987 resultados para Cu ions removal
El SPION (Super Paramagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles) ha estat estudiat com un nou adsorbent per eliminar l’arsènic d’aigües contaminades. Les condicions òptimes de treball es van assolir per un pH de 3,6 i per concentracions inferiors als 100ppm. No es van trobar interferències significatives produïdes pels cations Cu, Ni i Zn en l’adsorció de l’As, sent el fosfat l’anió que més interfereix. Una esponja de cel·lulosa s’ha utilitzat com a suport del SPION, per disminuir les agregacions de les nanopartícules en suspensió i per proporcionar una material adequat per l’adsorció en continu, experiment amb columnes. Així, es va obtenir un augment de la capacitat d’adsorció del SPION per l’As(V), mentre que per l’As(III) continua sent baixa, per tant s’augmenta la selectivitat per l’As(V). Les interferències aniòniques afecten d’igual manera a l’adsorció de l’As(III) i l’As(V) quan l’adsorció és en continu o en discontinu. Els cations metàl·lics no interfereixen en l’adsorció de l’arsènic, a excepció del coure que és adsorbit i porta a la disminució de l’adsorció d’arsènic.
The Guelb Moghrein Fe oxide-Cu-Au-Co deposit is located at the western boundary of the West African craton in NW Mauritania. The wall rocks to the mineralization represent a meta-volcanosedimentary succession typical of Archaean greenstone belts. Two types of meta-volcanic rocks are distinguished: (1) volcanoclastic rocks of rhyodacite-dacite composition (Sainte Barbe volcanic unit), which form the stratigraphic base; (2) tholeiitic andesites-basalts (Akjoujt meta-basalt unit). The trace element signature of both types is characteristic of a volcanic arc setting. A small meta-pelitic division belongs to the Sainte Barbe volcanic unit. A meta-carbonate body, which contains the mineralization, forms a tectonic lens in the Akjoujt meta-basalt unit. It can be defined by the high X(mg) (=36) of Fe-Mg carbonate, the REE pattern and the delta(13)C values of -18 to -17 parts per thousand as a marine precipitate similar to Archaean banded iron formation (BIF). Additionally, small slices of Fe-Mg clinoamphibole-chlorite schist in the meta-carbonate show characteristics of marine shale. This assemblage, therefore, does not represent an alteration product, but represents an iron formation unit deposited on a continental shelf, which probably belongs to the Lembeitih Formation. The hydrothermal mineralization at 2492 Ma was contemporaneous with regional D(2) thrusting of the Sainte Barbe volcanic unit and imbrications of the meta-carbonate in the upper greenschist facies. This resulted in the formation of an ore breccia in the meta-carbonate, which is enriched in Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Bi, Mo, As and Au. Massive sulphide ore breccia contains up to 20 wt% Cu. The ore fluid was aqueous-carbonic in nature and either changed its composition from a Mg-rich oxidizing to an Fe-rich reducing fluid or the two fluid types mixed at the trap site. All lithologies at Guelb Moghrein were deformed by D(3) thrusting to the east in the lower greenschist facies. The mobility of REE in the retrogressed rocks explains the formation of a second generation of hydrothermal monazite, which was dated at c. 1742 Ma. Archaean rocks of the West African craton extend to the west to Guelb Moghrein. The active continental margin was deformed and mineralized in the Late Archaean-Early Proterozoic and again reactivated in the Mid-Proterozoic and Westphalian, showing that the western boundary of the craton was reactivated several times.
