966 resultados para Biosynthetic-enzymes


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Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), an intermediate in the biosynthesis of testosterone and estrogens, exerts several physiological effects not involving the sex hormones. When fed to rats it induces the thermogenic enzymes mitochondrial sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and cytosolic malic enzyme in their livers. Animals and humans, and their excised tissues, are known to hydroxylate DHEA at several positions and to interconvert 7 alpha-hydroxy-DHEA, 7 beta-hydroxy-DHEA, 7-oxo-DHEA, and the corresponding derivatives of androst-5-enediol. We report here that these 7-oxygenated derivatives are active inducers of these thermogenic enzymes in rats and that the 7-oxo derivatives are more active than the parent steroids. We postulate that the 7 alpha-hydroxy and 7-oxo derivatives are on a metabolic pathway from DHEA to more active steroid hormones. These 7-oxo steroids have potential as therapeutic agents because of their increased activity and because they are not convertible to either testosterone or estrogens.


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A global cellular reorganization occurs during the reticulocyte stage of erythroid differentiation. This reorganization is accomplished partly through programmed protein degradation. The selection of proteins for degradation can be mediated by covalent attachment of ubiquitin. We have cloned cDNAs encoding two ubiquitin-conjugating (E2) enzymes, E2-20K and E2-230K, and found their genes to be strongly induced during the differentiation of erythroblasts into reticulocytes. Induction of the E2-20K and E2-230K genes is specific, as transcript levels for at least two other ubiquitinating enzymes fall during erythroblast differentiation. In contrast to most proteins induced in reticulocytes, E2-20K and E2-230K enzymes are present at strongly reduced levels in erythrocytes and thus decline in abundance as reticulocyte maturation is completed. This result suggests that both enzymes function during the reticulocyte stage, when enhanced protein degradation has been observed. These data implicate regulated components of the ubiquitin conjugation machinery in erythroid differentiation.


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Flowering plants require light for chlorophyll synthesis. Early studies indicated that the dependence on light for greening stemmed in part from the light-dependent reduction of the chlorophyll intermediate protochlorophyllide to the product chlorophyllide. Light-dependent reduction of protochlorophyllide by flowering plants is contrasted by the ability of nonflowering plants, algae, and photosynthetic bacteria to reduce protochlorophyllide and, hence, synthesize (bacterio) chlorophyll in the dark. In this report, we functionally complemented a light-independent protochlorophyllide reductase mutant of the eubacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus with an expression library composed of genomic DNA from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The complemented R. capsulatus strain is capable of synthesizing bacteriochlorophyll in the light, thereby indicating that a chlorophyll biosynthesis enzyme can function in the bacteriochlorophyll biosynthetic pathway. However, under dark growth conditions the complemented R. capsulatus strain fails to synthesize bacteriochlorophyll and instead accumulates protochlorophyllide. Sequence analysis demonstrates that the complementing Synechocystis genomic DNA fragment exhibits a high degree of sequence identity (53-56%) with light-dependent protochlorophyllide reductase enzymes found in plants. The observation that a plant-type, light-dependent protochlorophyllide reductase enzyme exists in a cyanobacterium indicates that light-dependent protochlorophyllide reductase evolved before the advent of eukaryotic photosynthesis. As such, this enzyme did not arise to fulfill a function necessitated either by the endosymbiotic evolution of the chloroplast or by multicellularity; rather, it evolved to fulfill a fundamentally cell-autonomous role.


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Interfacial activation-based molecular (bio)-imprinting (IAMI) has been developed to rationally improve the performance of lipolytic enzymes in nonaqueous environments. The strategy combinedly exploits (i) the known dramatic enhancement of the protein conformational rigidity in a water-restricted milieu and (ii) the reported conformational changes associated with the activation of these enzymes at lipid-water interfaces, which basically involves an increased substrate accessibility to the active site and/or an induction of a more competent catalytic machinery. Six model enzymes have been assayed in several model reactions in nonaqueous media. The results, rationalized in light of the present biochemical and structural knowledge, show that the IAMI approach represents a straightforward, versatile method to generate manageable, activated (kinetically trapped) forms of lipolytic enzymes, providing under optimal conditions nonaqueous rate enhancements of up to two orders of magnitude. It is also shown that imprintability of lipolytic enzymes depends not only on the nature of the enzyme but also on the "quality" of the interface used as the template.


