924 resultados para Content Analysis
Uma das principais discussões na dimensão social perpassa sobre o tema emancipação social, o que na concepção de Santos (2007, p.17) é um conceito absolutamente central na modernidade. Estudos que venham revelar as evidências emancipadoras por meio das práticas de projetos sociais são relevantes socialmente e representam alternativas de intervenção social. A tese central é a de que os projetos de intervenção social em áreas de vulnerabilidade social propiciam a emancipação dos atores locais. Este estudo se justifica pela necessidade de compreender como são construídas essas redes de intervenção social que atuam em comunidades pobres. Os objetivos do estudo foram: i) verificar as possibilidades de emancipação que se associam às políticas e práticas de extensão universitária; ii) identificar as representações de mulheres sobre o tempo que destinam a esperar os filhos que participam de atividades em uma Vila Olímpica; iii) analisar os objetivos e ações que mobilizaram a Central Única das Favelas (CUFA), com atenção na fundação e sua trajetória, do Street Basket das Favelas, em 2005, à competição Taça das Favelas, em 2011; iv) identificar o conteúdo das representações sociais (RS) acerca da participação de jovens adolescentes na Taça das Favelas. Para a realização dos estudos, adotou-se a abordagem qualitativa. No primeiro estudo utilizou-se a metodologia da análise documental para seleção dos documentos e análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2009) para identificação das categorias a serem analisadas. Definimos um marco referencial básico a partir das reflexões de Boaventura de Sousa Santos e Paulo Freire para conceituar a extensão e emancipação social. Os tópicos contemplados na análise se desdobraram em três questões: qual a concepção de extensão universitária está presente nos documentos institucionais; de que forma a universidade promove a articulação com o território; como se dá a prática da extensão universitária na UNISUAM. Os resultados da análise evidenciaram processos emancipadores nas práticas extensionistas. O segundo estudo é de natureza etnográfica, com aportes da etnometodologia e da pesquisa-ação colaborativa. O grupo pesquisado se caracteriza por mulheres que frequentam a Vila Olímpica do Complexo do Alemão. Os resultados em relação à representação das mulheres sobre o tempo que esperam os filhos revelaram que é um tempo para a aprendizagem. O terceiro estudo é sobre o papel da CUFA na cultura hip hop no basquetebol, no Rio de Janeiro e na Taça das Favelas, uma competição de futebol de campo entre 80 seleções, com jovens moradores das favelas. O estudo seguinte é sobre representações sociais acerca da participação de jovens adolescentes na Taça das Favelas. Os dados provêm de entrevista semiestruturada com 11 jogadores da Taça das Favelas.
O Núcleo de Apoio Psicopedagógico ao Residente (NAPPRE) em parceria com a Coordenadoria de Desenvolvimento Acadêmico (CDA) do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE) da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), desenvolve desde 2010 o Curso de Formação Pedagógica para a Prática da Preceptoria (CFPPP) curso de extensão na modalidade aperfeiçoamento, tendo como eixos estruturantes cuidado, educação e gestão. Sustentado nos princípios e diretrizes do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e orientado pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais de Graduação em Saúde (DCNs), o curso apresenta-se como uma estratégia de Educação Permanente em Saúde (EPS) desta instituição utilizando, tanto nas atividades presenciais como na educação à distância, metodologias ativas para o desenvolvimento da competência pedagógica do preceptor. O projeto político pedagógico do curso valoriza a integração dos profissionais de diferentes categorias para o trabalho em equipe. O alcance dos objetivos educacionais e a construção de projetos de intervenção a serem desenvolvidos nas instituições de origem durante o curso exige interação constante dos participantes e desenvolvimento de espaços colaborativos facilitados por estratégias mistas de educação em atividades presenciais e à distância. Considerando que, aproximadamente, 