820 resultados para Democratization of education
Report on the Iowa Department of Education for the year ended June 30, 2015
In this paper we explore the various spaces and sites through which the figure of the parent is summoned and activated to inhabit and perform market norms and practices in the field of education in England. Since the late 1970s successive governments have called on parents to enact certain duties and obligations in relation to the state. These duties include adopting and internalizing responsibility for all kinds of risks, liabilities and inequities formerly managed by the Keynesian welfare state. Rather than characterize this situation in terms of the ‘hollowing of the state’, we argue that the role of the state includes enabling the functioning of the parent as a neoliberal subject so that they may successfully harness the power of the market to their own advantage and (hopefully) minimize the kinds of risk and inequity generated through a market-based, deregulated education system. In this paper we examine how parents in England are differently, yet similarly, compelled to embody certain market norms and practices as they navigate the field of education. Adopting genealogical enquiry and policy discourse analysis as our methodology, we explore how parents across three policy sites or spaces are constructed as objects and purveyors of utility and ancillaries to marketisation. This includes a focus on how parents are summoned as 1) consumers or choosers of education services; 2) governors and overseers of schools; and 3) producers and founders of schools.
Agreed-upon procedures reports on twelve agreements between the Bureau of Nutrition and Health Services of the Iowa Department of Education and child care centers for the period October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015
Rabindranath Tagore’s ideas can still inspire education in the East as well as in the West today. In this paper, I survey Tagore’s philosophical anthropology and argue that there is more coherence to his philosophy and pedagogy than is usually seen. For Tagore, the highest goal is to make the world one’s own, as well as to enlarge one’s self to encompass the world. The educational practices through which this ideal can be reached can be classified as “creative action,” “love,” and “freedom.” On the basis of such an ideal, realms such as the arts, nature, and movement no longer remain expendable additions to the kind of knowledge-driven education that aims primarily at making everyone economically productive.One of the problems with such a pedagogical strategy is that it treats human beings as means and not as ends. Tagore’s educational approach (his “method of nature”) refrains from turning children into adults as soon as possible and accepts the deceleration of learning and the simplification of living asmost forward-leading approach to a successful and comprehensive education.
In the present paper, we discuss the time before the “age of reports”. Besides the Coleman Report in the period of Coleman, the Lady Plowden Report also appeared, while there were important studies in France (Bourdieu & Passeron, 1964; Peyre, 1959) and studies that inaugurated comprehensive education in Nordic countries. We focus on the period after the World War II, which was marked by rising economic nationalism, on the one hand, and by the second wave of mass education, on the other, bearing the promise of more equality and a reduction of several social inequalities, both supposed to be ensured by school. It was a period of great expectations related to the power of education and the rise of educational meritocracy. On this background, in the second part of the paper, the authors attempt to explore the phenomenon of the aforementioned reports, which significantly questioned the power of education and, at the same time, enabled the formation of evidence-based education policies. In this part of the paper, the central place is devoted to the case of socialist Yugoslavia/Slovenia and its striving for more equality and equity through education. Through the socialist ideology of more education for all, socialist Yugoslavia, with its exaggerated stress on the unified school and its overemphasised belief in simple equality, overstepped the line between relying on comprehensive education as an important mechanism for increasing the possibility of more equal and just education, on the one hand, and the myth of the almighty unified school capable of eradicating social inequalities, especially class inequalities, on the other. With this radical approach to the reduction of inequalities, socialist policy in the then Yugoslavia paradoxically reduced the opportunity for greater equality, and even more so for more equitable education. (DIPF/Orig.)
The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of the systematic use of comics as a literary-didactic method to reduce gender differences in reading literacy and reading motivation at the primary level of education. It was assumed that the use of comics would have a positive effect on pupils’ reading literacy and reading motivation, while also reducing the aforementioned differences between boys and girls. The dimensions of reading literacy and reading motivation were examined in experimental and control groups, before and after the intervention, by means of questionnaires and tests for pupils. The sample consisted of 143 pupils from second to fifth grade from two Slovenian primary schools in a rural environment, of which 73 pupils participated in the experimental group and 70 pupils represented the control group. Effects of the use of comics as a literary-didactic method were not found: using comics as a literary-didactic method did not have a statistically significant effect on pupils’ reading literacy and reading motivation. However, when the four-way structure of the research (taking into account the age and gender of the pupils) was considered, some subgroups showed a statistically significant increase in reading interest and attitude towards reading. No reduction of gender differences in reading literacy and reading motivation was found. Based on the results, guidelines for further research are established and suggestions are offered for teachers’ work. (DIPF/Orig.)
