871 resultados para Effect of mating status and sex


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Supporting the forearm on the work surface during keyboard operation may increase comfort, decrease muscular load of the neck and shoulders, and decrease the time spent in ulnar deviation. Wrist rests are used widely in the workplace and are more commonly being incorporated in keyboard design. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of wrist rest use on wrist posture during forearm Support. A laboratory based, experimental study was conducted (subjects n = 15) to examine muscle activity and wrist Postures during keyboard and mouse tasks in each of' two conditions; wrist rest and no wrist rest. There were no significant differences for right wrist flexion/extension between use of a wrist rest and no wrist rest for keyboard or mouse use. Left wrist extension was significantly higher without a wrist rest than with a wrist rest during keyboard use (df = 14; t = 2.95; p = 0.01; d = 0.38). No differences with respect to use of a wrist rest were found for the left or right hand for ulnar deviation For keyboard or mouse use. There were no differences in muscle activity between the test conditions for keyboard use. Relevance to industry Wrist rests are used widely in the workplace and are more commonly being incorporated in keyboard design. Use of a wrist rest in conjunction with forearm support when using a conventional desk does not appear to have any impact on wrist posture or muscle activity during keyboard use. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study examines the effect of increasing water depth and water velocity upon the surfacing behaviour of the bimodally respiring turtle, Rheodytes leukops. Surfacing frequency was recorded for R. leukops at varying water depths (50, 100, 150 cm) and water velocities (5, 15, 30 cm s(-1)) during independent trials to provide an indirect cost-benefit analysis of aquatic versus pulmonary respiration. With increasing water velocity, R. leukops decreased its surfacing frequency twentyfold, thus suggesting a heightened reliance upon aquatic gas exchange. An elevated reliance upon aquatic respiration, which presumably translates into a decreased air-breathing frequency, may be metabolically more efficient for R. leukops compared to the expenditure (i.e. time and energy) associated with air-breathing within fast-flowing riffle zones. Additionally, R. leukops at higher water velocities preferentially selected low-velocity microhabitats, presumably to avoid the metabolic expenditure associated with high water flow. Alternatively, increasing water depth had no effect upon the surfacing frequency of R. leukops, suggesting little to no change in the respiratory partitioning of the species across treatment settings. Routinely long dives (>90 min) recorded for R. leukops indicate a high reliance upon aquatic O-2 uptake regardless of water depth. Moreover, metabolic and temporal costs attributed to pulmonary gas exchange within a pool-like environment were likely minimal for R. leukops, irrespective of water depth.


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The effects of the sensory modality of the lead Stimulus and of task difficulty on attentional modulation of the electrical and acoustic blink reflex were examined. Participants performed a discrimination and counting task with either two acoustic, two visual, or two tactile lead stimuli. In Experiment 1, facilitation of the electrically elicited blink was greater during task-relevant than during task-irrelevant lead stimuli. Increasing task difficulty enhanced magnitude facilitation for acoustic lead stimuli. In Experiment 2, acoustic blink facilitation was greater during task-relevant lead stimuli, but was unaffected by task difficulty. Experiment 3 showed that a further increase in task difficulty did not affect acoustic blink facilitation during visual lead stimuli. The observation that blink reflexes are facilitated by attention in the present task domain is consistent across a range of stimulus modality and task difficulty conditions.


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A supersweet sweet corn hybrid, Pacific H5, was grown under field conditions in South-East Queensland to study the effects of harvest time and drying conditions on seed quality. Cobs were harvested at different times to obtain seed with two moisture percentage ranges (20-30% and 40-50%) and dried to 12% moisture under different combinations of drying temperatures (30 degrees C, 40 degrees C and 50 degrees C) and air velocities (1.25 m/s, 2.75 m/s and 4.30 m/s). Dried seed was stored at 30 degrees C with bimonthly monitoring of seed quality for 12 months. For standard as well as cold test germinations, statistical analysis yielded significant main effects for temperature, air velocity and harvest moisture content and significant interactions for drying temperature by harvest moisture and drying temperature by air velocity. Germination at the beginning of storage was unaffected by drying temperatures up to 40 degrees C regardless of harvest moisture but was lower at 50 degrees C for higher moisture. However, germination at the end of the storage period of 12 months was greatest for seed harvested at higher moisture and dried at temperatures up to 40 degrees C. Germination was not affected by air velocity for drying temperatures up to 40 degrees C but at 50 degrees C it generally decreased with increase in air velocity. To slow down seed deterioration during storage, it is recommended that sweet corn seed should be harvested at a higher moisture range (40-50%) and dried at 40 degrees C and 4.30 m/s air velocity. The drying temperature can be raised to 50 degrees C for seed harvested at a low moisture range (20-30%) provided the air velocity is kept low (1.25 m/s).