La síntesis mecánica es un proceso basado en la molturación de una mezcla de polvosometida a altas energías que se producen por los choques entre las partículas y lasbolas de un micromolino, entre las partículas y las paredes del recipiente y entre lasmismas partículas. Los dos procesos involucrados en el proceso de síntesis mecánicason la soldadura en frío y la fractura.El proyecto que se presenta es una continuación de los diferentes estudios realizadosen el departamento de Recerca de Materials i Termodinàmica de la Universidad deGirona sobre el proceso de aleado mecánico, en especial del proyecto de Ivan Darnés(Abril 2005) donde se realizaba un estudio comparativo de los micromolinosPulverisette 7 (P7) y SPEX8000 a partir de dos aleaciones en polvo de base Fe.El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo principal realizar nuevamente unacomparación de los equipos P7 y SPEX8000, pero utilizando otras mezclas de polvoiniciales y modificando los parámetros del proceso. Para tal comparación se estudiaránlas muestras obtenidas a nivel estructural, térmico y morfológico
Background : Port-related bloodstream infection (PRBSI) is a common complication associated with long-term use of ports systems. Systemic antimicrobial therapy (ST) and removal of the device is the standard management of PRBSI. However, a conservative management combining ST with antibiotic lock therapy (ALT) without port removal has been suggested as an alternative management option for infections due to gram-positive skin colonizers with low virulence.¦Objectives : i) to assess the frequency of management of PRBSI in onco-hematological patients by combining the ALT with ST, without catheter removal and ii) to analyze the efficacy of such an approach.¦Methods : Retrospective observational study over a 6-year period between 2005 and 2010, including patients who where diagnosed with PRBSI and who were treated with ST and ALT. PRBSI diagnosis consisted in clinical signs of bacteremia with blood cultures positive for gram-positive skin colonizers. The primary endpoint was failure to cure the PRBSI.¦Results : 61 port infections were analysed, of which 23 PRBSI met the inclusion criteria. All the patients were suffering from haematological conditions and 75% were neutropenic at the time of PRBSI diagnosis. S. epidermidis was responsible for 91% of PRBSI (21/23). The median duration of ST was 14 days (range 7-35) and the median duration of ALT was 15 days (range 8-41). Failure to cure the PRBSI requiring port removal was observed in 4 patients, but was not associated with severe infectious complications. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed a success rate in port salvage at day 180 (6 months) of 78% (95%CI 59-97%).¦Conclusion : The success rate observed in the present study suggests that combining ST and ALT is an effective option to conservatively treat PRBSI caused by pathogens of low virulence such as S. epidermidis.
The advent of retrievable caval filters was a game changer in the sense, that the previously irreversible act of implanting a medical device into the main venous blood stream of the body requiring careful evaluation of the pros and cons prior to execution suddenly became a "reversible" procedure where potential hazards in the late future of the patient lost most of their weight at the time of decision making. This review was designed to assess the rate of success with late retrieval of so called retrievable caval filters in order to get some indication about reasonable implant duration with respect to relatively "easy" implant removal with conventional means, i.e., catheters, hooks and lassos. A PubMed search (www.pubmed.gov) was performed with the search term "cava filter retrieval after 30 days clinical", and 20 reports between 1994 and 2013 dealing with late retrieval of caval filters were identified, covering approximately 7,000 devices with 600 removed filters. The maximal duration of implant reported is 2,599 days and the maximal implant duration of removed filters is also 2,599 days. The maximal duration reported with standard retrieval techniques, i.e., catheter, hook and/or lasso, is 475 days, whereas for the retrievals after this period more sophisticated techniques including lasers, etc. were required. The maximal implant duration for series with 100% retrieval accounts for 84 days, which is equivalent to 12 weeks or almost 3 months. We conclude that retrievable caval filters often become permanent despite the initial decision of temporary use. However, such "forgotten" retrievable devices can still be removed with a great chance of success up to three months after implantation. Conventional percutaneous removal techniques may be sufficient up to sixteen months after implantation whereas more sophisticated catheter techniques have been shown to be successful up to 83 months or more than seven years of implant duration. Tilting, migrating, or misplaced devices should be removed early on, and replaced if indicated with a device which is both, efficient and retrievable.
