804 resultados para Cloud Computing, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), SaaS Multi-Tenant, Windows Azure


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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The rising usage of distributed energy resources has been creating several problems in power systems operation. Virtual Power Players arise as a solution for the management of such resources. Additionally, approaching the main network as a series of subsystems gives birth to the concepts of smart grid and micro grid. Simulation, particularly based on multi-agent technology is suitable to model all these new and evolving concepts. MASGriP (Multi-Agent Smart Grid simulation Platform) is a system that was developed to allow deep studies of the mentioned concepts. This paper focuses on a laboratorial test bed which represents a house managed by a MASGriP player. This player is able to control a real installation, responding to requests sent by the system operators and reacting to observed events depending on the context.


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El monitor de servidors JMS és un projecte basat en el disseny i implementacio d'una eina GUI, destinada a programadors i equips de proves que treballin amb la tecnología Java Message Service, multiplataforma i multiservidor, que podrà monitoritzar un nombre variat de servidors JMS des de qualsevol sistema que tingui una màquina virtual de Java instal·lada. L'aplicació té com a principal objectiu visualitzar de forma clara i senzilla l'estat global d'un servidor JMS, mostrant les cues i tòpics creats, juntament amb la possibilitat de realitzar accions sobre les mateixes destinacions (enviament i eliminació de missatges residents al servidor) i la creació de gràfiques sobre el tràfic de missatges.


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L'empresa Desenvolupaments Intel·ligents es dedica a la creació del software financer i borsari. Tot el sistema informàtic esta basat en màquines amb plataformes Microsoft Windows. S'ha decidit implementar un nou sistema informàtic basat en GNU/Linux. Aquest és l'objecte d'aquest treball. El nou sistema informàtic basat en GNU/Linux ha de incloure tots els equips clients (que seran els ordinadors nous) i els servidors (es reaprofitaran els ordinadors antics) cobrint tots els serveis que abans donava el servidors antics mitjançant aquest sistema operatiu i software lliure.


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TFC de gestió de tasques informàtiques desenvolupada en ASP.NET MVC 3 i Windows Phone 7


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This paper presents the segmentation of bilateral parotid glands in the Head and Neck (H&N) CT images using an active contour based atlas registration. We compare segmentation results from three atlas selection strategies: (i) selection of "single-most-similar" atlas for each image to be segmented, (ii) fusion of segmentation results from multiple atlases using STAPLE, and (iii) fusion of segmentation results using majority voting. Among these three approaches, fusion using majority voting provided the best results. Finally, we present a detailed evaluation on a dataset of eight images (provided as a part of H&N auto segmentation challenge conducted in conjunction with MICCAI-2010 conference) using majority voting strategy.


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There is a need for more efficient methods giving insight into the complex mechanisms of neurotoxicity. Testing strategies including in vitro methods have been proposed to comply with this requirement. With the present study we aimed to develop a novel in vitro approach which mimics in vivo complexity, detects neurotoxicity comprehensively, and provides mechanistic insight. For this purpose we combined rat primary re-aggregating brain cell cultures with a mass spectrometry (MS)-based metabolomics approach. For the proof of principle we treated developing re-aggregating brain cell cultures for 48h with the neurotoxicant methyl mercury chloride (0.1-100muM) and the brain stimulant caffeine (1-100muM) and acquired cellular metabolic profiles. To detect toxicant-induced metabolic alterations the profiles were analysed using commercial software which revealed patterns in the multi-parametric dataset by principal component analyses (PCA), and recognised the most significantly altered metabolites. PCA revealed concentration-dependent cluster formations for methyl mercury chloride (0.1-1muM), and treatment-dependent cluster formations for caffeine (1-100muM) at sub-cytotoxic concentrations. Four relevant metabolites responsible for the concentration-dependent alterations following methyl mercury chloride treatment could be identified using MS-MS fragmentation analysis. These were gamma-aminobutyric acid, choline, glutamine, creatine and spermine. Their respective mass ion intensities demonstrated metabolic alterations in line with the literature and suggest that the metabolites could be biomarkers for mechanisms of neurotoxicity or neuroprotection. In addition, we evaluated whether the approach could identify neurotoxic potential by testing eight compounds which have target organ toxicity in the liver, kidney or brain at sub-cytotoxic concentrations. PCA revealed cluster formations largely dependent on target organ toxicity indicating possible potential for the development of a neurotoxicity prediction model. With such results it could be useful to perform a validation study to determine the reliability, relevance and applicability of this approach to neurotoxicity screening. Thus, for the first time we show the benefits and utility of in vitro metabolomics to comprehensively detect neurotoxicity and to discover new biomarkers.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, voidaanko asiakkaan ja palveluntarjoajan odotukset yhdistää muodostettaessa palveluntarjoajan monikanavamallia. Monikanavaisuus tuo asiakkaalle mahdollisuuksia ajasta ja paikasta riippumattomaan asiointiin. Asiakkaan näkökulmasta tämä tarkoittaa usein sitä, että hänen oppimansa asiointitapa muuttuu. Asiakas kokee haittana sen, että joutuu panostamaan uuden asiointitavan opettelemiseen ja odottaa tämän muutoksen tuovan hänelle hyötyjä. Monikanavaisuuden hyödyt asiakkaalle punnitaan tässä muutostilanteessa. Palveluntarjoaja odottaa monikanavamallin tuovan kustannussäästöjä, sillä kanavavalinnat ovat keino kehittää asiakkuuksia ja vaikuttaa yrityksen kannattavuuteen pitkällä aikajänteellä. Monikanavamallin toteuttaminen vaatii palveluntarjoajalta alkuvaiheessa resursseja, investointeja ja halutun muutoksen tavoitteellista johtamista. Tutkittavat asiakkaat valittiin Suomen Posti Oyj:n Yritykset ja yritykset –asiakassegmentistä. Tutkimuksessa ei löytynyt asiakaskohtaisia eroja asiakkaiden odotuksista palveluntarjoajien monikanavamalleihin, mutta hyötyodotusten suhteen tunnistettiin kolme erilaista asiakastyyppiä: kustannussäästöjä odottavat hintaorientoituneet asiakkaat, palvelun entistä parempaa sujumista odottavat palveluorientoituneet asiakkaat ja oman valinnanvapautensa merkitystä painottavat asiakassuhdeorientoituneet asiakkaat. Palveluntarjoajan tulee pystyä viestimään ja argumentoimaan asiointitavan muutoksesta kullekin asiakkaalle merkityksellisellä tavalla. Teorian ja empirian pohjalta voidaan sanoa, että asiakkaan ja palveluntarjoajan odotukset voidaan yhdistää muodostettaessa palveluntarjoajan monikanavamallia. Tämä edellyttää, että palveluntarjoaja tuntee asiakkaansa niin hyvin, että tietää millaiset eri asiakkaiden hyötyodotukset ovat.