57% da carga horária do curso corresponde à atividades no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem é fundamental compreender a relevância e funcionalidade deste modelo pedagógico para promover a aprendizagem e induzir práticas colaborativas interdisciplinares compreendidas como um caminho para o desenvolvimento da capacidade criativa, da solidariedade e da inteligência coletiva favorecendo a autonomia crescente, individual e coletiva, a autoria e a produção de cuidado e educação. Estes são elementos constitutivos de práticas educacionais coerentes com as necessidades de formação dos profissionais para qualificar o cuidado em saúde no nosso País. Este projeto de pesquisa tem como objetivo principal avaliar como a Educação à Distância (EaD) favorece a construção de ambientes colaborativos na formação pedagógica de preceptores. Trata-se de um estudo de caso único, retrospectivo, com duas unidades de análise, explanatório, intrínseco e educacional. São integrantes dessa pesquisa, como participantes, todos os preceptores da 1 e 2 turmas (anos 2010 e 2011 respectivamente). O planejamento educacional do curso foi contextualizado considerando as competências pedagógicas que são objetivos de aprendizagem. Foram analisados documentos produzidos de forma individual e coletiva durante as etapas do curso. Os dados quantitativos foram analisados através de estatística descritiva e a análise dos dados coletados no material documental foi por análise de conteúdo segundo as proposições de Bardin com identificação de núcleos e/ou validação destes núcleos através das nuvens de palavras construídas através do wordle.
A presente tese analisa como o Programa Bolsa Família vem impactando a luta fundiária da Comunidade Quilombola de Caiana dos Crioulos, observando como isto tem afetado a construção e desenvolvimento da cidadania desta comunidade. Para isto, fazemos um estudo sobre o programa bolsa família, que foi criado com o fulcro de diminuir a fome, a pobreza e a desigualdade social, alcançando, paulatinamente, milhões de brasileiros, inclusive grande parcela dos quilombolas. Nesta seara percebemos que a vulnerabilidade social é uma marca presente nas comunidades quilombolas, principalmente devido à dificuldade de acesso a estas comunidades, além de uma prestação de serviços públicos não focados para sua identidade cultural. Atualmente, grande parcela dos quilombolas é beneficiária do Programa Bolsa Família e não estão conseguindo a autonomização deste programa por não haver uma política pública específica que possa estimular o desenvolvimento dos quilombolas, respeitando a cultura dos mesmos. Destacamos também que a concretização do pleito principal dos quilombolas, que é a titulação das suas terras, conforme previsto no artigo 68 do Ato de Disposições Constitucionais Transitórios da Constituição Federal de 1988, não vem sendo efetivada devido a grande burocracia para esse procedimento de titulação junto com interesses de grupos hegemônicos ligados a bancada ruralista. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa fizemos uso da abordagem qualitativa, concomitantemente foi feita uma pesquisa de campo, permitindo a observação direta dos fenômenos, preservando a singularidade do objeto social. Além disso, fizemos consultas a dados primários e secundários de órgãos públicos. Utilizamos como instrumentos de coleta de dados entrevistas semiestruturadas, optando pela utilização da análise de conteúdo, buscando-se analisar a realidade social num grau de profundidade que ultrapasse o senso comum. Seguimos uma das técnicas específicas da análise de conteúdo, que é a análise temática. Concluiu-se que a regularização fundiária definitiva junto com a concretização de políticas públicas específicas são o caminho para construção da cidadania quilombola, pois permitirá que haja uma segurança jurídica para os quilombolas. E apenas o programa bolsa família não pode ser um propiciador da quebra do ciclo intergeracional da pobreza que muito marca a história dos povos quilombolas, precisando ser pensado de forma interdisciplinar as portas de saída da pobreza, daí a necessidade de capabilities para que o quilombola possa usufruir de uma cidadania plena.
