832 resultados para Barker, Frederic, Bp. of Sydney.


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Los vikingos eran un pueblo guerrero, pero también de comerciantes, pescadores y exploradores. El orgullo de la flota vikinga fue el Longboat que podía ser transportado por aguas poco profundas e incluso por tierra. Construyeron barcos preparados para diferentes tareas y hacer largas travesías por el océano que les permitió llegar a América.


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Sigue el ciclo de migración de la mariposa Monarca, explicando con términos sencillos, cuándo y por qué la mariposa migra,los diferentes puntos de salida y de llegada,las distancias recorridas y los problemas que tiene que superar en cada etapa del viaje. El texto tiene dos niveles de dificultad y dos tamaños de letra para proporcionar una base para una mejor lectura. Hay un mapa de migración. Dirigido a niños de cinco a ocho años.


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Colección de poemas absurdos sobre criaturas de todas formas y tamaños:extraterrestres, gigantes, dinosaurios, monstruos, bebés, y por supuesto, un montón de niños.


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Colección de treinta historias y poemas de amor para los niños pequeños, entre los que se encuentran: 'Miss Polly', 'Clown', 'The Big Big Sea', 'The Elephant Tree'.


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Un libro de poemas más bien tonto, en el que vemos como hay un montón de raritos a nuestro alrededor.


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Descripción del ciclo de vida de una anguila. Los niños siguen una anguila a partir del día que nace en el Mar de los Sargazos, en los años que pasa en el océano, y luego se reúnen con ella para nadar miles de kilómetros para volver a los mismos ríos en los que su padres vivían y regresar con ella de vuelta al mar, donde tiene su descendencia. Adecuado para usar en la clase de lectura. La cadencia del verso coincide con el ritmo de una anguila del movimiento. Recurso para la enseñanza de la lectura. Es el inicio de una reflexión sobre los textos y sus significados. Los niños pueden aprender a dividir una palabra en sus partes principales y crear nuevas palabras por analogía con las palabras que conocen, o para sugerir otras palabras. Para la lectura en grupos, individual o en parejas.


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The southern Levant has a long history of human habitation and it has been previously suggested that climatic changes during the Late Pleistocene-Holocene stimulated changes in human behaviour and society. In order to evaluate such linkages, it is necessary to have a detailed understanding of the climate record. We have conducted an extensive and up-to-date review of terrestrial and marine climatic conditions in the Levant and Eastern Mediterranean during the last 25,000 years. We firstly present data from general circulation models (GCMs) simulating the climate for the last glacial maximum (LGM), and evaluate the output of the model by reference to geological climate proxy data. We consider the types of climate data available from different environments and proxies and then present the spatial climatic "picture" for key climatic events. This exercise suggests that the major Northern Hemisphere climatic fluctuations of the last 25,000 years are recorded in the Eastern Mediterranean and Levantine region. However, this review also highlights problems and inadequacies with the existing data. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Seasonal sea-surface temperaturevariability for the Neoglacial (3300–2500 BP) and Roman WarmPeriod (RWP; 2500–1600 BP), which correspond to the Bronze and Iron Ages, respectively, was estimated using oxygen isotope ratios obtained from high-resolution samples micromilled from radiocarbon-dated, archaeological limpet (Patella vulgata) shells. The coldest winter months recorded in Neoglacial shells averaged 6.6 ± 0.3 °C, and the warmest summer months averaged 14.7 ± 0.4 °C. One Neoglacial shell captured a year without a summer, which may have resulted from a dust veil from a volcanic eruption in the Katla volcanic system in Iceland. RWP shells record average winter and summer monthly temperatures of 6.3 ± 0.1 °C and 13.3 ± 0.3 °C, respectively. These results capture a cooling transition from the Neoglacial to RWP, which is further supported by earlier studies of pine history in Scotland, pollen type analyses in northeast Scotland, and European glacial events. The cooling transition observed at the boundary between the Neoglacial and RWP in our study also agrees with the abrupt climate deterioration at 2800–2700 BP (also referred to as the Subboreal/Subatlantic transition) and therefore may have been driven by decreased solar radiation and weakened North Atlantic Oscillation conditions.


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Anthropogenic midden deposits are remarkably well preserved at the Neolithic settlement of atalhöyük and provide significant archaeological information on the types and nature of activities occurring at the site. To decipher their complex stratigraphy and to investigate formation processes, a combination of geoarchaeological techniques was used. Deposits were investigated from the early ceramic to late Neolithic levels, targeting continuous sequences to examine high resolution and broader scale changes in deposition. Thin-section micromorphology combined with targeted phytolith and geochemical analyses indicates they are composed of a diverse range of ashes and other charred and siliceous plant materials, with inputs of decayed plants and organic matter, fecal waste, and sedimentary aggregates, each with diverse depositional pathways. Activities identified include in situ burning, with a range of different fuel types that may be associated with different activities. The complexity and heterogeneity of the midden deposits, and thus the necessity of employing an integrated microstratigraphic approach is demonstrated, as a prerequisite for cultural and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.


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In this study, the performance, yield and characteristics of a 15 year old photovoltaic system installation has been investigated. The technology, BP Saturn modules which were steel-blue polycrystalline silicon cells are no longer in production. A bespoke monitoring system was designed and purpose built to monitor the characteristics of 6 strings, of 18 modules connected in series. The total output of the system is configured to 6.5kWp (series to parallel configuration). The PV system is demonstrating system outputs to be inferior by 0.7% per year. However,efficiency values in comparison to standard test conditions have remained practically the same. This output though very relevant to the possible performance and stability of aging cells, requires additional parametric studies to develop a more robust argument. The result presented in this paper is part of an on going investigation into PV system aging effects.