948 resultados para Electricity-generation technology
El alcance de este proyecto es dimensionar un sistema de trigeneración para una industria papelera. El proyecto se realizará en base a la propuesta de la nueva reforma de la ley energética, por la cual no se podrá vender la energía eléctrica generada a la red sino que toda la energía generada ha de ser utilizada de forma exclusiva para autoconsumo. En primer lugar se desarrolla un proceso de selección de los equipos y tecnologías para la cogeneración, que posteriormente servirá para el dimensionamiento de la planta, en el cual se elegirá la tecnología oportuna para la generación de energía eléctrica y energía térmica, tanto en forma de frío como de calor. Con este estudio se podrá calcular el ahorro conseguido por el nuevo sistema propuesto, comparado con los costes de la generación por sistemas convencionales y desde ese ahorro, analizar la rentabilidad y viabilidad del proyecto en función de la inversión inicial que supone dicho proyecto. Abstract The scope of this project is to measure a trigeneration system for paper industry. The project will be based on the proposal of the new reform of the energy law, by which the electricity generated to the network may not be sold but that all the generated energy has to be used exclusively for self-consumption. First of all the study develops a process of selection of the equipment and technologies for cogeneration, which subsequently will be used for the dimensioning of the plant, the result will be an election of the appropriate technology for the generation of electric power and heat energy, both in the form of cold and heat. With this study the savings achieved by the new proposed system will be estimated, compared with costs of conventional generation and from these savings, analized for profitability and viability of the project on the basis of the initial investment involved in this project.
In this work, an electricity price forecasting model is developed. The performance of the proposed approach is improved by considering renewable energies (wind power and hydro generation) as explanatory variables. Additionally, the resulting forecasts are obtained as an optimal combination of a set of several univariate and multivariate time series models. The large computational experiment carried out using out-of-sample forecasts for every hour and day allows withdrawing statistically sound conclusions
Esta Tesis aborda los problemas de eficiencia de las redes eléctrica desde el punto de vista del consumo. En particular, dicha eficiencia es mejorada mediante el suavizado de la curva de consumo agregado. Este objetivo de suavizado de consumo implica dos grandes mejoras en el uso de las redes eléctricas: i) a corto plazo, un mejor uso de la infraestructura existente y ii) a largo plazo, la reducción de la infraestructura necesaria para suplir las mismas necesidades energéticas. Además, esta Tesis se enfrenta a un nuevo paradigma energético, donde la presencia de generación distribuida está muy extendida en las redes eléctricas, en particular, la generación fotovoltaica (FV). Este tipo de fuente energética afecta al funcionamiento de la red, incrementando su variabilidad. Esto implica que altas tasas de penetración de electricidad de origen fotovoltaico es perjudicial para la estabilidad de la red eléctrica. Esta Tesis trata de suavizar la curva de consumo agregado considerando esta fuente energética. Por lo tanto, no sólo se mejora la eficiencia de la red eléctrica, sino que también puede ser aumentada la penetración de electricidad de origen fotovoltaico en la red. Esta propuesta conlleva grandes beneficios en los campos económicos, social y ambiental. Las acciones que influyen en el modo en que los consumidores hacen uso de la electricidad con el objetivo producir un ahorro energético o un aumento de eficiencia son llamadas Gestión de la Demanda Eléctrica (GDE). Esta Tesis propone dos algoritmos de GDE diferentes para cumplir con el objetivo de suavizado de la curva de consumo agregado. La diferencia entre ambos algoritmos de GDE reside en el marco en el cual estos tienen lugar: el marco local y el marco de red. Dependiendo de este marco de GDE, el objetivo energético y la forma en la que se alcanza este objetivo son diferentes. En el marco local, el algoritmo de GDE sólo usa información local. Este no tiene en cuenta a otros consumidores o a la curva de consumo agregado de la red eléctrica. Aunque esta afirmación pueda diferir de la definición general de GDE, esta vuelve a tomar sentido en instalaciones locales equipadas con Recursos Energéticos Distribuidos (REDs). En este caso, la GDE está enfocada en la maximización del uso de la energía local, reduciéndose la dependencia con la red. El algoritmo de GDE propuesto mejora significativamente el auto-consumo del generador FV local. Experimentos simulados y reales muestran que el auto-consumo es una importante estrategia de gestión energética, reduciendo el transporte de electricidad y alentando al usuario a controlar su comportamiento energético. Sin embargo, a pesar de todas las ventajas del aumento de auto-consumo, éstas no contribuyen al suavizado del consumo agregado. Se han estudiado los efectos de las instalaciones locales en la red eléctrica cuando el algoritmo de GDE está enfocado en el aumento del auto-consumo. Este enfoque