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Low temperature injury (LTI) of roses (Rosa hybrida L.) is difficult to assess by visual observation. Relative chlorophyll fluorescence (CF; F-v/F-m) is a non-invasive technique that provides an index of stress effects on photosystem 11 (PS 11) activity. This instrumental technique allows determination of the photosynthetic efficiency of plant tissues containing chloroplasts, such as rose leaves. In the present study, pre- and Post-Storage measurements of F-v/F-m were carried out to assess LTI in 'First Red' and 'Akito' roses harvested year round. Relationships between the pre-harvest environment conditions of temperature, relative humidity and photon flux density (PFD), F-v/F-m, and, vase life duration after storage are reported. After harvest, roses were stored at 1, 5 and 10 degrees C for 10 days. Non-stored roses were the control treatment. F-v/F-m ratios were reduced following storage, suggesting LTI of roses. However, reductions in F-v/F-m were not closely correlated with reduced vase life duration and were seasonally dependent. Only during winter experiments was F-v/F-m of roses stored at 1 degrees C significantly (P <= 0.001) lower compared to F-v/F-m of non-stored control roses and roses stored at 5 and 10 degrees C. Thus, the fall of F-v/F-m was due to an interaction of growing season and storage at 1 degrees C. Vase lives of roses grown during winter were significantly (P <= 0.001) shorter compared to roses grown during summer. Length of vase life was intermediate for roses grown during autumn and spring. Because of the lack of correlation between F-v/F-m and post-storage vase life it is concluded that the CF parameter F-v/F-m is nota practical index for assessing LTI in cold-stored roses. Higher PFD and temperature in summer were positively and significantly correlated with maintenance of post-storage FvIF ratios and longer vase life. It is suggested that shorter vase lives and lower post-storage F-v/F-m values after storage at 1 degrees C are consequences of reduced photosynthesis and smaller carbohydrate pools in winter-harvested roses. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The present study aimed to evaluate the role of social support and self-efficacy on the level of stress associated with the transition from high school to university. One hundred and eight-five university students who had completed high school in the previous year completed a three-part questionnaire designed to gather information on their levels of self-efficacy, social support, and stress associated with their transition. The results showed that self-efficacy was a significant predictor of stress associated with the transition to university in that higher levels of self-efficacy were associated with lower levels of stress while social support was a non-significant predictor of stress. [Author abstract]


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Alloys of Al-3.8Cu-1Mg-0.7Si, Al-4Cu-0.6Si-0.1Mg, Al-4Cu-1.2Mg and Al-1.9Mg-1.9Si were made using air atomised powder and conventional press-and-sinter powder metallurgy techniques. These were sintered under nitrogen with a controlled water content which varied from 3 to 630 ppm (a dew point of -69 to -25 degrees C), nitrogen-5%hydrogen, argon and argon-5% hydrogen, all at atmospheric pressure, or a vacuum of


