbacks of entrepreneurs’ relationships for the international opportunity recognition process has been called for. By taking a network approach to opportunity exploration and exploitation, the dissertation develops our under-standing of how entrepreneurs’ relationships are involved in exploring and exploiting opportunities during an INV’s early and critical entrepreneurial and internationalisation events. The critical events are studied during three phases: pre-founding, start-up and early internationalisation. Since internationalisation is present from the very beginning, the early internationalisation phase may be parallel to both the pre-founding and the start-up phase. The dissertation contributes to international entrepreneur-ship research in mainly two ways. First, by offering a deep insight into which opportunity exploration and exploitation activities entrepreneurs’ relationships are involved. Second, by adding to our understanding of what the relationships contribute to these activities, mainly in the sense of benefits gained through the relationships. Studying micro firms in real time in their early development towards INVs is considered a unique contribution of the study as it offers valuable insights into pre-founding, start-up, pre-internationalisation as well as early internationalisation. The study shows that in order to understand the development of INVs, it is beneficial to go back to times when there was no thought of starting the INV. By focusing on the entrepreneurs’ background and relationships a more complete picture of the INV is gained. Relationships created at former workplaces or during school time might be the ones that develop business opportunities and set off internationalisation. By focusing on the pre-founding phase, the study also contributes to entrepreneurship literature as this stage has often been neglected or assumed obvious in earlier research. This dissertation shows that an important and mostly lengthy pre-founding phase precedes the decision to start a f rm. In addition, the integration of entrepreneurs’ real experiences with existing theory to develop a continuum for the strength of relationships allows for contributions to network theory.


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The Bay of Bengal (BoB), a small oceanic region surrounded by landmasses with distinct natural and anthropogenic activities and under the influence of seasonally changing airmass types, is characterized by a rather complex and highly heterogeneous aerosol environment. Concurrent measurements of the physical, optical, and chemical (offline analysis) properties of BoB aerosols, made onboard extensive ship-cruises and aircraft sorties during Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget of March-April 2006, and satellite-retrieved aerosol optical depths and derived parameters, were synthesized following a synergistic approach to delineate the anthropogenic fraction to the composite aerosol parameters and its spatial variation. Quite interestingly and contrary to the general belief, our studies revealed that, despite of the very high aerosol loading (in the marine atmospheric boundary layer as well as in the vertical column) over the northern BoB and a steep decreasing gradient toward the southern latitudes, the anthropogenic fraction showed a steady increase from North to South (where no obvious anthropogenic source regions exist). Consequently, the direct radiative forcing at the top of the atmosphere due to anthropogenic aerosols remained nearly constant over the entire BoB with values in the range from -3.3 to -3.6 Wm(-2). This interesting finding, beyond doubts calls for a better understanding of the complex aerosol system over the BoB through more focused field campaigns.


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Some texts and a performance story. All motivated by the author’s interest in space, in this that surrounds, and that interest, in turn, originating from the author’s earlier studies in cultural anthropology, in observing and experiencing the surrounding animate and inanimate world. The texts in this thesis are alternating between academic and creative writing. They are texts written on a specific site on Suomenlinna island in Helsinki, Finland, as part of the performance ”Beyond the Wind in Front of Me / A Space Ship Journey” story or prologues to that, and the more academic ones supporting them or growing out of them, being accompanied also by the thoughts and practices of others. The main research questions and themes being How to perceive this that surrounds me? What is space, what does it consist of? Is it something that simply surrounds me? Am I a part of it or is it a part of me? How can a space be researched? How to activate a space? What kind of mental images do spaces/places create/uncover/open up in us? How to animate/make alive those images? Body giving meaning to space via actions created by the body. Physical environment contra emotional, imaginary, visionary one. Presence in a space/place. Physical and mental presence. Presence in memories.