puede tener efectos no deseados, incrementando la variabilidad en el consumo agregado en vez de reducirlo. Este efecto se produce porque el algoritmo de GDE sólo considera variables locales en el marco local. Los resultados sugieren que se requiere una coordinación entre las instalaciones. A través de esta coordinación, el consumo debe ser modificado teniendo en cuenta otros elementos de la red y buscando el suavizado del consumo agregado. En el marco de la red, el algoritmo de GDE tiene en cuenta tanto información local como de la red eléctrica. En esta Tesis se ha desarrollado un algoritmo autoorganizado para controlar el consumo de la red eléctrica de manera distribuida. El objetivo de este algoritmo es el suavizado del consumo agregado, como en las implementaciones clásicas de GDE. El enfoque distribuido significa que la GDE se realiza desde el lado de los consumidores sin seguir órdenes directas emitidas por una entidad central. Por lo tanto, esta Tesis propone una estructura de gestión paralela en lugar de una jerárquica como en las redes eléctricas clásicas. Esto implica que se requiere un mecanismo de coordinación entre instalaciones. Esta Tesis pretende minimizar la cantidad de información necesaria para esta coordinación. Para lograr este objetivo, se han utilizado dos técnicas de coordinación colectiva: osciladores acoplados e inteligencia de enjambre. La combinación de estas técnicas para llevar a cabo la coordinación de un sistema con las características de la red eléctrica es en sí mismo un enfoque novedoso. Por lo tanto, este objetivo de coordinación no es sólo una contribución en el campo de la gestión energética, sino también en el campo de los sistemas colectivos. Los resultados muestran que el algoritmo de GDE propuesto reduce la diferencia entre máximos y mínimos de la red eléctrica en proporción a la cantidad de energía controlada por el algoritmo. Por lo tanto, conforme mayor es la cantidad de energía controlada por el algoritmo, mayor es la mejora de eficiencia en la red eléctrica. Además de las ventajas resultantes del suavizado del consumo agregado, otras ventajas surgen de la solución distribuida seguida en esta Tesis. Estas ventajas se resumen en las siguientes características del algoritmo de GDE propuesto: • Robustez: en un sistema centralizado, un fallo o rotura del nodo central provoca un mal funcionamiento de todo el sistema. La gestión de una red desde un punto de vista distribuido implica que no existe un nodo de control central. Un fallo en cualquier instalación no afecta el funcionamiento global de la red. • Privacidad de datos: el uso de una topología distribuida causa de que no hay un nodo central con información sensible de todos los consumidores. Esta Tesis va más allá y el algoritmo propuesto de GDE no utiliza información específica acerca de los comportamientos de los consumidores, siendo la coordinación entre las instalaciones completamente anónimos. • Escalabilidad: el algoritmo propuesto de GDE opera con cualquier número de instalaciones. Esto implica que se permite la incorporación de nuevas instalaciones sin afectar a su funcionamiento. • Bajo coste: el algoritmo de GDE propuesto se adapta a las redes actuales sin requisitos topológicos. Además, todas las instalaciones calculan su propia gestión con un bajo requerimiento computacional. Por lo tanto, no se requiere un nodo central con un alto poder de cómputo. • Rápido despliegue: las características de escalabilidad y bajo coste de los algoritmos de GDE propuestos permiten una implementación rápida. No se requiere una planificación compleja para el despliegue de este sistema. ABSTRACT This Thesis addresses the efficiency problems of the electrical grids from the consumption point of view. In particular, such efficiency is improved by means of the aggregated consumption smoothing. This objective of consumption smoothing entails two major improvements in the use of electrical grids: i) in the short term, a better use of the existing infrastructure and ii) in long term, the reduction of the required infrastructure to supply the same energy needs. In addition, this Thesis faces a new energy paradigm, where the presence of distributed generation is widespread over the electrical grids, in particular, the Photovoltaic (PV) generation. This kind of energy source affects to the operation of the grid by increasing its variability. This implies that a high penetration rate of photovoltaic electricity is pernicious for the electrical grid stability. This Thesis seeks to smooth the aggregated consumption considering this energy source. Therefore, not only the efficiency of the electrical grid is improved, but also the penetration of photovoltaic electricity into the grid can be increased. This proposal brings great benefits in the economic, social and environmental fields. The actions that influence the way that consumers use electricity in order to achieve energy savings or higher efficiency in energy use are called Demand-Side Management (DSM). This Thesis proposes two different DSM algorithms to meet the aggregated consumption smoothing objective. The difference between both DSM algorithms lie in the framework in which they take place: the local framework and the grid framework. Depending on the DSM framework, the energy goal and the procedure to reach this goal are different. In the