633 resultados para Amendment
O objetivo da presente dissertação é analisar os efeitos gerados aos garantidores dos devedores em recuperação judicial, quando aprovado e homologado o Plano de Recuperação Judicial destes, diante do fenômeno da novação previsto no art. 59 da Lei nº 11.101/05. Essa análise será feita a partir de um estudo geral do instituto da novação no direito civil, bem como da disciplina legal das garantias pessoais, principalmente o aval e a fiança. Com base nesta visão cível, serão comparadas as duas posições hoje existentes sobre a matéria no âmbito comercial, tanto na doutrina como na jurisprudência nacionais, com o estudo dos argumentos utilizados por aqueles que defendem a manutenção incólume da obrigação dos terceiros garantidores, independentemente da novação, com a possibilidade dos credores prosseguirem normalmente com sua cobrança, bem como por aqueles que acreditam deva ser extinta a obrigação dos garantidores com a novação. Será apontada uma interpretação alternativa, construída pelo autor, de, em um primeiro momento, ocorrer a extinção da obrigação dos garantidores, enquanto estiver sendo adimplido o Plano de Recuperação pelo devedor principal, e retorno as obrigações originais caso descumprida a proposta aprovada pelos credores. Além dos efeitos decorrentes da lei, será analisada a eficácia da cláusula comumente inserida em Planos de Recuperação, de extinção da obrigação dos garantidores com a concessão da recuperação judicial. Ao final, diante do entendimento apresentado pelo autor sobre os efeitos legais da novação para o garantidor e da eficácia da mencionada cláusula, será proposta uma alteração legislativa, nos moldes do direito argentino, para possibilitar que o terceiro garantidor apresente uma proposta de pagamento conjunta com a devedora principal, encerrando-se a divergência interpretativa hoje existente.
O direito à razoável duração do processo, inserido expressamente no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro a partir do advento da Emenda Constitucional 45/2004, já poderia ser inferido desde a incorporação da Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos, bem como ser considerado um corolário da garantia do devido processo legal. Todo indivíduo tem o direito a um processo sem dilações indevidas, em especial aquele que se encontre submetido a uma prisão preventiva, medida cautelar pessoal de extrema gravosidade. Nesse contexto, exsurge o direito que o indivíduo preso preventivamente tem de que o seu processo seja julgado em um prazo razoável ou de que ele seja desencarcerado, caso preso além da necessidade fática contida no caso concreto. Entretanto, a interpretação da garantia não pode restar somente à livre vontade dos aplicadores do direito, sendo necessária uma regulamentação legal efetiva da duração da prisão preventiva, por meio de prazos concretos nos quais o sujeito deverá ser posto em liberdade, ante a desídia estatal. Incorporando experiências estrangeiras, deve o legislador pátrio adotar marcos temporais legais, em que a prisão preventiva deverá cessar, caso excessivamente prolongada. Muito embora no ano de 2011 tenha sido reformada a tutela das medidas cautelares pessoais no Código de Processo Penal, o legislador ordinário não aprovou a imposição de limites de duração da prisão preventiva, permanecendo ao livre arbítrio das autoridades judiciárias a interpretação da garantia em referência. Assim, o Projeto de Lei do Novo Código de Processo Penal, atualmente em trâmite no Congresso Nacional, ao prever limites máximos de duração da prisão preventiva, dá uma efetiva regulamentação à garantia da duração razoável do imputado preso, devendo ser, espera-se, mantido no eventual texto final aprovado.
As society becomes increasingly less binary, and moves towards a more spectrum based approach to mental illness, medical illness, and personality, it becomes necessary to address this shift within formerly rigid institutions. This paper explores this shift as it is occurring within correctional settings around the United States concerning the medical care, housing, and safety of transgendered inmates. As there is no legal standard for the housing or access to gender-affirming medical care (i.e., hormone therapy, sexual reassignment surgery), these issues are addressed on an institutional level, with very little consistency throughout the country. Currently, most institutions follow a genitalia-based system of classification. Within the system, core beliefs are held, some adaptive and some no longer adaptive, that drive the system's behavior and outcomes. With regard to transgendered inmates, several underlying beliefs within the system serve to maintain the status quo; however, the most basic underpinning is the system's reliance on a binary gender system. As views of humane treatment of the incarcerated expand and modernize, the role of mental health within corrections has also expanded. Psychologists, social workers, counselors, and psychiatrists are found in almost all correctional facilities, and have become a voice of advocacy for an often underserved population.
This Article examines a problem in cybercrime law that is both persistent and pervasive. What counts as “communication” on the Internet? Defining the term is particularly important for crimes such as cyberstalking, cyberharassment, and cyberbullying, where most statutes require a showing that the alleged perpetrator “communicated” with the victim or impose a similar requirement through slightly different language. This Article takes up the important task of defining communication. As a foundation to our discussion, we provide the first comprehensive survey of state statutes and case law relating to cyberstalking, cyberharassment, and cyberbullying. We then examine the realities of the way people use the Internet to develop a definition of “communication” that reflects those realities. That is, we aim to provide effective tools by which prosecutors can address wrongful conduct without punishing innocuous behavior or chilling speech. We conclude by proposing a model statute that appropriately defines “communication.” We recommend that state legislatures adopt the statute or modify existing laws to match it in pertinent part and demonstrate how the statute would apply in a range of situations.
