895 resultados para Decision to Emigrate
O trabalho se presta a identificar semelhanças entre o instituto da Repercussão Geral, nos recursos extraordinários interpostos perante o Supremo Tribunal Federal, e do Recurso Repetitivo, nos recursos especiais interpostos perante o Superior Tribunal de Justiça. Com isso, é realizada uma tentativa de busca jurisprudencial até o fim de 2009, não obtendo êxito na busca dos julgados em Direito Tributário, para identificar uma possível contradição entre o entendimento dos fundamentos dos filtros recursais entre as Cortes Superiores. Por fim, há uma análise crítica sobre as possíveis interferências do julgamento do STJ nos julgamentos do STF, procurando compreender o papel do Supremo, bem como as possíveis conseqüências das decisões do STF nos contribuintes e suas formas de defesa possíveis, caso venha ocorrer a hipótese formulada no trabalho.
Há quatro requisitos constitucionais para a edição de súmulas vinculantes. Este trabalho analisa a forma como estes requisitos vem sendo discutidos e analisados pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal. Para isso, primeiro descreve os diferentes procedimentos pelos quais passaram a discussão das súmulas vinculantes, em seguida analisa os momentos nesses procedimentos em que os Ministros do STF puderam debater os critérios constitucionais, como as manifestações da Comissão de Jurisprudência e os debates do Plenário para aprovação das súmulas vinculantes, concluindo que, em regra, os requisitos não são avaliados com cuidado, e que há significativa ingerência do comportamento individual dos ministros nesse processo. Por fim, é feita uma análise mais detalhada da existência de reiteradas decisões sobre os temas das súmulas editadas, demonstrando-se que nem sempre este critério é atendido. Por último, são debatidas e demonstradas algumas conseqüências deste cenário, como a existência de uma súmula suspensa e de propostas de revisão de súmulas vinculantes.
À medida que ajudam as organizações a prevenir condutas irregulares e a manter um ambiente de trabalho mais éticos, as denúncias (whistleblowing) são frequentemente apontadas pela literatura como um benefício à sociedade como um todo. Entretanto, pouco se sabe a respeito de muitos aspectos associados à decisão de denunciar uma irregularidade. No Brasil, em especial, onde o assunto permanece sendo negligenciado por pesquisadores, elementos culturais específicos podem obstruir o caminho da denuncia, além de impor restrições à generalização dos resultados de pesquisas anteriores, quase sempre voltadas para a realidade anglo-saxônica. Com base nesses pressupostos, este estudo busca identificar os antecedentes do whistleblowing interno nas organizações brasileiras. De modo geral, os resultados da pesquisa empírica realizada com uma ampla amostra de profissionais oriundos de empresas púbicas e privadas dão suporte ao modelo proposto e reforçam a noção de que o ato de denunciar é o resultado complexo da interação entre fatores da organização, do indivíduo da situação observada. Em particular, os resultados sugerem que os indivíduos são mais propensos a realizar a denúncia quando a irregularidade observada é percebida como grave e quando a própria denuncia é vista como um curso de ação ético. Por outro lado, os indivíduos podem optar pelo silêncio se o alvo da denúncia for alguém com alto status na organização, se eles não sentirem apoio da organização ou se temerem retaliações. A influência negativa do medo de retaliação sobre a intenção de denunciar, contudo, pode ser atenuada se o indivíduo está convencido de que o correto a fazer é denunciar. Por fim, os resultados também sugerem que profissionais em posição gerencial são mais propensos a denunciar irregularidades do que os demais membros de uma organização. As implicações desses resultados, bem como as limitações e contribuições do estudo para a teoria e para a prática são discutidas em detalhe, juntamente com sugestões para pesquisas futuras.
O trabalho em questão busca analisar quais são os fatores que determinam o grau de alavancagem de empreendimentos imobiliários. A principal hipótese é que fatores específicos das características do projeto, mensurados através de variáveis binárias, afetam sua estrutura de capitais, além das variáveis clássicas rentabilidade e tamanho. A hipótese de que o padrão do empreendimento afeta o nível de endividamento também foi testada. De uma amostra de 1.442 projetos imobiliários do período de 2004 a 2013, obtiveram-se resultados empíricos de que as variáveis independentes, mencionadas acima, são fatores que determinam o grau de alavancagem de projetos imobiliários. Tais informações sobre estes determinantes podem ser observadas por investidores e credores antes da tomada de decisão de prover recursos para um determinado empreendimento.