This article tries to reflect about skills that librarian or information specialists should develop to design an online course. Define distance education, online education, and collaborative learning. Establish the importance of community sense. Describe the process to design online courses. Finally, compare the Mexican Librarianship and Information Sciences Schools graduate profiles with the skills required to design online courses.
The author will explore the performance of boys and girls in external examinations in Slovenia at the beginning of upper secondary and tertiary education. These are critical points in students’ educational career at which he/she has to choose a school/university. Since both transitions are managed centrally by appropriate authorities, this is also a question of Educational Governance. Transitions between levels of education should, above all, assure fairness in selection procedures. At the point of transition to upper secondary schools we will explore differences between students’ achievements in various school subjects tested at the national assessment of knowledge (NA), and their school grades by gender. Since only school grades are used as admission criteria to upper secondary schools, this comparison of school grades with external and more objective measure of students’ achievement will show possible bias. In Slovenia admission to tertiary education usually consists of (externally assessed) Matura results and school grades in the last two years of upper secondary school. The author will compare the effects of both most commonly used measures of academic achievement on admission in view of gender differences. Study courses where selection procedure was actually applied will be of specific interest since they can show signs of (un)fairness. Results show signs of bias and build case for better Educational Governance. (DIPF/Orig.)
This article addresses the issue of marketisation in the field of adult education by reflecting on the Europeanisation of education currently taking place through the establishment of European adult education policies. The article argues that Europeanisation fosters marketisation of adult education and commodifies valuable knowledge and desirable forms of neoliberal subjectivity. An analysis of Slovene adult education policies from 2004-2015 reveals how a European economised vocabulary is being implemented in Slovene adult education policies and practices. The main argument of this article is that these practices are shaped through financial mechanisms that marketise the adult education field. This results in new relationships between governing bodies within the field, the unstable and decreasing role of public adult education institutions and the prevailing role of private providers of adult education, who offer training programmes to meet labour market needs. (DIPF/Orig.)
There is limited evidence on the influence of social determinants on the self-perceived and mental health of immigrants settled at least 8 years in Spain. The aim of this study was to examine differences between workers related to migrant-status, self-perceived and mental health, and to assess their relationship to occupational conditions, educational level and occupational social class, stratified by sex. Using data from the Spanish National Health Survey of 2011/12, we computed prevalence, odds ratios and explicative fractions. Mental (OR 2.02; CI 1.39–2.93) and self-perceived health (OR 2.64; CI 1.77–3.93) were poorer for immigrant women compared to natives. Occupational social class variable contributes 25 % to self-perceived health OR in immigrant women. Settled immigrant women workers are a vulnerable group in Spain.
The analysis of doctoral theses conducted in a scientific field is one of the pillars for the status of the field and this has been raised within the project Mapping the Discipline History of Education. With this work we intent to broaden and deepen our previous studies in the field of Doctoral thesis in History of Education. We have already presented some results about Doctoral thesis focused in one particular subject (History of Education in Franco’s times) in 2013, and Doctoral thesis registered in the Spanish database for dissertations, TESEO, in 2000, 2005 and 2010 in 2016. Starting from the works already presented about the thesis in France, Switzerland, Portugal and Italy, the aim of that article was to study the thesis included in TESEO which have among their descriptors “History of education”. We have analyzed variables such as national or local character, the study period and the duration. In ISCHE 38 (Chicago 2016), we intend to analyze the Doctoral thesis presented in Spanish universities during a decade but focusing neither on a particular subject nor on a database. Thus the main differences with our earlier researches are the criteria: On the one hand, we are going to decide if a doctoral thesis belongs or not to our field, and on the other hand we are not going to use only a database but we will try to find the Doctoral thesis in any base, repository or source.
Education management in the schools of indigenous rural areas faces a number of difficulties to implement and comply with the guidelines and requirements of the laws related to budgetary management of resources allocated to Education or Administrative Boards. In addition to being located in scattered rural areas, far from the municipal heads and regional offices of the Ministry of Public Education, one of the main obstacles is that all regulations, laws and guidelines are written in Spanish, and there is people, in this indigenous rural communities, who do not speak, write, read or understand this language. This puts them at an enormous disadvantage, which has a direct impact on the indigenous children’s right to education.