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A digital multimeter (~U$ 240.00 on the national market) connected to a microcomputer by a RS-232 serial interface is proposed for data acquisition in equipment with analog output. Data are measured at the rate of 2 points per second and stored in text files by the software that accompanies the device, running in a Windows environment. The performance of the multimeter was verified by monitoring the transient signals generated in flow injection systems associated with fluorimetric, spectrophotometric and flame photometric detection. In addition, the performance of the proposed device was similar to that attained by employing an interface card with a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter for acquisition of the signals generated by a capillary electrophoresis equipment with oscillometric detection.


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Elaborar un programa informático de simulación fundamentado en la Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales. Diseñar actividades de investigación adecuadas para ser realizadas con los simuladores. Fomentar el aprendizaje cooperativo entre los estudiantes. Introducir a los estudiantes de Bachillerato en la cultura científica actual que concibe la simulación por ordenador como una herramienta fundamental para la investigación y la experimentación. Elaborar nuevos instrumentos de medida: un test de exploración sobre conceptos de mecánica newtoniana y otro sobre el uso. 110 estudiantes de Bachillerato de Ciencias entre 16 y 18 años de dos institutos de la comarca del poniente de Almería, uno en El Ejido y otro en Adra. La experimentación en el aula se desarrolla a lo largo de cuatro etapas con diferentes diseños experimentales, adaptados a las circunstancias particulares de cada curso académico. La metodología de trabajo del alumnado permanece invariante, consistiendo en la realización de pequeños trabajos de investigación dirigdia por el profesor, utilizando los programas de simulación como laboratorio virtual para experimentar y contrastar hipótesis . Test conceptual, test de escala Likert, cuestión sobre el uso de los ordenadores por los científicos, test CAME(cognición, acción y metodología), test de opción múltiple sobre actitudes científicas, cuestionario sobre el uso y el conocimiento del ordenador, test de opción múltiple sobre procedimientos científicos, test de razonamiento lógico, programa-guía de actividades de investigación, observaciones de aula registradas por el profesor al final de cada sesión, registros informáticos de los diseños y estrategias experimentales elaborados por los estudiantes, grabaciones del sonido de ambiente en el aula, lista de control para que los profesores evalúen los programas informáticos utilizados. Software didáctico desarrollado por el autor: Dinamic para Windows, Mobile, simuladores creados con Interactive Physics. Instrumentos de medida: test sobre conceptos de mecánica newtoniana, cuestionario de evaluación del software didáctico, actividades de investigación. Se reconoce como necesario recopilar datos distintos a los ofrecidos por el problema abordado, Se concibe el pensamiento sobre la realidad como un punto de partida del conocimiento científico, ya que permite la elaboración de modelos. Se considera como objetivo de la ciencia crear modelos que ayuden a la comprensión de los fenómenos naturales. Se asumen los modelos como medios útiles para aprender y explicar. Se asumen los modelos como medios útiles para aprender y explicar . Esta metodología propicia la evolución de las creencias científicas del alumnado hacia un planteamiento más próximo al pensamiento científico.