This paper explores the question: is working as young laborer harmful to an individual in terms of adult outcomes in income? This question is explored through the utilization of a unique set of instruments that control for the decision to work as a child and the decision of how much schooling to acquire. These instruments are combined with two large household survey data sets from Brazil that include retrospective information on the child labor and schooling of working-age adults: the 1988 and 1996 PNAD. Estimations of the reduced form earnings model are performed first by using OLS without controlling for the potential endogeneity of child labor and schooling, and then by using a GMM estimation of instrumental variables models that include the set of instruments for child labor and schooling. The findings of the empirical investigations show that child labor has large negative impact on adult earnings for both male and female children even when controlling for schooling. In addition, the negative impact of starting to work as a child reverses at around age 14. Finally, different child labor activities are examined to determine if some are beneficial while others harmful with the finding that working in agriculture as a child appears to have no negative impact over and above the loss of education.
Ainda que aprovada em 2012, a Lei dos Royalties do Petróleo (Lei 12.374 de 2012) ainda não entrou em vigor por conta de uma decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal de suspender os dispositivos que estabelecem uma nova distribuição das receitas do petróleo entre os Estados brasileiros. A análise da discussão apresentada no Senado do Projeto de Lei que precedeu à Lei 12.374 revelou que não apenas a normativa aprovada não gerou ganhadores nem perdedores absolutos, uma vez que há questões do pacto federativo que são ambíguas e, em consequência, suscetíveis de conflitos, como também que a distribuição das rendas provenientes do petróleo entre todas as Unidades da Federação não foi uma disputa interna e isolada no Senado brasileiro entre argumentos sobre concentrar ou universalizar os recursos do petróleo, pelo contrário, foi demostrado que existe na região latino-americana uma tendência de aumentar os royalties e os impostos para serem destinados a políticas sociais que beneficiem a todo o país, e não apenas os Estados produtores de petróleo.
O presente Estudo de Caso trata da realização de obra no mercado de uma Prefeitura e a liberação do processo administrativo para realização de procedimento licitatório. Apresenta o conflito existente entre o Secretário de Obras e o Subsecretário de Planejamento e Orçamento na condução das determinações do chefe do poder executivo. O Prefeito Municipal recém-eleito decidiu iniciar reforma com expansão do mercado popular no município de Três Barras. Com esta finalidade, solicitou ao Secretário de Obras o projeto arquitetônico com previsão inicial de custos para que se iniciasse o processo licitatório de imediato, de modo a não atrasar a inauguração do novo mercado prevista para o primeiro ano de mandato. O subsecretário de planejamento e orçamento precisa tomar a decisão de liberar ou não o processo já que há a necessidade de atendimento dos requisitos técnicos e legais que considerava necessários. O presente caso pode ser trabalho dentro do seguinte tema: Gestão do Planejamento e Orçamentária.
Com base nos estudos sobre finanças comportamentais, esta dissertação tem como objetivo verificar se o estilo cognitivo do indivíduo e seus respectivos vieses comportamentais exercem influência em seus hábitos de investimento como, por exemplo, sua decisão em investir em renda fixa ou renda variável. Uma survey foi realizada com os alunos de pós-graduação de 5 faculdades da cidade de São Paulo. O método foi escolhido por melhor se ajustar ao objetivo do trabalho. Foram analisados quatro tipos de perfis psicológicos, que se diferenciam, entre outras características, por possuírem maior ou menor tolerância ao risco. Foram examinados também dezoito vieses comportamentais entre eles: excesso de confiança, representatividade, aversão à perda e conta mental. Os resultados mostram evidências de que a personalidade pode exercer influência sobre a decisão do indivíduo em investir em renda fixa ou renda variável. Verificou-se também que os vieses confirmação e otimismo sinalizam uma possível influência na decisão dos indivíduos em investir em renda variável.