The natural diet of 506 American lobsters (Homarus americanus) ranging from instar V (4 mm cephalothorax length, CL) to the adult stage (112 mm CL) was determined by stomach content analysis for a site in the Magdalen Islands, Gulf of St. Lawrence, eastern Canada. Cluster and factor analyses determined four size groupings of lobsters based on their diet: <7.5 mm, 7.5 to <22.5 mm, 22.5 to <62.5 mm, and ≥62.5 mm CL. The ontogenetic shift in diet with increasing size of lobsters was especially apparent for the three dominant food items: the contribution of bivalves and animal tissue (flesh) to volume of stomach contents decreased from the smallest lobsters (28% and 39%, respectively) to the largest lobsters (2% and 11%, respectively), whereas the reverse trend was seen for rock crab Cancer irroratus (7% in smallest lobsters to 53% in largest lobsters). Large lobsters also ate larger rock crabs than did small lobsters.
To identify the food habits of three species of Mastacembelidae namely Mastacembelus armatus, Mastacembelus pancalus and Macrognathus aculeatus, the gut content analysis was performed by three methods i.e. occurrence method, points method and index of fullness method. All three species were found to consume prawn, molluscs, insects, earth warm, debris and plant materials. M. armatus and M. pan cal us were found to feed mainly on animal food items and 84.68% of different types of animal food were taken by M. armatus and 62.72% by M. pancalus. M. aculeatus was found to consume 44.86% of different types of animal food items, 53.51% of debris and plant materials which indicated that this fish feeds almost equally on animal and plant food. Analysis of the food habits showed that both M. armatus and M. pancalus are carnivore in nature with higher feeding preference for animal food namely prawn, crabs, fishes, molluscs etc. On the other hand, M. aculeatus is an omnivore in nature feeding almost equally on animal and plant food.
Diel feeding chronology of sandwhiting, Sillago sihama was examined from stomach collections taken during the months of April, July and December'99 in Mulki estuary along Dakshina Kannada coast, India. Significant differences in mean stomach content weight were found between several consecutive 3 hour periods with peak fullness occurring in early morning and evening hours. The rate of gastric evacuation of natural food (crustacea, polychaetes and fish) was measured in the field was best described by an exponential model, with an estimated evacuation time of 8.0 h at a temperature of 28.5 ± 1.2°C. Stomach content analysis indicated that this species is a carnivore on a wide range of benthic, epibenthic and planktonic prey. The principal food items of S. sihama were crustaceans, polychaetes and fish. Fishes less than 100 mm TL preferred mainly crustaceans while larger ones depends on polychaetes, crustaceans and fish. The feeding activity of S. sihama was influenced by tidal cycle.
Abundance of diatom (Bacillariophyceae) in the plankton population and the dietary role of it in chapila (Gudusia chapra) in pond were studied. A total of 25 genera of phytoplankton belonging to Bacillariophyceae (7), Chlorophyceae (11), Cyanophyceae (5) and Euglenophyceae (2) and 9 genera of zooplankton belonging to Crustacea (3) and Rotifera (6) were recorded from the water. Among the phytoplankton, highest abundance of Chlorophyceae was observed, and Bacillariophyceae, Cyanophyceae and Euglenophyceae ranked the second, third and fourth position in the planktonic population, respectively. Among the zooplankton, Rotifera was recorded as the most dominant group and Crustacea as the least one. From the gut content analysis, 4 groups of phytoplankton consisting of 33 genera of plankton were identified and recoded [sic] of which 25 belonging to phytoplankton and 8 belonging to zooplankton. This study reveals that the Chlorophyceae and Cyanophyceae were the most dominant food items of chapila. Bacillariophyceae (diatom) and Euglenophyceae were less important and Crustacea and Rotifera were the least important in the diet of Chapila. The present investigation showed that chapila appeared to be a plankton feeder with a preference for phytoplankton to zooplankton. Electivity analysis showed that the fish avoided zooplankton and strongly selected phytoplankton. In the gut contents of fish, Chlorophyceae was positively and Bacillariophyceae (diatom) was negatively selected throughout the experimental period, in the pond water.
