991 resultados para Digital books
Developing countries face serious problems on building and using digital libraries (DL) due to low computer and Internet penetration rates, lack of financial resources, etc. Thus, since mobile phones are much more used than computers in these countries, they might be a good alternative for accessing DL. Moreover, in the developed world there has been an exponential growth on the usage of mobile phones for data traffic, establishing a good ground for accessing DL on mobile devices. This paper presents a design proposal for making DSpace-based digital libraries accessible on mobile phones. Since DSpace is a popular free and open source DL system used around the world, making it accessible through mobile devices might contribute for improving the global accessibility of scientific and academic publications.
Digital libraries (DL) have had a tremendous impact on improving the accessibility of scientific and academic publications. In developing countries, they seem to be the great hope, due to the serious existing problems with the traditional publishing and distribution mechanisms and to the potential they have on enabling access to a great panoply of publications. Moreover, accessing digital libraries over mobile devices has the potential of reaching a broader community of users and on helping to bridge the digital divide, since there are very reduced computer and Internet penetration rates in these countries, along with a higher mobile phone usage. For developed countries, accessing digital libraries on the go might also bring important added value. This paper features an analysis of the major issues related to making digital libraries accessible over mobile devices. A specific study on the possibility of using mobile digital libraries in a developing country context is also presented along with a proposal for making DSpace based digital libraries accessible over mobile phones.
I am pleased to present the performance report for the Iowa Department for the Blind for fiscal year 2008. This report is provided in compliance with sections 8E.210 and 216B.7 of the Code of Iowa. It contains valuable information about results achieved because of the services that we and our partners provided to blind and visually impaired Iowans during the past fiscal year in the areas of Vocational Rehabilitation, Independent Living, Library Services, and Resource Management. We determine our competitive success in a number of ways. We look at the federal standards and indicators to learn our ranking in relation to the performance of other public rehabilitation agencies. We compare our library's production and circulation figures with those from previous years to determine trends. We set our own standards for success by looking at such factors as the number of successful case closures, average hourly wage at case closure, skills training provided, and compliance with regulations. Results show that the Department is working positively toward achieving its strategic goals of increasing the independence and productivity of blind Iowans and improving access to information for blind Iowans. Major accomplishments of the year included: The selection of our Library as one of eight libraries to receive the new digital talking book machines and books in digital media from the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. Priority for distribution of the machines is given to Library patrons who are veterans. The Department, the Iowa Braille School, and the Department of Education have been promoting the new expanded core curriculum as part of their continued efforts to improve the coordination and delivery of services to blind and visually impaired students in Iowa. The Department's five-year grant funded Pathfinders mentoring program ended this year. A total of 49 blind youths aged 16-26 were paired with successful blind adult mentors. Assessments of the program clearly showed that participation in the program had a measurable positive effect on the youth involved. Finally, earnings ratios and the percentage of employment for vocational rehabilitation clients of the Department are among the best in the nation, as measured by the U.S. Rehabilitation Services Administration's standards and indicators for the year ended September 30, 2007. Overall, we met or exceeded 13 of 18 targets included in this report. A discussion of the Department's services, customers, and organizational structure, and budget appears in the "Department Overview" that follows. Information pertaining to performance results appears in the final section of this document. The success of the Department's programs is evident in the success achieved by blind Iowans. It is reflected in the many blind persons who can be seen traveling about independently, going to their jobs and to the community and family activities in which they participate. Sincerely, Karen A. Keninger, Director Iowa Department for the Blind
Digital libraries (DL) are seen as the hope for developing countries in their struggle to access scientific and academic publications. However, building such libraries in developing countries is a real challenge. These countries usually face several difficulties, such as low computer and Internet penetration rates, poor ICT infrastructure, lack of qualified human resources, lack of financial resources, etc. Thus, it is imperative finding alternative mechanisms of building DL that best fit the specificities of these countries. This paper presents the process used for building a digital library at the University Jean Piaget of Cape Verde, created in a context of scarce access to printed materials and serious difficulties in accessing ICT resources. This paper also presents the challenges, the solutions and the adopted methodological framework.
Given the existing challenges in accessing print-based publications in developing countries, digital libraries are seen as a good alternative. Thus, it is important to understand how such libraries are used in these contexts, especially when compared with the usage of traditional libraries. This paper analyzes and compares the usage of the digital and traditional libraries of the University Jean Piaget of Cape Verde, aiming at understanding the way they are used, and the relation between the access to the existing information resources in these two libraries.
Nos últimos anos, cada vez mais as empresas, pessoas físicas, utilizam a internet para realizar as suas transações. Com isso, cresceram também os chamados “crimes virtuais”, que são ataques que visam roubar dados e informações confidentes, causando grandes prejuízos às instituições. Uma das tecnologias nas quais as empresas vêm investindo para prevenir essas práticas e fraudes é a certificação e assinatura digital. Este recurso é capaz de garantir autenticidade, confidencialidade e integridade às informações que circulam no ambiente web. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste na implementação de um sistema de certificação e assinatura digital, tendo como objeto de estudo - O Tribunal da Comarca da Praia, que se considera como o local ideal, não só pelas melhores condições tecnológicas, físicas e recursos humanos que apresenta mas, sobretudo, pela sua natureza e função, favoráveis ao desenvolvimento do projeto. Para atingir os objetivos específicos propostos neste trabalho, foi realizado um estudo bibliográfico e entrevistas. Fez-se uma abordagem dos conceitos de certificação e assinatura digital, ciclo de vida e tipo de certificado digital, suas vantagens e desvantagens. Igualmente falou-se da Infra-Estrutura de Chave Pública, da infraestrutura da chave pública Caboverdiana, das chaves criptográficas e das suas vantagens e desvantagens. Por fim, fez-se uma abordagem dos principais desafios enfrentados na aquisição e instalação dos certificados, e de todo o processo de implementação de certificação e assinatura digital nos tribunais. Pretende-se, no final deste trabalho e, com a implementação deste projeto, dotar os tribunais, em especial, Comarca da Praia, duma maior eficiência e eficácia nas suas funções, principalmente no que tange à morosidade processual, as decisões, diminuição dos custos, garantindo maior segurança em toda a tramitação processual, graças à certificação e assinatura digital.