Ubiquitous computing raises new usability challenges that cut across design and development. We are particularly interested in environments enhanced with sensors, public displays and personal devices. How can prototypes be used to explore the users' mobility and interaction, both explicitly and implicitly, to access services within these environments? Because of the potential cost of development and design failure, these systems must be explored using early assessment techniques and versions of the systems that could disrupt if deployed in the target environment. These techniques are required to evaluate alternative solutions before making the decision to deploy the system on location. This is crucial for a successful development, that anticipates potential user problems, and reduces the cost of redesign. This thesis reports on the development of a framework for the rapid prototyping and analysis of ubiquitous computing environments that facilitates the evaluation of design alternatives. It describes APEX, a framework that brings together an existing 3D Application Server with a modelling tool. APEX-based prototypes enable users to navigate a virtual world simulation of the envisaged ubiquitous environment. By this means users can experience many of the features of the proposed design. Prototypes and their simulations are generated in the framework to help the developer understand how the user might experience the system. These are supported through three different layers: a simulation layer (using a 3D Application Server); a modelling layer (using a modelling tool) and a physical layer (using external devices and real users). APEX allows the developer to move between these layers to evaluate different features. It supports exploration of user experience through observation of how users might behave with the system as well as enabling exhaustive analysis based on models. The models support checking of properties based on patterns. These patterns are based on ones that have been used successfully in interactive system analysis in other contexts. They help the analyst to generate and verify relevant properties. Where these properties fail then scenarios suggested by the failure provide an important aid to redesign.
This study aims to analyze the main effect of social programs and cash transfers on the labor supply of non-farm family members in poverty in rural areas of the Northeast. Among the specific objectives, we sought to investigate the effects of these programs and individual characteristics on the decision of participation and allocation of working hours of parents and children in non-agricultural activities. It was assumed, as a theoretical basis, the model of neoclassical labor supply as well as the principle that the decision of allocation of working hours, non-agricultural, is subject to the initial choice of the worker devote or not the non-agricultural employment . The hypothesis assumes that access to social programs and income transfer contributes to the dismay of rural workers, in poverty, in its decision to participate and offer hours of work in non-agricultural activities. To achieve this objective, we applied the models of Heckman (1979) and Double Hurdle, of Cragg (1971), consisting of associating the decision to participate in the labor market with the decision on the amount of hours allocated. The database used was the National Survey by Household Sampling (PNAD) of 2006. The results of the heads of households showed that transfers of income, although they may have some effect on labor supply rural nonfarm, the magnitude has to say that there may be some dependence on benefits. The estimates for the joint children of 10 to 15 years showed that the programs have negatively influenced participation in suggesting an increase in school participation, although for the allocation of working hours the results were not significant on the incidence of child labor
In contemporary society, distance education is expanding, especially in the offering of courses of initiatory professor training. By the side of possibilities, there is the need to critically reflect on the government decision to finance, and even to incite distance education, as a more economic way to achieve, within different time and space, the greatest quantity of the population, trying to fill the gaps of the Brazilian school education. The research was made in the Biology Bachelor Course offered by the Pernambuco University (UPE), in the context of the Presential Support Pole of the Paraiba State University, located in the city of Campina Grande. Along this study, we intend to analyze the evaluation practice and the instruments of valuation available in the virtual environment of learning (AVA), used by the former professors in the learning evaluation of the contents offered by the reference course. The relevance of the discussion is to reflect about the results of distance education in the initial of the professor training. To perceive the possibilities and limitations concerning the technological resources available at the educational process, especially to the evaluation practice, is primordial in order to comprehend the contents of learning that can be explored by the professors and which is the dialogical relation that is firmed between professor, preceptor and student, in favor of the learning development and an effective and meaningful education. The qualitative research had the symbolic interacionism as a methodological-theoretical approach. We gathered informations through institutional documents, documental records, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Treating and analyzing the data we used the content analysis method (Bardin, 1977). As a theoretical basis, we relied on authors such as Zabala (1998, 1999), Aretio (2002), Hoffmann (2003, 2005), Silva, M. (2003, 2006), Belloni (2006), Luckesi (2008), Silva, J. (2008), Vasconcelos (2008) and Domingos (2009). It was evident the need to reflect about the educational practice of the professors and preceptors responsible for the academic distance learning, concerning the evaluation of the learning contents in a autonomous and innovatory way, identifying its influence in the development of values which are considered vital to a complete professor upbringing. The evaluation in a mediator approach is necessary to the reality of an online classroom, because of its character to promote the improvement of the action of the one who is teaching and the one Who is learning in an interactive, collaborative and cooperative perspective, seeking a transformative praxis. Involved in this formation, the bachelors will be able to promote the development of capacities and skills necessary to the complete learning of theirs future students, certifying the education for life, which is a perspective that includes the knowing, the knowing how to do and how to be, a living being with sustainable relations with the others and with nature