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[1] Recent experiments conducted over the oceanic regions adjacent to the Indian sub continent have revealed the presence of anthropogenic aerosol haze during January to March. It has been suggested that the major source of this aerosol is South and Southeast Asia. Here we show from long term, multi-station and ship borne observations that aerosols transported from regions northwest of Indian subcontinent especially Arabian and Saharan regions (mostly natural dust) along with the locally produced sea-salt aerosols by sea-surface winds constitute a more significant source of aerosols during April-May period. The radiative forcing due to Arabian/Saharan aerosols (mostly natural) during April May period is comparable and often exceed (as much as 1.5 times) the forcing due to anthropogenic aerosols during January to March period. The presence of dust load over the Arabian Sea can influence the temperature profile and radiative balance in this region.


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The problem of guessing a random string is revisited. The relation-ship between guessing without distortion and compression is extended to the case when source alphabet size is countably in¯nite. Further, similar relationship is established for the case when distortion allowed by establishing a tight relationship between rate distortion codes and guessing strategies.


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This study examines differences in the surface black carbon (BC) aerosol loading between the Bay of Bengal (BoB) and the Arabian Sea (AS) and identifies dominant sources of BC in South Asia and surrounding regions during March-May 2006 (Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, Gases and Radiation Budget, ICARB) period. A total of 13 BC tracers are introduced in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model coupled with Chemistry to address these objectives. The model reproduced the temporal and spatial variability of BC distribution observed over the AS and the BoB during the ICARB ship cruise and captured spatial variability at the inland sites. In general, the model underestimates the observed BC mass concentrations. However, the model-observation discrepancy in this study is smaller compared to previous studies. Model results show that ICARB measurements were fairly well representative of the AS and the BoB during the pre-monsoon season. Elevated BC mass concentrations in the BoB are due to 5 times stronger influence of anthropogenic emissions on the BoB compared to the AS. Biomass burning in Burma also affects the BoB much more strongly than the AS. Results show that anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions, respectively, accounted for 60 and 37% of the average +/- standard deviation (representing spatial and temporal variability) BC mass concentration (1341 +/- 2353 ng m(-3)) in South Asia. BC emissions from residential (61 %) and industrial (23 %) sectors are the major anthropogenic sources, except in the Himalayas where vehicular emissions dominate. We find that regional-scale transport of anthropogenic emissions contributes up to 25% of BC mass concentrations in western and eastern India, suggesting that surface BC mass concentrations cannot be linked directly to the local emissions in different regions of South Asia.


