982 resultados para Equatorial Ionosphere


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We examined the effects of different hook style and bait type combinations on the catches of targeted, bycatch, and discarded fishes in equatorial Atlantic waters. In total, 221 longline sets (>305,000 hooks) were deployed from Portuguese pelagic longline vessels (SELECT -PAL Project) during the February–October fishing season. Three different hook styles and two bait types were tested: the traditional J-hook was compared to two circle hooks (one non-offset and one with 10° offset), and squid bait was compared to mackerel. Catch per unit effort (CPU Es) were calculated and compared between the different hook style and bait type combinations, which indicated that the effects of hook style and bait on the CPU Es were species-specific. For example, swordfish CPU Es were higher with J-hooks baited with squid, while for targeted tunas and blue shark only the bait effect was significant, but with opposite effect (i.e., higher catches of tuna with squid bait and higher catches of blue shark with mackerel bait). For the discarded species, at-haulback mortality was also species-specific. Proportions of alive vs dead specimens at time of fishing gear retrieval did not vary significantly by hook style or bait type combinations. The total retained catch was analyzed in value per unit effort (VPU E), and indicated losses in fishery revenue when mackerel was used instead of squid, but not when circle hooks were used instead of J-hooks.


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The present study sought to study the reproductive biology of the oceanic whitetip shark, Carcharhinus longimanus, in the equatorial and southwestern Atlantic Ocean. A total of 234 specimens were collected as bycatch during pelagic longline fisheries targeting tunas and swordfish, between December 2003 and December 2010. The fishing area was located between latitudes 10N and 35S and longitudes 3E and 40W. Of the 234 individuals sampled, 118 were females (with sizes ranging from 81 to 227 cm TL, total length) and 116 males (ranging from 80 to 242 cm TL). The reproductive stages of the females were classed as immature, mature, preovulatory and pregnant, while males were divided into immature, maturing and mature. The size at maturity for females was estimated at 170.0 cm TL, while that for males was between 170.0 and 190.0 cm TL. Ovarian fecundity ranged from 1 to 10 follicles and uterine fecundity from 1 to 10 embryos. The reproductive cycle of this species is most likely biennial, with parturition occurring once every two years.


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Two experimental fishing trials were carried out off the coast of Pernambuco, Brazil, in 1999 and 2001, using a small artisanal longliner. In experiment 1, six-hook baskets with three chemical light-sticks on alternating hooks had significantly higher catch rates than those with zero or with a light-stick on every hook, with most swordfish accounted for by hooks with light-sticks. Analysis of the data from experiment 2 showed no significant difference between electralume attractors, consisting of AA lithium batteries protected by a solid cover and light-sticks that produce a fluorescent light when two chemical products are mixed. Significant differences were detected in mean CPUE by size class, with most swordfish belonging to class ‘b’ (125–170 cm lower jaw to fork length (LJFL)). No differences, however, were found for swordfish catches in classes ‘a’ (<125 cm LJFL) and ‘b’, and no evidence was found of interaction between the two factors (attractor and size class). Although there was no significant difference between the total length-frequency distributions of swordfish caught with light-sticks and electralume attractors, significant differences were found for fish smaller than 125 cm LJFL, with electralume catches consisting of smaller swordfish than those of gear using light-sticks.


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This study examines the importance of thermal refugia along the majority of the geographical range of a key inter- tidal species (Patella vulgata Linnaeus, 1758) on the Atlantic coast of Europe. We asked whether differences between sun-exposed and shaded microhabitats were responsible for differences in physiological stress and ecological perfor- mance and examined the availability of refugia near equatorial range limits. Thermal differences between sun- exposed and shaded microhabitats are consistently associated with differences in physiological performance, and the frequency of occurrence of high temperatures is most probably limiting the maximum population densities sup- ported at any given place. Topographical complexity provides thermal refugia throughout most of the distribution range, although towards the equatorial edges the magnitude of the amelioration provided by shaded microhabitats is largely reduced. Importantly, the limiting effects of temperature, rather than being related to latitude, seem to be tightly associated with microsite variability, which therefore is likely to have profound effects on the way local popu- lations (and consequently species) respond to climatic changes.


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The establishment of the most stable structures of eight membered rings is a challenging task to the field of conformational analysis. In this work, a series of 2-halocyclooctanones were synthesized (including fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine derivatives) and submitted to conformational studies using a combination of theoretical calculation and infrared spectroscopy. For each compound, four conformations were identified as the most important ones. These conformations are derived from the chair-boat conformation of cyclooctanone. The pseudo-equatorial (with respect to the halogen) conformer is preferred in vacuum and in low polarity solvents for chlorine, bromine and iodine derivatives. For 2-fluorocyclooctanone, the preferred conformation in vacuum is pseudo-axial. In acetonitrile, the pseudo-axial conformer becomes the most stable for the chlorine derivative. According to NBO calculations, the conformational preference is not dictated by electron delocalization, but by classical electrostatic repulsions.


