855 resultados para Competition in prices


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This thesis approaches the situation of small and medium Brazilian companies facing the exportation process, focusing honey (Apis Mellifera). The world economy has had growing market internationalization, known as globalization. In this context, the exportation has to be faced as a way to minimize the inner market difficulties and increase the levels of quality and productivity to attend the external markets in a competitive way. A company exportation process is not linked to its dimensions, but connected to the commitment with quality, creativity and professionalism. The search for new productive frontiers has benefited Brazilian beekeeper, mainly the northeast ones. Besides, the claim for products that are free of chemical remains, with a bigger aggregate value has increased every day, and the Apismel Company is benefited for having potential to produce organic honey. This paper approaches a case study realized with Sixty-nine beekeeper from Serra do Mel, RN, that make the Apismel Company and it aims to investigate the competitive factors that affects honey exportation. In order to obtain subsidies to execute the objective of this work, it was chosen a questionnaire as instrument of research. The questionnaire was structured from variables that were considered as directions of competition in honey exportation. The results were tabled in Software (Statistics version 11.0). The descriptive, exploiter and Kolmogorov-Smirnov analyses were used to analyze the obtained results. At the end, this work recommends that the Apismel Company promote capacitating courses and technical consultations at the many villages that make the county, to ripen and add efficiency in handling implementation in order to equilibrate production factors and to attract inner and external markets


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The objective of this research is the verification of the competition in the intecity market, after the entrance of new competitors (vans and microbus) regulated and clandestine. For verification of this new view was effected one research of documentary character for the knowledge of the regulation and exploratory character of the system Natal - territory of the Seridó, for thus in making will know this problematic, well as its characteristics, attractivenesses and development of the territory of the Seridó, and its link with the Capital (Natal). Later, through a descriptive exploratory research of the type survey with the passengers to know as these are being taken care and its satisfaction in relation to the regulated companies. With the drivers if focus effected one group, and with the staff of the of sale ticket a research survey, aiming at to know the strategies used for the only company of bus that takes care of the territory of the Seridó, the implantation of these and the consequence of the user. In accordance with the generic tipologia of Porter and its strategies, were perceived that the bus company adopted the strategy of price leadership being competitive, using to advantage its bigger space in the market, already vans and the microbuses with its limited participation bet in a strategy of "differentiation" in its service, effecting faster trips and in the strategy of "approach" we find the not regulated services earn the service to the taste of the user


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Increased competition in the market of urban transport, characteristic of the Brazilian cities from years 90, has required actions of the managing agencies to ensure the universality of service, enhancing efficiency and consumer welfare. It grows in the Brazilian municipalities, the need to adopt a systematic performance evaluation in terms of management system of indicators and targets appropriate to the regulatory context, which has the purpose of evaluating the accomplishment and compliance by dealers, of the services granted during the contract period, marked by increasingly long periods. The introduction of an index operational performance in permission contracts/concession in urban buses is intended to establish a regulatory performance, giving the contract a pro-competitive feature and to allow the managing agency the systematic and continuous monitoring of the performance of the delegated service to avoid major deviations from desired performance. A performance assessment model of public transportation companies by bus, and applicable to the case of Natal is proposed. Sought to add the particularities found in the transport system in order to assess the performance of enterprises, contribute to improving the service quality to the population and enable decision-makers a detailed knowledge of the behavior of the licensees