Luster is a metal glass nanocomposite layer first produced in the Middle East in early Islamic times ( 9th AD) made of metal copper or silver nanoparticles embedded in a silica-based glassy matrix. These nanoparticles are produced by ion exchange between Cu+ and Ag+ and alkaline ions from the glassy matrix and further growth in a reducing atmosphere. The most striking property of luster is its capability of reflecting light like a continuous metal layer and it was unexpectedly found to be linked to one single production parameter: the presence of lead in the glassy matrix composition. The purpose of this article is to describe the characteristics and differences of the nanoparticle layers developed on lead rich and lead free glasses. Copper luster layers obtained using the ancient recipes and methods are analyzed by means of elastic ion backscattering spectroscopy associated with other analytical techniques. The depth profile of the different elements is determined, showing that the luster layer formed in lead rich glasses is 5–6 times thinner and 3–4 times Cu richer. Therefore, the metal nanoparticles are more densely packed in the layer and this fact is related to its higher reflectivity. It is shown that lead influences the structure of the metal nanoparticle layer through the change of the precipitation kinetics
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la University of British Columbia, Canadà, entre 2010 i 2012 La malaltia d'Alzheimer (MA) representa avui la forma més comuna de demència en la població envellida. Malgrat fa 100 anys que va ser descoberta, encara avui no existeix cap tractament preventiu i/o curatiu ni cap agent de diagnòstic que permeti valorar quantitativament l'evolució d'aquesta malaltia. L'objectiu en el que s'emmarca aquest treball és contribuir a aportar solucions al problema de la manca d'agents terapèutics i de diagnosi, unívocs i rigorosos, per a la MA. Des del camp de la química bioinorgànica és fàcil fixar-se en l'excessiva concentració d'ions Zn(II) i Cu(II) en els cervells de malalts de MA, plantejar-se la seva utilització com a dianes terapèutica i, en conseqüència, cercar agents quelants que evitin la formació de plaques senils o contribueixin a la seva dissolució. Si bé aquest va ser el punt de partida d’aquest projecte, els múltiples factors implicats en la patogènesi de la MA fan que el clàssic paradigma d’ ¨una molècula, una diana¨ limiti la capacitat de la molècula de combatre aquesta malaltia tan complexa. Per tant, un esforç considerable s’ha dedicat al disseny d’agentsmultifuncionals que combatin els múltiples factors que caracteritzen el desenvolupament de la MA. En el present treball s’han dissenyat agents multifuncionals inspirats en dos esquelets moleculars ben establers i coneguts en el camp de la química medicinal: la tioflavina-T (ThT) i la deferiprona (DFP). La utilització de tècniques in silico que inclouen càlculs farmacocinètics i modelatge molecular ha estat un procés cabdal per a l’avaluació dels millors candidats en base als següents requeriments: (a) compliment de determinades propietats farmacocinètiques que estableixin el seu possible ús com a fàrmac (b) hidrofobicitat adequada per travessar la BBB i (c) interacció amb el pèptid Aen solució.
