906 resultados para 12930-022
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Resumen tomado de la publicación
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Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Resumen basado en el de la publicación. Contiene anexo con el convenio de colaboración entre los centros escolares y el ayuntamiento de Villanueva de la Cañada para el desarrollo del 'Plan de dinamización de las bibliotecas escolares de Villanueva de la Cañada'
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Este estudo teve como objectivo analisar a associação entre a utilização de substancias ergogénicas nutricionais, a dependência do exercício e a imagem corporal em praticantes de exercício em contextos de Fitness. Um total de 300 indivíduos, 185 homens e 115 mulheres, participaram neste estudo transversal e responderam a questionários constituídos pela Escala de Dependência do Exercício (EDE-21), Inventario de Perturbacões Alimentares (EDI-2), Drive for Muscularity Scale (DMS), Social Physique Anxiety Scale (SPAS) e Teoria do Comportamento Planeado para a toma de substâncias ergogénicas nutricionais (TCP). Para analise de comparação utilizou-se o teste t, que revelou que as mulheres são mais insatisfeitas com a imagem do corpo (p=.022) e apresentam maior ansiedade física social (p<.001) e predisposição para a toma de substâncias ergogénicas nutricionais (p<.001) A toma de substancias ergogénicas nutricionais foi explicada pelo IMC e a percepção de controlo do comportamento. Os homens são mais perfeccionistas (p<.OOl) e recorrem mais à toma de substâncias (p<.OOl), sendo esta explicada pela intenção e dependência do exercício.Verificou-se que a motiva<;ao para a magreza se relaciona com a frequência do exercício (p=.027) e que a dismorfia muscular se relaciona com dependência do exercício (p<.OOl), frequência(p<.OOl), volume (p=.18), intensidade (p=.048) e predisposição para a toma de substâncias ergogénicas (todos p<.05). Mulheres com maior ansiedade física social apresentaram menor predisposição para a toma de substancias e por ultimo, níveis de IMC mais baixos, tanto em homens quanto em mulheres, relacionaram-se com maior toma reportada de suplementos (todos p<.05). Os resultados enfatizam a importância de futuras intervenções, com foco em estratégias de mediação sobre os distúrbios de imagem corporal, focando principalmente os aspectos negativos a ela associados.
As atitudes dos professores face à inclusão de alunos com deficiência : o contacto com a deficiência
RESUMO: Actualmente as práticas de exclusão evoluíram para uma perspectiva de inclusão, assim como para a consciencialização dos direitos e deveres de cada um, como forma de dar resposta à sociedade heterogénea existente. A visão baseada nos sistemas de identificação e classificação dos sujeitos em várias categorias de deficiências era algo muito usual, mas que foi abolida, dando assim lugar ao conceito de Necessidades Educativas Especiais, com uma óptica mais abrangente, tendo em conta o contexto em que o sujeito está envolvido (Nunes, 2000). As atitudes dos professores face aos alunos com deficiência têm melhorado significativamente (Ribeiro, 1999), no entanto o processo de inclusão destas crianças no ensino regular não está isento de problemas. Neste sentido, e para que este desafio seja ultrapassado com sucesso, torna-se essencial que os professores modifiquem as suas atitudes e passem a desempenhar um papel mais activo nas suas funções, devendo para isso, começar por adaptar o currículo, e posteriormente repensar as suas estratégias e métodos de trabalho, como forma a responder às necessidades de todos os alunos (Ainscow, 1997). O objectivo principal deste estudo é verificar se o contacto com a deficiência (a nível da experiência no ensino, formação inicial e contacto na infância/juventude), por parte dos professores, influencia as suas atitudes em relação à formação necessária para a inclusão de alunos com deficiência, bem como às vantagens que esta representa para esses mesmos alunos. A amostra foi constituída por 672 professores do ensino regular, todos estão actualmente no activo e leccionam níveis de ensino do Pré-Escolar ao Ensino Secundário, de Norte a Sul do país. (N = 482 do género feminino e N =190 do género masculino). O instrumento de avaliação aplicado foi o questionário APIAD – Atitude dos Professores face à Inclusão de Alunos com Deficiência (Leitão, 2011). Concluiu-se que a experiência no ensino de alunos com deficiência influencia significativamente a atitude dos professores face à formação necessária (deficiência motora: p<0,001; deficiência auditiva: p<0,001; deficiência visual: p<0,001; deficiência mental: p=0,004) e