The natural gas perform a essential paper, not only in primary sectors of energy, but also in others sectors of economy. The use natural gas will have expansion in Brazil, motivated by governmental decision to increase the participation of this fuel in the Brazilian energy matrix from 4% to 12% up until 2010. in order to reach the objective related to increase the consumption of natural gas in the energy matrix and to propose solutions to attend the electric requirements of heart and refrigeration, using natural gas as primary power plant. This thesis has a main objective to analysis the perception of businessmen of hotel sector about the feasability of investment with micro-cogeneration system by natural gas in their hotel in turistic sector, in Natal/RN. It s show a case for the hotels selected analyzing the actual knowledge of businessmen about alternative of new technology in generation of owner energy. There was make a interview using a standard form researching information about this topic. In this interview has shown 4 (four) canaries for businessmen with different configurations of investment in micro-cogeneration. Two of this canaries uses the project finance like option to make fasible this projects. The resulteis showed who businessmen has insecurity to make decision to put in office alone, or with a local company, and perhaps with a national company to perform for a alternative energy system, justifying, the alone feasability and without information by local businessmen. Apart from that, they are receptive for a option to put in office in micro-cogeneration configured in the settings using project finance
Artificial neural networks are usually applied to solve complex problems. In problems with more complexity, by increasing the number of layers and neurons, it is possible to achieve greater functional efficiency. Nevertheless, this leads to a greater computational effort. The response time is an important factor in the decision to use neural networks in some systems. Many argue that the computational cost is higher in the training period. However, this phase is held only once. Once the network trained, it is necessary to use the existing computational resources efficiently. In the multicore era, the problem boils down to efficient use of all available processing cores. However, it is necessary to consider the overhead of parallel computing. In this sense, this paper proposes a modular structure that proved to be more suitable for parallel implementations. It is proposed to parallelize the feedforward process of an RNA-type MLP, implemented with OpenMP on a shared memory computer architecture. The research consistes on testing and analizing execution times. Speedup, efficiency and parallel scalability are analyzed. In the proposed approach, by reducing the number of connections between remote neurons, the response time of the network decreases and, consequently, so does the total execution time. The time required for communication and synchronization is directly linked to the number of remote neurons in the network, and so it is necessary to investigate which one is the best distribution of remote connections
This study analysed the creation of businesses by entrepreneur women in the Currais Novos city, looking for verifying if they used making decision processes aligned to the Effectuation logic throughout the creation of their companies. To this, was accomplished a multiple cases and exploratory study, whit a qualitative approach of analyse, using the thematic life history technique that match accounts and semi-structured interview route, being accomplished like a long interview, where the researcher interact with the informer continuously. The semi-structured interview route was created by the adaptation of the interview route used by Tasic (2007). The present study appealed to a intentional selection of individuals in function of their importance in relation to the boarded theme. This means that the individuals were chosen in function of their social and theoretical representatively inside the considered situation. The participant individuals of this research were five entrepreneur women that act in the Currais Novos city, owners of five different companies. To the data treatment and analyse, was chosen the content analyse technique. This study worked with a priori theoretical categories. The categories of analyse in this study was obtained with base in the Effectuation approach (SARASVATHY, 2001a, 2001b, 2008), that is an alternative model of making decision to the classic model based in the causality principle. These categories are Clarity of Initial Aims , Tolerance to the Lost and Initials Investments , Control of Resources ( who I am , what I know and who I know ) and Promoting Over Contingencies . As result, the entrepreneur women researched, in a general way, hadn t clear initial aims at the companies creation moment, hadn t aversion to the risk to lose the time and the money that they were investing in the company in formation, they highlighted the products and services identity that offered with a strong link with Seridó region, they had experience in the field of activity in which they decided to open their companies, had the commitment of partners in the beginning of the business and they knew to transform the initial difficulties in opportunities. By the end, this study conclude that the entrepreneur women studied used, in a big part, making decision processes aligned to the Effectuation logic throughout the creation of their companies
The indications for dialysis in patients with acute kidney injury (AKI), as well as the dose and timing of initiation, remain uncertain. Recent data have suggested that early initiation of renal replacement therapy (RRT) may be associated with decreased mortality but not with the recovery of kidney function. A blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level of 75 mg/dL is a useful indicator for dialysis in asymptomatic patients, but one that is based on studies with limitations. Different parameters, including absolute and relative indicators, are needed. Currently, nephrologists should consider the trajectory of disease, and the clinical condition and prognosis of the patient are more important than numerical values in the decision to initiate dialysis.