A pesquisa buscou apresentar elementos para a compreensão das proximidades entre a política pública de educação em tempo integral do governo federal o Programa Mais Educação (PME) e os sentidos para educação defendidos pela mobilização de um segmento do empresariado brasileiro, o movimento Todos Pela Educação, que assume um determinado projeto de sociedade. Nesta pesquisa, o movimento Todos Pela Educação é configurado como uma rede de políticas (BALL, 2001; 2005; 2010) que, ao promover ações educacionais e se articular a atores governamentais, tem influenciado os rumos do ensino público nacional e inserido valores característicos da lógica de mercado como gerencialismo e performatividade. A teoria do discurso de Ernesto Laclau (2011, 2013) viabilizou a análise da dinâmica das articulações políticas no intuito de estabelecer hegemonias no campo da educação. Experiências de educação no país associaram a ampliação da jornada escolar à promoção de uma educação integral que, no Brasil, teve grande influência do movimento escolanovista. Associando a qualidade da educação aos níveis de Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB) alcançados pelas escolas, o PME anuncia promover uma educação integral que se mostrou preenchida pelos sentidos defendidos pelo TPE como: a defesa por uma Base Curricular Comum, associação entre o setor público e o privado para a promoção de ações educativas e ampliação do tempo escolar como maior exposição à situações de aprendizagem de conteúdos. A partir de uma experiência premiada e reconhecida nacionalmente pela promoção de uma educação integral, investiguei os sentidos de educação integral assumidos pelos Programas Bairro-Escola, Mais Educação e Escola Viva desenvolvidos em Nova Iguaçu. O trabalho conclui que o modelo de educação em tempo integral implementado no município não favorece a democratização do ensino uma vez que não se estende a todos os alunos da rede e oferece condições desiguais para realização entre as escolas. Além disso, priorizando atividades de reforço escolar, o atendimento das atividades de contraturno está voltado às turmas que serão avaliadas na avaliação nacional Prova Brasil, o que configura a valorização da aprendizagem de conteúdo e aumento de IDEB em detrimento de experiências significativas e ampliadas na educação dos alunos. Nos moldes que se implementa, a realização de atividades a partir da ampliação do tempo escolar embaraça a rotina escolar por não contar com as condições adequadas para sua realização.
Tradicionalmente, a promoção de disposições cosmopolitas tem sido um importante elemento formativo das elites portuguesas e, simultaneamente, um ingrediente diferenciador, num contexto de baixas taxas de escolarização da população. Após três décadas de intensa democratização da educação e de ampla generalização da experiência escolar, a situação mudou significativamente. Com a tendencial globalização das políticas educativas, a intensificação de acordos e parcerias inter-governamentais oferecem-se aos jovens estudantes novas oportunidades educativas, nomeadamente experiências escolares internacionais. O programa europeu de mobilidade estudantil Erasmus constitui, a este respeito, um exemplo particularmente pertinente. Poder-se-á então continuar a falar de cosmopolitismo como propriedade educativa restrita a um grupo social? Ou, pelo contrário, essa propriedade tende a generalizar-se em sociedades altamente escolarizadas? Por sua vez, as disposições cosmopolitas como elemento formativo parecem ter mudado de significado: será que a mobilidade que suporta a experiência cosmopolita se transforma em competência?
A presente dissertação tem como objeto de pesquisa as políticas públicas de democratização do ensino criadas após a Constituição Federal de 1988. Com as teorias de direito e desenvolvimento e a educação superior como pano de fundo, pretende-se relacionar aspectos do direito e políticas públicas sob o enfoque institucional, buscando compreender a realidade dos programas ProUni, Reuni, Fies e Lei de Cotas. Questiona-se, com base em uma em uma metodologia jurídica das políticas públicas, como são construídos os programas para democratização do acesso ao ensino superior tendo em vista os planos macro, meso e microinstitucional como definido por Bucci e como funcionam as ações governamentais de inclusão nas instituições superiores de ensino público e privado. A pesquisa possibilitou constatar que faltam arranjos mesoinstitucionais que coordenem as políticas, tornando-as complementares e mais coerentes entre si, Não foram encontradas agregações institucionais exclusivas para as políticas de acesso ao ensino superior.