Government actors create law against a backdrop of uncertainty. Limited information, unpredictable events, and lack of understanding interfere with accurately predicting a legal regime’s costs, benefits, and effects on other legal and social programs and institutions. Does the availability of no-fault divorce increase the number of terminated marriages? Will bulk-collection of telecommunications information about American citizens reveal terrorist plots? Can a sensitive species breed in the presence of oil and gas wells? The answers to these questions are far from clear, but lawmakers must act nonetheless. The problems posed by uncertainty cut across legal fields. Scholars and regulators in a variety of contexts recognize the importance of uncertainty, but no systematic, generally-applicable framework exists for determining how law should account for gaps in information. This Article suggests such a framework and develops a novel typology of strategies for accounting for uncertainty in governance. This typology includes “static law,” as well as three varieties of “dynamic law.” “Static law” is a legal rule initially intended to last in perpetuity. “Dynamic law” is intended to change, and includes: (1) durational regulation, or fixed legal rules with periodic opportunities for amendment or repeal; (2) adaptive regulation, or malleable legal rules with procedural mechanisms allowing rules to change; and (3) contingent regulation, or malleable legal rules with triggering mechanisms to substantively change to the rules. Each of these strategies, alone or in combination, may best address the uncertainty inherent in a particular lawmaking effort. This Article provides a diagnostic framework that lawmakers can use to identify optimal strategies. Ultimately, this approach to uncertainty yields immediate practical benefits by enabling lawmakers to better structure governance.
This article examines past and present systems requiring that a person receive permission before buying or borrowing a firearm. The article covers laws from the eighteenth century to the present. Such laws have traditionally been rare in the United States. The major exceptions are antebellum laws of the slaves states, and of those same states immediately after the Civil War, which forbade gun ownership by people of color, unless the individual had been granted government permission. Today “universal background checks” are based on a system created by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his “Everytown” lobby. Such laws have been enacted in several states, and also proposed as federal legislation. Besides covering the private sale of firearms, they also cover most loans of firearms and the return of loaned firearms. By requiring that almost all loans and returns may only be processed by a gun store, these laws dangerously constrict responsible firearms activities, such as safety training and safe storage. Massachusetts, Connecticut, and California are among the jurisdictions which have enacted less restrictive, more effective legislation which create controls on private firearms sales, without inflicting so much harm on firearms safety.
This Article examines state court cases involving the right to arms, during the first century following ratification of the Amendment in 1791. This is not the first article to survey some of those cases. This Article includes additional cases, and details the procedural postures and facts, not only the holdings. The Article closely examines how the Supreme Court integrated the nineteenth century arms cases into Heller and McDonald to shape modern Second Amendment law. Part I briefly explains two English cases which greatly influenced American legal understandings. Semayne’s Case is the foundation of “castle doctrine” — the right to home security which includes the right of armed self-defense in the home. Sir John Knight’s Case fortified the tradition of the right to bear arms, providing that the person must bear arms in a non-terrifying manner. Part II examines American antebellum cases; these are the cases to which Heller looked for guidance on the meaning of the Second Amendment. Part III looks at cases from Reconstruction and the early years of Jim Crow, through 1891. As with the antebellum cases, the large majority of post-war cases are from the Southeast, which during the nineteenth century was the region most ardent for gun control. The heart of gun control country was Tennessee and Arkansas; courts there resisted some infringements of the right to arms, but eventually gave up. Heller and McDonald did not look to the Jim Crow cases as constructive precedents on the Second Amendment.
This Article demonstrates through original statistical research that prosecutors in Colorado were more likely to seek the death penalty against minority defendants than against white defendants. Moreover, defendants in Colorado’s Eighteenth Judicial District were more likely to face a death prosecution than defendants elsewhere in the state. Our empirical analysis demonstrates that even when one controls for the differential rates at which different groups commit statutorily death-eligible murders, non-white defendants and defendants in the Eighteenth Judicial District were still more likely than others to face a death penalty prosecution. Even when the heinousness of the crime is accounted for, the race of the accused and the place of the crime are statistically significant predictors of whether prosecutors will seek the death penalty. We discuss the implications of this disparate impact on the constitutionality of Colorado’s death penalty regime, concluding that the Colorado statute does not meet the dictates of the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution.
This dissertation examines the role of worldview and language in the cultural framework of American Indian people. In it I develop a theory of worldview which can be defined as an interrelated set of logics that orients a culture to space (land), time, the rest of life, and provides a prescription for understanding that life. Considering the strong links between language and worldview, it is methodologically necessary to focus on a particular language and culture to decolonize concepts of and relationships to land. In particular, this dissertation focuses on an Anishinaabe worldview as consisting of four components, which are; (1) an intimate relationship to a localized space; (2) a cyclical understanding of time; (3) living in a web of relatedness with all life, and (4) understanding the world around us in terms of balance. The methodological approach draws from Anishinaabemowin, the traditional Anishinaabe language, as a starting place for negotiating a linguistic-conceptual analysis of these logics to decolonize the understandings of land, time, relatedness and balance. This dissertation helps to demonstrate that the religious language as codified in the 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution as religious freedom is unable to carry the meaning of the fundamental relationships to land that are embedded in Anishinaabemowin and culture. I compare the above Anishinaabe worldview to that of the eurowestern culture in America, which is; (1) the domination of space; (2) a linear progression of time; (3) a hierarchical organization of life; and (4) understanding the world as a Manichean battle of good versus evil. This dissertation seeks to decolonize American Indian translational methodologies and undermine the assumptions of eurowestern cultural universality.