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The effects of free ammonia (FA; NH3) and free nitrous acid (FNA; HNO2) concentrations on the metabolisms of an enriched ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) culture were investigated using a method allowing the decoupling of growth and energy generation processes. A lab-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was operated for the enrichment of an AOB culture. Fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) analysis showed that 82% of the bacterial population in the SBR bound to the NEU probe specifically designed for Nitrosomonas europaea. Batch tests were carried out to measure the oxygen and ammonium consumption rates by the culture at various FA and FNA levels, in the presence or absence of inorganic carbon (CO2, HCO3, and CO32-). It was revealed that FA of up to 16.0 mgNH(3)-N (.) L-1, which was the highest concentration used in this study, did not have any inhibitory effect on either the catabolic or anabolic processes of the Nitrosomonas culture. In contrast, FNA inhibited both the growth and energy production capabilities of the Nitrosomonas culture. The inhibition on growth initiated at approximately 0.10 mgHNO(2)-(NL-1)-L-., and the data suggested that the biosynthesis was completely stopped at an FNA concentration of 0.40 mgHNO(2)-N (.) L-1. The inhibition on energy generation initiated at a slightly lower level but the Nitrosomonas culture was still oxidizing ammonia at half of the maximum rate at an FNA concentration of 0.50-0.63 mgHNO(2)-N (.) L-1. The affinity constant of the Nitrosomonas culture with respect to ammonia was determined to be 0.36 mgNH3-N (.) L-1, independent of the presence or absence of inorganic carbon. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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In this experiment, creatinine (C) excretion by sheep was measured when they were fed different diets at different levels of intake. Creatinine excretion was not affected by the level of feed intake or the addition of salt to lucerne-based diets. However, differences between individual animals were significant. Creatinine excretion was significantly affected by diets, which were formulated by combining different amounts of lucerne chaff, oaten chaff and sorghum. It was also found that there were significant diurnal changes in the ratios of purine derivatives to creatinine (PD:C) in 3 hourly urine samples when the animals were fed either once or twice daily, but the average value for the PD:C ratio of any two urine samples taken 12 h apart was close to the daily mean. The results of this experiment suggest that if separate determination of the creatinine excretion by individual animals is made and the average value of the ratio of PD:C in two spot urine samples taken 12 h apart is used to predict PD excretion by spot urine sampling, microbial nitrogen flow can be estimated more accurately than when a fixed value of creatinine excretion is used for all animals and only a single urine sample is taken. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The impact of alternative prey and simulated vegetation on Culex annulirostris Skuse predation efficacy by Australian smelt, Retropinna semoni (Retropinnidae); crimson-spotted rainbowfish, Melanotaenia duboulayi (Melanotaeniidae); empire gudgeon, Hypseleotris compressa (Eleotridae); estuary perchlet, Ambassis marianus (Ambassidae); firetail gudgeon, Hypseleotris galii (Eleotridae); fly-specked hardyhead, Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum (Atherinidae); and Pacific blue-eye, Pseudomugil signifer (Atherinidae), was evaluated in Queensland, Australia. The presence of chironomid midge larvae and tusked frog, Adelotus brevis (Leptodactylidae), tadpoles did not have a significant negative impact on the predation rates of Cx. annulirostris by these 7 fish species. Hypseleotris galii, M. duboulayi, and R. semoni demonstrated strong preference for larvae of Cx. annulirostris over both alternative prey species. In the presence of alternative prey species, the mean predation rate of M. duboulayi on larvae of Cx. annulirostris remained greater than that of other fish species tested. When evaluated at varying densities of simulated vegetation, predation rates of all fish species were similar to those reported in open conditions.


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Using modifications to the Rappaz-Drezet-Gremaud hot tearing model, and using empirical equations developed for grain size and dendrite arm spacing (DAS) on the addition of grain refiner for a range of cooling rates, the effect of grain refinement and cooling rate on hot tearing susceptibility has been analysed. It was found that grain refinement decreased the grain size and made the grain morphology more globular. Therefore refining the grain size of an equiaxed dendritic grain decreased the hot tearing susceptibility. However, when the alloy was grain refined such that globular grain morphologies where obtained, further grain refinement increased the hot tearing susceptibility. Increasing the cooling decreased the grain size and made the grain morphology more dendritic and therefore increased the likelihood of hot tearing. The effect was particularly strong for equiaxed dendritic grain morphologies; hence grain refinement is increasingly important at high cooling rates to obtain more globular grain morphologies to reduce the hot tearing susceptibility.