Summary : Mining activities produce enormous amounts of waste material known as tailings which are composed of fine to medium size particles. These tailings often contain sulfides, which oxidation can lead to acid and metal contamination of water; therefore they need to be remediated. In this work a tailings bioremediation approach was investigated by an interdisciplinary study including geochemistry, mineralogy and microbiology. The aim of the work was to study the effect of the implementation of wetland above oxidizing tailings on the hydrogeology and the biogeochemical element cycles, and to assess the system evolution over time. To reach these goals, biogeochemical processes occurring in a marine shore tailings deposit were investigated. The studied tailings deposit is located at the Bahìa de Ite, Pacific Ocean, southern Peru, where between 1940 and 1996 the tailings were discharged from the two porphyry copper mines Cuajone and Toquepala. After the end of deposition, a remediation approach was initiated in 1997 with a wetland implementation above the oxidizing tailings. Around 90% of the tailings deposits (total 16 km2) were thus remediated, except the central delta area and some areas close to the shoreline. The multi-stable isotope study showed that the tailings were saturated with fresh water in spite of the marine setting, due to the high hydraulic gradient resulting from the wetland implementation. Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) was the major source of SO4 2-, C1-, Na+, Fe2+, and Mn2+ input into the tailings at the original shelf-seawater interface. The geochemical study (aquatic geochemistry and X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and sequential extractions from the solid fraction) showed that iron and sulfur oxidation were the main processes in the non-remediated tailings, which showed a top a low-pH oxidation zone with strong accumulation of efflorescent salts at the surface due to capillary upward transport of heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cd, Co, and Ni) in the arid climate. The study showed also that the implementation of the wetland resulted in very low concentrations of heavy metals in solution (mainly under the detection limit) due to the near neutral pH and more reducing conditions (100-150 mV). The heavy metals, which were taken from solution, precipitated as hydroxides and sulfides or were bound to organic matter. The bacterial community composition analysis by Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) and cloning and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes combined with a detailed statistical analysis revealed a high correlation between the bacterial distribution and the geochemical variables. Acidophilic autotrophic oxidizing bacteria were dominating the oxidizing tailings, whereas neutrophilic and heterotrophic reducing bacteria were driving the biogeochemical processes in the remediated tailings below the wetland. At the subsurface of the remediated tailings, an iron cycling was highlighted with oxidation and reduction processes due to micro-aerophilic niches provided by the plant rhizosphere in this overall reducing environment. The in situ bioremediation experiment showed that the main parameter to take into account for the effectiveness was the water table and chemistry which controls the system. The constructed remediation cells were more efficient and rapid in metal removal when saturation conditions were available. This study showed that the bioremediation by wetland implementation could be an effective and rapid treatment for some sulfidic mine tailings deposits. However, the water saturation of the tailings has to be managed on a long-term basis in order to guarantee stability. Résumé : L'activité minière produit d'énormes quantités de déchets géologiques connus sous le nom de « tailings » composées de particules de taille fine à moyenne. Ces déchets contiennent souvent des sulfures dont l'oxydation conduit à la formation d'effluents acides contaminés en métaux, d'où la nécessité d'effectuer une remédiation des sites de stockage concernés. Le but de ce travail est dans un premier temps d'étudier l'effet de la bio-remédiation d'un dépôt de tailings oxydés sur l'hydrogéologie du système et les cycles biogéochimiques des éléments et en second lieu, d'évaluer l'évolution du processus de remédiation dans le temps. Le site étudié dans ce travail est situé dans la Bahía de Ite, au sud du Pérou, au bord de l'Océan Pacifique. Les déchets miniers en question sont déposés dans un environnement marin. De 1940 à 1996, les déchets de deux mines de porphyre cuprifère - Cuajone et Toquepala - ont été acheminés sur le site via la rivière Locumba. En 1997, une première remédiation a été initiée avec la construction d'une zone humide sur les tailings. Depuis, environ 90% de la surface du dépôt (16 km2) a été traité, les parties restantes étant la zone centrale du delta du Locumba et certaines zones proches de la plage. Malgré la proximité de l'océan, les études isotopiques menées dans le cadre de ce travail ont montré que les tailings étaient saturés en eau douce. Cette saturation est due à la pression hydraulique résultant