local framework, the DSM algorithm only uses local information. It does not take into account other consumers or the aggregated consumption of the electrical grid. Although this statement may differ from the general definition of DSM, it makes sense in local facilities equipped with Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). In this case, the DSM is focused on the maximization of the local energy use, reducing the grid dependence. The proposed DSM algorithm significantly improves the self-consumption of the local PV generator. Simulated and real experiments show that self-consumption serves as an important energy management strategy, reducing the electricity transport and encouraging the user to control his energy behavior. However, despite all the advantages of the self-consumption increase, they do not contribute to the smooth of the aggregated consumption. The effects of the local facilities on the electrical grid are studied when the DSM algorithm is focused on self-consumption maximization. This approach may have undesirable effects, increasing the variability in the aggregated consumption instead of reducing it. This effect occurs because the algorithm only considers local variables in the local framework. The results suggest that coordination between these facilities is required. Through this coordination, the consumption should be modified by taking into account other elements of the grid and seeking for an aggregated consumption smoothing. In the grid framework, the DSM algorithm takes into account both local and grid information. This Thesis develops a self-organized algorithm to manage the consumption of an electrical grid in a distributed way. The goal of this algorithm is the aggregated consumption smoothing, as the classical DSM implementations. The distributed approach means that the DSM is performed from the consumers side without following direct commands issued by a central entity. Therefore, this Thesis proposes a parallel management structure rather than a hierarchical one as in the classical electrical grids. This implies that a coordination mechanism between facilities is required. This Thesis seeks for minimizing the amount of information necessary for this coordination. To achieve this objective, two collective coordination techniques have been used: coupled oscillators and swarm intelligence. The combination of these techniques to perform the coordination of a system with the characteristics of the electric grid is itself a novel approach. Therefore, this coordination objective is not only a contribution in the energy management field, but in the collective systems too. Results show that the proposed DSM algorithm reduces the difference between the maximums and minimums of the electrical grid proportionally to the amount of energy controlled by the system. Thus, the greater the amount of energy controlled by the algorithm, the greater the improvement of the efficiency of the electrical grid. In addition to the advantages resulting from the smoothing of the aggregated consumption, other advantages arise from the distributed approach followed in this Thesis. These advantages are summarized in the following features of the proposed DSM algorithm: • Robustness: in a centralized system, a failure or breakage of the central node causes a malfunction of the whole system. The management of a grid from a distributed point of view implies that there is not a central control node. A failure in any facility does not affect the overall operation of the grid. • Data privacy: the use of a distributed topology causes that there is not a central node with sensitive information of all consumers. This Thesis goes a step further and the proposed DSM algorithm does not use specific information about the consumer behaviors, being the coordination between facilities completely anonymous. • Scalability: the proposed DSM algorithm operates with any number of facilities. This implies that it allows the incorporation of new facilities without affecting its operation. • Low cost: the proposed DSM algorithm adapts to the current grids without any topological requirements. In addition, every facility calculates its own management with low computational requirements. Thus, a central computational node with a high computational power is not required. • Quick deployment: the scalability and low cost features of the proposed DSM algorithms allow a quick deployment. A complex schedule of the deployment of this system is not required.
A crop management and precision agriculture software application facilitates the flow of information between disparate software/equipment and the network of individuals that work with them. A new generation of farmers are using precision technology to help them more efficiently manage their roplands. By measuring precisely the way their fields reflect and emit energy at visible and infrared wavelengths, precision farmers can monitor a wide range of variables that affect their crops,such as soil moisture, surface temperature, photosynthetic activity, and weed or pest infestations. Over thirty years have passed since Nelson and Winter put the concept of routines firmly at the center of the analysis of organizational and economic change. Taken as the central unit of analysis, routines would help understand energy and agriculture economy evolution.