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Discutem-se os componentes biogeográfico e econômico das doenças tropicais, ou, em sentido mais amplo, das doenças definidas como negligenciadas pela OMS. Doenças tropicais surgem graças a um conjunto de fatores biológicos, ecológicos e evolutivos que condicionam a sua ocorrência exclusivamente às proximidades do Equador, entre os trópicos de Câncer e Capricórnio. Nesse sentido, reconhece-se que há, de fato, uma "fatalidade tropical". Porém, a perpetuação das doenças tropicais em países aí situados depende fundamentalmente da precária situação econômica vigente e é conseqüência direta do subdesenvolvimento.


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Variation among natural populations of Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus Say is associated with different vectorial capacities. The species Cx. quinquefasciatus is present in the equatorial, tropical and subtropical zones in the Brazilian territory, with intermediate forms between Cx. quinquefasciatus and Culex pipiens occurring in regions of latitudes around 33°-35°S. Herein, we studied geographically distinct populations of Cx. quinquefasciatus by genetic characterization and analysis of intra-specific wing morphometrics. After morphological analysis, molecular characterization of Cx. quinquefasciatus and intermediate forms was performed by polymerase chain reaction of the polymorphic nuclear region of the second intron of the acetylcholinesterase locus. Additionally, the morphology of adult female wings collected from six locations was analyzed. Wing centroid sizes were significantly different between some geographical pairs. Mean values of R2/R2+3 differed significantly after pairwise comparisons. The overall wing shape represented by morphometric characters could be divided into two main groupings. Our data suggest that Brazilian samples are morphologically and genetically distinct from the Argentinean samples and also indicated a morphological distinction between northern and southern populations of Brazilian Cx. quinquefasciatus. We suggest that wing morphology may be used for preliminary assessment of population structure of Cx. quinquefasciatusin Brazil


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Equatorial podzols are soils characterized by thick sandy horizons overlying more clayey horizons. Organic matter produced in the topsoil is transferred in depth through the sandy horizons and accumulate at the transition, at a depth varying from 1 to more than 3 m, forming deep horizons rich in organic matter (Bh horizons). Although they cover great surfaces in the equatorial zone, these soils are still poorly known. Studying podzols from Amazonia, we found out that the deep Bh horizons in poorly drained podzol areas have a thickness higher than 1m and store unexpected amounts of carbon. The average for the studied area was 66.7 +/- 5.8 kgCm(-2) for the deep Bh and 86.8 +/- 7.1 kgCm(-2) for the whole profile. Extrapolating to the podzol areas of the whole Amazonian basin has been possible thanks to digital maps, giving an order of magnitude around 13.6 +/- 1.1 PgC, at least 12.3 PgC higher than previous estimates. This assessment should be refined by additional investigations, not only in Amazonia but in all equatorial areas where podzols have been identified. Because of the lack of knowledge on the quality and behaviour of the podzol organic matter, the question of the feedback between the climate and the equatorial podzol carbon cycle is open.


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The Te(IV) atom in the title compound, [Te(C(4)H(9))(C(8)H(10)Br)Cl(2)] or C(12)H(19)BrCl(2)Te, is in a distorted psi-trigonal-bipyramidal geometry, with the lone pair of electrons projected to occupy a position in the equatorial plane, and with the Cl atoms being mutually trans [172.48 (4)degrees]. Close intramolecular [Te center dot center dot center dot Br = 3.3444 (18) angstrom] and intermolecular [Te center dot center dot center dot Cl = 3.675 (3) angstrom] interactions are observed. The latter lead to centrosymmetric dimers which assemble into layers in the bc plane. The primary connections between layers are of the type C-H center dot center dot center dot Cl.


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The differences on the phase and wavelength of the quasi-stationary waves over the South America generated by El Nino (EN) and La Nina (LN) events seem to affect the daily evolution of the South American Low Level Jet east of the Andes (SALLJ). For the austral summer period of 1977 2004 the SALLJ episodes detected according to Bonner criterion 1 show normal to above-normal frequency in EN years, and in LN years the episodes show normal to below-normal frequency. During EN and LN years the SALLJ episodes were associated with positive rainfall anomalies over the La Plata Basin, but more intense during LN years. During EN years the increase in the SALLJ cases were associated to intensification of the Subtropical Jet (SJ) around 30 degrees S and positive Sea Level Pressure (SLP) anomalies over the western equatorial Atlantic and tropical South America, particularly over central Brazil. This favored the intensification of the northeasterly trade winds over the northern continent and it channeled by the Andes mountain to the La Plata Basin region where negative SLP are found. The SALLJ cases identified during the LN events were weaker and less frequent when compared to those for EN years. In this case the SJ was weaker than in EN years and the negative SLP anomalies over the tropical continent contributed to the inversion of the northeasterly trade winds. Also a southerly flow anomaly was generated by the geostrophic balance due to the anomalous blocking over southeast Pacific and the intense cyclonic transient over the southern tip of South America. As result the warm tropical air brought by the SALLJ encounters the cold extratropical air from the southerly winds over the La Plata basin. This configuration can increase the conditional instability over the La Plata basin and may explain the more intense positive rainfall anomalies in SALLJ cases during LN years than in EN years.