face às vantagens da inclusão para os alunos com deficiência (deficiência motora: p=0,005; deficiência auditiva: p<0,001; deficiência visual: p<0,001; deficiência mental: p=0,022). No que se refere ao contacto com pessoas com deficiência durante a formação inicial, concluiu-se que existem diferenças significativas na atitude dos professores face às vantagens da inclusão para os alunos com deficiência (deficiência motora: p<0,001; deficiência auditiva: p<0,001; deficiência visual: p<0,001; deficiência mental: p<0,001). No entanto, no que respeita à formação, a atitude dos professores não difere, independentemente de terem tido esse contacto (deficiência motora: p=0,393; deficiência auditiva: p=0,456; deficiência visual: p=0,055; deficiência mental: p=0,342). Relativamente ao contacto com pessoas com deficiência durante a infância/juventude conclui-se que não existem diferenças na atitude dos professores em relação à formação necessária (deficiência motora: p=0,893; deficiência auditiva: p=0,667; deficiência visual: p=0,459; deficiência mental: p=0,918). Por sua vez, no que respeita às vantagens da inclusão para os alunos com deficiência, esta variável só influencia significativamente a atitude dos professores no caso da deficiência visual (deficiência motora: p=0,154; deficiência auditiva: p=0,100; deficiência visual: p=0,045; deficiência mental: p=0,149). ABSTRACT: Currently the exclusionary practices evolved to an inclusion perspective, as well as the awareness of rights and duties of each one as a way to reply to the existing heterogeneous society. The vision-based systems for identification and classification of subjects into various categories of disabilities was very unusual, but it was abolished, giving way to the concept of Special Educational Needs, with a broader perspective, considering the context in which the subject is involved (Nunes, 2000). The teachers attitude face to the students with disabilities have improved significantly (Ribeiro, 1999), however the process of inclusion of these children in regular education isn't exempt of problems. In this direction and so this challenge is exceeded successfully, it is essential that teachers change their attitudes and start to perform a more active role in their functions, and to do so, start by adapting the curriculum and then rethink their strategies and working methods, in order to meet the needs of all students (Ainscow, 1997). The main purpose of this study is to verify that the contact with the disability (educational level of experience, initial formation and contact in childhood/youth), among teachers, influences their attitudes towards the needed formation for the inclusion of students with disabilities as well as the benefits that this represents for them. The sample consisted by 672 regular educational teachers, all currently in employment and teaching from Preschool to High school, from North to South. (N = 482 females and N = 190 males). The evaluation instrument used was the survey APIAD - Teachers attitude towards the inclusion of students with disabilities (Leitão, 2011). It was concluded that the experience in teaching students with disabilities influences significantly the teachers attitude faced to the necessary formation (motor disability: p<0,001; hearing impairment: p<0,001; visual impairment: p<0,001; mental disability: p=0,004) and faced to the inclusion benefits for students with disabilities (motor disability: p=0,005; hearing impairment: p<0,001; visual impairment: p<0,001; mental disability: p=0,022).Concerning to the contact with people with disabilities during the initial formation, it was concluded that there are significant differences in the teachers attitude face to the inclusion benefits for students with disabilities (motor disability: p<0,001; hearing impairment: p<0,001; visual impairment: p<0,001; mental disability: p<0,001). In relation to the formation, the teachers attitude is the same, regardless of whether or not they have had such contact (motor disability: p=0,393; hearing impairment: p=0,456; visual impairment: p=0,055; mental disability: p=0,342). Regarding to the contact with people with disabilities during childhood/youth, it was concluded that there is no difference in the teachers attitude in relation to the formation needed (motor disability: p=0,893; hearing impairment: p=0,667; visual impairment: p=0,459; mental disability: p=0,918). On the other way, regarding to the inclusion benefits for students with disabilities, this influences significantly the teachers attitude just in the visual impairment. (motor disability: p=0,154; hearing impairment: p=0,100; visual impairment: p=0,045; mental disability: p=0,149).