Com a perspetiva da implementação de uma Autoridade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social em Cabo Verde que terá poderes de emitir normas, assegurar a sua aplicação, fiscalizar e reprimir eventuais infrações, esta dissertação propõe fazer uma abordagem das representações dos atores envolvidos, da importância e da afirmação da primeira entidade administrativa com autoridade para assegurar o processo de hétero regulação dos meios de comunicação social, no quadro da expansão digital. Os avanços tecnológicos nas últimas décadas mudaram a estruturação dos meios de comunicação social, um pouco por todo mundo, incluindo Cabo Verde. Neste país, o processo de adesão por parte dos media tem sido lento na busca de uma melhor alternativa para lidar com as plataformas digitais. Com o advento da Internet, a radiodifusão por satélite e a Sociedade da Informação, os meios tradicionais como a imprensa escrita e a radiodifusão – ainda sujeitos a um estreito controlo de conteúdos - despoletaram dúvidas e incertezas quanto à forma mais apropriada de regular a comunicação social, já que não podem ser tão facilmente controlados. Este estudo pretende também identificar a melhor estratégia de regulação dos media em Cabo Verde no contexto da sua migração para o digital, na medida em que se existir uma estrutura reguladora forte, que acompanhe os princípios fundamentais da regulação, será possível responder eficazmente às solicitações da atual mudança, garantindo o difícil equilíbrio entre eles.
Em contexto de simulação, utilizando a plataforma Marketplace, foram colocados oito grupos, simulando serem empresas, a trabalhar num ambiente virtual de mercado. Neste, teriam de actuar como empresas produtoras e comercializadoras de computadores, exercendo todas as actividades de uma empresa real. O objectivo era avaliar o desempenho de cada grupo/empresa, vencendo quem tivesse o melhor Balanced Scorecard acumulado. O presente relatório refere-se a uma dessas empresas, nomeadamente, a Digital Tech. Abstract As a simulation, using the Marketplace Platform, eight groups were placed as companies operating in a virtual market. They would act as companies that produce and sell computers employing all the roles of a real company. The goal was to evaluate each group/company, to determine the winner with the best Accumulated Balanced Scorecard. This report is about one of these companies, The Digital Tech
Digital holography microscopy (DHM) is an optical technique which provides phase images yielding quantitative information about cell structure and cellular dynamics. Furthermore, the quantitative phase images allow the derivation of other parameters, including dry mass production, density, and spatial distribution. We have applied DHM to study the dry mass production rate and the dry mass surface density in wild-type and mutant fission yeast cells. Our study demonstrates the applicability of DHM as a tool for label-free quantitative analysis of the cell cycle and opens the possibility for its use in high-throughput screening.
Ara que ja ningú qüestiona les publicacions digitals, l'accés obert o els repositoris de tipus institucional o temàtic, cal co-mençar a treballar en els temes de preservació. Som responsables d'assegurar l'accés i l'ús futurs dels documents digitals, hagin nascut en format digital o siguin fruit dels projectes de digitalització. En aquest article es parla sobre la preservació digital i els tipus de continguts, així com els conceptes, tipologies, costos i usos de l'anomenat «núvol». També es mostra un exemple de núvol privat, la preservació de tesis doctorals del TDX i es comenta una experiència de núvol públic, el DuraCloud.
El Centre d'Innovació i Formació en Educació (CIFE) de la Universitat de Vic (UVic) promou la creació, a l'inici del curs 2010-2011, de dos grups d’Innovació. Un d’ells és el grup CIFE-GI “Incorporació de les TIC a la docència”, que està treballant en l’estudi i la utilització d’eines digitals en la docència, que integrin els vessants tecnològic, didàctic, metodològic i formatiu. Durant el curs 2010-2011, el grup ha treballat en la creació d’un Dipòsit Digital d’Activitats Docents (DDAD) amb la intenció que sigui un espai d’intercanvi entre els professors, i de transferència de les experiències portades a terme a les aules amb el suport de les TIC. Aquesta comunicació mostra els resultats de l’anàlisi de les dades registrades en el DDAD fins al juny del 2011, amb l’objectiu d’identificar la tipologia d’aquestes activitats.
This paper describes a bibliographic analysis of the vision of Marshal McLuhan and the vision adopted by diverse current authors regarding the use of new interactive learning technologies. The paper also analyzes the transformation that will have to take place in the formal surroundings of education in order to improve their social function. The main points of view and contributions made by diverse authors are discussed. It is important that all actors involved in the educational process take in consideration these contributions in order to be ready for future changes.