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CysK, uno degli isoenzimi di O-acetilserina sulfidrilasi (OASS) presenti in piante e batteri, è un enzima studiato da molto tempo ed il suo ruolo fisiologico nella sintesi della cisteina è stato ben definito. Recentemente sono state scoperte altre funzioni apparentemente non collegate alla sua funzione enzimatica (moonlighting). Una di queste è l’attivazione di una tossina ad attività tRNAsica, CdiA-CT, coinvolta nel sistema di inibizione della crescita da contatto (CDI) di ceppi patogeni di E. coli. In questo progetto abbiamo studiato il ruolo di CysK nel sistema CDI e la formazione di complessi con due differenti partner proteici: CdiA-CT e CysE (serina acetiltransferasi, l’enzima che catalizza la reazione precedente nella biosintesi della cisteina). I due complessi hanno le stesse caratteristiche spettrofluorimetriche e affinità molto simili, ma la cinetica di raggiungimento dell’equilibrio per il complesso tossina:CysK è più lenta che per il complesso CysE:CysK (cisteina sintasi). In entrambi i casi la formazione veloce di un complesso d’incontro è seguita da un riarrangiamento conformazionale che porta alla formazione di un complesso ad alta affinità. L’efficienza di formazione del complesso cisteina sintasi è circa 200 volte maggiore rispetto al complesso CysK:tossina. Una differenza importante, oltre alla cinetica di formazione dei complessi, è la stechiometria di legame. Infatti mentre CysE riesce a legare solo uno dei due siti attivi del dimero di CysK, nel complesso con CdiA-CT entrambi i siti attivi dell’enzima risultano essere occupati. Le cellule isogeniche esprimono un peptide inibitore della tossina (CdiI), e sono quindi resistenti all’azione tRNAsica. Tuttavia, siccome CdiI non altera la formazione del complesso CdiA-CT:CysK, CdiA-CT può esercitare comunque un ruolo nel metabolismo della cisteina e quindi nella fitness dei batteri isogenici, attraverso il legame e l'inibizione di CysK e la competizione con CysE. La via biosintetica della cisteina, un precursore di molecole riducenti, risulta essere molto importante per i batteri soprattutto in condizioni avverse come all’interno dei macrofagi nelle infezioni persistenti. Perciò questa via metabolica è di interesse per lo sviluppo di nuovi antibiotici, e in particolare le due isoforme dell’OASS negli enterobatteri, CysK e CysM, sono potenziali target per lo sviluppo di nuove molecole ad azione antibatterica. Partendo dall’analisi delle modalità di interazione con CysK del suo partner ed inibitore fisiologico, CysE, si è studiato dapprima l’interazione di pentapeptidi che mimassero la regione C-terminale di quest'ultimo, e in base ai dati ottenuti sono stati sviluppati piccoli ligandi sintetici. La struttura generale di questi composti è costituita da un gruppo acido ed un gruppo lipofilo, separati da un linker ciclopropanico che mantiene questi due gruppi in conformazione trans, ottimale per l’interazione col sito attivo dell’enzima. Sulla base di queste considerazioni, di docking in silico e di dati sperimentali ottenuti con la tecnica dell’STD-NMR e con saggi di binding spettrofluorimetrici, si è potuta realizzare una analisi di relazione struttura-attività che ha portato via via all’ottimizzazione dei ligandi. Il composto più affine che è stato finora ottenuto ha una costante di dissociazione nel range del nanomolare per entrambe le isoforme, ed è un ottimo punto di partenza per lo sviluppo di nuovi farmaci.