En la actualidad la generación y utilización eficientes de la energía es el vector principal que permite el desarrollo sostenible en el marco ambiental, económico, seguro y rentable. Todo ello genera una necesidad en el ser humano de guiar a los avances tecnológicos hacia una manera cada vez más eficiente de generar nuestras necesidades básicas, como es el caso de la energía. La cogeneración ha sido uno de los resultados positivos en la búsqueda de la eficiencia energética, debido a tratarse de un sistema de producción simultánea de calor y electricidad partiendo inicialmente de un combustible como energía primaria. Es por ello, que en el presente proyecto se estudia, analiza y propone la posibilidad de implantar sistemas de cogeneración en el sector residencial, un sector que podría beneficiarse enormemente de los beneficios que ofrecen dichos sistemas. En una primera parte se analiza la tecnología de cogeneración y sus variantes, como son, la microcogeneración y la trigeneración. También se muestra la evolución legislativa que han sufrido estos sistemas. En una segunda parte se ha tomado un caso modelo, un edificio de 72 viviendas con sistema de calderas centralizado convencional, y se ha estudiado la posibilidad de implantar un sistema de cogeneración. Para ello se han calculado previamente las demandas energéticas del edificio y se han ido proponiendo diferentes modos de operación para cubrir dichas demandas por medio de sistemas de microcogeneración o cogeneración. Finalmente, una vez valoradas las opciones se muestra la elegida y se efectúa un análisis económico ABSTRACT Nowadays the efficient generation of energy is the main vector that allows sustainable development in environmental, economic, safety and cost effectiveness. All this generates a need in humans to lead to new technological advances towards an even more efficient way to generate our basic needs, such as energy. Cogeneration has been one of the positive results in the search for energy efficiency, due to the fact that it is a system of simultaneous production of heat and electricity initially starting from a primary energy fuel. It is for this reason that this project studies, analyzes and proposes the possibility of introducing cogeneration systems in the residential sector, a sector that could benefit greatly from the benefits offered by these systems. In the first part, cogeneration technology and its variants are analyzed, like, micro-cogeneration and trigeneration. The legislative evolutions that have suffered these systems are also displayed. In a second part, a model case has been taken; a building of 72 flats with conventional centralized boiler system, the possibility of introducing a cogeneration system has been studied. Previously the energy demands of the building have been calculated proposing different operating modes to meet those demands through micro-CHP or cogeneration systems. Finally, once the options are valued the chosen one is shown and an economic analysis is performed.
In this letter, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a compact, flexible, and scalable ultrawideband (UWB) generator based on the merge of phase-to-intensity conversion and pulse shaping employing an fiber Bragg Grating-based superstructure. Our approach offers the capacity for generating high-order UWB pulses by means of the combination of various low-order derivatives. Moreover, the scheme permits the implementation of binary and multilevel modulation formats. Experimental measurements of the generated UWB pulses, in both time and frequency domain, are presented revealing efficiency and a proper fit in terms of Federal Communications Commission settled standards.
Although photovoltaic (PV) systems have become much more competitive, the diffusion of PV systems still remains low in comparison to conventional energy sources. What are the current barriers hindering the diffusion of PV systems? In order to address this, we conducted an extensive and systematic literature review based on the Web of Science database. Our state-of-the-art review shows that, despite the rapid development and maturity of the technology during the past few years, the adoption of PV systems still faces several barriers. The wide adoption of PV systems-either as a substitute for other electricity power generation systems in urban areas or for rural electrification-is a challenging process. Our results show that the barriers are evident for both low- and high-income economies, encompassing four dimensions: sociotechnical, management, economic, and policy. Although the barriers vary across context, the lessons learned from one study can be valuable to others. The involvement of all stakeholders-adopters, local communities, firms, international organizations, financial institutions, and government-is crucial to foster the adoption.
Several languages have been proposed for the task of describing networks of systems, either to help on managing, simulate or deploy testbeds for testing purposes. However, there is no one specifically designed to describe the honeynets, covering the specific characteristics in terms of applications and tools included in the honeypot systems that make the honeynet. In this paper, the requirements of honeynet description are studied and a survey of existing description languages is presented, concluding that a CIM (Common Information Model) match the basic requirements. Thus, a CIM like technology independent honeynet description language (TIHDL) is proposed. The language is defined being independent of the platform where the honeynet will be deployed later, and it can be translated, either using model-driven techniques or other translation mechanisms, into the description languages of honeynet deployment platforms and tools. This approach gives flexibility to allow the use of a combination of heterogeneous deployment platforms. Besides, a flexible virtual honeynet generation tool (HoneyGen) based on the approach and description language proposed and capable of deploying honeynets over VNX (Virtual Networks over LinuX) and Honeyd platforms is presented for validation purposes.