The aim of this work is to study the hydrochemical variations during flood events in the Rio Tinto, SW Spain. Three separate rainfall/flood events were monitored in October 2004 following the dry season. In general, concentrations markedly increased following the first event (Fe from 99 to 1130 mg/L; Q(max) = 0.78 m(3)/s) while dissolved loads peaked in the second event (Fe = 7.5 kg/s, Cu = 0.83 kg/s, Zn = 0.82 kg/s; Q(max) = 77 m(3)/s) and discharge in the third event (Q(max) = 127 m(3)/s). This pattern reflects a progressive depletion of metals and sulphate stored in the dry summer as soluble evaporitic salt minerals and concentrated pore fluids, with dilution by freshwater becoming increasingly dominant as the month progressed. Variations in relative concentrations were attributed to oxyhydroxysulphate Fe precipitation, to relative changes in the sources of acid mine drainage (e.g. salt minerals, mine tunnels, spoil heaps etc.) and to differences in the rainfall distributions along the catchment. The contaminant load carried by the river during October 2004 was enormous, totalling some 770 t of Fe, 420 t of Al, 100 t of Cu, 100 t of Zn and 71 t of Mn. This represents the largest recorded example of this flush-out process in an acid mine drainage setting. Approximately 1000 times more water and 1408 200 times more dissolved elements were carried by the river during October 2004 than during the dry, low-flow conditions of September 2004, highlighting the key role of flood Events in the annual pollutant transport budget of semi-arid and and systems and the need to monitor these events in detail in order to accurately quantify pollutant transport. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to examine the mechanisms by which gypsum increases the sorption of fertilizer-P in soils of and and semi-arid regions. Either gypsum or soil (Usher from the UK; pH 7.8, 7% organic matter, 21% CaCO3: Yasouj from Iran; pH 8.2, 1.4% OM, 18% CaCO3: Ghanimeh from Saudi Arabia; pH 7.8, 1% OM, 26% CaCO3, 13% gypsum) was shaken for 24 It with KH2PO4 solutions in 10 mM CaCl2. With gypsum, grinding increased sorption by a factor of about 3, and increase in pH from 5.6 to 7.5 greatly increased sorption. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) and EDX quantitative analysis showed that small crystals of gypsum disappeared and roughly spherical particles of dicalcium phosphate (DCPD) were formed. Analysis of equilibrium Solutions showed, using GEOCHEM, that octa-calcium phosphate (OCP) coated the DCPD. For the soils, sorption was in the order Ghanimeh > Yasouj > Usher. Removal of gypsum from Ghanimeh reduced sorption, with precipitated gypsum having a greater effect than gypsum mixed physically with the soil. Addition to Usher had no effect. SEM and EDX could not be used in the soil matrix, but solubility analysis again showed that solutions were close to equilibrium with OCP. Usher was unresponsive to added gypsum, presumably because of its small sorption capacity and high organic matter content. In Ghanimeh and Yasouj soils, gypsum increased sorption by being a source of readily available Ca2+ (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
There has been considerable discussion about the merits of redefining four of the base units of the SI, including the mole. In this paper, the options for implementing a new definition for the mole based on a fixed value for the Avogadro constant are discussed. They are placed in the context of the macroscopic nature of the quantity amount of substance and the opportunity to introduce a system for molar and atomic masses with unchanged values and consistent relative uncertainties.
Substituting grass silage with maize silage in forage mixtures may result in one forage influencing the nutritive value of another in terms of whole tract nutrient digestibility and N utilisation. This experiment investigated effects of four forage combinations being, grass silage (G); 67 g/100 g grass silage + 33 g/100 g maize silage (GGM); 67 g/100 g maize silage + 33 g/100 g grass silage (MMG); maize silage (M). All diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous (22.4 g N/kg dry matter [DM]) using a concentrate mixture. Ration digestibility and N balance was determined using 7 Holstein Friesian steers (mean body weight 411.0 +/- 120.9 kg) in a cross-over design. Inclusion of maize silage in the diet had a positive linear effect on forage and total DM intake (P = 0.001), and on apparent DM and organic matter digestibility (both P = 0.048). Regardless of the silage ratio used, the metabolisable energy concentration of maize silage was calculated to be higher than that of grass silage (P = 0.058), and linearly related to the relative proportions of the two silages in the forage mixture. Inclusion of maize silage in the diet resulted in a linear decline in the apparent digestibility of starch (P = 0.022), neutral detergent fibre (P < 0.001) and acid detergent fibre (P = 0.003). Nitrogen retention, expressed as amount retained per day or in terms of body weight (g/100 kg) increased linearly with maize inclusion (P = 0.047 and 0.046, respectively). Replacing grass silage with maize silage caused linear responses according to the proportions of each forage in the diet, and that there were no associative effects of combining forages. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.