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Improvement of the features of an enzyme is in many instances a pre-requisite for the industrial implementation of these exceedingly interesting biocatalysts. To reach this goal, the researcher may utilize different tools. For example, amination of the enzyme surface produces an alteration of the isoelectric point of the protein along with its chemical reactivity (primary amino groups are the most widely used to obtain the reaction of the enzyme with surfaces, chemical modifiers, etc.) and even its “in vivo” behavior. This review will show some examples of chemical (mainly modifying the carboxylic groups using the carbodiimide route), physical (using polycationic polymers like polyethyleneimine) and genetic amination of the enzyme surface. Special emphasis will be put on cases where the amination is performed to improve subsequent protein modifications. Thus, amination has been used to increase the intensity of the enzyme/support multipoint covalent attachment, to improve the interaction with cation exchanger supports or polymers, or to promote the formation of crosslinkings (both intra-molecular and in the production of crosslinked enzyme aggregates). In other cases, amination has been used to directly modulate the enzyme properties (both in immobilized or free form). Amination of the enzyme surface may also pursue other goals not related to biocatalysis. For example, it has been used to improve the raising of antibodies against different compounds (both increasing the number of haptamers per enzyme and the immunogenicity of the composite) or the ability to penetrate cell membranes. Thus, amination may be a very powerful tool to improve the use of enzymes and proteins in many different areas and a great expansion of its usage may be expected in the near future.


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In the last two decades, the increase in the use of artificial fertilizers and the disposal of industrial wastes have been the main factors responsible for the progressive increase in nitrate and nitrite levels in groundwater and soil. A variety of analytical strategies have been developed for nitrate and nitrite detection but electrochemical biosensors, which are simple, cheap, easily miniaturized and suitability for real-time detection, are proved to be a powerful tool. Various types of biosensors based on the use of whole cells or on the immobilization of denitrification enzymes have been developed, but their use is limited in environmental analysis under extreme conditions such as brines, acidic or basic wastewaters, salted soils, etc. Extremophilic denitrifying microorganism are good candidates for the development of new nitrate and nitrite biosensors and, in particular, haloarchaeal based biosensors would have advantages over bacterial based biosensors since the microorganisms and the purified denitrifying enzymes tolerate a wide range of temperature and salinity. This work summarizes new highlights on the potential uses of denitrifying haloarchaeal enzymes to make enzyme-based biosensors.