This article examines the U.S model of library and information science (LIS) education in light of the changes brought about by information and communication technology. The accepted model of professional preparation in the United States has emphasized graduate education on a Master’s level from LIS programs accredited by the American Library Association (ALA). The authors trace the historical development of this approach and provide an overview of the ALA accreditation process. Furthermore, they examine the strategies of LIS programs in adjusting to the changing information environment, present the debate about the iSchool movement, and discuss the evolution of the core curriculum. In addition, the article explores the relationship between LIS education and the field of practice and presents a practitioner’s perspective on educating library professionals. The authors conclude that the model of advanced professional preparation for librarianship is still relevant in the digital environment, but it requires greater flexibility and close cooperation with the field of practice.
As energy costs increase in Colorado more homeowners will need renewable energies to provide electricity, heating and cooling for their homes. Renewable energy technology and energy efficient measures have been available for decades but Homeowner Associations (HOA) has not permitted this technology into communities primarily because of aesthetics. In April 2008, House Bill 1270 was signed into law that gives homeowners the right to make their homes more energy efficient and install renewable energy generation devices. The purpose of this capstone is to enable HOAs with information on available technology and design guideline options that can be integrated into communities and thus encourage, instead of hinder, the use of renewable energy and energy efficient measures.
The Millennial generation is the largest generation to enter into the workforce. They are entering while older generations are still working. Previous generations in the workforce include Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, and Gen X. Millennials' have different expectations from past generations, particularly since they were born using technology as part of their daily lives. The recruiting approach to attract Millennials needs to be different from old traditional methods. Employers must recruit creatively by connecting to Millennials through Internet and technological tools all hours of the day. The use of social networks, virtual job fairs, and email campaigns are just a few ways to recruit the Millennials since they are the future of employment.
Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016
The aim of this report is to elaborate the MEDPRO Energy Reference Scenario for electricity demand and power generation (by energy source) in the southern and eastern part of the Mediterranean (MED- 11 countries) up to 2030. The report assesses the prospects for the implementation of renewable energy in the MED-11 countries over the next decades. The development of renewable energy is a cornerstone of the MED-11 countries’ efforts to improve security of supply and reduce CO2 emissions; the prospects for regional renewable-energy plans (the Mediterranean Solar Plan, DESERTEC and Medgrid); and the development of electricity interconnections in MED-11 countries and the possible integration of Mediterranean electricity and renewable markets (both south–south and south–north).
Summary. The European electricity sector will have to deal with a huge challenge in the decades to come. On the one hand, electrical power is increasingly substituted for other forms of energy. It has been forecast that electricity demand will increase in the future (notably because of new needs in transport and heat sectors), although it is currently stagnant, mainly because of the economic crisis. Unless a major alternative energy source is discovered, electricity will become the central energy pillar in the long term. On the other hand, electricity production remains uncertain and will depend on numerous factors: the growth of renewable energy and decentralized energy, the renewal of old power generation capacities, increased external dependency, CO2 charges, etc. This increases the demand for electricity networks that are more reliable, more efficient, and more flexible. Europe’s current electricity networks are ageing, and, as already indicated by the International Energy Agency, many of them will need to be modernized or replaced in the decades to come. Finally, the growing impact of energy trading also needs to be taken into account. These considerations explain the need to modernize the electric grid through various ICT means. This modernization alone may allow the grid to become more flexible and interactive, to provide real time feedback, more adaptation to a fluctuating demand, and finally to reduce the global electricity costs. The paper begins with a description of the EU definition of the term ‘smart grid’ (§ 1) and of the body in charge of advising the Commission (§ 2). The EU legal framework applicable to smart grids is also detailed (§ 3). It is a rather complex domain, connected to various regulations. The paper then examines three critical factors in the development of smart grids (and smart meters as a precondition). Standardization is quite complex, but absolutely essential (§ 4). Innovation is not easily put into action (§ 5). Finally, as digital insecurity has worsened dramatically in recent years, the security of electricity networks, and especially their multiplied electronic components, will become increasingly important (§ 6). Lastly, the paper provides a concise overview of the progress of smart grids in the EU in recent years (§ 7). In a nutshell, the conclusion is that progress is quite slow, many obstacles remain, and, given the appearance of many new regulatory problems, it would be useful to organize a review of the present EU strategy.
Why is Europe lagging on next generation access networks? Fibre-based next generation access (NGA) roll-out across the European Union is one of the goals of the European Commission’s Digital Agenda strategy, however, there remains considerable uncertainty about how the roll-out goal can best be achieved. The underlying differences between the economics of copper-based and new fibre-based broadband infrastructures should lead to a revision of the regulatory framework for telecommunications markets. While the current regulatory measures have been useful in the past decade to sustain competition and facilitate entry into a market with already-existing infrastructures, the need to create new, much faster broadband networks calls for a rethink of the scope and strictness of regulation.