de la mise en place des zones humides. Un écoulement d'eau souterrain sous-marin a été à détecté à l'interface entre les résidus et l'ancien fond marin. En raison de la géologie locale, il constitue une source d'entrée de SO4 2-, Cl-, Na+, FeZ+, et Mn2+ dans le système. L'analyse de la géochimie aquatique, la Diffraction aux Rayons X (XRD) et l'extraction séquentielle ont montré que l'oxydation du fer et .des sulfures est le principal processus se produisant dans les déchets non remédiés. Ceci a entraîné le développement d'une zone d'oxydation à pH bas induisant une forte accumulation des sels efflorescents, conséquence de la migration capillaire des métaux lourds (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cd, Co et Ni) de la solution vers la surface dans ce climat aride. Cette étude a montré également que la construction de la zone humide a eu comme résultats une précipitation des métaux dans des phases minérales en raison du pH neutre et des conditions réductrices (100-150mV). Les métaux lourds ont précipité sous la forme d'hydroxydes et de sulfures ou sont adsorbés à la matière organique. L'analyse de la composition de la communauté bactérienne à l'aide la technique T-RFLP (Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) et par le clonage/séquençage des gènes de l'ARNr 16S a été combinée à une statistique détaillée. Cette dernière a révélé une forte corrélation entre la distribution de bactéries spécifiques et la géochimie : Les bactéries autotrophes acidophiles dominent dans les déchets oxydés non remédiés, tandis que des bactéries hétérotrophes neutrophiles ont mené les processus microbiens dans les déchets remédiés sous la zone humide. Sous la surface de la zone humide, nos analyses ont également mis en évidence un cycle du fer par des processus d'oxydoréduction rendus possibles par la présence de niches micro-aérées par la rhizosphère dans cet environnement réducteur. L'expérience de bio-remédiation in situ a montré que les paramètres clés qui contrôlent l'efficacité du traitement sont le niveau de la nappe aquifère et la chimie de l'eau. Les cellules de remédiation se sont montrées plus efficaces et plus rapides lorsque le système a pu être saturé en eau. Finalement, cette étude a montré que la bio-remédiation de déchets miniers par la construction de zones humides est un moyen de traitement efficace, rapide et peu coûteux. Cependant, la saturation en eau du système doit être gérée sur le long terme afin de garantir la stabilité de l'ensemble du système.
It is commonly regarded that the overuse of traffic control devices desensitizes drivers and leads to disrespect, especially for low-volume secondary roads with limited enforcement. The maintenance of traffic signs is also a tort liability concern, exacerbated by unnecessary signs. The Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the Institute of Transportation Engineer’s (ITE) Traffic Control Devices Handbook provide guidance for the implementation of STOP signs based on expected compliance with right-of-way rules, provision of through traffic flow, context (proximity to other controlled intersections), speed, sight distance, and crash history. The approach(es) to stop is left to engineering judgment and is usually dependent on traffic volume or functional class/continuity of system. Although presently being considered by the National Committee on Traffic Control Devices, traffic volume itself is not given as a criterion for implementation in the MUTCD. STOP signs have been installed at many locations for various reasons which no longer (or perhaps never) met engineering needs. If in fact the presence of STOP signs does not increase safety, removal should be considered. To date, however, no guidance exists for the removal of STOP signs at two-way stop-controlled intersections. The scope of this research is ultra-low-volume (< 150 daily entering vehicles) unpaved intersections in rural agricultural areas of Iowa, where each of the 99 counties may have as many as 300 or more STOP sign pairs. Overall safety performance is examined as a function of a county excessive use factor, developed specifically for this study and based on various volume ranges and terrain as a proxy for sight distance. Four conclusions are supported: (1) there is no statistical difference in the safety performance of ultra-low-volume stop-controlled and uncontrolled intersections for all drivers or for younger and older drivers (although interestingly, older drivers are underrepresented at both types of intersections); (2) compliance with stop control (as indicated by crash performance) does not appear to be affected by the use or excessive use of STOP signs, even when adjusted for volume and a sight distance proxy; (3) crash performance does not appear to be improved by the liberal use of stop control; (4) safety performance of uncontrolled intersections appears to decline relative to stop-controlled intersections above about 150 daily entering vehicles. Subject to adequate sight distance, traffic professionals may wish to consider removal of control below this threshold. The report concludes with a section on methods and legal considerations for safe removal of stop control.