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Le papier bioactif est obtenu par la modification de substrat du papier avec des biomolécules et des réactifs. Ce type de papier est utilisé dans le développement de nouveaux biocapteurs qui sont portables, jetables et économiques visant à capturer, détecter et dans certains cas, désactiver les agents pathogènes. Généralement les papiers bioactifs sont fabriqués par l’incorporation de biomolécules telles que les enzymes et les anticorps sur la surface du papier. L’immobilisation de ces biomolécules sur les surfaces solides est largement utilisée pour différentes applications de diagnostic comme dans immunocapteurs et immunoessais mais en raison de la nature sensible des enzymes, leur intégration au papier à grande échelle a rencontré plusieurs difficultés surtout dans les conditions industrielles. Pendant ce temps, les microcapsules sont une plate-forme intéressante pour l’immobilisation des enzymes et aussi assez efficace pour permettre à la fonctionnalisation du papier à grande échelle car le papier peut être facilement recouvert avec une couche de telles microcapsules. Dans cette étude, nous avons développé une plate-forme générique utilisant des microcapsules à base d’alginate qui peuvent être appliquées aux procédés usuels de production de papier bioactif et antibactérien avec la capacité de capturer des pathogènes à sa surface et de les désactiver grâce à la production d’un réactif anti-pathogène. La conception de cette plate-forme antibactérienne est basée sur la production constante de peroxyde d’hydrogène en tant qu’agent antibactérien à l’intérieur des microcapsules d’alginate. Cette production de peroxyde d’hydrogène est obtenue par oxydation du glucose catalysée par la glucose oxydase encapsulée à l’intérieur des billes d’alginate. Les différentes étapes de cette étude comprennent le piégeage de la glucose oxydase à l’intérieur des microcapsules d’alginate, l’activation et le renforcement de la surface des microcapsules par ajout d’une couche supplémentaire de chitosan, la vérification de la possibilité d’immobilisation des anticorps (immunoglobulines G humaine comme une modèle d’anticorps) sur la surface des microcapsules et enfin, l’évaluation des propriétés antibactériennes de cette plate-forme vis-à-vis l’Escherichia coli K-12 (E. coli K-12) en tant qu’un représentant des agents pathogènes. Après avoir effectué chaque étape, certaines mesures et observations ont été faites en utilisant diverses méthodes et techniques analytiques telles que la méthode de Bradford pour dosage des protéines, l’électroanalyse d’oxygène, la microscopie optique et confocale à balayage laser (CLSM), la spectrométrie de masse avec désorption laser assistée par matrice- temps de vol (MALDI-TOF-MS), etc. Les essais appropriés ont été effectués pour valider la réussite de modification des microcapsules et pour confirmer à ce fait que la glucose oxydase est toujours active après chaque étape de modification. L’activité enzymatique spécifique de la glucose oxydase après l’encapsulation a été évaluée à 120±30 U/g. Aussi, des efforts ont été faits pour immobiliser la glucose oxydase sur des nanoparticules d’or avec deux tailles différentes de diamètre (10,9 nm et 50 nm) afin d’améliorer l’activité enzymatique et augmenter l’efficacité d’encapsulation. Les résultats obtenus lors de cette étude démontrent les modifications réussies sur les microcapsules d’alginate et aussi une réponse favorable de cette plate-forme antibactérienne concernant la désactivation de E. coli K-12. La concentration efficace de l’activité enzymatique afin de désactivation de cet agent pathogénique modèle a été déterminée à 1.3×10-2 U/ml pour une concentration de 6.7×108 cellules/ml de bactéries. D’autres études sont nécessaires pour évaluer l’efficacité de l’anticorps immobilisé dans la désactivation des agents pathogènes et également intégrer la plate-forme sur le papier et valider l’efficacité du système une fois qu’il est déposé sur papier.


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Our objective was to determine the coordination of transcript and/or protein abundances of stromal enzymes during leaf senescence. First trifolioliate leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. plants were sampled beginning at the time of full leaf expansion; at this same time, half of the plants were switched to a nutrient solution lacking N. Total RNA and soluble protein abundances decreased after full leaf expansion whereas chlorophyll abundance remained constant; N stress enhanced the decline in these traits. Abundances of ribulose-1,5-bisposphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco; EC, Rubisco activase and phosphoribulokinase (Ru5P kinase; EC decreased after full leaf expansion in a coordinated manner for both treatments. In contrast, adenosine diphosphate glucose (ADPGlc) pyrophosphorylase (EC abundance was relatively constant during natural senescence but did decline similar to the other enzymes under N stress. Northern analyses indicated that transcript abundances for all enzymes declined markedly on a fresh-weight basis just after full leaf expansion. This rapid decline was particularly strong for the Rubisco small subunit (rbcS) transcript. The decline was enhanced by N stress for rbcS and Rubisco activase (rca), but not for Ru5P kinase (prk) and ADPGlc pyrophosphorylase (agp). Transcripts of the Clp protease subunits clpC and clpP declined in abundance just after full leaf expansion, similar to the other mRNA species. When Northern blots were analyzed using equal RNA loads, rbcS transcripts still declined markedly just after full leaf expansion whereas rca and clpC transcripts increased over time. The results indicated that senescence was initiated near the time of full leaf expansion, was accelerated by N stress, and was characterized by large decline in transcripts of stromal enzymes. The decreased mRNA abundances were in general associated with steadily declining stromal protein abundances, with ADPGlc pyrophosphorylase being the notable exception. Transcript analyses for the Clp subunits supported a recent report (Shanklin et al., 1995, Plant Cell 7: 1713--1722) indicating that the Clp protease subunits were constitutive throughout development and suggested that ClpC and ClpP do not function as a senescence-specific proteolytic system in Phaseolus.