Diatoms were collected from Buyuan Bay, and from the hatchery tanks at Tigbauan, to determine the commonly occurring species, the feasibility of culturing these species, and the potential of these selected species as food for larval P. monodon. The commonly occurring diatoms were identified as Chaetoceros calcitrans, Navicula grimmei, Nitzchia seriata, Nitzchia closterium and Amphiprora sp. These diatoms were isolated and unialgal cultures prepared. Protein content analysis using the micro-Kjildahl method gave the following result: C. calcitrans, 11 . 78%; Nitzchia seriata, 25%; Nitzchia closterium, 30 . 5%; Navicula grimmei, 9 . 06% and Amphiprora sp. 8 . 96%. Feeding experiments were conducted to determine acceptability of the different diatom species and percentage survival of larval stages Z SUB-1 -M SUB-2 . Larvae were placed in 4-l capacity plastic containers with a stocking density of 10/l. The results of several feeding trials using the different mass-produced diatoms are summarized. From the data gathered, C. calcitrans appears to be the most promising candidate as feed for zoea and mysis stages of P. monodon. The average percentage survival of C. calcitrans was 63 . 76% for the 3 trials, and as high as 82 . 22% in the third trial. Comparatively high percentage survival of larvae was also recorded when Nitzchia seriata (48 . 17%) and Nitzchia closterium (67 . 6%) were given as feed, while both Amphiprora sp. and Navicula grimmei gave 0% survival. The poor results with Amphiprora sp. and Navicula grimmei may be due to their low protein content (8 . 96% and 9 . 06%, respectively) and the inability of the larvae to ingest them. Navicula and Amphiprora were observed to cling to the appendages of the larvae and to settle down in the medium making them unavailable to the larvae. Low survival was also noted when frozen C. calcitrans was used (14 . 25%). This may be due partly to the effect of the floculating agent (ALSO SUB-4 . 25 g/l) used in concentrating the diatoms. When protein contents of C. calcitrans, N. seriata and N. closterium are compared, the 2 Nitzchia species have relatively higher protein contents than C. calcitrans and, therefore, could be the more desirable feed candidates. However, few feeding trials were made using Nitzchia so that additional investigations will have to be done on this aspect.
Feeding habits of the sesarmid crab Perisesarma bidens (De Haan) was investigated in the mangroves of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Stomach content analysis showed that their diet consists mainly of mangrove leaves fragments, with small amounts of animal, algae and sediment matters, indicating that P. bidens is primarily detritivorous. The consumption rate of P. bidens was investigated under laboratory conditions by offering three different types of Kandelia candel mangrove leaves. Crab survived by eating green, yellow or brown leaves, preferring brown to either green or yellow leaves. Consumption rate of brown leaves was significantly higher when crabs were provided with green, yellow and brown leaves together, than when provided separately. It is considered that the brown leaves have a soft tissue, which is easily torn by the crab chelae and have apparently low C/N ratio. The C/N ratio of faeces, which indicated lower value than that of burrow leaves or sediments, derived from the symbiosis of bacteria in the stomach. The C/N ratio showed that sediments had C/N ratios 2/3 times lower than leaves sequestered in the burrow, indicating that mangrove sediments could have higher nutritional value than mangrove leaves. Perisesarma bidens showed significant consumption rates of mangrove detritus, therefore, it may have the important role as the grazer of mangrove detritus in view of the nutrient cycle in the mangroves.
In recent years, the healthcare sector has adopted the use of operational risk assessment tools to help understand the systems issues that lead to patient safety incidents. But although these problem-focused tools have improved the ability of healthcare organizations to identify hazards, they have not translated into measurable improvements in patient safety. One possible reason for this is a lack of support for the solution-focused process of risk control. This article describes a content analysis of the risk management strategies, policies, and procedures at all acute (i.e., hospital), mental health, and ambulance trusts (health service organizations) in the East of England area of the British National Health Service. The primary goal was to determine what organizational-level guidance exists to support risk control practice. A secondary goal was to examine the risk evaluation guidance provided by these trusts. With regard to risk control, we found an almost complete lack of useful guidance to promote good practice. With regard to risk evaluation, the trusts relied exclusively on risk matrices. A number of weaknesses were found in the use of this tool, especially related to the guidance for scoring an event's likelihood. We make a number of recommendations to address these concerns. The guidance assessed provides insufficient support for risk control and risk evaluation. This may present a significant barrier to the success of risk management approaches in improving patient safety. © 2013 Society for Risk Analysis.