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The variety and quality of the tenant mix within a shopping centre is a key concern in shopping centre management. Tenant mix determines the extent of externalities between outlets in the centre, helps establish the image of the centre and, as a result, determines the attractiveness of the centre for consumers. This then translates into sales and rents. However, the management of tenant mix has largely been based on perceived “optimum” arrangements and industry rules of thumb. This paper attempts to model the impact of tenant mix on the rent paid by retailers in larger UK shopping centres and, hence, the returns made by shopping centre landlords. It extends work on shopping centre rent determination (see Working Paper 10/03) utilising a database of 148 regional shopping centres in the UK, with detailed data for over 1900 tenants. Econometric models test the relationship between rental levels and the levels of retail concentration and diversity, while controlling for a range of continuous and qualitative characteristics of each tenant, each retail product, and each shopping centre. Factor analysis is then used to extract the core retail and service categories from the tenant lists of the 148 shopping centres. The factor scores from these core retailer factors are then tested against rent payable. The results from the empirical analysis allow us to generate some clear analytical and empirical implications for optimal retail management.


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The cloud is playing a very important role in wireless sensor network, crowd sensing and IoT data collection and processing. However, current cloud solutions lack of some features that hamper the innovation a number of other new services. We propose a cloud solution that provides these missing features as multi-cloud and device multi-tenancy relying in a whole different fully distributed paradigm, the actor model.


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A forum is a valuable tool to foster reflection in an in-depth discussion; however, it forces the course mediator to continually pay close attention in order to coordinate learners` activities. Moreover, monitoring a forum is time consuming given that it is impossible to know in advance when new messages are going to be posted. Additionally, a forum may be inactive for a long period and suddenly receive a burst of messages forcing forum mediators to frequently log on in order to know how the discussion is unfolding to intervene whenever it is necessary. Mediators also need to deal with a large amount of messages to identify off-pattern situations. This work presents a piece of action research that investigates how to improve coordination support in a forum using mobile devices for mitigating mediator`s difficulties in following the status of a forum. Based on summarized information extracted from message meta-data, mediators consult visual information summaries on PDAs and receive textual notifications in their mobile phone. This investigation revealed that mediators used the mobile-based coordination support to keep informed on what is taking place within the forum without the need to log on their desktop computer. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Internet of Things är ett samlingsbegrepp för den utveckling som innebär att olika typer av enheter kan förses med sensorer och datachip som är uppkopplade mot internet. En ökad mängd data innebär en ökad förfrågan på lösningar som kan lagra, spåra, analysera och bearbeta data. Ett sätt att möta denna förfrågan är att använda sig av molnbaserade realtidsanalystjänster. Multi-tenant och single-tenant är två typer av arkitekturer för molnbaserade realtidsanalystjänster som kan användas för att lösa problemen med hanteringen av de ökade datamängderna. Dessa arkitekturer skiljer sig åt när det gäller komplexitet i utvecklingen. I detta arbete representerar Azure Stream Analytics en multi-tenant arkitektur och HDInsight/Storm representerar en single-tenant arkitektur. För att kunna göra en jämförelse av molnbaserade realtidsanalystjänster med olika arkitekturer, har vi valt att använda oss av användbarhetskriterierna: effektivitet, ändamålsenlighet och användarnöjdhet. Vi kom fram till att vi ville ha svar på följande frågor relaterade till ovannämnda tre användbarhetskriterier: • Vilka likheter och skillnader kan vi se i utvecklingstider? • Kan vi identifiera skillnader i funktionalitet? • Hur upplever utvecklare de olika analystjänsterna? Vi har använt en design and creation strategi för att utveckla två Proof of Concept prototyper och samlat in data genom att använda flera datainsamlingsmetoder. Proof of Concept prototyperna inkluderade två artefakter, en för Azure Stream Analytics och en för HDInsight/Storm. Vi utvärderade dessa genom att utföra fem olika scenarier som var för sig hade 2-5 delmål. Vi simulerade strömmande data genom att låta en applikation kontinuerligt slumpa fram data som vi analyserade med hjälp av de två realtidsanalystjänsterna. Vi har använt oss av observationer för att dokumentera hur vi arbetade med utvecklingen av analystjänsterna samt för att mäta utvecklingstider och identifiera skillnader i funktionalitet. Vi har även använt oss av frågeformulär för att ta reda på vad användare tyckte om analystjänsterna. Vi kom fram till att Azure Stream Analytics initialt var mer användbart än HDInsight/Storm men att skillnaderna minskade efter hand. Azure Stream Analytics var lättare att arbeta med vid simplare analyser medan HDInsight/Storm hade ett bredare val av funktionalitet.