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Le papier bioactif est obtenu par la modification de substrat du papier avec des biomolécules et des réactifs. Ce type de papier est utilisé dans le développement de nouveaux biocapteurs qui sont portables, jetables et économiques visant à capturer, détecter et dans certains cas, désactiver les agents pathogènes. Généralement les papiers bioactifs sont fabriqués par l’incorporation de biomolécules telles que les enzymes et les anticorps sur la surface du papier. L’immobilisation de ces biomolécules sur les surfaces solides est largement utilisée pour différentes applications de diagnostic comme dans immunocapteurs et immunoessais mais en raison de la nature sensible des enzymes, leur intégration au papier à grande échelle a rencontré plusieurs difficultés surtout dans les conditions industrielles. Pendant ce temps, les microcapsules sont une plate-forme intéressante pour l’immobilisation des enzymes et aussi assez efficace pour permettre à la fonctionnalisation du papier à grande échelle car le papier peut être facilement recouvert avec une couche de telles microcapsules. Dans cette étude, nous avons développé une plate-forme générique utilisant des microcapsules à base d’alginate qui peuvent être appliquées aux procédés usuels de production de papier bioactif et antibactérien avec la capacité de capturer des pathogènes à sa surface et de les désactiver grâce à la production d’un réactif anti-pathogène. La conception de cette plate-forme antibactérienne est basée sur la production constante de peroxyde d’hydrogène en tant qu’agent antibactérien à l’intérieur des microcapsules d’alginate. Cette production de peroxyde d’hydrogène est obtenue par oxydation du glucose catalysée par la glucose oxydase encapsulée à l’intérieur des billes d’alginate. Les différentes étapes de cette étude comprennent le piégeage de la glucose oxydase à l’intérieur des microcapsules d’alginate, l’activation et le renforcement de la surface des microcapsules par ajout d’une couche supplémentaire de chitosan, la vérification de la possibilité d’immobilisation des anticorps (immunoglobulines G humaine comme une modèle d’anticorps) sur la surface des microcapsules et enfin, l’évaluation des propriétés antibactériennes de cette plate-forme vis-à-vis l’Escherichia coli K-12 (E. coli K-12) en tant qu’un représentant des agents pathogènes. Après avoir effectué chaque étape, certaines mesures et observations ont été faites en utilisant diverses méthodes et techniques analytiques telles que la méthode de Bradford pour dosage des protéines, l’électroanalyse d’oxygène, la microscopie optique et confocale à balayage laser (CLSM), la spectrométrie de masse avec désorption laser assistée par matrice- temps de vol (MALDI-TOF-MS), etc. Les essais appropriés ont été effectués pour valider la réussite de modification des microcapsules et pour confirmer à ce fait que la glucose oxydase est toujours active après chaque étape de modification. L’activité enzymatique spécifique de la glucose oxydase après l’encapsulation a été évaluée à 120±30 U/g. Aussi, des efforts ont été faits pour immobiliser la glucose oxydase sur des nanoparticules d’or avec deux tailles différentes de diamètre (10,9 nm et 50 nm) afin d’améliorer l’activité enzymatique et augmenter l’efficacité d’encapsulation. Les résultats obtenus lors de cette étude démontrent les modifications réussies sur les microcapsules d’alginate et aussi une réponse favorable de cette plate-forme antibactérienne concernant la désactivation de E. coli K-12. La concentration efficace de l’activité enzymatique afin de désactivation de cet agent pathogénique modèle a été déterminée à 1.3×10-2 U/ml pour une concentration de 6.7×108 cellules/ml de bactéries. D’autres études sont nécessaires pour évaluer l’efficacité de l’anticorps immobilisé dans la désactivation des agents pathogènes et également intégrer la plate-forme sur le papier et valider l’efficacité du système une fois qu’il est déposé sur papier.