Temporal and spatial changes in delta(13) C and delta 15 N of particulate organic matter (POM) and Hemiculter leucisculus were studied in the Yangtze River of China. Isotopic signatures of POM showed seasonal variations, which was assumed to be associated with allochthonous organic input and autochthonous phytoplankton growth. delta C-13 of H. leucisculus was 1.1 % higher than that of POM, which suggested that the food source of H. leucisculus was mostly from the POM. A mass balance model indicated the trophic position of H. leucisculus in the food web of Yangtze River was estimated to be 2.0 - 2.1, indicating that this fish mainly feeds on planktonic organic matter, which agreed with previous gut content analysis.
Temporal and spatial changes in delta(13)C and delta(15)N of seston (mainly phytoplankton) and isotopic relationship between seston and the lake anchovy (Coilia ectenes) were studied in the large eutrophic freshwater Lake Chaohu in China. Much of the spatial and temporal variation in delta(13)C of lake anchovies was explained by variation in seston, indicating a strong link between pelagic primary production and higher order consumers. Because the lake is shallow, there were no significant differences in delta(13)C and delta(15)N of seston between surface and overlying waters. Spatially, the relatively high delta(13)C and delta(15)N of seston in the western part of the lake might be due to high levels of anthropogenically derived N and C introduced from the surrounding cities through sewage drainage systems. The trophic position of the lake anchovy in the food web of Lake Chaohu was estimated to be 2.9-4.1 (3.5 +/- 0.4), which agrees well with the previous stomach content analysis suggesting that the lake anchovy fed both on zooplankton and small planktivorous fishes.
本论文由三部分共4 章组成。第一部分阐述了大戟科大戟属传统中药千金子(Euphorbia lathyris L.)化学成分、生物学活性以及千金子化学成分的HPLC、UPLC-MS、GC-MS 分析成果。第二部分介绍了民族药材暖地大叶藓(Rhodobryum giganteum (Schwaegr.) Par.)的化学成分研究和结构鉴定。第三部分概述了大戟属 植物中大环二萜酯的研究进展。 第一章包括1-3 节。在第1, 2 节中报道了千金子(Euphorbia lathyris L.)95% 乙醇提取物的化学成分分离鉴定。我们采用正、反相硅胶柱层析、重结晶等各种分离方法,凭借MS、IR、NMR、X-ray 等现代仪器手段,从中共分离鉴定22 个化合物。其中8 个是高活性化合物前体-续随子烷型大环二萜及3 个巨大戟烷型二萜,还有香豆素、生物碱、甾体等类型,其中完成对5 个大环二萜酯构型的确认,对2 个二萜酯构型进行了修正。第3 节中介绍对千金子化学成分的细胞毒性、α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性、P-gp 表达抑制活性的模型筛选结果。 第二章包括3 节,第1 节报道不同产地千金子高效液相色谱定量分析结果。第2 节介绍了各大环二萜酯的HPLC-MS/MS 的分析结果,并且对其质谱裂解规律、UPLC-MS 快速鉴定方法做了进一步讨论。第3 节介绍了千金子挥发油成分分析。采用传统水蒸气蒸馏方法提取千金子中的挥发油,并经气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术共分离鉴定出 49 个化合物,占挥发油总量的90.48%。 第三章包括1, 2 两节,第1 节报道了暖地大叶藓化学成分。采用正、反相硅胶,凝胶柱层析等各种分离方法和MS、IR、NMR 等解析手段,共分离鉴定10个化合物,其中一个环肽化合物为新化合物。第2 节介绍了暖地大叶藓挥发油成分分析,共分离鉴定出 52 个化合物,占其挥发油总量的85.67%。 第四章概述了大戟科大戟属植物中大环二萜酯的研究进展。 This dissertation consists of three parts. In the first part, it is elaborated that the phytochemical investigation from the traditional Chinese medicine: seeds of Euphorbia lathyris L.. Biological activity and constituents analysis by HPLC、UPLC-MS、GC-MS were reported. In the second part, it is discussed that the chemical constituents were isolated and identificated from minority nationalitical herb-Rhodobryum giganteum (Schwaegr.) Par.. The third part is a review about the progress of studies on macrocyclic diterpenes from Euphorbia. The first part is composed of 1-3 sections. The section 1and 2 is focused on the isolation and identification of chemical constituents from seeds of E. lathyris. 22 compounds were isolated from the seeds of E. lathyris. by isolation methods of column chromatography (silica gel, including reversed phase) and recrystallisation on the basis of spectroscopic methods including IR, MS, NMR and X-ray. In 8 macrocyclic and 3 ingenane diterpenes, the relative configuration of 5 macrocyclic diterpenes were confirmed, in which 2 were amended. In the third section, cell cytotoxic activity, restraining activity of α-Glucosidase and multidrug resistance (MDR) reversing activity about P-gp were tested. 