In occidental Europe, Spain is one of countries the most severely affected by desertification (Arnalds & Arsher 2000). Particularly, South-eastern Spain is considered as one of the most threatened areas by desertification in Mediterranean Europe (Vallejo 1997). In 2003, the Valencia Regional Forest Service implemented a restoration demonstration project in this area. The project site is a small catchment (25 ha) located in the Albatera municipality. The catchment is highly heterogeneous, with terraced slopes, south-facing slopes and north-facing slopes. The restoration strategy was based on planting evergreen trees and shrubs which can grow quickly after disturbances, and on field treatments aimed at maximizing water collection (micro-catchments, planting furrows), organic amendment (compost), and conservation (tree shelters, mulching). On south landscape unit, the whole category of restoration treatments was applied: water micro-catchment + Tubex tree shelters + mulching & compost, while on north landscape unit: netting tree shelters + mulching & compost only were applied, while in terrace landscape unit: furrows + netting tree shelters + mulching & compost were applied. Survival and growth of the planted seedlings were used as metrics of restoration success. To assess the effects of the treatments applied for soil conservation, soil loss rates (from 2005 to 2009) were evaluated using the erosion pin method. We conclude that, despite the limiting conditions prevailing on the south unit, this landscape unit showed the highest survival and growth plant rates in the area. The best seedling performances on the south landscape unit were probably due to the highest technical efforts applied, consisting in the water micro-catchment installation and the Tubex plant shelters addition. In addition, soil loss rates followed decreasing trends throughout the assessment period. Soil loss rates were highest on south landscape unit in comparison with the other landscape units, due to the more accentuated relief. North landscape unit and terrace unit showed a net soil mass gain, probably reflecting the trapping of sediments produced by plantation works.
La implementación de las nuevas tecnologías o TIC’s en el sector turístico se ha visto favorecida, en los últimos años, por las posibilidades que Internet ofrece de poder comprobar instantáneamente la existencia real del proveedor del servicio, la veracidad del servicio prestado o las condiciones en que se presta.. El aumento de la contratación electrónica de servicios turísticos exige que los proveedores de estos servicios y los turistas tengan en cuenta las diferentes normas jurídicas que resultan de aplicación en el ámbito de los servicios de la sociedad de la información, principalmente, la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico (LSSI), las normas reguladoras del consumo, en concreto, el Real Decreto legislativo 1/2007, de 16 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios y otras leyes complementarias (TRLGDCU) y su modificación por la Ley 3/2014, de 27 de marzo, así como las diferentes normas autonómicas reguladoras del turismo que existen en la actualidad. En definitiva, un estudio detallado de las implicaciones que la contratación electrónica de servicios turísticos supone realizar una descripción legal del régimen jurídico que resulta de aplicación a los diferentes oferentes e intermediarios que intervienen esta nueva modalidad contractual y a los denominados paquetes dinámicos de turismo.
Four-page handwritten draft of a public statement to the students from the Harvard Faculty related to the amendment of College Law XVIII, Chapter IV concerning the suppression of concealed disorders. The document appears to be in the hand of President Joseph Willard.
At first glance the Aliens Restriction Act of 1914, which was introduced and passed on the first day of World War One, seems a hasty and ill-prepared piece of legislation. Actually, when examined in the light of Arthur Marwick's thesis that war is a forcing house for pre-existent social and governmental ideas, it becomes clear that the act was not after all the product of hastily formed notions. In point of fact it followed the precedent of detailed draft clauses produced in 1911 by a sub-committee of the Committee of Imperial Defence established to consider the treatment of aliens in the event of war. Indeed the draft clauses and the restrictions embodied in the 1914 act were strikingly similar to restrictions on aliens legislated in 1793. Hostility to aliens had been growing from 1905 to 1914 and this hostility blossomed into xeno-phobia on the outbreak of war, a crucial precondition for the specifically anti-enemy fears of the time. In 1919 the Aliens Restriction (Amendment) Bill was introduced into parliament to extend temporarily the provisions of the 1914 act thus permitting the Home Secretary to plan permanent, detailed legislation. Two minority groups of MPs with extreme views on the treatment of aliens were prominent in the debates on this bill. The extreme Liberal group which advocated leniency in the treatment of aliens had little effect on the final form of the bill, but the extreme Conservative group, which demanded severe restrictions on aliens, succeeded in persuading the government to include detailed restrictions. Despite its allegedly temporary nature, the Aliens Restriction (Amendment) Act of 1919 was renewed annually until 1971.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Geologia (Hidrogeologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016