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A importância econômica de possíveis características biológicas a serem incluídas em objetivos de seleção para diferentes sistemas de produção de bovinos da raça Nelore, mediante o cálculo dos seus valores econômicos foi avaliada nesta pesquisa. Com base em informações de desempenho e parâmetros biológicos e econômicos, foram simulados diferentes sistemas de produção (ciclos de cria e completo) para dois rebanhos. O rebanho 1, com ciclo de cria (Ccr), ciclo completo (Cco) e ciclo completo com venda de reprodutores (CcoR), é um rebanho elite no qual é desenvolvido um programa seleção. Parte deste rebanho é também destinada à produção de animais comerciais. O rebanho 2 é um rebanho exclusivamente comercial, com Ccr e Cco. Os valores econômicos foram calculados usando-se um modelo bio-econômico, para as seguintes características: peso (PD) e taxa de desmama (TD), peso da vaca adulta (PVA), ganho médio diário no confinamento (GMD), pesos ao abate (PA) e de carcaça (PC), peso final dos tourinhos (PFT), rendimento de carcaça (RC) e consumo alimentar no confinamento (CAc) e em pastagem (CAp). Para os sistemas de ciclo completo e de ciclo completo com venda de reprodutores e CcoR (Cco e CcoR), os valores econômicos variaram de R$ 0,34 a R$ 0,40 para PD, R$ 3,51 a R$ 10,15 para TD, -R$ 0,16 a R$ 0,09 para PAV, R$ 0,32 a R$ 0,76 para GMDc, R$ 1,09 a R$ 1,17 para PA; R$ 2,03 a R$ 2,19 para PC, R$ 23,89 a R$ 28,61 para RC, e R$ 11,85 para PFT, - R$0,45 para CAc e - R$ 0,03 para CAp. A taxa de desmama e o rendimento de carcaça foram as características de maior impacto no lucro anual dos dois rebanhos. As análises de sensibilidade demonstraram que, de modo geral, possíveis mudanças nos preços de insumos e produtos influenciariam de forma mais significativa os valores econômicos nos sistemas de produção nos quais esses preços eram mais elevados nas situações básicas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study aimed to contextualize the world's lobster fishing and identify the characteristics of their trades in Santos region (SP). For this purpose, were realized surveys about the captures of 56 years referring the families traded in the world through the informations supplied by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). To State of São Paulo, consults were made in the data base Propesq (Fishing Institute) about the fishing and prices. Besides interviews in fishmonger, businessmen of fishing and restaurant, we observed the trade and the economical potential compared the lobsters Scyllarides spp. and Panulirus spp. The worldwide the family Nephropidae is the one that has been presenting bigger growth in the captures from 1950 and the one that has the biggest observed captures, the Palinuridae showed a little growth of the captures up to the 80' years, and leaving from there it is oscillating without many expressive changes; Scyllarides began to stand out as fisheries only 70' in Asia, precisely where the other two Families had low catches proportional. In the State of São Paulo, two types of lobsters are sold in Baixada Santista, with conspicuous differences in prices between them. There is also a difference in the flow of trade in relation to active fishing gear. Traders notice a decrease in both abundance and size of individuals of both genders and a clear preference to sell the slippers lobsters (Scyllarides spp.) both for the quality of meat as the lowest price.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Com o objetivo de estudar os efeitos de diferentes períodos de competição das plantas daninhas sobre alguns parâmetros produtivos da cultura do amendoim cv. Tatu-53, foi instalada e conduzida a presente pesquisa, em Jaboticabal, em solo Latossol Vermelho Escuro - fase arenosa. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, sendo os tratamentos divididos em dois grupos: no primeiro, a cultura foi mantida no mato desde a germinação até determinada fase de seu ciclo de desenvolvimento e, no segundo a cultura foi conservada livre da competição por períodos equ ivalentes ao primeiro grupo, após o qual o mato foi deixado crescer livremente. As extensões dos períodos estudados foram, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 e 100 dias. Nas condições em que foi desenvolvido o experimento, o amendoim mostrou-se relativamente tolerante à competição de maneira que um período de 10 dias livre das plantas daninhas no início de seu ciclo de desenvolvimento proporcionou -lhe condições ple nas de produtividade, comparada à te stemunha no limpo. Por outro lado, quando foi pe rmitido que o mato desenvolvesse desde o início do ciclo de cultura, o período acima do qual a competição alterou a produtividade de cultura foi igual ou superior a 50 dias.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper describes the UNESP robotic team in the medical trash collector task, proposed on the 5 rd IEEE Latin American Robots Competition in the LEGO category. We present our understanding of the task and discuss the proposed solution, focusing on the mechanical and computational issues of the robots. The mechanics is based on rigid body capability of transforming rotational into curvilinear movement. With respect to the computational control, the system is modeled as a reactive system with sequential transition of behaviors. A state-machine is proposed to allow this transition, and the synchronization of robotic states is guaranteed by the communication system. The proposed approach has shown itself capable of dealing with the high difficulty degree of this cooperative task. ©2006 IEEE.


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Includes bibliography