5 potential revsering reagents were found. The second part is composed of 1-3 sections. In first section it is described that the quality of the chemical constituents of E. lathyris from 5 sources , which were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. In addition, the fractionation rules of some macrocyclic diterpenes were discussed and Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography/ electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS) was applied for quick determination of compounds in the second section. In the third section, chemical analysis of the essential oil from seeds of E. lathyris by GC-MS were reported. The essential oil from the seeds of E. lathyris L. in Sichuan was extracted by steam distillation and 49 compounds were isolated and identified from the essential oil by gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). These compounds are accounted for 90.46% of the total essential oil. The second part, including section 4 and 5, is about the phytochemical investigation of R. giganteum. In the former section, ten compounds were isolated and identified. Among them, a new peptide was characterized by spectroscopic analysis including IR, MS and NMR. In the other section, 52 compounds were isolated and identified from the essential oil by gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). These compounds are accounted for 85.67% of the total essential oil. The third part is a review about the progress of studies on macrocyclic diterpenes from Euphorbia.
Using two different glutathione derivatives as hapten, we have prepared two abzymes, which display glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity. Their GPX activities are 0.2 and 1.6 times that of natural GPX from rabbit liver, respectively. Selenium content analysis indicates that the activity difference between the two abzymes is possibly attributed to the conformation difference of the abzymes.
As the social and organizational environment become more and more complex, the topic of leadership complexity is gaining more and more attention. So far, some critical issues in this field need further exploration, such as clarifying the theoretical framework, developing and validating the measurments and exploring the mechanism of the its effectiveness. Using BEI(Behavioral Event Interview), content analysis and EFA/CFA, ANOVA, regression analysis and other qualitative/quantitative methods, this research explored the leadership structure of Chinese enterprise managers, developed a new leadership questionnaire, investigated the differences of the leadership roles among various managerial areas and on different hirachical levels, and examined the impacts of the leadership roles and leadership complexity on different indicators of leadership effectiveness in various organizational contexts. 1,020 managers were surveyed. The followings are the main findings: First,the structure of leadership behaviors of Chinese enterprise managers included ethical model, authoritarian, producer, director, monitor, mentor, strategist, enterpriser, among which ethical model and authoritarian are the new findings in Chinese cultural context. Ethical model was characterized by presenting honesty, setting an example to others, being just and diligent. Authoritarian was characterized by showing power and arbitrariness. In addition, mentor, strategist and enterpriser incarnated some cultural features of present China. The new developed leadership questionnaire’s reliability and validity reached the criterion of standardized measurement. Second, there were significant differences of frequency of leadership behaviors among the managers at different managerial postions and hirachical levels, while the impacts of different leadership roles on different leadership effectiveness indicators were also singnificantly different. Ethical model had positive impacts on the whole performance and three indicators across task and context performance, and authoritarian’s impacts on the whole performance and department performance were negatively significant. Third, the impact of leadership complexity on the whole leadership effectiveness was positively significant, while the moderating effects of organization level and position function was not significant.