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El presente trabajo de tesis se realizó en la granja experimental porcina MAGFOR-Misión China de la república de Taiwán, ubicada en Cofradía. El estudio consistió en la evaluación de los parámetros reproductivos en grupos de cerdas obtenidos por inseminación artificial y grupos obtenidos a través de la monta natural, también se aborda el tema de la consanguinidad y sus consecuencias como un factor negativo en la fijación de caracteres indeseables, esto sucede en las poblaciones en las que existe una alta homocigosis debido al origen común del material genético (padres emparentados). Las variables evaluadas en el presente trabajo fueron: tamaño de la camada al nacimiento, peso promedio de los lechones al nacimiento, peso promedio de los lechones al destete e intervalo parto parto. para el análisis estadístico se elaboraron tablas de contingencias por cada una de las variables con base en los promedios. Para la variable tamaño de la camada al nacimiento se obtuvo para el tratamiento inseminación artificial un promedio de 9.16 lechones y para la monta natural un promedio de 9.89 lechones al contrastar las medias de los dos tratamientos se obtuvo un valor de t de 0.88 que comparado con el valor tabulado al 5% resulto no significativo al observar el comportamiento de las diferentes razas ,la yorkshire obtuvo los mayores promedios en inseminación el caso especifico de esta habían muy pocos ejemplares 6 . Se trabajo en condiciones normales de producción lo cual pudo influir en estos resultados debido al tamaiio de la muestra en esta raza. Los resultados para la variable peso promedio de los lechones al nacimiento, arrojaron un promedio de 1.76 Kg. para las camadas obtenidas por inseminación artificial y 1.67kg para las obtenidas por el método de monta natural en las observaciones de los promedios por razas, se obtuvo el mayor peso a favor de la raza Landrace con 1.99 Kg. seguido de la raza duroc con 1.85 Kg. en el tratamiento de inseminación artificial, y para la monta natural el menor peso lo obtuvo la raza duroc con 1.44 Kg. y elmayor peso fue también la raza Landrace. la raza Yorkshire mostró un comportamiento similar tanto en inseminacion artificial, como en monta natural. Para la variable peso promedio de los lechones al destete, se obtuvo un peso promedio de 7.39 Kg. para los lechones obtenidos por el método de inseminacion artificial y un peso promedio de 6.71 Kg. en el caso de lechones obtenidos por monta natural al evaluar las razas, la raza Landrace obtuvo el mayor peso al destete con 8.01 Kg. como era de esperar al obtener los mayores promedios en peso al nacimiento esto fue para las camadas obtenidas por inseminacion artificial. en el caso. de los lechones obtenidos mediante la monta natural el mayor peso correspondió a la raza Hampshire pudiendo haber influido el numero de lechones, ya que esta fue la que presento el menor numero la raza Yorkshire tuvo en este caso un comportamiento similar en los dos tratamientos. Para la variable intervalo parto-parto, en el caso de las cerdas servidas por el método de inseminacion artificial presentaron un IPP de 5.52 meses o sea 167 días y las cerdas servidas por monta natural obtuvieron un IPP de5.01 meses o 152 días. En la prueba de hipótesis tanto como el contraste de varianza, los resultados fueron significativos y una diferencia de 15 días vacíos en una hembra eleva los costos de producción de una manera considerable por esta razón un IPP como el de la inseminación artificial solo se justifica en la granja experimental porcina en un numero especifico de cerdas elite y como apoyo al mejoramiento genético del hato porcino de esta así como del hato nacional.


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Se evaluaron 16 materiales criollos de frijol común (Phaseolus vulqaris L.) con el objetivo de determinar su comportamiento en cuanto a crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento; así como la precocidad y composición química del grano. El ensayo se estableció en época de postrera en la Estación Experimental "La Compañía" en el Departamento de Carazo. El diseño utilizado fue Látice balanceado 4x4 modificado, 4 réplicas. En la evaluación se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: En el diámetro del tallo se obtuvieron variaciones entre 4.77 y 6.25 mm. Los primeros materiales florecieron a los 30 días después de la siembra. En cuanto a precocidad, Cuarenteño, Pepita, Rosado y Rojo Tico, maduraron primero, a los 60 días después de la siembra. El mayor número de vainas/planta (11.45) y granos/vaina (6.2) correspondió a Mono o Bayo. El peso de 1000 semillas fue superior para Rojo Seda con 227.5 g. Los mayores rendimientos correspondieron a Barreño (Acc.1730), Combinado (Acc.1287), Kaki (Acc.1234), Rojo Tico (Acc.1923) y Cuarenteño (Acc.2343), los que superaron los 1000 Kg/ha.


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An expression for the probability density function of the second order response of a general FPSO in spreading seas is derived by using the Kac-Siegert approach. Various approximations of the second order force transfer functions are investigated for a ship-shaped FPSO. It is found that, when expressed in non-dimensional form, the probability density function of the response is not particularly sensitive to wave spreading, although the mean squared response and the resulting dimensional extreme values can be sensitive. The analysis is then applied to a Sevan FPSO, which is a large cylindrical buoy-like structure. The second order force transfer functions are derived by using an efficient semi-analytical hydrodynamic approach, and these are then employed to yield the extreme response. However, a significant effect of wave spreading on the statistics for a Sevan FPSO is found even in non-dimensional form. It implies that the exact statistics of a general ship-shaped FPSO may be sensitive to the wave direction, which needs to be verified in future work. It is also pointed out that the Newman's approximation regarding the frequency dependency of force transfer function is acceptable even for the spreading seas. An improvement on the results may be attained when considering the angular dependency exactly. Copyright © 2009 by ASME.