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The advent of the Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) necessitates the development of a powerful framework for the analysis of radio measurements of cosmic ray air showers. As AERA performs ""radio-hybrid"" measurements of air shower radio emission in coincidence with the surface particle detectors and fluorescence telescopes of the Pierre Auger Observatory, the radio analysis functionality had to be incorporated in the existing hybrid analysis solutions for fluorescence and surface detector data. This goal has been achieved in a natural way by extending the existing Auger Offline software framework with radio functionality. In this article, we lay out the design, highlights and features of the radio extension implemented in the Auger Offline framework. Its functionality has achieved a high degree of sophistication and offers advanced features such as vectorial reconstruction of the electric field, advanced signal processing algorithms, a transparent and efficient handling of FFTs, a very detailed simulation of detector effects, and the read-in of multiple data formats including data from various radio simulation codes. The source code of this radio functionality can be made available to interested parties on request. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Assuming the existence of a confined state of the electron in bulk water the polarizability of the hydrated electron is analyzed. Statistically uncorrelated supermolecular structures composed of seven water molecules (first solvation shell) with an extra electron were extracted from classical Monte Carlo simulation and used in quantum mechanical second-order Moller-Plesset calculations. It is found that the bound excess electron contributes with 274 a.u. to the total dipole polarizability of 345 a.u. for (H(2)O)(7)(-). From the calculated polarizabilities the Rayleigh elastic light scattering properties are inferred and found to considerably enhance activity and light depolarization. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Silicate mineral hemimorphite has been investigated concerning its TL, IR and EPR properties. A broad TL peak around 180 degrees C and a weaker and narrower peak around 360 degrees C were found in a sample annealed at 600 degrees C for I h and then irradiated. The deconvolution using the CGCD method revealed peaks around 132, 169, 222 and 367 degrees C. The reflectivity measurements showed several bands in the NIR region due to H(2)O, OH and Al-OH complexes. No band was observed in the visible region. The thermal treatments were carried out from similar to 110 to 940 degrees C and dehydration was observed, first causing a diminishing optical absorption in general and the disappearance of water and hydroxyl absorption bands. The EPR spectrum of natural hemimorphite, presented Cu(2+) signals at g = 2.4 and g = 2.1 plus E(1)` signal superposed to Fe(3+) signal around g = 2.0. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Electron transport parameters are important in several areas ranging from particle detectors to plasma-assisted processing reactors. Nevertheless, especially at high fields strengths and for complex gases, relatively few data are published. A dedicated setup has been developed to measure the electron drift velocity and the first Townsend coefficient in parallel plate geometry. An RPC-like cell has been adopted to reach high field strengths without the risk of destructive sparks. The validation data obtained with pure Nitrogen will be presented and compared to a selection of the available literature and to calculations performed with Magboltz 2 version 8.6. The new data collected in pure Isobutane will then be discussed. This is the first time the electron drift velocity in pure Isobutane is measured well into the saturation region. Good agreement is found with expectations from Magboltz. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work reports on the excited-state absorption spectrum of oxidized Cytochrome c (Fe(3+)) dissolved in water, measured with the Z-scan technique with femtosecond laser pulses. The excited-state absorption cross-sections between 460 and 560 nm were determined with the aid of a three-energy-level model. Reverse saturable absorption was observed below 520 nm, while a saturable absorption process occurs in the Q-band, located around 530 nm. Above 560 nm, a competition between saturable absorption and two-photon absorption was inferred. These results show that Cytochrome c presents distinct nonlinear behaviors, which may be useful to study electron transfer chemistry in proteins by one- and two-photon absorption. In addition, owing to these nonlinear optical features, this molecule may be employed in applications involving photodynamics therapy and saturable absorbers. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of the interlayer coupling on formation of the quantized Hall phase at the filling factor v = 2 was studied in the multilayer GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures The disorder broaden Gaussian photoluminescence line due to the localized electrons was found in the quantized Hall phase of the isolated multi-quantum well structure On the other hand. the quantized Hall phase of the weakly-coupled multilayers emitted an asymmetrical line similar to that one observed in the metallic electron systems. We demonstrated that the observed asymmetry indicates a formation of the Fermi Surface in the quantized Hall phase of the multilayer electron system due to the interlayer peicolation. A sharp decrease of the single-particle scattering time associated with the extended states oil the Fermi surface was observed at the filling factor v = 2. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved


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The surface detector array of the Pierre Auger Observatory consists of 1600 water-Cherenkov detectors, for the study of extensive air showers (EAS) generated by ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. We describe the trigger hierarchy, from the identification of candidate showers at the level of a single detector, amongst a large background (mainly random single cosmic ray muons), up to the selection of real events and the rejection of random coincidences. Such trigger makes the surface detector array fully efficient for the detection of EAS with energy above 3 x 10(18) eV, for all zenith angles between 0 degrees and 60 degrees, independently of the position of the impact point and of the mass of the primary particle. In these range of energies and angles, the exposure of the surface array can be determined purely on the basis of the geometrical acceptance. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Pierre Auger Observatory is a hybrid detector for ultra-high energy cosmic rays. It combines a surface array to measure secondary particles at ground level together with a fluorescence detector to measure the development of air showers in the atmosphere above the array. The fluorescence detector comprises 24 large telescopes specialized for measuring the nitrogen fluorescence caused by charged particles of cosmic ray air showers. In this paper we describe the components of the fluorescence detector including its optical system, the design of the camera, the electronics, and the systems for relative and absolute calibration. We also discuss the operation and the monitoring of the detector. Finally, we evaluate the detector performance and precision of shower reconstructions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Highly delocalized molecular frameworks with intense charge transfer transitions, known as push-pull systems, are of central interest in many areas of chemistry, as is the case of nitrophenyl-triazene derivatives. The 1,3-bis(2-nitrophenyl)triazene and 1,3-bis(4-nitrophenyl)triazene were investigated by electronic (UV-Vis) and resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopies. The bichromophoric behavior of 1,3-bis(4-nitrophenyl)triazene anion opens the possibility of tuning with visible radiation, two distinct electronic states. The RR profiles of nitrophenyl-triazene derivatives clearly show that the first allowed electronic state can be assigned to a charge transfer from the ring pi system to the NO2 moiety (ca 520 nm), while the second, as a charge transfer from N-3(-) to the aromatic ring (ca 390 nm). In the para-substituted derivative, a more efficient electron transfer and a greater energy separation between the two excited states are observed. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The electronic (UV-vis) and resonance Raman (RR) spectra of a series of para-substituted trans-beta-nitrostyrenes were investigated to determine the influence of the electron donating properties of the substituent (X = H, NO2, COOH, Cl, OCH3, OH, N(CH3)(2), and O-) on the extent of the charge transfer to the electron-withdrawing NO2 group directly linked to the ethylenic (C=C) unit. The Raman spectra and quantum chemical calculations show clearly the correlation of the electron donating power of the X group with the wavenumbers of the nu(s)(NO2) and nu (C=C)(sty) normal modes. In conditions of resonance with the lowest excited electronic state, one observes for X = OH and N(CH3)2 that the symmetric stretching of the NO2. nu(s)(NO2), is the most substantially enhanced mode, whereas for X = O-, the chromophore is extended over the whole molecule, with substantial enhancement of several carbon backbone modes. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The iso-alpha-acids or isohumulones are the major contributors to the bitter taste of beer, and it is well-recognized that they are degraded during beer aging. In particular, the trans-isohumulones seem to be less stable than the cis-isohumulones. The major radical identified in beer is the 1-hydroxyethyl radical; however, the reactivity between this radical and the isohumulones has not been reported until now. Therefore, we studied the reactivity of isohumulones toward the 1-hydroxyethyl radical through a competitive kinetic approach. It was observed that both cis- and trans-isohumulones and dihydroisohumulones are decomposed in the presence of 1-hydroxyethyl radicals, while the reactivities are comparable. On the other hand, the tetrahydroisohumulones did not react with 1-hydroxyethyl radicals. The apparent second-order rate constants for the reactions between the 1-hydroxyethyl radical and these compounds were determined by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry [ESI(+)-MS/MS]. It follows that degradation of beer bitter acids is highly influenced by the presence of 1-hydroxyethyl radicals. The reaction products were detected by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization-ion trap-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-IT-MS/MS), and the formation of oxidized derivatives of the isohumulones was confirmed. These data help to understand the mechanism of beer degradation upon aging.


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Electrodeposited polypyrrole films prepared with paratoluenesulfonate (pTS), dodecylsulfate (DDS) and perchlorate anions were treated with acidic and basic solutions, and their structure was investigated by 13C solid state n.m.r. spectroscopy. This technique has confirmed that pTS is completely removed from the film in both acidic and basic solutions whilst DDS is only partially removed and tends to decompose upon treatment with H2SO4. The appearance of shoulders at 143 ppm upon treatment with 0.5 M base indicates formation of a quinoid pyrrole structure. Substitution on the β-carbon by OH cannot be confirmed from the present spectra. Stronger base causes a more dramatic change in the polypyrrole backbone with an obvious increase in the electron density on the β-carbons, consistent with the reduction of the carbon backbone. There is no indication of quinoid units in this case. Acid treatments result in considerable broadening of the main 127 ppm polypyrrole peak.


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Time-resolved extinction spectra assisted with two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (2DCOS) analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) were employed to investigate the interaction between bovine serum albumin (BSA) and metal nanoparticles (NPs). A series of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) spectra of metal NPs were measured just after a small amount of BSA was added into metal colloids. Through 2DCOS analysis, remarkable changes in the intensities of the LSPR were observed. The interaction process was totally divided into three periods according to the PCA. Transmission electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering, and ζ-potential measurements were also employed to characterize the interaction between BSA and metal NPs. The addition of BSA brings silver NPs to aggregate through the electrostatic interaction between them, but it has less effect on gold NPs. In a gold and silver mixed system, gold NPs can affect the interaction of silver NPs and BSA, leading it to weaken. The combination of 2DCOS analysis and LSPR spectroscopy is powerful for exploring the LSPR spectra of the metal NP involved systems. This combined technique holds great potential in LSPR sensing through analysis of slight, slim spectral changes of metal colloids


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Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to study carbon dioxide (CO2) corrosion product scales and their effects on further CO2 corrosion. Objectives were to determine the suitability of EIS for studying corrosion scales and to investigate the influence of environmental factors on scale formation. EIS provided useful information about protective abilities and electrochemical properties of corrosion scales. CO2 corrosion scales formed at high-temperature and pressure provided better protection than those formed at low-temperature and pressure. The level of protection of the scale formed at higher temperature and pressure increased with exposure time. EIS results were compared with coupon weight-loss measurements. Scales were analyzed using a combination of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis, x-ray diffraction (XRD), and electron microscopy.


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Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to study carbon dioxide (CO2) corrosion product scales and their effects on further CO2 corrosion. Objectives were to determine the suitability of EIS for studying corrosion scales and to investigate the influence of environmental factors on scale formation. EIS provided useful information about protective abilities and electrochemical properties of corrosion scales. CO2 corrosion scales formed at high-temperature and pressure provided better protection than those formed at low-temperature and pressure. The level of protection of the scale formed at higher temperature and pressure increased with exposure time. EIS results were compared with coupon weight-loss measurements. Scales were analyzed using a combination of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis, x-ray diffraction (XRD), and electron microscopy