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Based on previous results obtained from observations and linear wave theory analysis, the hypothesis that large-scale patterns can generate extreme cold events in southeast South America through the propagation of remotely excited Rossby waves was already suggested. This work will confirm these findings and extend their analysis through a series of numerical experiments using a primitive equation model where waves are excited by a thermal forcing situated in positions chosen according to observed convection anomalies over the equatorial region. The basic state used for these experiments is a composite of austral winters with maximum and minimum frequency of occurrence of generalized frosts that can affect a large area known as the Wet Pampas located in the central and eastern part of Argentina. The results suggest that stationary Rossby waves may be one important mechanism linking anomalous tropical convection with the extreme cold events in the Wet Pampas. The combination of tropical convection and a specific basic state can generate the right environment to guide the Rossby waves trigged by the tropical forcing towards South America. Depending on the phase of the waves entering the South American continent, they can favour the advection of anomalous wind at low levels from the south carrying cold and dry air over the whole southern extreme of the continent, producing a generalized frost in the Wet Pampa region. On the other hand, when a basic state based on the composites of minimum frosts is used, an anomalous anticyclone over the southern part of the continent generates a circulation with a south-southeast wind which brings maritime air and therefore humidity over the Wet Pampas region, creating negative temperature anomalies only over the northeastern part of the region. Under these conditions even if frosts occur they would not be generalized, as observed for the other basic state with maximum frequency of occurrence of generalized frosts.


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Context. The enigmatic object HD 45166 is a qWR star in a binary system with an orbital period of 1.596 day, and presents a rich emission-line spectrum in addition to absorption lines from the companion star (B7 V). As the system inclination is very small (i = 0.77 degrees +/- 0.09 degrees), HD 45166 is an ideal laboratory for wind-structure studies. Aims. The goal of the present paper is to determine the fundamental stellar and wind parameters of the qWR star. Methods. A radiative transfer model for the wind and photosphere of the qWR star was calculated using the non-LTE code CMFGEN. The wind asymmetry was also analyzed using a recently-developed version of CMFGEN to compute the emerging spectrum in two-dimensional geometry. The temporal-variance spectrum (TVS) was calculated to study the line-profile variations. Results. Abundances and stellar and wind parameters of the qWR star were obtained. The qWR star has an effective temperature of T(eff) = 50 000 +/- 2000 K, a luminosity of log(L/L(circle dot)) = 3.75 +/- 0.08, and a corresponding photospheric radius of R(phot) = 1.00 R(circle dot). The star is helium-rich (N(H)/N(He) = 2.0), while the CNO abundances are anomalous when compared either to solar values, to planetary nebulae, or to WR stars. The mass-loss rate is. M = 2.2 x 10(-7) M(circle dot) yr(-1), and the wind terminal velocity is v(infinity) = 425 km s(-1). The comparison between the observed line profiles and models computed under different latitude-dependent wind densities strongly suggests the presence of an oblate wind density enhancement, with a density contrast of at least 8: 1 from equator to pole. If a high velocity polar wind is present (similar to 1200 km s(-1)), the minimum density contrast is reduced to 4:1. Conclusions. The wind parameters determined are unusual when compared to O-type stars or to typical WR stars. While for WR stars v(infinity)/v(esc) > 1.5, in the case of HD 45166 it is much smaller (v(infinity)/v(esc) = 0.32). In addition, the efficiency of momentum transfer is eta = 0.74, which is at least 4 times smaller than in a typical WR. We find evidence for the presence of a wind compression zone, since the equatorial wind density is significantly higher than the polar wind. The TVS supports the presence of such a latitude-dependent wind and a variable absorption/scattering gas near the equator.


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The recent interferometric study of Achernar, leading to the conclusion that its geometrical oblateness cannot be explained by the Roche approximation, has stirred substantial interest in the community, in view of its potential impact on many fields of stellar astrophysics. It is the purpose of this Letter to reinterpret the interferometric observations with a fast-rotating, gravity-darkened central star surrounded by a small equatorial disk, whose presence is consistent with contemporaneous spectroscopic data. We find that we can fit the available data only assuming a critically rotating central star. We identified two different disk models that simultaneously fit the spectroscopic, polarimetric, and interferometric observational constraints: a tenuous disk in hydrostatic equilibrium (i.e., with small scale height) and a smaller, scale height enhanced disk. We believe that these relatively small disks correspond to the transition region between the photosphere and the circumstellar environment and that they are probably perturbed by some photospheric mechanism. The study of this interface between photosphere and circumstellar disk for near-critical rotators is crucial to our understanding of the Be phenomenon and the mass and angular momentum loss of stars in general. This work shows that it is nowadays possible to directly study this transition region from simultaneous multitechnique observations.