The efficient removal of a N- or C-terminal purification tag from a fusion protein is necessary to obtain a protein in a pure and active form, ready for use in human or animal medicine. Current techniques based on enzymatic cleavage are expensive and result in the presence of additional amino acids at either end of the proteins, as well as contaminating proteases in the preparation. Here we evaluate an alternative method to the one-step affinity/protease purification process for large-scale purification. It is based upon the cyanogen bromide (CNBr) cleavage at a single methionine placed in between a histidine tag and a Plasmodium falciparum antigen. The C-terminal segment of the circumsporozoite polypeptide was expressed as a fusion protein with a histidine tag in Escherichia coli purified by Ni-NAT agarose column chromatography and subsequently cleaved by CNBr to obtain a polypeptide without any extraneous amino acids derived from the cleavage site or from the affinity purification tag. Thus, a recombinant protein is produced without the need for further purification, demonstrating that CNBr cleavage is a precise, efficient, and low-cost alternative to enzymatic digestion, and can be applied to large-scale preparations of recombinant proteins.
Objectives The objective of this article is to describe the development of an anatomically accurate simulator in order to aid the training of a perinatal team in the insertion and removal of a fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion (FETO) balloon in the management of prenatally diagnosed congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Methods An experienced perinatal team collaborated with a medical sculptor to design a fetal model for the FETO procedure. Measurements derived from 28-week fetal magnetic resonance imaging were used in the development of an anatomically precise simulated airway within a silicone rubber preterm fetal model. Clinician feedback was then used to guide multiple iterations of the model with serial improvements in the anatomic accuracy of the simulator airway. Results An appropriately sized preterm fetal mannequin with a high-fidelity airway was developed. The team used this model to develop surgical skills with balloon insertion, and removal, and to prepare the team for an integrated response to unanticipated delivery with the FETO balloon still in situ. Conclusions This fetal mannequin aided in the ability of a fetal therapy unit to offer the FETO procedure at their center for the first time. This model may be of benefit to other perinatal centers planning to offer this procedure.
Em experimento de casa de vegetação, realizado em Campinas (SP), no período de janeiro a maio de 1980, estudaram-se os efeitos da peletização do lodo de esgoto, nas doses 0, 1 e 5% (v/v) do material seco, na produção de matéria seca e na absorção de Zn, Cu e Ni pela parte aérea do milho (Zea mays L.), em latossolo roxo (LR), latossolo vermelho-escuro (LE) e latossolo vermelho-amarelo (LV), que receberam ou não adição de CaCO3 suficiente para elevação do pH em água para 6,0. O experimento foi realizado em vasos com dois litros de capacidade, delineados em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, e os tratamentos arranjados num esquema fatorial. Após 200 dias de incubação dos solos com o lodo e CaCO3, cultivaram-se quatro plantas de milho em cada vaso. A parte aérea foi quantificada 56 dias após a germinação, sendo cortada, seca, pesada e analisada para os elementos Zn, Cu e Ni. Amostras de terra de cada tratamento foram retiradas e tiveram os metais extraídos pelo DTPA. A peletização do lodo de esgoto resultou em diminuição significativa na produção de matéria seca pela parte aérea do milho, nos três solos estudados, em comparação com o lodo não peletizado. A adição de CaCO3 proporcionou aumento significativo na produção de matéria seca do milho apenas nos dois solos mais ácidos (LE e LV) e diminuiu o acúmulo de Zn na parte aérea desse vegetal cultivado no LE, sem distinção quanto ao tipo de lodo aplicado, não se observando diferenças significativas na absorção de Ni, em todos os solos analisados. A incorporação do lodo peletizado , que continha 19% menos Zn e Ni que o não peletizado, resultou em menor absorção de Zn, Cu e Ni nos três solos, exceto para o Ni no LR. Para todos os solos investigados, o método do DTPA mostrou-se mais adequado em prognosticar as quantidades disponíveis de Zn e de Cu para o milho, independentemente do tipo de lodo de esgoto aplicado e da elevação ou não do pH do solo pela adição de CaCO3.
Tiivistelmä: Neulasten pääravinnepitoisuuksien muutokset turvekankaan alikasvoskuusikossa ylispuuhakkuun jälkeen